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Carriage ..J.Jou:Je H & W Enterprise :j:f:4 Terminal Station 69 Spring St., S.W. Atlanta 3, Georgia Sep~. 8, 1966 l ~ 16th St; Meridian, Miea. Dear Mayor Allen, We talked with my sister, who livea in Atlanta, thia morning. She wu prailing you, for the coruageoue •tend you haye taken, in regarei to the Atlanta racial disturbance. She sai• all Atlanta is so proud of you thie morning, but may I add to thi• Mayor Allen, that not only Atlante.na are proud of you, but all of ua, who are still True Americans, are Grateful, for the tine job you are doing. We, a• neyer before, need more God Fearing men, like you, to Proye to tho•• who are doing wrong, that Right •till perYail• over wrong. My sister and her hueband, Mr. and Mr•. Clyde Harri•on have the Carriage House Restaurant, in the Terminal Train Station. Maybe, you already know thea, but if you don't, go by there someday or evening, and tell them that I, Kathleen LaBelle, said to treat you to the beet eteak in the houae, which would make t,em very happy. I will continue to Pray for God to Grant you Divine Wisdom to Serve your people Rightouely, and to continue to set a shining example, by which other state• may follow, because if we lose our Freedom, we have loet Everything. May God Ble•• and Protect You and All your loved one•. Sincerely, ~ . . j ' ( ~ ~ ~~ Mra. Kathleen LaBelle ..... �