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A T LANTA FE D E R AL SAVI NGS ~um LOAN Ass o c I ATI ON A TL,u'<TA , GE ORGIA BILL C . WAINWRIGHT P RES I DE N T September 13, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Certainly the citizens of Atlanta are proud that you are our Mayor, I have personally heard hundreds express admiration for your performance beyond the call of duty during the past few days. I have heard some who frankly stated they I had never voted for you but that if they ever have another opportunity, they will do so. I am partially aware of the magnitude of problems we face today, and certainly admire the way you have gone about meeting these problems. If there is any way I may be of help to you, please let me know . rely, ill C . BCW :o �GEORGIA INTERNATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY POST O F FICE Box 6036 ATLANTA 8 , GEORGIA September 12, 1966 G. ALBERT LAWTON PRESIDE NT The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: Sincere congratulations on your truly brave handling of the recent riots. You deserve the utmost credit. I am sure you have the complete and unreserved backing of all of the sensible people in Atlanta -- white and colored and throughout a much wider area, probably nationwide. Sincerel y, GAL:cc �TELEP HON E 234-949 1 ~£tk.nn 16:21, 29 December 2017 (EST) ® ~~OFROME 707 TURNER-McCALL BOULEVARD ROME, GEORGIA 30161 ~~


�JOHN A.SIBLEY ATLANTA September 9, 1966 PERSONAL Dear Mr. Mayor: The late Mr. Jack Spalding often made the remark that "blood counts". He applied this to race horses as well as to men. Your courageous leadership and action during the recent riot again evidences the truth of that statement. When you met the rioters face to face and challenged their authority by saying" I am the boss here", you set a standard that reflects great credit upon you and your city and which will do much to put an end to the organized lawlessness that is so prevalent on the streets of our cities. You gave the law enforcement officers a type of support they deserve and needed and you gave to your citizens renewed confidence in your splendid leadership . With kind regards and good wishes . yours, Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr . , Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta , Georgia �S I D N E Y Q . CONSULTING J A N U S. P H. D. PS Y C H O L O G I S T FIRST NATION A L• NORTH AVE N UE BUILDING ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30308 September 17, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Leah and I wish to express to you our strong conviction of the exemplary manner in which you have guided Atlanta's destiny in the past few trying days. We thought we should go on record as two appreciative citizens. Sidney Q . Janus , Ph . D . SQJ:mm �MEAD PAC KA GING ATLANTA, GEORGIA ARTHUR L . HARRI S VICE P RESIOE NT A ND DIR EC TOR T HE ME"D CORPORAT ION September 14, 1966 PERSONAL Dear Ivan: I can well understand the portent of the telephone conversation with your secretary to the effect that under the existing conditions you do not feel free to be away from Atlanta the distance of an ocean and therefore probably will not be accompanying us for our opening in Holland. My disappointment is a minor matter by comparison to the seriousness of the problems that you are facing and the gravity of your responsibilities. Nevertheless, I am maintaining your reservations, both airplane and hotel, so that if by some good miracle everything has quieted down, you can still go along with us at the last minute. It would be very remiss on my part not to tell you that you have my wholehearted sympathy in the trials that you are undergoing and the support of everyone that I have talked to, not the least of which is the support of the writer. If there is anything that I can do to make life easier, please let me know . I w ill be leaving here around Sep tember 29 and only feel badly that there seems to be so little that ·· the averag e citizen can do at a time like this to be of assistance to you and our c ommunity. With k indest regards , Ho n o rab le Ivan All e n , J r . Mayo r o f Atlant a Atlanta, Georgia cfc �LOUIS MONTAG FIRST NATIONAL BA:l'H( BUILDING ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA September 14, 1966 Dear Ivan, This is simply to express my feeling of both admiration and appreciation in the light of your recent actions of courage and love for our city. I hope that you will not again have to expose yourself to these hazards, but commend you on all that you have done and will continue to do to make our town a better place to live in. I thought you might be interested in the enclosed article appearing in the University of Pennsylvania Gazette, July issue. It deals with the problems of c i ties similar to ours and points the way towards some broad avenues of solution. Seems like everyone talks about the slums, but few people know soundly what to do about them. I am not a student of social stu~ies, but it does seem to me that we are treating symptoms rather than diseases . If there is any small part in this effort in which I may be helpful don't hesitate to call on me . Best to Louise . Cordially , o/auC:V The Honorable I van Al l en, Jr. 3700 Northside Drive, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia �MRS . EDWARD M . CHAPMAN, JR. 406 PINELAND RoAD, N.W. • 30305 ATLANTA, GEORGIA --U,Jht/4-ih--e~ , o/9' /, f 96&

