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~ z-- .._J_~c l!..., C.• e .,_ c d L ~ /4~ e...,__ .... ~ -7,1!_., Ao ··1/-·· ,. •_,I ,I.,--...... • ?- ·--- - I /u c/~' , J! / n -77'----·- ' NAT I ON AL O FF I C E : 7 5 EAST 5 5 T H ST R E ET , N E W YO R K 2 2, N . Y. �EASTERN WAREHOUSE Port Elizabeth, N. J. SOPHIE Fo1111,ua 1912 b1 MAE CANDY CORPORATION 317 North Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. 30308 J. BEAUCHAMP COPPEQGE JOHN B. COPPEDGE, P,e,iatnl P. 0. Box 6202, Station H • AC 404 • 874-0868 Sep t emb e r 12, 1966 Mayor I van Al len, J r . City Ha ll At lant a, Geor g i a De ar Ivan: Thank you f or the tremendous job tha t you a r e doing in r epresenting our city during this crisis. You are certainly t o be congra tulated on your courage and level headedness. I do n ot know where we would be without you, and I thank God that we do have you as our Mayor. Sincerely, JBC:mbr �MR. AND MRS. JA M ES D. STEVENS 313 O AK L A ND STREET DEC A TUR , GEORGIA 300 3 0 ��l Sanger O]J T e ' o rt a t th e ws, oad N. C. 28105 ~ V-R\ +l'Yl.v.vit_ ~ )1,2 )'[~ m~ Ru?A, l\tl~, ~ JoJof . 1l%uid ~ -t flclc/ ~orfuit I\Ol 1l whoj 1i'i~4wzL \/l 0t ~oq 1~~(/\t ~ kfus. 1~¾ Jl~~d -b 1hM ~ ~OA[ r+ ~fmt\ VY\ni!J -two ~/lA) -1t fH\~ WI ~lOMd.llM.d . w~cJ- hlti1 ~ Yl-tz o..d..uw~ VY\ lm'Vl~O/UAm { a:Af d u.c/1s: ~ ~ Wlb ~\i\Ats W~ UhttA.dt \M ~mW.W. i "YIDt ~ ) ~~ J. ~I\ -u\\U ~ UM1 {M\fOWiJ Tut\~~ ~ CUIWtmfkttJ t'AN\6{ ~"'m ~ ,1 w I �~e«J vUo,///MvJ4 v\'iy1£!~ /),+\d w~ WW) fMt ~ wi1futit) -lo ~ lM lrtwid !Wld no-I ~&11 towt ~ ~\ ~ ~ lfAi W/11)<1¼, ~t.W,\ 1M lillUIAMit\ ~ ~~ U) ck <u:~t vlliH 11) Am\~J . \M C¼.~. u- \A ~~ t¼J ~ ~ -h-ilr. W\iw.it IMC¼<.) ~flWr.t L¼.t ~1- OM_~ / ~ Y\~~ 1~l~ Wt<Afrc) hVlt . . . ~ W/l\_ P~.rw.~ i �.. I HALL. SMITH ATLANTA , GEORGIA September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City of At lanta Atl anta, Ge orgia 30303 Dear Ivan: As a frien d and as a citizen, I want to tell you how p roud I a m of y ou and the manner in which you handled the recent d isturb an ce on Capitol Avenue. Your c ourag e, g ood judgement and patience demon str a ted again the splendi d l eaders hip you are furnish i n g our co mmunity. I was ple as ed t ha t t he radi o an d pr ess g a ve you strong support a~d th t you had recognition n ationally from Vice Preside nt Hu mphri es and the Presid ent of t he Unit ed States. It was a lso g rat fy1ng to note t he s u pp ort you rece i ved from al l segments of our popula tion. Your stan d f or law and order, and ye t recognizing t he legi tima te needs of s ome of our less f ortunate citizens, is certainly commendable. You and all t lwse associated wi t h you in t he hand lin P-; of t h e lncident a re certainly due the heart f elt thanks of t h e citizens of our comm.un i ty. Please do not feel tha t this letter r e quires a reply. I just wanted to express my respect and admiration for you in the job y ou are doing as the Mayor of our City. With warmest regards. Sincerely, /L �~ - - rtii!iali ..:.;1•~..:0!.' •AU.:ll:l..:.lQI; ... ~~ HALL . SMITH /\TLANTA , GEORG I A I~ Chief Eerber t T . Jen ki n s At l n ta Po li ce De ~rtme nt AtlRnta, 'rcor ., iR e ar Chief Jen~i ns: I want to ta e th:i.s occasion to c0mmend you an d t ~e ~t lantA Pol ic e uepB rtment for the s p len did r:1a1:1.ner i n 1: h ich you all h a nd l ej th e rece nt d jstur a1ce 0n C1=1pitol Avenuee The restr ain , wis uor,, a:1d courag e ::3 1. s played y your 8r~a,i za~ i n in the fi ce o f a very d ifficul t R1tunt~on was c mme:1 d able. fhe results A c hj eve d. pr ,')ves n.-.:a i n the va ln e of d l P.ndc rsld p nnct t rfl j"linc: nn :1 · r V11s ynu are t, , 1-1 0 ' .• 1~ r·1;,,. l.:tv nd . HS R c t5_zen, I Am very ....' r u d ;:" L .,' At, _L :1ntn .Po l i ce 1)conrtr10n t. 1~0 CC: . Ryor Ivan ,'\llen , ~Tr . ��FA'ORABLE - ATLANTA Mr. Ca rl J. Reith (Ca r l) Presi dent Colonial Stores; Inc. Po. Box 4358 At l ant a. eor gia Mr . All en E. Loc ke rman ( Allen ) Tr outman, Sams , Sc hrode r & Locke nnan 1600 Wi l liam Oliver Bui l ding Atl anta, Georgi a 30303 Mrs . Leon Froshin ( Arl ene ) 1165 w. Conway Dr . , N. W. Atl anta , eorgia 30327 Mr . Harol d Davis ( Harol d ) News OfficerGeorgi a State Coll ege 33 Gilmer St . , S. E. Atlanta , Geor -ia 30303 Mr . R. z. Gardner , Jr . 