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THE URBAN COALITION E~:-~E~X=P~A~N~D~I=N~G:::;_=E~M~P~L~O~YME=~-1~1T:::;_~O_P_P~O143.215.248.55 -~-·JN'-=-I~T-=IE--'-S EASTERN REGIONAL ACTION CONFERF~C= Decembe r 13, 1967 Atl a nta , Georgia TASK FORCE ON PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT Co-chairmen Gerald L. Fhillippe Chairma n of the Board Gene~ al Electric Company New York David Sullivan Preside nt Building S e rvice Employee s Internationa l Union AFL·CIO Wa sh i ngton John Wheeler President Mechanics & Farmers Bank Durha m, North Ca r o lin~ Ch~irrna n: John L . De n ma n, Manage r , Dep t . of U1ban Affairs , F~rJ Mot0r c o . Resc,urce Pe r sons : Willi a m Dovms , Associa t e S erv ices , Inc .; Da.ytnn Harwick , Employee and Community ReJ.ations , Genera l F.l e ct.::- ic Co.; Dr. Lawrence D. Reddick, E:wctitive Dire ctor, Oppo rtuni ti e s Indus tri alization CentP r Institute WORKSHOP B (Brun s wick Room ) Cha irma n : Haro ld Shepard: W. E . Upj o hn Ir. s ti. tu t e for Empl:::r':r--:-;,~ 11 i.: Research Resource Persons: Pa ul R . Tho ms on , Manag e r , ~m~l o yee & Community Re lations, Ge n era l El ec tric Co.; Sam u e l Dani e ls, Associate Director, Council for Equa l Busines s Oppor tun ity; Don Gar ~ is , Vi~~ Pres ide nt, . Sea r s Roe buck Fcunda tion r,;o RKSHO P C (Co lumbus Room ) Chai rman: Dr. He nry Bre nn e r, Personne l Manager , Xerox Corpora t icn Res 0 ~rce Pe rsons: Cec il Al exa nde r, Finch , Al exa nd e r , Bar n es , Roth schild Pascha l, Architec ts; Berk e l ey G. Burre ll, Pres~den t, Na t ional Bu s iness Le ague ; Ke n Howard , Ind u stria l Re l a tions, Eastman Kodak Co . & WORKSHOP D (S e ction A Conve nti o n Hall ) Chairma n: Rodn ey Au s t i n, Personne l Manager , Reynolds Tobacco Co . Resourc e Pe r sons : Dr. Louis Kishkunas , As s i stan t Supe rinte nd e nt, OVT Edu ca ti on, Pi tt sb urgh; Adolph Holmes, Assist a nt Director . ·Economic Developme nt and Employmen t Nationa l Urban Leagu e , In c. ; J ames J. Forth, Marage r Employee and Community Re l ations, Ge n era l El ect ric Co. �- 2 WORKSHOP E (Section B Convention Hall) Chairman: William Flynn, Dir e ctor, STEP Progr?rn National Associatiort of Manufacturers Resource Persons: Earl Redwine, Consultant, ESR; Richard Lyle, Assistant Director, Urba n League, South Re gional Office; John . Wilson, Presiden t, Horne-Wilson Co.; E. L. Klein, Manag·s r , RCA �