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REQUESmD ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY CITY DEPARTHE'.NTS AND PUBLIC AGm~CIF~S REPORT - PUBLIC LIBR!i.RY April 1, 1968 Ie Present Library Services to Disadvantaged Areas The library bran ch es or bookmobile is currently ser ving the following commmu ties 1·li th.i.n the EOA poverty· areas: Cormnuni. ty Branch Li bra:ry Bookmobile Stop West Central Almond and Carey Park Grove Park Bowon Homes Doguood Branch frix:l.e Hills Shoppine Center Su.rmnec Humphrey Street Pittsburgh Peoplesto11n South Branch South Atlant a Carver Homes High Pt. and J oyl and Carver Homes High Pt. and Joyl and Nor t hwest -Perry Homes Perry Homes Perry Homes East Central Glen Iris Bass Communi ty Capitol Homes Inman Park Edgewood Kirkwood Kirhrood Branch Nash- ~fashi.ngton West Hunt e r Brancl1 i s lo cated on ed6 e of area �- 2 - IL, Illo The Libr ary will continue to act as resource for other agencies in the area, supplying books, films, records, etc., to any a gency requesting themo Proposed Pr ogram Ao . Children's Programs A workshop in the II art of storytellingn sponsored by the E1nory University Division of Librarianship and Atlanta University School of Library Service in coop eration with the ll.tla nt?. Public Library, the DeKalb Library Syst em and the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council is currently in progresso At the t ermination of the 8--week course qualified stor ytellers who, in retur n for the free training program wlll volunteer their time to tell stories to children on the book nobiles, at the branch libraries, in the community school p r ogra::n or EOA Centers. Storytellers 1-r lll · be schedule d as need ed 1,rl th particular empha sis on placement in disa dvantaged com.r:nmi tieso The entii~e program is still dependent on t.he number of volunteers who will be available at the conclusion of the course in stor-ytelli.ng. Approxi.m-~tely 125 p e ople have registered to date in the 13 loca tions where the course is presently being conducted. Bo Adult Programs A bookmobile program labeled 11 The Ind.i. a n Gi ver:1 will be in operation by this summer to distribute books on a 11 rea dum- •n-swapwn" ba siso The unit will remain in an area from 6:00 po :!:llo to 9:00 p . m. in orde r to better serve adu lt 11 ..rorki.ng people ' s"needs, During this period a film prog r a 'll will b e sho1m in a n earby n eighb or h ood c enter. EOA pover ty areas already designat e d for t hi s pr ogr am ar e : Me chanicsville, Summerhill, Grant Par-1: and Bedfor d Place. Two full-time staff members have already been assigned to this progr a m but at l east 40 additional hours are n eede d to effectively expand the program in additiona l area s. c. Future Programs F unds were mad e ava ilable s om~ time ago for a touring t heat re or cinemamobi l e to p resent f i L-11s and story hours to chi l dren in areas -too f ar fro.:n branches or at b ranches wi t hout s uitabl e f a ci li t i es . Manufacturing of t his custom-made vehi cle h as r endered it i mpossible to ha ve it in operat i on befo re early n ext y ear. Inve stiga t i ons hav e reveal e d t ha t a simi l ar vehicle uhi ch could b e easily a dap t e d for our u se i s available fo r pur chase at a co s t i n excess of our p resen t budget o If a l arger grant was avai l able t o make up the dif fer en ce be tween funds al l ocat e d and t hose needed the cinemamob1 l e coul d be in ope ration by J une t o serve a l arge number of additional connnuni t ies. Forty (Lo) add.i. tiona l hours would be needed to effectively ope rate f or t he summer. As an alternative, i f an Atlanta Transi t Bus and driv:er were pr0vided to meet this much needed v ehiql.e problem any number of addi tion,'3.l programs could be conductedo �- 3 - D. Inne r Ci t:y Public Libra rj" Service An exper:i.ment in using Ubrary school students in bra.nch libraries has resulted in a proposal for a long-ra.nge program to service the im1er city disadvantaged area. Appli ca t i on ba s been made for funding through Title III, I nterlibrary Cooperation of the Librar y Services and Construction ii.ct. The branch libraries in disadvantaged areas will r emain essenti ally as study c enters at the clo se of the school day for children 1-1ho have severe lim:i. tations in such facilities at home. Li bra rs school students f rom Atlan t a University cm d Dnory University will make it possible to provide adcli t iona l hou.r s open in branch li brari cs and study centers in the neighborhoods for this purpos e . School libraries in. the a r ea wilJ1assi st p er scnnel fror.1 pub1ic libra ry to info:tm students of these centers and provi.de coordination bet ween school and public libra ry in programs and colle ctions. Ee p eposi t.s of Books Investigation is unden-my as to the f easibility of depositing paperba ck books in Hei ehborhood Center s , Recreation a r eas, etc. Space for and circulation of, thes e ma t eri a l s mu st b e planned 1,rl. th the cooperating agenci es . IV. Func:ti ons at Hain Library The Ha in Library will continue to a ct as an agency through wb.i ch progran;s can b e planned. Groups may be brought t o the library for 11 Honday Morni ng Movies,n group t our::~ as well as prov.i.clJng t he norma l services of supplying films , art p rints and refer ence; t;~i·vice s to i ndividuals. Our Child1·en I s Department will continue to encourage children to earn a c ertificate for r eac1ing 12 books rnder our Read-Al l-Year Programo We u:i..11 continue also to encourage 11 Head Start 11 to bring groups t o the Hain Library for picture book hour , storyte J.ling , whl.ch is nm1 a very popular se:::-vice . In adcli ti.on t he Vagabond tfarione t tes ,.r.i.11 be s en t to S branch libraries in di s a dvantat;;ed areas. Our t ravelinc; storytell er will also continue. rota tion of storyhours at Decatur Stree t, Vine City, Georgia Avenue , Hunt Street and Simpson Streete �PROPOSED ADDI'rIONIJ. DlJDGET FOR LIBRARY SERVICE TO DIS.A.DVANTAGI.<J) AREAS $ 3, 000 oOO lo Equipment (additional cost fo r cinemarnobile) 2o Personnel ( adoi tional hours for 11 The Indian Giver:: and · cinema.mobile - 80 hr s. a week at $lo50 an hro for 12 wee ks ) 1,440 .00 3. Materials 2 , 000 .,00 (books, films, etc . fo r deposit in E0A Cent ers, etc.) $ .,. 6,h4o.oo �