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The n ewly fo rmed central agency m e rg ing th e Atlanta Jewish Ccmmunity Council, Je wish Welfa re Fund ond th e Jewish Social S e rvice Fede ration 41 Exc hange Place, S. E. 0 Atlanta, G eorgi a 30303 0 Ph on e 52 5-48 25 ABE GOLDSTEIN PRE51 DENT M . C. November 29, 1967 GSTTINGER EXECUTIVE D IRE CTO R Mr . Dan Sweat Ci ty Ha ll 68 Mi tchell St . , S . W. At l anta, Ga. 30303 Dear Mr . Sweat: In a ccor dan c e with our telephone con versat io n of last F ri day I wish t o advise y ou that the Atlan ta Jewish We lfare Federati on i s interested i n par ti cipating in the work of the Atlanta Urban Co alition. The Atlanta Jewish Welfare Federation represen ts virtually al l the adult ·J~wish organizations in greate r Atlanta . As the letter head i nd icates this c entral Jewish communal agency is the resu l t of the rece nt m,:?rge r o f the Atlanta Jewish Community Cou ncil, the Welfare Fu nd and the Social Servi ce Federation . I am enclosing a c hart des cribing the structure and program o f the Federat ion. P le ase d o not hesitate to c al l upon u s if we c an be of any as sis tance to the wo rk of the Cit y of Atlanta. Sincer ely you rs, ( .; M. C. Gettinger Executive Direc t or Enclosure MCG:rgf �