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c:J,,,,t J AL,¼U ,. 7.u.Jf ~ , tJ- /M MM tz. lM ~ .,t;- ~ /2,~Mv dA,J . 4-~J k A4L-?1c;n;Le~ · · ~ ~£ ~ ~~ ~Lt~ a_ -

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--z~ �r°1. ~ Ut~ ~ ~ 1ii - htvwn -4: --tt ~ 4'1-4 ~ } .A,rl-~ - z;; . fa,,d ~ .A a.L/..lt - ~ t-nl__uc!t-1-d- tZZlMvtJt_ mk ~ ~ /4.-1 c, e / ~ 'rue,r:rJ -4 ~t.e , ~ a · jt,ci4,uf__ I &~ () /2,tyiw,n~ �RHODES, I NC. 10 NORTH RHODES CENTER ATLANTA 9, GEORGIA CHAS. D. COLLINS PRESIDENT September 7, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you in the way you conducted yourself during the trouble yesterday afternoon. It really took intestinal fortitude to do what you did and want you to know we are a ll pulling for you and hope that you will not have any recurrences and trouble as you did yesterday . Sincerely, ~~ �HAMILTON LOKEY CITIZENS & SOUTHERN NATIONAL SANK BUI L D I NG A TLANTA 3 , GEORGIA September 7, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Muriel and I want you to know how proud we are of the way you handled a very difficult and trying situation yesterday. Your personal courage, your good judgment and your intelligent approach to the matter reflect great credit, not only upon our city but upon you personally. I didn't think it was possible for you to stand higher in my estimation than you had prior to yesterday, but this morning you are nine feet tall. I am proud to call you my Mayor and my long time per sonal friend. Sincerely yours , HL :tb �~- ~ e. g04W6 git. 3010 ~ - 9)'L 'Dl_ 'W. Gttmta, §a. ~ ~,tft,. �I . T . GOH EN 132 0 FI R S T NATIONAL BANK B U ILDI N G A TLA?s"'TA 3 , G E O R GI A September 7, 1966 Dear Mr. Mayor, I admire your courage and your fortitude. You are a great man. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely, your friend The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr . Mayor of Atlanta City Ha ll Atlanta, Georgia �i 5863 Lake Forrest Drive Atlanta, Georgia September 6, 1966 ayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: I am pr oud, as a citizen of Atlanta , of y our pers onal courage and action today. It appear s not only to be a 11 hot day 11 but rather a power struggle betwe en Black fower or wavering black p ovrer f or ces with r esp onsible black and whd>te citizens in between. I applaud y our courage and y ou have my support in what methods pos sible t o discourage the irresponsible e limate , and to encourage responsible citizens to help this wavering black power element rea l ize that the only true progress for this ci ty, and as a result its citizens , can be achieved through responsi ble leadership and law and order f or its citizens. I was proud of you tonight, and of t he Atlanta Polic e Department t hose men, both black and white who were in the midst of a mob. Yours truly, ~/-7.~ Rol and B. Anderson //~A-~ c/{ �Sc· t cmbcr 7, 1966 Moyer I vL n Al len City Hall Atl onto , Gcorgi n D---i. r Moyor Allon , Yo1r xLm; l e of l .2 dcrshi i n a b c si e g.d ~r eo yc st crd Py wt s mos t " i m. r ess ivc to ~;o . It wa s. f ; r cry fr om th .. ict urc s of _other moyoro i n tr ou ble d citi es w .o hnv_ h~ld th ~maclv ~ ~rt from t h. f r Ly . I ho ·e our ci ty con fi nd wrys to mee t the r obl m of sl L1111- dwollcrs rhi c h other ci t i :J h; v e f om d i n s 1rmount r' ble thus f o r . If we do , it 1,-dll bo b c c c L~r:c of your c our ~1 ge ou~ , n d c omn~s i o ~ t 1 .~ dor~hi_ . I f y o1 c ould s omehow c m vD c c th ~s ~co?l e to r c ;;cn t the ir gri V B11 C C ,... ·whc r the re i s ~ , oss i b ility of t c J.king them u t , ~ d .:-, cting u _ on th .m , t hc- t u o ld he l • M ybo :: mc __ tin g or clinic :· t th . st ~· dimn Hith md1y l cuy _r 3

--nd co ci 3l -work r.., r n d mini t el' ' to t a lk ·w ith · _ l e who

hrw robl em.s 11nd c o; str1 cti vc sL1ggcs ti ~:n s c ou~Ld be stl, rt . I nly lnow the- t ' omc ki~1d of croL' ti v t , ck.lin g of th . . r bl cm;.3 of t h0 ci ti s will _ ri blc Amo ric,1 t o c o. tin 1c ,. f J I wi s h ther e w~r- middl - clrss hcus ing ~nd xc llont s en ols , v ~11 ~. b1 i n th o c c _ t r of tho ci t y so th~ t c ~nc r n d uo· 1 c o 1ld mov , b:-- ck i r. to th._ city ,-r i t 1 th. ir f...m ili :3 t o b . . , rt of th~ vcti g, t;·x- oyL1g b~sc .. 1 P rh, s c ommun ity orer':' iz; ti s of d . rived citiz s would h 1 th m f .. l ~gr. t Jr :~rt of th . ir ci ty . M yb _ w n .d ~ S. ~1 Ali sky to t ~k th~ s otlight off of the viol .n t-ty· . orgi'lLiz r [j ,. Th,' le yo 1 f or your 1 , d .rshi • d vini n . If y a cit iz .:1.::: c "'n 1 . l , · 1 r- sc think of u :-- y rJ th c' t c oi c rn c ;- 11 l me . c ·11 M st ['in c r oly, 1'1r ~ • G .I e G. Cl r,1 1 t 2011-~ -'-r- J J Tr . Dr •., TfE Atl·1 t r. , Gr • , j03?.4- (~37-0671) �JAMES C. H . ANDERSON 1 S93 MASON MlLL ROAD, N, E . ATL-ANTA, GEORGIA 3030e September 7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta Georgia Dear Ivan: In the events of last evening, Atlanta joined its several sister cities which have been scarred this summer by violent, race-related demonstrations