1803 Haygood Dr . , N. E. At l anta, Georgi a 30307 Mrs . I nna McAulay Arna ll f or Governor Headqua rters At l ant a ~ne rican Motor Hotel Atlanta 0 Georgia Mr . Thomas H. Read ( Tommy ) Pres ident Road Concessions Co . 30 Court l and St • • S. E. Atl anta. Georgia 30303 Mr . L. L. Aus tin ( Lew) 1174 Zimmer Dr . , N. E. Atlant a , Georgia r . H. A. P. Mr. Gene c. Mi ller 3540 Woods Dri ve Decatur , Georgi a o. i g ins Box 4545 Atlanta , Georgi Mti Jl?i dX IVJ/S143.215.248.55it~~t 30302 Mr . Thomas F. Chouce Suite 111~ Wil l i am Oliv r Buil ding Atlanta, Geo i a 30303 j~~ / ~ J/<tr#,1,r#• / ( Marian ) Atlanta Bi ltmore - Mezz nin Atl nta 83 , Georgia Mr . J ohn E . Branch ( John ) il on, Branch , Barwic k & Wilcox Rh ode~ H verty Buildin At l anta , GeorP.ia 30303 Hr s . Anna Mar ie Shinn Ci t y of Atl nt Law Dep r tment 1114 Wi l liam Oliv r Building Atl nt , Georgi a 30303 Mr . Saul Fcl dm n 1254 W, Pac s F rr Rd •• N. W. Atlanta , G or ia 30327 Mr . Charle G. B s Parker- Hannifin Corp , 1735 Tully Cirol • N. E. Mr . Lou! L. K nn dy ( Buck ) G neral M na r Rich ' s Nor th D Kal b 2144 Lawr nc ville Hi hwy Dec t ur , G orgia 1r . Mar iana Knox Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Mr . A. Davant Lawton 404 dland Road . N.w. Atlant , G or~i 30309 Mr . H rman M. Kul n 2309 Mo t vi w Dr . , N.w. At l anta , Geor ia 30305 Dr. Willi Martin ca on ( Bill ) ndy Springs Atlant • Geor i 30328 Ch inn n of the Doard r, r • Kathl en LaBell Cerri e Ho e 69 Sprin St., s. Atlanta 3, Georgi w. w. Rhod (W rren) s.P. Richard$ Pap r Co. P.O. Box 2666 sa tion D Atlant , Geor ! 30318 in (Milton) N. E. r. David Goldwa s r Atlant Env lop Co pany P.O. Box 1267 Atlanta, Geor11 Mr. A. 30301 Mr. w. Elmer Gorge (El r) Ex cutiv Dir ctor G orgia Municipal Assn. 406 Fult n Atlanta, Go ta 0303 rd. ld~ �JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON • MASSACHUSETTS• 02117 ROBERT E. SLATER, President J OHN L. A LL EN I GENE R AL AGENT J OHN HANCOCK B U ILDI NG B UT LE R AT HOUS TO N S TRE E T S, N . E. September 12, 1966 AT L AN T A, GA . 3030 3 TEL E PHO NE 5 2 3-5 891 PERSONAL The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Just a short note to let you know that thousands of Atlantans are solidly behind you in these troubled days. We are proud of y our courage and determination and are confi dent t h at y our efforts will bring a £ai r and equitabl e solu t ion . C orfle:rs, JOHN" L. ~ N ~ GENERAL AGENT JLA: me �SOLID AS STONE MOUNTAIN GRANITE 2045 PEACHTREE ROAD, N. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30309 SEPTEMBER THE HONORABLE IVAN AL LEN, 11AYOR OF ATLANTA ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 9, 1966 JR. DEAR MAYOR A LLEN : I WANT TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO YOU MY SINCERE APPRECIATION AND CONGRATULATIONS UPON THE FORTHRIGHT AND COURAGEOUS POSITION YOU ARE TAKING IN DIRECTING THE A F FAI R S YOUR ABILITY TO COPE WITH SITUATIONS OF OF OUR GREAT CITY . GRAVEST IMPORTANCE SHOULD BE APPRECIATED BY EVERY A TLANT A N, AS WELL AS ALL GEORGIANS. As A MATTER OF FACT, IT OCCUR S TO ME T HAT IT WOULD BE A NATURAL THING FOR GEORGIANS TO DRAFT IVAN ALLEN FOR ITS GOVER NOR AT THE NE XT OPPORTUNITY. JT MAKES ME AND THE PEOPLE HERE AT BANKERS FIDELIT Y PR OUD TO KNOW THAT THE IMAGE OF ATLANTA THROUGHOUT THE WORL D HA S BEEN SO FOR CEFULLY PRESEN T E D THAT ALL RIG HT THINKI NG P EO P LE WI LL R EALIZE THAT WE HAVE A GREAT CITY AND A GREAT MAYO R . SINCEREL Y YO URS, ~·~-~~/· PR E SIDEN T RES/M P . S. I DON 1 T BEL I EVE I E VER PERSONALLY THANKED YOU FOR THE FISH HOOKS YOU SO GRACI OUSLY GAVE ME ONE DAY IN THE MARSHES OF THE H OMOSASSA RIVER. AN OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE COMPAN Y �SIMS BRAY P. 0. BOX 1111 ATLANTA 1. GEORGIA September 12, 1966 Dear Ivan: I have been out of the city and returned last night, but I couldn 1 t let any more time pass before I put pen to paper to congratulate you on the splendid job you did last Tuesday night as well as on Saturday night. All citizens of the city should be grateful to you for your services "above and beyond the contract." My best to Louise and I look forward to seeing you soon. Sine re ly yours, Sims Bray SB / cd Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. C ity Hall Atlanta, G e orgia 30303 �MEYER L. BALSER 1501 FULTON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA,GE0RGIA 30303 1966 September 20, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Just a line to tell you how proud I am of you as our Mayor. You have always done an outstanding job and your actions during the two so-called riots that we had was far above the call of duty. It took a great deal of courage on your part and I am sure that all of Atlanta and America is as proud of you as I am. Most sinc e r e ly, M eyer L . Balser MLB :pm L I FE MEMBER MI L LI O N DOLLAR R O UN D TABLE �ATLANTA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ATLANTA, GEORGIA JAMES P. BR OWN September 20, 1966 V I CE PRESIDENT The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: I find my words are inadequate to express my admiration for you in your great leadership of the city I love. If there is anything I can do for you, please call upon me. Sincerely, JPB :k �BECK&GREGG HARDWARE COMPANY WHOLESALE HARDWARE SINCE 1866 POST OFFICE BOX 984 / 217 LUCKIE STREET N . W., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30301 /TELEPHONE 521-2010, AREA CODE 404 September 20, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor": There isn't much that I can say that others haven't said better; but as one of your biggest boosters and as a personal friend, I just wanted to express to you how proud I have been of you and the way that you have handled the recent crises in Atlanta. I am awful glad I live in Atlanta . Warmest regards. Most sincerely, ~4 Albert N Park e r 0 ANP: lt . GUARDIAN OF QUALITY �-


�ATLANTA UNIVERSITY ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30314 September 22, 1966 OFFI CE OF THE PRESIDENT '.Ihe Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of the Ci izy' of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia ·n ear Mayor Allen : ?-zy- friend, Dr. H. Claude Hudson, has sent me a copy of a recent letter which he wrote you expressing apprecia- tion for the way in which you have handled the AtJ.anta racial situation, particular~ during the recent outbreaks. Ma_y- I also express to you Il\Y" deepest appreciation for your courage, integri-cy, and your fairness, and to 1et you know at the sallle ti.me that I am behind you and all other right-thinking citizens. With kind regards and best wishes, T am Sincerely yours, RF.C/ m 1865-1965 •• A CENTURY OF SERVICE �September 19, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr . City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I felt compelled to express my sincere thanks to you from my family and me for the tremendous courage you exhibited Tuesday, September 5, 1966. In the face of personal danger you stood firm for justice and lawfulness. Your actions are a credit to the office you hold and certainly every citizen of our great city has respect for the way you led our police officers during the dark moments of the riot. Each of us needs help from a power greater than we, and therefore it is my prayer that you will be led to make the right decisions in the days ahead . Sincere~ly I I ~ · . . illiam J. Goldin WJG:md �Septembe r 14, 1966 Mrs . Alfredia H . P o rter 335 North Si de Dri ve , S . W . Atlanta., Georgia 1 Dear Mrs. Porter : During these difficult days. it is gratifying to have your message of confi dence and encourage tnent. I am very grateful for the tizne you spend in wri ting a very long and thoughtful letter outlining your ideas as to how a better life might be availabl e for ma¥Y people . With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAir:lp �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mr. William J . Gol d n ( Jim ) At l anta Gas Lieht Company P. o. Box 4569 Atlanta , Georgi a 30302 Mr. Meyer L. Balser 1501 Ful ton Nation& l