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T~e follo~'7 j_)1 g ar e 2s i·re r e serv e d. b;f the Food Sup~)len:ent Progrc1rn 1 dur ing its s econd week of oper~ti on . ARSA NUl·TI:3SR OF PAH'l'ICIPANTS -TOTAL --~- - - -·- - - -- - - Served by Car ey El?2!~en t ar y Scho ol Horne Pc1 r k sso Te chwooct · Cent 2. r 640 Centra l City Rec r 3a t i on Cent~r 61.iO Kni ght Cent er 780 ½ary George Avenue 1000 Perry Boulev a r d 1000 Arche r Hi gh Scho ol 2000 Chattahooc h~e Schoo l 200 0 Engl i sh Avenue Sc ho ol Schoo l Tot a 1 Served by Ce nt er ~ill School Ander son Pa r k 1000 "' Arlingt on Circle 1000 850 G~m Cl u'o Pe1 rk 1000 Wes t Fulton Schoo l 375 Ce nter Hill Rec r e ., t i,Yor1 Cent er 1000 l·faddox Park School .TotRl 47 5 5700 Se rved by Coan 1-ti.dd l c Schoo l Wa l ke r PRrk 650 We sley Play l ot 900 Bas i RecreR tion Center 650 900 ·o �6So Gi lli 2m P2 r k Grctnt Pc1 rk 1000 /- 1 Coan Midd l e S6iool 750 C. D. Hube rt School 750 Ba ss High Schoo l 40:) Sch oo l '.i'ota l t-6)0 Se rved by C. F . Harpe r EJ?- r:ient a ry Schoo l Joy l an:l P.: i r k 1000 Pl unkc t totm Cente r 550 Co ope r Stree t Eb mentary 750 Gil be r t Sc'.1001 soo Har pe r SchooJ. Scho o l To t a l Se r .red b y :-Ic r ndcm ~l sme nt.:::1ry Scho o'.l. Vine Ci ty 1000 Magnolia and Mao l e St r 2ets 575 'I'hur ri.ond. Street Playlot 600 Nor t hs i de Drive 600 Ashby Circ l e 1200 Strong 2nd Kennedy ~treets 500 Soo P l ay l ot - :Rhode s a nd l'oste ll Stree t s Schoo l Tota l (l Served b ;r c~ 49?5

'l. Slenenta r y Sch oo l

1 3edford-Pi ne Center 1310 Wylie an'i Tye Street Playlot 760 Play lot - 618 Irwin Stree t 350 Butl er Ce nt er 1Li60 0 0 �r i I

B'orrest and Fort Stree t

800 r Parkwoy C~ nte n 6)0 Angier and Pa.rkw~:y Playlot 600 Boulevard and Aucurn Ave nue 300 i-Ianover and Re nfroe 500 Sampson nnd East Streat 630 0 J:!urp>iy Hig'.1 School SchooJ. -Tota l Se rved by ~Iur.~D:1 ries Schoo l Brown Avenue and J ones joro Road · Park A'renu.e cJncl Lc1 nsin ~ · Hice Her.1ori;1l 670 Ad.?.i r PciTk 500 Pittman Park 1~50 Bethlehem Center Schoo·J. Tota 1 Served by- A . I\. . J ones E_lementc1ry Sc:1001 Howell Pa rk 500 500 Norcross Play lot , 500 . / .Ha;rne s Playlot 500 Oa kla nd City Playlot 670 Cr.?.ddock School School Tota l 200 ~--·· 2u70 Serve-1 b;,, Pey ton _Forres t Ele1r.ent-:1ry School Adamsville Park 500 Phylot - 2185 1.Terben.?. Str2- et 0 1600 0 �r · I TOTA L l\iUI'-tJ~R

OF P :\ ::.TIC IPA?•:TS Wilson Avenue 700 Tremont Dr ive 900 Collier Pa rks 1100 English Park 500 JOO Wilson Eills Pa rk Schoo]. Tot2l 5600 Served by Pr::or Stree t School Cn.pi tol .Avenue Pl ay lot 1500 ~d Cook Recreation Center 1500 T:.fes l ey '.:-louse 800 ·. Ira Re cre ation 1500 Pry or Street School 3000 1

fashington-Rycle r

1000 Dodd PJ.a;y-lot 1000 Playlot - 71 Little Stree t 10()0 Playlot - 941 McDanie l Stre et 600 Pla'-rlot - Ge or co-1. n a nd YcD::ini e l St r se t 650 Play l ot - A tla n-La Sta dilun Pa rkin g Lot 750 .; 0 Playlot - Nary and _Colei-na n Street School Tota l 600 12°, !ioc5 0 0 Se rv e d by D. H. Stan t on Schoo l - r!;i.ygood and Cre :.-1 S~r e e t Pl a.ylot 900 Danie l St~nton Pa r k 900 1000 Ri cha r ds on St r ee t Ce nt e r 650 Conna lly Street Cente r E . P . Jo'(l.n son Sch oo l Tot a l �PR09L~MS E~COUNTlR~D 1. Inadequate propara tj_on of food. 2. The t rucks stil l have not been p1·ovided with a c aae in . I b orde r t o hold food in place. 3. Schools were not provi ded wiU1 enou~h i ce . 4. ·. The s anduiches were t oo -:3.ry bec ause t here was p l ain peanut ' bu tt~r . In ac!.diticn , h : t r o.ve J. i ng to var:i.ou.s schoo l s , I f ound th':lt bro,-mies ,,1ere bein g made with pe a nut butter and wsre not co.::1pJ.etely cooked. 5. I be l ieve fo e !1eals offere d could be more substs.nti.al if c ertciin ot:1 er commodit i es were prep :->r-:id. For exarnpJ.e , tr1e rne~ls would b e much b e tte r i.f merlts were added to the sup -plements . / 0 �I. TOT AL NUI-m~:- OF P/\. nTICIP/ ,NTS - ---- - ·-------1 Served by 1.<ldter \V'.1ite School 'tl?. lter rllh.ite School 2000 Art Abner Place 700 A. D. Willi;uns School 'fotci l 1000 3700 This week's tot a l r epres ents an increase of 22,L75 over the previous week . / •• Q �