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·yoy~ A.TLA CI CITY H ~ LL ATLANT A, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COLLI E R B . GLADIN , Dir e ctor January 29, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of Board of Aldermen FROM: Collier B. Gladin (~ /)JS_ SUBJECT: Consolidation of Urban Renewal Policy Committee into Planning and Development Committee At the request of Alderman G. Everett Mi 11 ican,the attached proposed Ordinance is being sent to you for rev·iew. The Ordinance calls for doing away with the Urban Renew·a l Policy Committee and transferring its duties and responsibi I ities to the Planning and Development Committee. The matter was brought up at the last Board meeting by Alderman Rodney Cook. With the exception of Alderman Hugh Pierce,the four other aldermanic members of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee are also members of the Planning and Development Committee. In order to facilitate the change, the proposal is made to increase the Planning and Development Committee by one aldermanic member in order to add Alderman Pierce for the remainder of 1969 . For 1970 and beyond, a reduction back to se ve r. al de rma nic me mbers is suggested for consideration at a later date . Since much of the area of concern of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee is a lso shared by the Planning and Development Committee and their membe rsh ips a re prac tica lly the same , little change will actually result in th is a ct ion e x cept to reduce the number of sta nding comm i ttees . �