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LOUIS MONTAG FIRST NATIONAL BA:l'H( BUILDING ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA September 14, 1966 Dear Ivan, This is simply to express my feeling of both admiration and appreciation in the light of your recent actions of courage and love for our city. I hope that you will not again have to expose yourself to these hazards, but commend you on all that you have done and will continue to do to make our town a better place to live in. I thought you might be interested in the enclosed article appearing in the University of Pennsylvania Gazette, July issue. It deals with the problems of c i ties similar to ours and points the way towards some broad avenues of solution. Seems like everyone talks about the slums, but few people know soundly what to do about them. I am not a student of social stu~ies, but it does seem to me that we are treating symptoms rather than diseases . If there is any small part in this effort in which I may be helpful don't hesitate to call on me . Best to Louise . Cordially , o/auC:V The Honorable I van Al l en, Jr. 3700 Northside Drive, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia �