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CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1114 WILLIAM- OLIVER BUILDING Atlanta, Georgia 30303 September 8, 1966 H E NRY L. BOWD E N C IT Y A T TORNEY LEW I S R. S LATON A SS ISTA N T C I TY A T T ORN EY ROBERTS . WIGGINS MARTI N MCFARLAND EDWI N L. STER N E RALP H C. JENKINS JOHN E . DOUGHERTY FERRIN Y. MATHEWS C HARLES M. LO K E Y THO M AS F. CHOYCE ASSOCIATE CIT Y ATTOR N E Y S ROBERT A. HARRIS HE NRY M. MURFF Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 C L A I MS ATT OR N EY S Dear Mayor Allen : The kids around Atlanta may be "ga-ga" about Ba t man, the upcoming Green Hor net a nd, of course, the ever present Gunsmoke - but as for me, your performance during the past few ri.ot tor·u days beats all . It was a rare displa y of courage and a s inc ere a ttemp t to b e "whe r e t h e a ction was" in or der to do the mos t good f or a ll . I was fea r f ul on sev eral occas ion s as I saw you on t h e T-V and am gratef ul that you suffered no physical effects -- the menta l pictures will not soon fade be ca use I as well as most Atla nta cit i z en s know how deeply you care about At l anta a nd the good of ALL its people . The rest of t h e c ountry is finding out too. You were t he first order of business on the Walter Kronkite Pr ogram l ast evening and you came through loud and c lear . MORE POWER TO YOU . Sincerely yours, -,;;',, N J /11; ~ (Mrs.) Anna Marie Shinn Secretary to John E. Dougherty �