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September 12, 1966 For Pulse @f t h e Pub l i c tla nta Consti tution At l anta, Georgie AT NT Mayor Ivan Allen understanos the true meaning of " emerganoy" as being a time to emer ero Every emergency is like a knife - i f it is pieked up by t be bl ade it wi ll hurt , but if t he nknifen is picked up by t h e handle it can be of servioe o The mayor has a .strong hand - an intelligent head and an understan ding heart - by that hes u.uicle.d icke u Atla nta's current racial emerg ency by the hendle to serve the en tire oity . Ivan llen eom'b ines from Margaret M1tbl.ell 9 s "Gene W th The Windn charac ters the di gn i fied refinement of an Ashl ey Wi l k e s ~ the n ly courage of a Rhett But ler. From a fuller quotation by Ernest Dowson , i ncl udi ng Miss Mitch ell's famo us title, is : 11 1 have forg ot much, CynaraJ gone wit h the wi nd, Flung ro s es, roses riotously with the throng . " Ma yor Allen ha s flun g roses of words end deeds - order of al l afforJ_t o in t he ast week's throng . t l e.nta o 1t 1zens. He ha s t he re s eot a nd admira.tion Atlant a now is no Sc a r le tt O' Ha ra who c an ut off' t h i nking about tr ul y lead i n frag en.t of law and rob l ems until t om or r ow . The mayor i a t he way on a t od a y ba s i s. I n any r aise of At l e nt~, Mayor Allen is t he ma j or a s s e t! �