but its experience was greatly mitigated by your forthright action and true heroism in meeting those events. I must convey my sincerest admiration for your personal bravery in assuming direct responsibility on the scene and in exposing yourself to the very real threat of personal injury. Even more so, I must express my appreciation as a citizen - and I am sure it is shared by most Atlanta citizens of both races - for your devotion to the principles of community brotherhood and order which have so long been characteristic of our city and its government. Please be assured of my continued confidence and support in your efforts to deal effectively with our city's problems in race relations and elsewhere (such as our Fire Department situation!). Again, I believe I speak the feeling of many of my fellow citizens in voicing my approval of your policies and actions toward furthering the progress of Atlanta. Sincerely yours, JCHA: jd �MILTON WEINSTEIN ll80 P E A C H T R EE STR EET, N . ATLANTA, GEORGIA E. U. 5. A . CHAIRMAN OF TUE BOARD NATIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. September 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I want to take this opportunity to express my feelings concerning your action during the recent racial disturbances o I feel that you are to be comp Iimented on the prompt decisive and courageous manner in which you acted o Like all other right thinking citizens, I, of course, deplore these disturbances, but I feel we are fortunate to have a man like you as Mayoro Indeed, you have certainly carried out your high office in a most commendable manner. I simply wanted to add my congratulations and commendation to all of those I know you are receiving for a job well done in you r excel lent hand Iing of a difficult situation, and wish you the ve ry best of Iuck and continued success o Sincerely, Milton Weinstein MW:bs �HOYT A. WIGGINS P . 0 . Box 4545 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30302 September 7, 19 6 6 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My dear Mayor Allen: As a private citizen I want to heartily commend you upon your handling of the recent emergency here in Atlanta . It is this type of firm stand that will bring order out of the present chaos and I am sure this i s the feeling of many ot h e r c iti ze n s o f o u r c o mmu nity . Sincerely yours , �THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA '- POST OF"F"ICE BOX 4148 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30302 September 16, 1966 FAY E . ME"ll'"BORN TRU S T O FFICE R Hon. Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I want to be one of your many friends who are congratulating you on the manner in which you have conducted yourself during Atlanta's most crucial time in many many years. Personally, I feel that you have shown outstanding courage and conviction at this time. I am sure that your name is being quoted in many other areas as doing an outstanding job for the city and for right. Wanted you to know how I personally feel in this matter. Kindest personal regards . Yours very truly,,... FEM: jl / �~ A _j 1 ( \1\/IEUCA ROAD •'\. 8 , . PT!ST .' 3626 PEACH ~ ~-·~ CHURCH ROAD, N. E. I i11 1ini ATLANTA, GE:it!R!GIA 30326 ·~/f.p.=ff-~~t. ., -~ I:: . ii. aa , · 1·· I . -- WI LLI AM L . SELF MINISTER September 16, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: I would like to join with countless others across our nation in commending you for your splendid leadership that you have given the city of Atlanta during the present racial crises. You can be ass ured of our continued prayers and support for you as you seek creative ways to restore harmony in our splendid city. All of us deplore the rioting, murder, and chaos that has been brought to the surface in recent weeks, but it is a sense of comfort to know that the l eadership of our city i s entrus ted to a man who is willing to f ind just and honorable solutions to these difficulties. 0dially Willi~l~f__.._ WLS:r �ARNAND MAY P. 0 . Box 4 0 56 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 303 0 2 September 7 th 19 66 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Your willingness to meet issues without regard to your well being is certainly an a c t of heroism, but it is also a n act of judgment and counsel and I glory in your willingness to meet issues, four square. The time has come when we in this country as well as throughout the world will have to reali ze that the liberties tha t we r e guaranteed to us are not the s ame a s they were when the Found ing Fathers wrote the Declara tion of Independe nce, etc. I t seems t o me that gr oup s now should be rep resented by s ome he ad r ather tha n mob rule and this is wha t we have a nd whi ch is being sanc t i oned, d i re c tl y or ind i r e ct ly , by t hose who don 't realize the cons e quence s . How can an individual meet mob rule when they are throwing rocks , Mol otov cock t ails a nd any other weapon at ha nd , without regard to life, lib e rty and the pursuit o f h appi ness . Here ' s an opportunity, Iva n , for you to b With assura nce of my AM : t g / / e the trail. �ATLANTIC STEEL COMPANY ATLANTA , GEORGIA HOWARD B . .JOHNSON CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD September 7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Regardless of their political leanings, I am sure all Atlantans are today praising your courage for your participation in yesterday's activities. Warmest personal regards. Sincerely, hbj/rb ��.