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,,/ The Urban Coalition I Federal Bar Building West/ 1819 H Street, N. w. Washington , D. C. f20006 Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell/ A. Philip Randolph November 13, 1967 Dear Friend: On August 24, 1967, 1,200 leaders of American life met in Washington at an Emergency Convocation called by the Urban Coalition. The Coalition, representing business and the professions, organized labor, religion, civil rights groups and local government, was established in response to the urgent need for action in behalf of th e nation's cities. The enclosed Statement of Principles , Go als , a-id Commitments was adopted by the Urban Coalition. You will not e th a t the statement identifies specific problem areas and appea ls to both the public and private sector for action to meet these needs. The Coalition has created Task Forces-one of which is the Task Force on Privat e Employment- -to focus on the individual problem areas. Expanding employment opportuniti es for the hard-core un emp loyed has been given top priority by the Coalition. The Task Force on Private Employment is ho ld ing a series of Regional Planning Conferenc es to discuss this difficult and complex problem . The conferences are schedul ed to be h eld in Atlanta, Georgia on December 13, 1967 ; Phoenix, Arizona on J anuary 17 , 1968 and Kansas City , Missouri on January 24, 1968. We hope your schedule will permit you to join us in this most important project. Please complete the attached card indicating t he conference you plan to attend. We are enclosing a list of states covered by each of the conferences. It would be most helpful if you would supply us with the names and addresses of appropriate officials in these states so we may e xtend an invit ation to them. In the meantime, we hope you will communicat e your interest and support of this endeavor to these officials. Nat,oral Coa'd/llat0rs Jc,hri Feild/ R:;n M /. l"t<,, Te/eph ne 293 1::.:10 �November 13, 1967 Pa9= 2 More specific information on the program wil l b e sent to you in the ver y near future. If you have any questions regarding these activities, please contact Mr. Mel Cotton, ~he Urban Coalit i on, 1819 H Street, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Telephone Number: 293-1530. Gera l d L. Phillippe Chai rman of the Board Ge neral Electric Company 570 Lex ington Avenue New Yo r k, New York Enclosures David Sullivan, Preside n t Build ing Se r vice Emp loyee s International Union 900 17th Stree t, N. W. Wa shington, D. C. John Wheel er , President Mech a nics and F a rmers Bank Box 1932 Durham, North Caroli na �