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REPORT ON USE O? RECOMl',1EI':DA'l1 IONS IN CHAPTER 10, REPORT OF NATIONAL ADVISORY CO11;r.GTTEE ON CIVIL I;ISORDERSo 1. Neighborhood Task Force 1'.he establishment of Buch :o.n or 6 anization would be of great edvantage to th9se poople living in low income areas who feel left out of the systemo It would give them the opportunity to talk directly with the various department heads in solvins their problems. Tl~ough this type of meeting we could explnir-i 01.'.l' oper2 t ion ar,d r0cei ve valuable su.gge sti ons that would help us in providing sanitary services to all citizens on an equgl baciso Certainly this force would baa gtlide to us in detormir..ing if we are p:coviding the necess8.ry service o 2o Grievance respo~se mechanisms. In my opinion this committee should be composed of interested. citizens from the vnrious communities ,·,ho would ~ir grievances and pass them on to the various depPrtments for actiono / 3o Le gel service to the poor.

The i:-e are t.he people vrno need t:us service tho most. Mftny of them do not urld(erstand the due process of law and the many complex routines demanded by (this process. It might be well to provide a public defender for those unable to afford legal representRtioh. 4. /\lsistance for Ma ors o.nd CJt, Cou:r.cils. Tis sugg es ion needs to e p e rsued strongly, urging the State & Federa l governments to provide funds for such Hssistance e . 5. Heari~g on Ghetto problems and enactment of a p ronr iate islation , These types of nearin~s wou~ oe very ,eip u in inaing sourc e of their compl aints and give us the opportunity to revi:l.m;> or include sorr.e addi tio:nal services :i.n these ar•eas. 6. EstabJ~.sment of nei ghborhood city halls. To me this is an excellent id ea , of course the persor, in the neighborh0o d city halls should be someone the com.c.i.uni ty hns respect for and feel that he is interested in improving conditions in their cor.ununity. 7o Deve lo t':.1.e nt of !11. l~lti-s ervic e c ente:-s . By o s ta I is h ing t h e se centers in the ghe tto areas it brings t he various services to the com.rnuni ty, it prov ides a place where the resident of such a community can tAke his problems and discuss them and perhaps arrive at a solution to them. 8. Imuroved pili l itical r epresent~~i on. Perhaps more reprosentotion on the Beard of Ald ermen , appoi ntme nt of these people to various civic projects, boards, etc. uould give them a sonso of belonging. I think thRt Atbnta has made grea t strides in this areao t -f'f e c t.J.ve comnmn. it pa r ti c1. p8.L, ,.._ J... on. 9 • ,, ,.,ore e ..... This type of pror;r ~m wit tho .DEilp of the multi-service c ent ers could help t hese ci ti zenc to de v e l op p:::1 id e iP- t:1.e ir comm;Jr. i ties. The y sho uid .be included in plans that eff ect tr.cir cor.:rr..nnity, ev er. though thes e people live in such areas there are a g ood many helpful su~a estions or reco m~end a tions they c a n supply.. u u �-Bo These recon@endations certainly would h e lp us in providing the necessary sanitary services- to these areaso They would provide these citizens an ave11ue -·to voice their co-mplaints and suggestions o c. 1. The neighborhood t ask force c o-...~ld be of great assistance to us in organizing clean up progrRms, providing the necessary garbage collection$ the collection of rub bish , remova l of abandoned cars on private property .ri cleaning of streets, etco I 7. T4e multi-service c enter could b e very helpful in securin6 labor to ~i1~ ~acant positions in the Sanit ary Division through their employment ai V lS 10~• . It might b e advisea~la to sot up a sp e ciil crew at e 6ch sub station who would devote 100% of tr~8ir tini8 to these areas o 1'iy 1Elea ·of such crews would be as follows. 1 Inspector to ov ersee th e en}ire proGram,. cost $7,046.00 4 Truck drivers, C5,265.00-, i 2l,060ou0 83 Waste collectors, t3~ ,Il2o00. 4 Equipment operatorsJ $23,868.00 4 Front end load e rs, ~1-9 ,'~OQ ;Q0 4 Open body trucks, C7;Q00;QOJ ! Total estima ted cost . $ 109,886~00 Note; · Of course if we can reduc e ab~ en~ee!sm it mi$ht be possible to supply some of the man power fro m existina f orces . Also other mecha nizatio n pro grams might release the driv e rs ·2..fid waste co lle ctors o 0 ~· Respectfully, CK ~ . I~~ R. E. Hulsey Supto of Sanitation -I �