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MEAD PAC KA GING ATLANTA, GEORGIA ARTHUR L . HARRI S VICE P RESIOE NT A ND DIR EC TOR T HE ME"D CORPORAT ION September 14, 1966 PERSONAL Dear Ivan: I can well understand the portent of the telephone conversation with your secretary to the effect that under the existing conditions you do not feel free to be away from Atlanta the distance of an ocean and therefore probably will not be accompanying us for our opening in Holland. My disappointment is a minor matter by comparison to the seriousness of the problems that you are facing and the gravity of your responsibilities. Nevertheless, I am maintaining your reservations, both airplane and hotel, so that if by some good miracle everything has quieted down, you can still go along with us at the last minute. It would be very remiss on my part not to tell you that you have my wholehearted sympathy in the trials that you are undergoing and the support of everyone that I have talked to, not the least of which is the support of the writer. If there is anything that I can do to make life easier, please let me know . I w ill be leaving here around Sep tember 29 and only feel badly that there seems to be so little that ·· the averag e citizen can do at a time like this to be of assistance to you and our c ommunity. With k indest regards , Ho n o rab le Ivan All e n , J r . Mayo r o f Atlant a Atlanta, Georgia cfc �