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DUTIES OF THE COORGDT/\ 'l'OR IN THE srn.,:~'.ER 1rH:E CL!•~A1'T UP PROGRAM lo Devote .hi~ full time to this program. 2o Meke yourself available . to the 6 City Services Coordinators at ell times, giving them your ro.dio r..umber, home telephone number, etco 3. You will be u:r.der the supervision of the special services division of ,the Sanitary Department •. 4o K~ep the special services division informed of your activities, records must be kept so that we may evaul'ate our program from time to .t i:-:ie to de te mine i f '.Ve are ge tt i:r.g t _h e maxir-,um effort e 5. 2.nd the trash supervisoro 6. Coo , erate with the police departme::Lt in rer.1.oving abandonded auto:.::obiles fror the public streets. 7. Coopera te with EOA, /\BC, and .NYC in ~he ir eff O::'.' tE: to cl~o.r.. up the arc2s invo 1 vcd., ICnow wt.e~e the rubb~ s~1 nill be and have trucks available to remove same on time o 8. Cooper::i. te with the At1i. n ta Children & Youth Service Council in the Rod en t Control program that vJill begin this summer nnd last tl:.roush March 19690 Mr. Sp~er will head up t his program for us, it is rug ; ested that you talk wi "tl~ bim in order to e li mir..a te e.ny overlap. g. Be G.va:.lsble for con:plaintso 10. In cooperation with dist~ict inspectors, remove all abandonded cRrs from private property po ssi bloo · Sp ecia l i;ot'3: You are the key to. this program, everything you might be expected to do can.not be spelled out for you. Be assured th.?.t you will get all the ~acl<:ing necess~ry to do a good jobo 02 r. l________ R. E. Hulsey Supt. of San i t a tiono �