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he Ur an Coa/i ion 1 I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street, N. Ill. Washington, D. C. j 20006 · Steering Committee Co-chairmen : Andrew fie iskell / A. Philip Randolph November 24 , 1967 NATIONAL COORDINATORS WEEKLY REPORT LOCAL COALITIONS The third in a series o f regional conferen ces to assist l oca l communities in f o rming the ir own Urban Coalitions will be hel d in San Franc i s co on November 30 in the San Francisco Hilton . The program format will be simila~ to those used for t he previous two successful c onferenc es i n Ch icago and Minneapolis, with emphasis on "h ow-to- cc-~ t " work s h ops. The ·· hree general sess ions will feature remark s by S an Francisco Mayor Shell~y and May o r - Elect Al i oto, The Mo st Reverend J oseph Mc Guck e n, Kenneth Wright, Vic e Pre sident ad Ch ief Economist of t he Life Insurance Assoc iation of America, Cali fornia State Assemblyman John T . Kno x, Bishop Donald Harvey Tippett and Frances Barnes, Vice President of the Cr own Zellerbac h Corp oration and President oyment Opportunity . o f the Management Council f or Bay Area A similar regional confer'"... ,c for eastern cities, originally set for December 11 in New York City, has been p ostp o ned because o f s chedul ing problems to the second week of J anuary . You will shortly be advised of the exact d ate . PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN LEGISLATION More than 40 Wash ington representat ives of organ izations which support the program of the Urban Coalition attended a luncheon meeting in the Statler Hilton Hotel on Novembe r 20. Featured speaker Mayor John Lindsay of New Yo rk City stressed the necessity of a united legislativ e effort to mov e bills suppo rted by the Coalition through Congress. Andrew Biemi ller , Legislative Dire c tor o f AFL-C I O, cited a c ase history to illustrate the posit ive v alue of business a nd labor representatives going together to call on Congressmen. Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch of the Union o f Ameri c an Hebrew Congregations described National Coordinators : John Feild / Ron M. Linton Telephone 293-1530 �2 the growing awarene ss o f ch u r ch gro up s o f the need to be active i n publi c affa i rs . PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT On November 21 the Task Fo r c e on Pr i vate Empl oyment met in Detroit with the Emp loyment and Edu c at io n Comm i ttee of the ew Detroit Committee . The meeting was c ha i red by Wi lliam M. Day, president o f Mich i gan Bel l Telepho ne Company . In his remarks to the group, Task Fo r c e - Co-Chai r man Ger~ l d Phillippe , Cha irm an o f the Board o f the Gener a l El e ctric Company , said " As a repres en tative of the Task Force on Pri vate Emp loyment I have been en cou raging bus i nessmen t o ente r i nt o a regular program o f exchanging ideas o n this sub j e c t and pitch i ng in o n useful pro gram s to get at s ome of these u rgent needs . All s e c t o rs o f the s oc iet y need t o help ea ch o ther and we need t o jo in t ogether i n usefu l programs t o c reate new opp o rtunities fo r se l f -re a l i zati o n i n o ur City s l um s." "I n s ome ci ties it wo uld sound strange , but there is a g rowing feeling among b u sinessmen of my acquaintance and among so e of our own General Electri c plant managers that a s ubstan tial measure of our business success in the futu r e is going to depend on our ability to help a good number of these hard -cor e un emp loy ables be c ome pr o du c tive workers and citizen s." HOUSING, RE CONSTRUCTION AND INVESTMENT The Task Fo r c e met in New Yo rk on No vember 21 . Twelve additional members have been re c ruited to wo rk with th i s group . A major working paper is being devel oped t o guide this Task Force in devel oping a l o ng-range program. �