D nk Buil ding At lanta. Georgia 30303 Mr. James P. Br own (Jim ) Vice Pr sident Atl anta Federal Savin$ and Loan Assn . Atl anta, eor ia Mr . Albert N. Parker ( Bud ) Beck & Greg Hardware Company P. o. Box 984 Atlanta , Georgi 30301 Mrs . Lul a Mae D niel 89 Fort Street• N. E. Atlanta, eor ia Mrs . Hannah Shulhafer 2936 Dell wood Drive, N. W. · Atlanta• Georgia 30305 r. D. B. Hod on(Dan) 2877 Howell Mill Road , Atlanta, G or i . N.w. Dr. Ru us E. Clement Pr sid nt Atlanta Univ rsity Atlant , Geor ia 30314 �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA The Ex cutive Committee r a nd Jurors Association of Fulton Count , Inc. P. O. Box 75 32 Station C Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Dr . and Mrs . Sidne Q. J anus ( Sidney & Leah) first Na tiona l - North Ave . Bui lding Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Mr . and r s . Leona rd Haas (Laonard & Be ) Grizzard e Haas The Membe r ship West End J aycees P. O. Box 10903 Atlanta, Georg i a Suite 306 133 carne ie ay, Atlanta, Geor ia N.w. 30303 Ir . Jack J. Rushin ( Jack ) 377 Techwood Dr . , N. W. · Atlanta, Geor ia 30313 Miss Fay E. Mewborn ( ray ) The First Nati onal Bank of Atlanta P. o. Box 4148 Atlanta, eor ia 30302 Reverend Wi lliam L. Self Wieuca Road Ba tist Church 3626 Pe chtr c Road, N.E. Atlanta , Geo?, ia 30326 Me . Robert M. Hol der, Jr . ( Bob ) President Holder Construction Can any 1926 Fulton Nation l Bank Bldr, . Atlant, Geot'f?i 30303 r. Arthur M. Kaplan Suite 676 1375 P achtr Atlant • G or ia t., N.E . 30309 R v rend D. c. Col an Campbell Chapel .M .c. Church 1800 Eat 22nd venue Denver 5, Colorado Mr. L. D, Keith, Sr . 2746 D l Creek Drive, N. W. Atlanta , G orgi 30318 Mrs . Marie Pullin 1586 Adl r Ct., S. E. Atlant , G or ia 30317 Hr. Arthur L. Harri (Arthur) Vic Pr sident nd Director Mead Packa in Atlanta, Geor i Mr. Louis ont ~ (Louis) Fir t N tional Bank Building Atlant I eorgi 30303 30310 . rs. Roy Jud on Duer P.O. Box 18604 Lenox Square St a tion Atlanta. eorg_a 30326 Mr . Ed ar P. Scott P. o. Box 4541 At lanta , Geor ia 30302 Mrs . Bobbie · • Sledge 1492 South Gordon Street , Atlant a• Geor ia s.w. �FAVORABLE - . TLANTA ~s . Frances HarRrett ( Frances) 355 Hillside Dr . , N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Mr. John J . Partridg E. R. Partrid e, Inc . Pryor nd Mitchell Streets Atlanta, eor ia 30303 Mr . Julian s. Carr ( Julian ) 1600 first Federal Buildin Atlant , Geor ia 30303 Mr . Pol lard Turman ( Pollard) President J . M. Tul l Met a l s Co . , Inc. P. o. Box .,.628 Atlanta. Geor ia 30302 Mr. E. D. Lord Life Insurance Company of Atl anta, Geor ia eoreia r. Alan r. Kie per (Alan ) County Hana e r Fulton County eor ia County Admini tration Buil din tl nt I Oeor i 30303 Dean eor e E. M nners ( Geor o ) Geor ia State Coll ge School of Business Administration 33 ilmer St ., s. £. Atl nt, ~ or ia 30303 Tb Kiw ni Club of Atlanta , Ca cade Hei hts 2312 Swell Road , s. W. Atlanta, orgi 30311 WOK Council o Wo n Kr . Loui Watl y• Pr id nt 110 Edg wood Av N. E. At nt • eor?.i 30303 �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mrs. Josephine Vance 2D 26th St reet, N. W. Apt. D-2 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mr . a nd Mrs. w. H. Lewis 3779 N. Stra t ford Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia Mr . J. Kurt Holland Haas, Holland, Fr eeman, Levison & Gibert First National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 r.rs . Geor e Beattie 857 Woddley Dr., N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Mr. Harold Brockey ( Harold ) President and General Man ger Rich ' s Atlanta, Georgi a Mr . c. C. Covey (Chet) J . H. Hileman & Co . , Inc . 1410 C & S Building Atl nta, orgi 30803 Mrs. L ura Northington 377 Felton Dr. , N. E. Atlanta , Gcor ia B tty Hav rty Smith Mr, Henry C. al den 3288 Briarcliff Rd ., N.E. Atl anta, eor ia 30329 Mr. I. L. Kunian ( Sonny ) Kay Developers P. O. Box 13041 Station K Atla nta, eorgia 30324 Hr . Wi lliam M. Robinson Vice President Colonial Stores, Inc. . O. Box 4358 30302 Atlanta, eorgi a r . N, E. Cornish, Mana er Dixie Division Encyclopaedia Britannica 1371 Peac htree Street, N. E. Suite 400 Atlanta, Geor ia 30309 Mr, Bi ll C. ~inwright ( Bill) Pres ident Atlanta Federal Sa vings & Loan Ass n. Atlanta. Georgi Mr. John H. B nnett (John ) Director Avi ation Divi ion 100 St a te C itol Atl anta , Geor i 30334 Mr. w. King Grant Pr sid nt Reverend Ronal d G. H nie Pastor P rk Avenu t i t Church 486 P rk Av., s.E. Atlant • G or ia 30312 Mr. Heroh l R. Coil Hone.yw 11, Inc . 