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'. • ~ DEPARTMHlT OF PARKS AND RE CREAT ION • . CI TY HA LL Al~NEX . }'.:td:;11::; fj:'{t!I ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 October ........, <.: ~... ·-...... 23 , 1969 .> . - J ACK ~ . DEL IUS GE NERAL MANAGER M E M O R A N D U M STANLEY T. MART I N , J R. ASS T. GEN . MANAGER F. PI ERCE WHI TL EY ASST.G E N . MANAGER C ARL VI. RYALS, JR . SR. ADM I N. ASS ISTANT V IRG I N I A CARMICHAE L DIR. O F RE,CREATION TO: -Jimmie Mims , As sis t ant Director of Recreation FROM : Jack C. Delius, Gene ral Manager SUBJECT : Rec r eati on Assistance to Faye tt e , Mississippi Mayo r Charles Ev ers \ Ber t a Frizzel l ha s checke d th e ai rli nes and finds that De lta fli es into Natc hez , Mississippi which is the n earest airport apparently to Fayette, Mis si ssippi . The tra nsportation round trip touri st class is $115 . 5 .0 . I will r e ques t for you this amount of mone y plus $25 . 00 p er diem expense for the one night you probably will . stay and $25 . 00 . t ravel expense for a total request of $ 1 65 . 50 . I make r eference on the request for travel expenses to the fact that Mr. Dan Sweat ha s asked 0s to give assistanc e t o Faye tt e, Mississippi . As t o the cost of construction of the r ec r eation buildinggymnasium and other items, I he l d a meeting this morning with the Park Engineers and we came up with some rough ballfield prices . First of a ll, a recreation building that would includ e a regulation college typ e basketba ll court with two small courts crosswise, rollaway bleache rs, a r ecreation or multi -purpose room, a library, dance studio, locke r room, showers, e tc . ,·as we ll as a special club and trophy room would c e rtainly add up to at l east 12,900 square feet . I have analyzed the square footage in several of the b e tt e r gymnasiu m-recreati on building compl exes in Ge orgia s uch as Da lton and East Point and find they run sl i g htly over 12,000 s quare fee t. Th e Park Engineers have es timated cost of construction of this typ e of building at a bout $20.00 p er square foot and so you could say that this building, less land, would cost b e tween $200,000-$240,000. Now, that figure would not include the cos t of i nstalling l ockers, etc . f,,'-iT r. ~\.... / .c-· l';- "'.·.. , �MEMORANDUM Jimmi e Mims Octob er 23, 1 969 As to an outdoor recrea tion area , the information we have from Fayette, Miss issippi is rather nebulous . The cost of a multiple purpose game court is running about $3,500 each here in At lanta . It can be done out of concrete and you could skate on it and have other act i vit i es r e quiring a hard . surface such as basketball, e tc. Basketball courts are also running about $3,500 each ; badminton courts about $3 ,000 each, voll eyball courts about $3,000 , and doubl e court t ennis faciliti es about $7,000 . The engineers es timat e that out door handball courts properly construct ed and f e n ced would run about $2,000 each . The co s t of constructing a baseba ll .d i amond, socc er fi e ld, quar t er mil e cinder track , arch ery range and hors eshoe pit s , if in fact the land is fai r ly level and requir es little grading, would run about $25 ,000 including the lighting . It is worth noting that we have spent up to $15,000 for just the light for a l arge baseball diamond . As to the campsites , they run about $500 each . Outdoor toil e t ·facilities are shockingly expensive . We have spent up to $20,000 for ladi es and mens r es trooms . However, the engineers think that from $8,000 -10,000 would cover this it em . Mis s issippi might want to build their own or conside r buying one alre~dy pre-fabricated from Sup er Secure in California. You will recall that we have us ed Super Secure at Anderson and.Bedford - Pine . The water fountains ccst $160 . 00 ea~h p lus installation and water pipe . We are not sure about item 7 11 The outdoor area which should b e light e d 11 and thus we are refraining from g iving any s ort of pric e . We r eally don 1 t know what siz e area the y are _talking a bout. The las t item, number 8, calls for construction of a strong fence around the entire playarea . A six foot fence of reasonably sturdy gauge runs about $4 . oo a foot installe d . In othe r word s , a 100 f ee t would cost $400.00; a 1,000 fe e t, .a $1,000.00. I am sending Dan Sweat a copy of thi s memorandum and hav e a call into him at this time to ask him whether I should proceed to make a r e ques t for your travel expenses. JCD:bf cc: Dan Swe at Dan: Jimmie Mims is on a very badly needed vacation and wil l be back on duty Monday, October 27, and could leave mos t anytime a ft e~ that for the trip to Fayette. �