• . . .. .• ., ~ . .. • • .. . ~ . - .. �SHARP-- BOYLSTON Co. REALTORS • INSURORS 10 AUBURN CONE M . MADDOX , JR. AVENUE, N. E . ATLANTA 0, GEORGIA PRESIDENT September7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: You are probably aware that I have been an admirer of yours for many years; however, your masterful and courageous handling of the Capitol Avenue mob yesterday was the finest example of heroism, public service, and stewardship that I have ever known. I am truly proud to be a) friend. CMM :DD �.!Jk ~ ~ ¼d~./1:akonal .effbzt~ <:g/JO?'j',ia MILLS B . LANE , JR . ~crdc, PHO NE 40 4 - 58 8-2 2 2S PRESID E NT September 8, 1966 Dear Ivan: Mighty p roud of you! Mi ll s B. Lane, J r. The Honora ble Ivan Allen Mayor City Hall Atlanta , Geor gia �OFFICE OF" THE PRESIDENT (}A,~ ~ 1 1 ~6 y ,~L/~~ ~ ~-~ ~ 0-.Qol r ~ ~ ,? ~} ~ ~ I of ~ ~ ~CV"'-, ~ ~ - ~ ·-; k ~ ~ '; I . �,--ATLANTA FEDER.AL SAVINGS A__"'l(D LO.AN ASSOCIATION A TLANTA, GEORG IA W. O . DuVALL CHA I RMAN OF THE BOARD September 7, 1966 Honor able Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I hasten to express my admiration for your courage a nd efforts in behalf of all of Atlanta during yesterday afternoon. All of us owe y ou a debt of gratitude. Sincerely yours, WOD: tg �r 3117 Towerview Drive N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30324 �7 ---~~ '--yl)"\ ~ ½n~FN ~ .4 (9u; a C\ o o d ~ ~ ~0-JJJu ~ ~ e-J . ~ ~

. ~-\1\Jo fU}- ~~ \ ~ ~ ~0-\ ~ ~ X ~! l, ~)( ~<\¼~ ~ f .JLC\ ~ \ 0-A~& ~<\~ ~ to ~ ~~ ~~"~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~0 ~ ~"'--~ \'VY\~ ~~ ~~ ~ \(~ --=--- ~ ~C'Nl\ "o-3,~~, ~CL,JC>J ~N\ ~"--X__..>'-""'~ /, . "'~~. f ~~ () s\~ �FULTON INDUSTRIES, INC. POST OFFICE Box 172 6 ATLA.i'ITA l , GEORGIA L EONARD BARKAN E..XECUTfVE VICE PRESIDENT The Honorable Ivan Allen, City Hall Atlanta, Georgia September 7, 1966 Jr. Dear Mayor Allen: May I congratulate you on the fine manner in which you handled the unfortunate circumstances which developed . in the city yesterday afternoon. Your actions were heroic and certainly were above and beyond what might have been called for under the circumstances. It is truly representative of the leadership you have shown during your administration. All of us are subjected to criticisms , and I am s ure that in this incident, you will have your share, therefore, I just fe lt that a job so well done should be acknowledged. Respectfully , ~~/4SAL Leonard Barkan LB/gr �R,IC:H'S LOU I S L . K E N N EDY A TL A NTA, GEORGI A 30302 RI C H'S NORTH DeKA L B GENE RA L M A N AG E R SOUTHERN INSTITUTIOM Sinc.e. 186 7 •• •• Se.p-temL1e.11. 7, 1966 i'.latJOlt. I va.11 AJ.J!.e..11, ]Jt. Cay Hail, Atianta, Ge..o Jt.g M_ Ve.AA Ma.!JO!t A.Ue.n : A0:t.e.Jt wa,tc.lung .the. :te..te.v-<.,tiion ac.c.ou.nt on :.the. tuo:t. iM:t. ,ug h-t, and }., e.e..ing and :1r.atu11g .the. way ln wh,i,c.h uou. 1-ia.ndte.d .the. ,S-<,,tu.a.ti..cn, I jU/2:t. want to .£.e..t uou. lm0<c :t.ha.:t. I am plt.oud :t.o be. able. :t.o J.ia1r tha.t (t'e. onc.e. it·o1tk.e.d toge..the.Jt on a. Pe.Mc:nne..e. Corrm-U:t.c..e. a-t Ric.Ii' .s, a.nd c.ongMA:u.la..te. you. on :t.he. 6,i,ne. ,.i.:a.u IJOlL fiandte.d IJOu./t,SU6 , I fmow .i.;t tool<. gu.:U and a. .to.t 06 C.OUlta..ge. :to nac.e. lt'ha...t fta.d :to oa.c.e., a.n.d [IOU /'J/W ba.bly a-6 /~e.d ![OUM Uo ..i__f, bung iia.yo1t u:a..6 wo!tth i:t. I am 1.iu.1te. :t.liat. -tfie. re.ore.e. A.tta.n:ta. Me. a.J.i 101tou.d On !:JOU a..6 ire. a!te., an I U!-<.,6/i ljOU on you. c.ontinu.e.d .tiuc.c.e.M in .:the. :t.l1a.n!zf.e.1.i.o 06 fic.e. uou. hold. LoLU-6 L. Ke.n11ed11 LLK: cla 2144 La.wJte.nc.e.v..iUe. H..igtwa.u, Ve.c.a,tu.Jt, Geo1tqia �.JACK .J . RUSHIN 377 TECH WOOD DRIVE. N. W. ATLANTA 13 , GEORGIA September 16, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall 68 Mitchell St. s. W. Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Dear Ivan: As I have been aware of the recent racial situation in Atlanta I first want to say that you have gone far beyond the call of duty in trying to help straighten things out. In fact, you have exposed yourself too much, even though what you have done was something that you could not avoid. Today I was going through some old files and found the attached copy of a story in the U. s. News & World Report issue of August 19, 1963. Chances are you read about this interview when it came out. Also attached are copies of letter to me from Senator Richard B. Russell dated August 25, 1965, letter from Senator Herman E. Talmadge dated August 27, 1965 and the Congressional Records dated August 5 and 16, 1965, numbers 143 and 150. The negro situation is bad and may not even be straightened out but it seems to me that asking the cooperation and help of all top grade negroes, such ass. B. Fuller, might be an answer. In other words, sound thinking, educated negroes have asserted themselves in a great many instances and if a national movement could be started calling on the negro business man, educators, etc ., might do a lot of good. i'Z'~f\~(9()-%-u.