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?:. 0 !7 ( \,. J -,:_.'--, - r.: ,:, '\ ... _""" . '- .A'l'LANTA PUBLIC \\'ORKS DEPT. SANITARY LIVIS!ON 11 0PERA'l'ION SCRUB 11 PLAN Secure one truck from each station with a ~CD~ two WC I~ total of 3 trucks and 3 ~CD and 6 ~C lp l eq~~pment operator, total of 10 meno .: :, Borro·.v a front end lo~d.cr from the· Constructior. Division, our EO to operate sameo


This s ecial ere\'/ w:lll operate unoer the supervision of the Speci2,l Servic - s unit of the Sanitary Divisiono They will assign a coordinator vrho wif l determine areas to be v10rkede This man \'till work independen'c of the district !nppectors, but in cooperation with them. This crew is intended to be used in 8.11 8.rcas of the city, espocial:!.y in urban rene~18.l and slum areas. · - It is intended for this crew to go into yards of private ,roperty, with the owners consent a!!c1 picxup old stoves, refrigerators, ·washers, etco and h a ul same awayo The coordinator ~ould have his crew to ~eet him at a prearranged loc at ion e2ch day and give out work assien~cnts for the day. He will keep a record of his activity and report sarne to the supervisor of special services who ·,Jill keep the Supt. of Sanitation in.:'or::1e cl 2.s to proble~s and progr'3SS e The coordinator s~all solicit the cooperation of the district inspec t ors in loc at ing property owners and informing that they must assu.'Tie tho responsibility of keepin~ their property clean. Extrerr.e ca'...l.tion must be t ake n not to dar.:age e.ny private property or remove anyth i !1g v1ithout sec .1.ring approv2.l. 'l'he conduct of the ere•:: ::r.."'J.st be oxan~plc1. tory. 1 The coordina tor rr.'J.st plan his activity v:ell in adv9.nce in order to spenc: some ti me in each area involted. EXP/\t:SIO?,T O;? PHO GRAM If this program. is R success it is reco:x11ended th2. t we set up a cr e':r at Maddox Park, Liddell, and Hill Sto and ~place them U...""lder the supervi:::~on of th::: f.ss t. Area Supt. This ·would ::nean we vJOuld need three front e!1d loaders ar.d three equipment o pera tors., t he o ther parts of the ere·:, ,_._,0 1.1.lc. be dra ,n 1 fro m t!oe exis ti :g force. 0. r 11Y- Re E. Eulsey ~ Supt. of Sani t at i on \ �