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December 6 , 1967 Af{y / Mr . L ~ Green WAll Television 1611 West Peachtree Street; N . E. Atlanta , Georgia 30309 Dea,_. Luke : Next Wednesday , Decembe r 13, the National Urban Coalition will sponsor an Eastern Regional Action C onference of great importance to Atlanta. This conference will d al w ith Expanding Employment Opportunities in private industry for unemployed and underemployed individuals. The Atlanta Chambel' o! C ommerce and Mayor Allen are cooper ting with the Task F o rce on Private Employment of the Urban Coalition in this confeJ;"ence. T op business executives from throughout the Ea t 't'n U. S . will p rticipate . S ome of the firms who will take pat't in the workshop discu sions are RCA , Ea tman Kodak , IL J. Reynolds ,, G. E . , and F o rd. There a,r others, along with the National A s sociation of M nu.£ cturers, Urb n L gue and local buein s x cutiv s n d employment p ople . Of k y importance t o the Atl nt people will b the 11 p remi r 11 of U de film present tion rec ntly d veloped on Atlant . 1s mployment plct,ure. This £Um wn pi-oduced by th , City of Atl nta, the Ch mbei of Comm ree, EOA. the Community C ouncil nd C ommunity Chest with fina.nd 1 support of th S ears-R oebuck Found ation. A coupl · of te t .-uns on sev :ral bu in s n.d gov rnment lead re h s pioov n th&t the film produc s re 1 nitty gritty" discus ion of the employm nt �