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- - -- -- - - - -~~- December 6 , 1967 Mr . Dale Clark W AGA Televi sion 1551 Briarcliff Road , N . E . Atlanta, Georgia Dear Dale : Ne,ct Wednesday , Dec mber 13, the National Urban C o alition will sponsor an Eastern Regional Action Conference of great importance to Atlanta. This conference will de l with Expanding Employment Opportunities in private industry for un mployed and underemployed individu 1 . The Atlanta Chamber of C o mmerce and Mayor All n · re cooperating with the Task Force on Private Employment of the Urb n Co lition in this confe renc . Top business x cutlv s born throughout th E stern U. S . will participate . Some of the firms who will take part in the workshop di cu sions are RCA, Eastman Kod k , R . J. Reynolds , G. E ., and Ford. Th re ar oth r • long with the Nation 1 As soci tion o! Manufacture re, Urb · n Le gue and local bus in st. ex cutive and employment p opl . Of key import nc to the Atl nt people will b the "pr mi r' ot a Ude film presentation r c ntly dev loped on Atl ta'e mploym nt pictur . This fllm w e produ.c d by the City of Atlanta, the Chamber of C ommerce. EOA, th Community Council and Community Ch st with financl 1 upport of the S rs .. R buck Found tion. A co1.1pl of test runs on aevet' l buaine nd government le ders has proven that the film. produces real "nitty gritty" di cu don of the employment �