~,~ o.-J ~ R S ~ It is evident that Katzenbac k l"ift not helping any because--th e ~ certainly have. a one track mind in favor of the so called down-trodden negro but if somebody in high office, a man like Senator Dirksen, could introduce a bill or do something that would appeal to outstanding negro citizens- a solution might be brought about ,-,,, ~ ~ f.,._pt To _ �r .JACK .J . RUSHIN 3 77 TE C H WOO D D RIV E , N. W. ATLANTA 13 , GEORGIA Just thought I would write you this note and hope that you will think well of it . Sincerely, JJR/gll enc. Q~c Jack ' . Rushin �THOMPSON 8c HANCOCK • ARCHITECTS 3166 MAPLE DRIVE, N . E . ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30305 September 7, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: We have long recognized your ability in the political and business field. It is my personal opinion that you alone have led our City in its greatest era of prosperity. In view of the incident which occurred on September 6, it was extremely gratifying and reassuring to know that our highest elected off icial possessed the courage and determination that you displayed. I feel that without your personal attention, the problem could have erupted into a disaster , and I wish to thank you and commend you for your courageous a c tion . Respectfully, ~ HDH/hc D. Hancoc~, J �CECIL P . FLOYD. JR. 1948 SYLVAN CIRCLE . S . W .• APT. 3 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30310 ~ ? J"itl 0Jla,, ll1o/ c~ , J~a ~ r -fi-, _,{~r dJ ~~ zfo .A &r _/4~ q/ {lifa,;z, OA<d 4'<f. J2 ~ .,tt ~ -4J ~ , 2 ~ ::tgt ~ ft ~alf ~ ~ ~ cdP er-/ Otfc~ ~TZ( /:ft/;!: ~ cf r r PsJ

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2 J'2uw 1 V %e4 i_, ~~cf~ · (i?,eJ 7~~ )r. �r--- -- Su it e 522 Fulton F e deral Building P. L.B ea\y S mith , C. L. U. Al l an t a,Georgi a Gener a l Age nt for Georgi a JA 2-5455 /


~~ 9 ~ 16:21, 29 December 2017 (EST),/ ~ ~ -- �.I I ~ ~~ ~ - . -( I ,;:c;/2~, �HONEYWELL I FRED N C. 500 Plasters A ve nue, N. E . KAISER Atlanta, Georgia 30324 V ice P resi d en t S o uthe rn Area September 7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hal 1 Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Your courageous actions this week are to be complime nted. I have long been one of your admirers and I thin k you have made us a wo nderful Mayor. Yours very truly, FK : n �,---- -- - LOBBY, BANK OF GEORGIA BUILOING J\tlanfa 3, Qf,eor:9ht September 12, 1966 TRAMMELL McINTYRE VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER Honorable Ivan Allen, Jro Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I know that you have received many messages conunending you for the courage and determination that you have shown in handling the racial disturbances in the last few days, and I would like to add mine to the list. Not many people could have demonstrated this type of courage and determination but to me, your restraint under such circumstances was just wonderful. If there is anything that an ordinary citizen can do to help you please let me know. With best personal regards and admiration, I am Very truly yours, 'lMcl /fm �,JAMES S. BRIGGS 3459 Stratford Rd., N.E. Atlanta, Georgia September 11, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Sir: The Atlanta Constitution of Saturd~y, September 10, 1966 carried an article about the recent riot and included portions of a letter addressed to you by 14 organizations stating that, in essence, the COllllilunity concensus ought not to become arrayed against certain individuals and organizations as a substitute for relieving the slum conditions which brought about the riots. It is a complete perversion and distortion of f a cts for these 14 pressure groups to take the position that slum conditions caused the riots and none can know better than you who were there what caused the riots. Although not represented by any group or organization but one who continues to believe in a government of l aws let me commend you for your statement that these instig&tors of violence be judged by our coliU"is as law-breakers not urban reformists. The pea ce and tr~nquillity of our citizens take precedence over reform and each should take its place before the bar. If violence, riet and insurrection are excuseable and are supported by the specious reasoning of self-appointed, not elected, or~anizbtions then to whom and to what agency can the isola ted citizen look for protection? If a government of laws cannot be depended upon to preserve the pea ce and tranquillity of the community then one 11ust question its responsibility and a ' government without responsibility does not deserve the support ot" its citizens. This, then, is anarchy. ~.y family of 5 joins me in thanking ye>u for your courageous actions udring the riet. ere~, /v) / J,<'7 Briggs