500 P ster Ave . , N. E. Geor ia 30324 Mr . Hel n w. Adm 2795 P chtre Road , N. E. Atlanta, G orP.i 30305 Hr. Grace A. Boynton 600 Will rd V . , S.W. tl nt , G&or ia Mrs. Judy N iman 3640 Cloudland, N. w. tl nta, Geor la 30327 Southern Di count Company 919 w t Pe c htree St., N.w. Atlant a . Geo i Mr. Ira H. Hardin ( Ir ) Presid nt Ira H. Hardin Comp ny 174 Mills St ., N. W. Atlanta, GeorBi 30313 rs . Ro s. Sap r Box 7715 Station C Atlanta, Geor ia rr d El li Student , Hor hou e College Atl nt , Geor ia 30314 Mr , Hr. Max M. Cuba ( x) 45 El hth Stre t, N,E . Atlanta, Georgia 30309 �- FAVORAB LE - ATL ANTA Mr . Stan l ey P. Meyerson ( St an ) Hatcher, Meyerson, Oxford and Irvin Third tloor t First Federa l Bld , • Atlanta, eorgi a 30303 Mr. G. Al bert Lawt on ( Al ) Pr esident Gensgia Internati ona l Life I ns . Co . P.O . Box 6036 30308 Atl ant a , Georgia Mr . Will iam Underwood Executive Vice President 137 5 Peachtree St., N. E•. Atlanta , Geor ia Mr . Victor K. Meador At t or ney at Law 1401 i lliam- Ol iver Bldg. Atlant a , ~eor ia 30303 WAGA- TV Editorial P. O. Box 42 07 Atlanta, Georgia Mr . Sims Br ay ( Sims ) P. O. Box 1111 30301 Atlant a , Georgia Mr . Trammel l Mc Intyre ( Tramme ll) Vi ce President & Treas urer Guaranty Ti tle Insurance Co . Bank of Georg a Buildin Atl nt a , Geor ia r . James S. Briggs 3459 Strat f ord Rd ., N. E. Atlanta, G or gia 1rs . T. Er win Schneider l Auste ll Wa , N. W. Atlant a, Geor gia ( Virginia ) Mr . Ja es D. Robinson, Jr . ( Jim ) First Nationa l Bank of Atlanta Atlant a , G orgia Mr . Max Al terman 30302 Mr . Edward A. Jones 1341 Thurgood St . , s. w. Atlanta, Geor i 30314 Mr . Paul w. San er, Jr . 50 Westminster Dr ., N. E. Atlanta, G orgi 30309 Mr . Mike Wil on ~eorP,i Tech Box 34707 At lanta , Georgia Mr. John L. Allen G ncral Agent Vice President Alterman Foods, Inc . 933 Lee Str et , s. w. Atl nta, Georgia 30310 Mr . Herbert R. Borp, s 2102 Lenox Road , N. C. Atl nta, Geor ~ia 30324 Mr . John B. Coppedp,e (John ) Pr ident Sophi H Candy Corpor tion P. O. Box 6202 Station H Atlanta , Georgi 30308 John Hancock Buildin Butl rat Houston Streets, N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 Mr . Mr . Roy E. Smith Pr ident Anne Wynn and Brue Mont om ry 3527 Woodhaven Road, N, W. Bankers Fid lity Life In . Co . 2045 Peachtr e Rd ., N. E. Atlant&• Georgi 30309 Atlanta, G orei w. K. Alexnder 2630 Winslow Dr . , H.E. Atlanta. GeorRia 30305 Mrs . Mrs . James T. Ander on, Jr,(J ani) nd Mrs . James D. Stev ns 313 Oakland St reet D oatur, G or ia 30030 30305 Mr . J ck Wal h WAil-TV 1611 W. P chtr St ., N,E. Atlanta, G orpia Mrs . Dor Coss (Dor) Dor Cl yton A ncy Carn i• Buildin Atlanta, Geor i l �FAVORAB LE - ATLA TA Honorable Charles L. Weltner Con ressman 327 Old Post Office 30303 Atlanta, Georgia Mr . Richadd L. Kattel (Dick ) Theodore c. Levitas, D.D . S. Suite 131 Th Baptis t Professional Building 340 Boulevard, N.E . Atlanta, Geor ia Vice President The Citizens & Southern Nationa l Bank Atlanta, Georgia Archbishop Hallinan 2699 Peachtree Road, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Mr , James H. Pair ( Jim) 518- 535 Forsyth Building 86 Forsyth St , , N, W, Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 r rs, James Crow Mrs, Caroline Bethea (Caroline) 200 The Prado. N, E, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 578 Ro emont Dr. 1 S.E . Atlant I Georgia ~r. Benjamin H. Oehlert, Jr . ( Ben ) P.O. Dra er 173~ Atlanta, Geor ia 30301 The Darling, Apt . 1105 Mr , LaFayett e Frederick 672 Beckwith st . , s.r. . Atlanta, eorgia 2025 Peachtr e Rd ., N. E. Atl nta, Georgia 30309 l1r . Irwin A. Webb Mrs . Kate F. Edwards Mr. Sam Adam Dorsey ( Sam ) 1801 Peachtree Rd . , N, E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mr. Roy D, W rren( Ro ) Roy D. tarron Co. , Inc . 