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ARNAND MAY P. 0 . Box 4 0 56 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 303 0 2 September 7 th 19 66 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Your willingness to meet issues without regard to your well being is certainly an a c t of heroism, but it is also a n act of judgment and counsel and I glory in your willingness to meet issues, four square. The time has come when we in this country as well as throughout the world will have to reali ze that the liberties tha t we r e guaranteed to us are not the s ame a s they were when the Found ing Fathers wrote the Declara tion of Independe nce, etc. I t seems t o me that gr oup s now should be rep resented by s ome he ad r ather tha n mob rule and this is wha t we have a nd whi ch is being sanc t i oned, d i re c tl y or ind i r e ct ly , by t hose who don 't realize the cons e quence s . How can an individual meet mob rule when they are throwing rocks , Mol otov cock t ails a nd any other weapon at ha nd , without regard to life, lib e rty and the pursuit o f h appi ness . Here ' s an opportunity, Iva n , for you to b With assura nce of my AM : t g / / e the trail. �