�LTERMAN FOODS IINC. MAX ALTERMAN Vice President September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell StG, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: I find that I must take this time from a busy schedule to tell you how proud I, my family and my friends were of you on the occasion of Atlantas recent troubles. Mr. Mayor, your display of courage and restraint were in the highest "American Tradition". All Atlanta is proud of you in these troubled times and wish you every success in steering this great city down the road to understanding and prosper i ty . I f I , or any of my associates, here at Big Apple can ever be of any assistance to _you, we would consider it not only a pl easure , but also a privilege to he l p . Most sincerely, ALTERMAN FOODS , INC . Max Alte r man , Vic e Pre s i dent MA : j c 9 3 3 LEE 5 T R EE T • AT LA NT A 10, G E O R G I A • PLAZA 8 - 6 7 4 I �ST. MARK METHODIST CHURCH PEACHTREE AT FIFTH STREET. N . E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 BEVEL JONES. PASTOR September 9, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. , Mayor, City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Swamped as you are with mail, I j ust couldn •t let the recent racial incident pass without putting in my word of personal connnendation for your courage -- both physical and moral -- in dealing f orthrightly and constructively with a situation, which, without your decisive and capable leadership could have been quite disastrous and militated against the fine atmosphere of race relations that prevails in our great city. You have my prayers and offer of help in any way possible as you seek to lead Atlanta forward. Bevel Jones �r- - WALLACE H. STEWART 1439 PEACHTREE STREET, N . E . �JOI-IN C. STATON ATLANTA' GEORG LA September 8, 1966 Dear Ivan: You're my man --- all the way! Your example of courage, dignity and restraint the other day might well be a model for every public official throughout the land. Your determination to stand firm when firnmess was indicated, with no compromise on the basic principles, should be a rallying point for all who respect the law. A sa lute to you as an outstanding public official and my warmest praise to you as a friend. Sincerely, Mr. Ivan Allen, Jr. Office of the Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Georgia �HUGH DAV1S CARTER,JR. ATLANTA, GEORGIA September 7, 1966 Dear Ivan, I just want to compliment you on the splendid manner in which you handled the disturb ance yesterday. It is indeed unfortun ate th nt we have to experience occurances of this kind but it is always gratifying to know that it is in your good hands, Sincerel y , --/L71--_, Mayor I van All en , J r, City Hall Atlanta, Geor gia '-- �RABBI JACOB M. ROTHSCHILD, RoAD,N. W. D. D. 1589 PEACHTREE ATLANTA 9, GEORGIA Se.ptembeJt 8, 7966 Mn. Ivan AU.en, · J11.. Mayon, City o 6 A:tea.nta City Hill Atlanta, Geong,ia Vean Ivan: May I add my wo11.d6 06 pll..aMe. and p!U..de. to the many you have. aJAe.ady Jz.e.c.uve.d oOJz. youJz. WOJz.d6 and de.e.dJ.i dWUng the. u.nple.aJ.iantne.l.>.6 a new day.6 ago. The. c.ouJz.age. you ciwplayed in mingling wLth the. mob and making youJz.-6elo a tall.get oOJz. po.6.6ible violence. to yoUJz. pVt-60n Won the. 11.e.1.>pe& and acirruJi.a.tion On e.veJty de.c.e.nt eilizen o-6 Atlanta. Even moJz.e. ,.s,i..gnif,ic.ant, il .6e.em.6 to me, WM yoUJz. 1tec.ogniuon of, the f,aet that although ju-:Sti-6,iable gue.vanc.e.1.> may be pll.e.1.>e.nt among the people. of, the. a11.ea1.i 06 oUJz. inneJt-eily that tho.6e who weJte involved ,i..n the. ,i..neident do not tJz.uly Jz.e.pll.e.1.> ent the eil,i..z en.6 0 f, Ailanta - ne.gJz.o OIL while.. YoUJz. c.alm and 11.e.a1.ionablene.1.>J.i, yoUJz. Jz.e.f,u..6al to an.6WeJt hate. wLth hate. 011. viole.nc.e. w,i;th violence .6Vtved, il .6e.em.6 to me, aJ.i a .6te.adying in6fue.nc.e. wLthout whic.h the. ineident might have be.come. rnuc.h moJz.e. .6 e,/t,tO U.6 • A-6 one. who ha1.i be.en vitally c.onc.Vtne.d wLth the. pnoblem of, good 11.elation.6 heJte. in Atlanta, M welt M one ,.sympathetic. to the. nee.d.6, de..6,i..Jz.e.1.> and f,Jz.U.6.tJz.a;tion.6 o-6 the. /w..gJz.o c.orrmunily, I .6-&nply want you. to know how pnoud I am of, you and to aJ.i.6UJz.e. you that you may c.ou.nt on my c.onunu.e.d .6uppoJz.t any way that you may .6 e.e. to U.6 e. il. 11.ae,ial nil Janic.e join.6 me. in the.1.>e. J.ie.nt-ime.nt.6 and togetheJt we. e.xte.nd oUJz. waJz.rne.1.>t pVt-6onal gne.e.ting.6 and good wi.6he.1.> -6011. yoUJz. c.onunu.e.d .6 u.c.c. el.> .6 -6 ul le.ad eJt.6 hip . JMR: b.6 �ADM/ RALS of the FLACSH IP FLEET ~*· ~,

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74 ~~ ~ 14 fly:, 1 ,du rJ».-:r- ~ ~~ ~ . ~1"1- &.ea~tl-f ~-s/4/?;J:,~~ /4710.~ v}cu)j 9 ~ ~ , 1 lJi. W tilt Ml • ~i.f /tJ-hRI( /b;y. 1~- C) 4VI( 'M- 7,1ur_ d ~ aJJ_ a~ ~ 41 I?/ ~- -U,· &/ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ (} {)Jf lt,d ~~ ~ _ 11£).u~ 7~ ~ ~ h /; ~ I ~ t~ttv1'14 ~ ~ 1~.~ ~~ t .~ W/4/ . "ry!