30 Pryor St ., s. w. Atlanta, Georp.ia 30303 r, Joseph D, Fr nco 2823 id e Vally Rd , , N, W, Atl nta, Geor i Dr. Noah Langd l , Jr. ( Noah ) Pr idont Georgi St te Coll g 33 Gilmer St., S, E. tlant , Georgia 30303 Hon . Rich rd C, F an ( Rich rd) 1116 First N tion l Bank ldR• Atlanta orgia 30303 Mr. Cl ' fford O~ford ( Clifford ) Hatch r , Myerson, Oxford and Ir in Third rloor, Fir tr d ral Bldg , tlanta, G orRi 30303 Dr. and Mr . Irvin Blu nthal 7~7 Lon 1 af Dr., N.E. tlant I eor ia ( Irwin) 2317 Shasta Way, N, E. Atl anta, G or ia 30399 R~vercnd All n T, Newby Mini t r Cokesbury M~thodist Church 1146 Sheridan Road , N. E. Atlanta, Geor i 3032~ Mi Julia N. Clif ton 115 P chtree Mmoria l Dr., N. W. Atl nta, Georgi C- 2 38309 r . Wallac M. lston (Wallace ) President Agn ° Scott Coll e Decatur , Georgi 30030 Mr. E. G. Cummin Cummins M chinery Company 182-184 Courtland St., N. E. 30303 Atl ant, G r 1 Mr. ~. ayn rd Smith ( M yn rd) Fulton N tlonal Bank Buildin Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 Mr.Gorge t. Gill 924 Woodl and Av • • S. E. Atlanta , Geo ia 30316 Hr. R. E. Go 111<: P ley id nt G or ia Savin Bank & Tru t Conip ny Atlanta, eo i �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mr . Arthur B. L. Martin Smith , Ri ngel , Martin & Lowe Suite 509 Standar d Federal Bui l di ng Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Mr . Will L. Kinard 1105 Kingston Dr. , ~. E. Atlanta , Georgi a 30305 Mr , 1. J . Bookholt ( Bill ) Chairman Atl a nta Feder a l Executive Board Internal Revenue Servi ce l mlanta , Geor ia Mr. c . R. Bmunby , Jr . ( Charlie ) Pr esident Cryst al Laundry and Cleaners, Inc. 304 Angi er Ave . , N. E. At l ant a , Georria Mr. R. s. Howard , Jr , Executive Secr et a r y Stat e Water Qua l ity Cont r ol Boar d 47 Tr i nity Ave,, s . 1. Atlanta , GeDr i a 30334 r. Ha l L . Smith (Hal) Atlant a , Geor ia Mr. Rober t G. Watt Cour t s & Company P. o. Box 1295 At lanta , Geor gia ( Bob ) Mr . Rober t R. Snodgr ass Pr esident Atlas Finance Co. , Inc . Mr. Grady St amps Cafet eria Facil i t y State Office Bui l di n Author ity 648 St a t e Office Buildin~ Atlant a • Geor gia 30303 Mr. Fr nk idley ( Frank ) Vice President Mar h & McLenn n 1201 Peachtr e Center Tower tl nta, eor ia 30302 Reverend Carroll Tinsl y Mini t r t <kli143.215.248.55ity Park StrectMethodist 6hurch 1684 Becher St. , s. w. Atlant • Geor ia Hr. C. H. Stubb Ac -Sin C pany 1091 Euclid Ave., N.E. Atlanta, orgia 30307 Mr. Anni P, Wright 347 Mary St., s, w. tl nta, Geor i Rev r nd B vel Jones P tor ( Bob ) 262- 264 Sprin St . , N. W. 30303 Atlant a , Geor ia J4 t,U / (µ/ Mr. G. Conner Henry Di rector Law & Company P. o. (Conner ) Box 1558 Atlanta • Geor i Mrs. Fred w. Robinson 323- F Lakemoor Dr., N, E. Atlant, GeorRia 30305 Mr. Wil liam c. Bartholomay ( Bil l ) Atlanta Br ves Atlant a Stadium Atlanta, eorgia rs . Leil a M. T rry Church Cl rk fri nd hip B pti t Church Mitch 11 at H yne St ., s.w. Atl nt • G orgia 30303 Reverend S u l w. Pa tor, Friend hip Hitch ll at Hayn Atlanta, Georgia Willi B pti t Church Street, s.w. 30303 St. Mark M thodi t Church P achtre at Fifth St., N.E. Atlant, Geo~ i 30308 Mrs. R ond L. Kuni nsky 1213 Poplar Grove Dr., N.E. Atl nt , G orgi 30306 Mr. Charles G. Beth a (Charli) Ex cutive Con ult nt to St t Mutu 1 Life As urance Co.of kn rica 917 Fulton r der 1 Building Atl nta, Georgi 30303 Mr.Sm Tupper 80 26th St., N. W. Atlanta. eor 14 30309 �- FAVO ABLE - ATLANTi r . Eugene cal dwell ( Gene ) Monta & Ca l dwell 1100-13 Firs t Nationa l Bank Buildln ~ At lant a , Geor gia 30303 Mr. E. A. Trabant Vice President f or Academi c Af fairs eor gia I nst i tute of Technology Atlant a , Geor ia 30332 Rever en~ L. F. VanLandingham Inman Park Met hodist Chur ch 1015 Ede ood Ave . , N. E. 30307 At lanta, Georgia Mrs . 