~ ~~ Bt)i~v11.J,tt Al~ �CAFETERIA FACILITY STATE O FFICE BUILDIN G AUTHORITY 648 STATE OFFICE BLDG. ATLANTA 3, GA. September 9, 1966 Dear Mayor Al len: This is just a note to let you know someone in Atlanta liked the action you taken Tuesday with people / like you I admire~ �INCORPORATED 1201 PEACHTREE CENT ER TOWER 230 PEACHTREE STREET, N. W . ATLANTA 30302 FRANK RIDLEY V I CE PRESIDEN T September 9, 19 66 Dear Ivan: I have been traveling all week and just returned to town. Just a note to tell you I am mig hty proud of you, and that people in Jackson ville, Brunswick, Sa vannah and other towns I visited share my admiration. Mayor Ivan A llen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia �BENJAMIN H. OEHLERT, JR. P. 0. DRAWER 173 4 ATLANTA, GEORGI.A. 3030 1 September 9,1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Your courage and determination literally electrified the nation as evidenced, among many other things, by the attached editorial and cartoon from last night's Washington star. As I said in my telephone message from Washington Wednesday morning, if there is any way at all that I can be helpful to you in this or any other problems, it would be a privilege to have you call on me . With warmest regards, I am sincerely , BHO:s ���THEODORE C. LEVITAS, D. D. S. SUITE 131, THE BAPTIST PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 340 BOULEVARD, N. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30312 PRACTICE LIMITED TD DENTISTRY FDR CHILDREN The Tenth of September 1g66 . The Honorable I van Allen Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta , GP.orgia Dear Mayor Allen : My family and I would like to thank you for your co urage , your steadfastness and your determination to keep Atlanta the great city it is. Congratulations. We-and others-stand behind you . Si nce~Gours TheC ;e O. Levitas, D.D . S. TCL:po �500 Pl.ASAMOUR DRIVE, N. E ., A TLANTA 2 4, GEORGIA J OHN D . THORN TO:S PRESIDENT Septembe r 14 , 1966 Mayor Ivan Al len , J r . City Hall Atlant a , Ge orgia Dear Mayor Al len: I ' ve been thinking lately how fortuna t e we are to have you as our Mayor and what outstanding accomplishments you have achieved in that position , particularly under current conditions o f the firemen ' s strike and race riots. Another thought occurred to me - "why not tell him so" . That is the purpose of this letter. With JDT:k and yours, �r 9045 ~ FAIBHA VEN Cmcrn ' N.- E. ATLA..t'\'TA , GEORGIA 30300 ~ ~ ' 7, JqM, �,- ROBERT C . ALSTON 97 TENTH STREET . N . W . ATLANTA. GA. 30309 September 7 , 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr . City Hall 68 Mitchell Street , S . W. Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan : I want to commend you for your efforts yesterday on behalf of the people of our city. A disturbance which could have erupted into something much worse was held to a minimum , I feel, because of the outstanding job done by you, personally, and by our Police Department . Might I say, also, that the dignity with which you handled the situation would make anyone proud to be a citizen of Atlanta. I personally want to urge you to continue your efforts to quell incidents of civil disobedience such as this. Again , thank you for a job well done. Sincerely, RCA:T �THE ROBERTS MEMOR..IA.L GLL~IC 768 JUNIPER STREET, VERNON E . VAN E. POWELL, M . BUREN, M. D. N . E, ATLA...---TA., GA., D. BYRON .J. HOFFMAN, M. 30308 D. .JOHN DER . SLADE , M. 0 . ~eptember 7, 1966 .JAMES K. VAN BUREN, M.D. Mayor Ivan Allen, City Hall, Atlanta, Georgia Dear Major Allen: Let me take this opportunity to tell you how proud Atlanta, Georgia, and the entire nation should be of you for what you did last night. Your poise in the presence of great danger was a great inspiration and makes us all very happy to know that the leadership in Atlanta is captained by one of your caliber. My congratulations. EVB:C I am proud of you! �ADAMS-CATES COMPANY P . O . BO X 861 ATLANTA , GE0RGIA 30301 THOMAS V. CAUBLE E X ECUTIVE VI CE PRESIDENT September 8th 1 9 6 6 Dear Ivan: I was out of town when the trouble developed Tuesday and would like to congratulate you on your expert handling of a difficult situation. I was in Montreal last week. The pe ople there are s urpri singly well-informed about Atlanta. They say their city and ours are great because they have grea t Mayors. Theirs, whom y ou may know, is Jean Drapeau . Best regards. The Hon. Ivan Allen Mayor , City of At lanta 6 8 Mi tche ll St r ee t, S . W. Atlanta, Ge or gia 30303 �135 LITTLE ,JOHN TRAJL,N. E. ATLANTA 9, GEORGIA September 14, 1966 Mayor I van Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Our entire family wishes to thank you for the courageous and forthright manner in which you have led the city, collectively and personally, in counteracting the riotous behavior of these irresponsible individuals. Apparently this organization wants all the opportunities and benefits of work without producing a thing, other than destroying what so many of us ha ve worked years to create . If there is anything that we can do to help you in any manner, please let us know. MBR/hk �ROBERT AND COMPANY ASSOCIATES ufrchil ects and ©n3ineers 96 POPLAR ST., ATLA.l"\TTA, GEORGIA 30303 �SAM ADAMS DORSEY 1801 PEACHTREE ROAD , N. E . ATLANTA 9 , GEORGIA September 9,1966 Dear Ivan, When I passed the time of day with you on the C & Scorner the other day, I never dreamed you would be embroiled in a riot in Atlanta that afternoon. An angry mob, incited as they were, is very terrifying and it did take great courage for you voluntarily to engage personally in quelling it. The purpose of this letter is simply to let you know that I am proud of you and proud to know you. I van, you get 1ots of advice and suggestions from everybody, most all of whom are much smarter and better informed than I am. Some fifteen years ago when you considered running for governor, I did suggest that it was a mi stake to stand 11 four square on the county unit system 11 • Now I can 1 t refrain f r om suggesting that it is a mistake to try to prosecute Carmichael and 11 put him away 11 for a number of years . At this time you are riding the crest of the wave. The negroes themselves are undercutting Carmichael. Every time he opens his mouth you go further ahead and he loses more. Every think is going for you. I would surmise that the case against Carmichael is , to say the least , nebulous but win or lose the case , prosecuting him is , I believe , bound to bring some sympathy . Why make a martyr out of him? Someone else will take his place and jailing him won't r eally r esolve the big issue . This is really not intended as advice but simply my reaction as an admittedly uninfo rme d and unofficial observer . You are a great man. Best re ga rds , I' ~ OvvV\-- �KATE F. EDWA RDS THE DARLINGTON, A P A RTMENT 11 0 5 2025 PEA CH T REE R O A D , N. E . I ATLANTA , GEORGI A 30309 �P-.. '!J,,/1 JAMES PAIR PERSONNEL SERVICE, INC. S18 • S3S FORSY,H BUILDING . 86 FORSYTH STREET. N. w .. ATLANTA, GA. 30303 TELEPHONE S2S•S533 AREA CODE 404 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDEN, September 9, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Just a brief persona I note to tell you how much we respect and admire you for your handling of some very difficult problems just recentlyo In my opinion, there are very few men who have the ability, courage, wisdom, and strength to perform as magnificently as you dido We are indebted to you, and please accept my expression of gratitude and sincere appreciation. With kindest regards, Sincerely, JHP/adb �AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE DECATUR , GE ORGI.A .30030 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia My dear Ivan: This brief note is written to tell you that Madelaine and I have been very proud of you throughout your term of service, but never more so than lately. Your strength and fairness during the firemen's strikes and your magnificent courage in the racial difficulty have given tone to the whole community. Be assured that we think Atlanta has a great mayor! It is with a sense of pride that we claim you, not only as our friend but as a valued trustee of Agnes Scott. With every good wish, I am


Wallace M. Alston WMA: bb �1146 SHERIDAN ROAD, N. E. J\tlimta, ®eo-rght 30324 ALLEN T. NEWBY September 9, 1966 MINISTER Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I want to join other citizens of the metropolitan area in thanking you for the great courage and restraint you have demonstrated in handling the racia l difficulties in Atlanta this week. None of us can possible estimate the contribution you have made and are making to the peace and safety of all of us. You have set an example for those in high office all over this nation. May God continue to bless you as you face the difficult days ahead. ATN/ db �2317 Shasta Way, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30329 September 9, 1966 Dear Mr. Mayor: You have made me and all of your friends e x tremely proud of the masterful way in which you have handled our r ecent racial troubles. Especially do I admire your fortitude in personally involving yourself in the disturbance and even more especi a l l y f or the act i on which you t ook against t h e leader of this plot. Yo u conti n u e to h a v e my every good wish a s you so ably carr y out the du ties o f your office. S in cere l y an d co r d ia l ly, Irwin A. We b b Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia �RICHARD C. FREEMAN 1116 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ATLANTA 3 , GEORGIA ~ r u, .... ,.-v / / ~ ~ (¾o ~ ~ ~ ~w (,~ ~ add._<f» r-- . r- ~ ~ f,1--- .,e,__ ~ ~ fo 16:21, 29 December 2017 (EST) e,(~/Tv'J,L- OvuL ~ J ~ ~~f ur-~/1M--? 16:21, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~Jw-~ .. n,Lr/o -~ 7-- M - ~ ~ J ~ .Jvol,- Ct~ / fo • C6 (~ ~ C'-t/5~ �GEORGE E . GILL 924 WOODLAND A VENUE, S. E. ATLANTA 16, GEORGIA September 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Georgia My dear Mayor Allen: Congratulations on the rare personal courage which you displayed during the race riot last Tuesday. Your conduct during this crisis certainly serves as an inspiration to all Atlanta's citizens and especially to the leadership and law enforcement groups. At such a dangerous t:ime we are most fortunate to have a mayor who is not afraid, and I am proud of you. Sincerely yours,k £;~ . . GEn/mfw �G. MAYNARD SMITH F ULTON N ATIONAL BANK B U ILD I N G ATLANTA 3 , GEORGIA September 9, 1966 Hon. Ivan _Allen Mayor City Ha ll Atlanta, Georg ia Dear Iva n: I have never been prouder of you and Atlanta than during the l a st week. Your handling o f the problem was ma g ni f icent statesmanlike. You're a credit to your fam ily, your f r iends a nd a ll of Atlanta . Sincer e l y, ,1 1,~ Maynard �~ fov- /\~ a ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~..J{;,·c>- d~AIV-no ~ ~~ o~ .x/4_. ~ ~ P c~ ~ _. cf,~ ~ ,o~ ~ ~ /300-i+f<J Ot (,'-'. ~ - ~ ,~ ~ ~ a -t~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ (,i ~ ~ ~ 1.-0 ~ _t:/4_ ;;tQ ,-o.ez ~~ -~ ~ _,J!,,.e__. .£J ofAJ.ea ~ ~ - c~ ~~ ~~ ~


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