1argare t P. Linds ey 247 Br i ght on Road, N. E. Atlanta, Geer ia Mr . Charles H. Smith (Char lie ) Vice President Real Estate Loan Company 710 Atl ant Federal Saving Bldg . Atlanta , Georgi 30303 Mr . Edward D. Smith ( Ed ) Pres i dent The First Nati ona l Bank of At l anta Atlanta ; Geer i a 30302 Hr. Cl yton Ya t es 228 Auburn Ave . , N. E. Atlant a , orgia Mr s . J , M. Parham 503 Waba h Ave ., N. E. Atl nt , Geor gia Mr . Gr ce T. H mil ton 1201-B Cit y Hall Atl nta , Geor ia 30303 Mr. C. E. Prot hro , Jr, 797 Harw 11 Rd . , N, E. Atlant , G orgia Lt , Col , H. w. ush 2484 Black Foret Trail 1 S, W, Atl nta, G orgi R v, S, A. Baker 2980 Del Mar Lan , Atlanta, Georgia N.w. Hr, and Mr . Thad Morri on~ Jr, 562 West w sley Rd,, N.w. Atlant • Georgia 30305 Re p, G. D. Adams , Jr . 532 St, Johns Ave ., s. Atlant a. Geor gia ·• Mr . Wallace H. St ewa rt ( Wa lly ) 1439 Peac htree St . , N, E. Atl ant a , Geor ia Mr . E, J. Kel ley Ma cDouga l d- Warren, I nc, P, O. Box 19695 St a tion N Atlant a, Geor ia 30325 Mr . Jos e ph A. Logan 1819 Peachtree Rd . , N. E, Atl anta , Georgia Mr . L. T, We lls Bus iness Oppor t uni t i es , Inc . 976 Pi edmont Ave . , N. E. At l anta, eorgia 30309 Mr s . Jos ephi ne Wilkins Atlant a Bi l t more Atlanta , Geor ia 1r . R, A. Sieg l ( Pop ) 2783 Syngate d . , N, W. Atlant a Geo i 30305 Mr . N, Bar nard Murph , Jr . Goodbody & Co . Suite 1414 Fulton Nat i onal Bank Bl dg . Atl anta , G or gia 30303 Mrs . Waldo Oet tinge r ( Carolun ) 550 Kin swood Lane , N, W, Atlanta , GeorRia Mr . W lt r Hunken 3175 V rdun Dr.i N. W, Atlante, Geor i Mr. Augu tus H. St rne Pre id nt Trust Company of Georgia 30302 Atlanta, Georgi Hrs , c. Mild d Thompson 3750 P achtr e Rd., N.c. Atl nta, Geor~i 30319 Mr. Geor es . Cr t ( ore) P. o. Box 4418 Atlanta, G or ,ia 30302 " �HENRY W . GRADY 78 WEST WESLEY ROAD, N. W . ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA Sep,t . 7, 1966. De a r Ivan: Thank you for being a hell of a g ood Mayor. Th a nk y ou fo r h aving a hell of a lots of guts. Th a nk you for having r a ised the im ag e of the City of Atlanta to just about the hi ghest place in the country. This on behalf of the Grady family, past, p resent, a n d future. I am sure you ar e g oing to g et a tremendous lot 0>f letters al ry,n g this same line but wanted to be quick to g et my vote in ri ght no'w. Sincerely, ��Let rs Turn to God , America Arranged by Hampton z. Barker, Sr. Words and Nusic by I·1rs. Marie Pullens I I .. A- God I mer- let's kneel -• and \ - - 'We need a new ~ t ' s re~ A- --- \ ~ \ ~ 0 I ...,_ -e-- love, . with " hop_e and + I. o. ~-ffir.'11 NUMBER _ _.,.,iw 1 12 Stave Medi um . l,,1'.•4 •• U .5 A �I -- cha-ri- - ...,_ ty -a f i rm f oun-- da- tion"ts . 4 Lett.S, -Er · ry • -t • ---+- -;-- \n I ..---. • •• \ \ t J wi th har- mo· .,..,., start WJil \ a l I • -e- I --e- \' ' ~ 11 111 f ~,:r '\ fl I/Fl/ II i:\ i L I l \ ' \ :'.:\-, ., '\ I - I \ ,,.- 't I, j ob for ' - L/ ll ll ,. , ~ - / \.A. - -, 11 ,, ' ' " . . ,_r,; - ~ -eI -- , i


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l \ I s~ •' --., .... \ I We'll do,. each~ -~11.I ' ,-_) - \ VI \\·~~ 1 - l - II T' r7' M I ~~ . ,, \ ,r -.: ,,.-,. I --· Ye s,, ' ..'°"" I e - I\ \ f I\ I .:t- r;"' • I ~ l I I ii I ' �the fte,g;~ red white and. b/ 7 -- ·we 1·1 1 reach

• to · hold - ., our ., --.- ....... • -f- \ I ......i bro- · ther IS heiid; . We IJJ..I spread Qod_l:f;l; tru~ to ev 1· ry land. We 111. • new A - She shall He'll u \ I NUMBER I 11.l.1~.i.-i 12 Stave Medi um t u, ... ... u .s" �/ I I ( ! I ,......,

._ / 'f... V mer-- I) -.- I / I l \ I I • ~~ · -i ~ -,- r - L q • , 7f" i- . /f l •"' -,, "

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•• n \ - I ~.l. id""":"' -I .- '\ • .. '. 1 "" ,:--- 1-~ ., r '-1" -= V\ . I -- --- . r" --:- r-l II A. L I/ - , • I ' \ ... ., , I . I I . I ~ I l r- -- - - '\ I.. - /"':I - .I -- ' ,_.,. \ \ n ,. I I d , 0 ~. ...... ...,.. _, c..n I ' . dayl. I - ., ~· • I t o- "'-'- , ' \. .JJ' I ~ -11 I • t \ I ,_ . 11 ._.... .., ". build her, . Ohl ·-· ,. I - - B@;t;' s r e/ I\ - \ I 'Ii. I ~ . d\ . I I \ ' '· \ I ~ & ,1 14. \ J ·- \ ~- , . . . I �1 -])rl,/ s. ~u J ��,r 6/£/zv~ ~ ��• {_£/ I �F - �R..IC:E-3:'S HAROLD BROCKEY P R E S IDENT ATLAN T A, GEORGIA 30302 AND GE NER A L MA N A G ER Septe mber 12, 1966 D ear I va n: I would like to take just a moment of your time to express my thanks to you for the manner in which you handl ed the r e cent outbr eaks in the Negro communities. I am sure that you have receive d thousands of letters complimenting you on the job you hav e done, and this is just another one to tell you how 1nuch we a ppr eci at e y our l e ad e rship and guidance o f affairs in th e City of Atlanta. K indes t p e rsonal regards. Cordia lly, ~ ¥F'-Y01? l F'-, J\.H fc! c ity { AU· r l Atlanta, Georgia �~' r- - . ��F- �FAVORABLE- ATLANTA tr . Phil ip H. Al s ton ( Phili p ) Al s ton, Miller & Gaines 12th Floor , C & S Nat 'ona l Bank Bl dg . Atl anta, eorgia 303 03 Mr . J us tus C. a rtin, Jr . Rhodes- Haverty Buil din Atlant a I Geor ia ( J us t us ) Mrs . Robert Leak MacDougall 4141 Cl ub Dr ,, N. E. At l anta, Geor gi a J ames W. Hurs t ( J im ) Execut i ve Vi ce Pres i dent Atlant a Convent i on Bureau 230 Peachtree St , , N. E. At lant a• eor gi a 30303 ~f.( / )(~}{)l~/ / ~/ / Mr . 1ills B. L ne, Jr . ( Mills ) Pres ident The Cit i zens & Southern Na t ional Bank Atlanta, Georgi a Mr s . Saul M. Blument hal 1405 es t Wos l ey Rd • • N, W, Atlant • Geer ia 30327 Mrs • Mr . Robert H. Whi t e ( Bob ) 710 Fai r f i el d Road , N. w. At l ant a, Ge or gi a 30327 Mr , • A. Stone 2255 Capehar t Cir . , N. E. At lanta , eorgia 3032 9 Mr . John D. Thornton ( John ) President Perina- Ad- Ideas of Ameri ca, Inc , 500 Pl asamour Dr . , N. E. At l ant, Georgia 30324 Mr . Wi lliam D. Ellis ( Bill) Sout he rn Mills 1 I nc , 585 We lls St . , s. Atlant a. C or gia 30312 Bishop Ernes t L, Hic kman 94 Grif fin St . , N. W, Atlanta, Georgia 30314 Reverend Noel C. Burtens haw Chancellor Archdioces e of Atlant a 2699 P achtr e Rd ., N. E. Atlant , G orgia 30305 Mr. and Mrs . Fr ank Tradew 11 Davi s 2820 Haber ham Ro d , N. w. Atlanta , Geor ia Mrs . Thur ton R. Hatch r , Sr , 5 Collier Rd . , N, W, At lant a ; Georgia 30309 Mr , P ul u. Fuquay 764 Mur phy Av . , s. Atlant a , G or ia Dorou h Re l t y Company 3166 Maple Dr, , N, E. w. Atlanta . G ori Mr . Jo eph E r l e Birn i Mr. and Mr Mr . w, H. Coop r ( Red ) BESCO 70 Central V ' s. w. Atlanta . G 0 ia aifor d {Mor n nd Berni e) 135 Litt l John Tr 11 . N. E. Atl nta. G orgi 30309 ion of t h Ormewood P rk Pre byte rian Church 1071 Delawar v · • s. E. Atl nt • GeorRia 30316 96 Poplar Str et Atlant I Geor la (Joe ) G 0 or ia s . Ev n ( Larry ) nt Dr pr- Own Com ny Gr nt Building Atlant a I Geor i v. Cauble ( T Vice Pr 30303 207 . The Mr, J Vi naux Robert and C pany Aa oeiate r R d) 30305 Mr , DeJ ongh f ranklin Smith , Ring 1 , rt in & Low 509 St ndard F der al Build ing Atl nt a , G orgi 30303 Pre ld nt Th N tiona l B nk Atlanta , G or i ( Suit id nt s - C t a Canpany P.O. ox 861 Atlanta, Go 30301 ) �FAVORABLE - ATLA TA Mrs . Jose ph H. Dimon, III 61 Pal isades Road, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mr . Hugh Davis Carter, J r . ( Hugh) 11 Marietta st., N. w. Atlanta, Georgia Mr . Comer L. Hawkins Courts & Comppny 11 Marietta Street P. O. Box 1295 Atlanta, Georgia Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild, D. D. ( Jack) 1589 Peachtree Rd,, N. w. Atlanta, Geer .ia 30309 ~r . Frazier Eugene Tharpe 1122 Crescent Ave . , N.E. Apartment 14 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mr . w. H. Bryan, Mana er Executive Service Corporation AtlaTita Feder 1 Savings Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Harold P. McDonald • M.D.( Harold) 272 Ivy Street, N, E. Atlanta, Georgia . iss Emi ly A. Hi htower 2073 Golf View Dr.') l . W. Atlanta, Georgia Mrs . Daniel J . O'Connor, Jr, 2045 Fairhaven Cir. } . E. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Mr. eorge w. Kennedy ( eorge ) Trust Canpany of Georgia Atlanta, Geor ia 30302 Mr. Robert C, Alston 97 Tenth St., N. w. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Hr. A. Paul Cadenhead ( Paul ) Nall, Mi ller, Cadenhead & Dennis 29i4 Na tional Bank of Geor ia Buildi ng Atlant • Georgia 30303 E. Van Buren, M. D, The Roberts Memorial Clinic 7 68 Juniper St ., N, E. Atl nta, eor ia 30308 Mr. L. L. F rry (Lou) Chai an Sloan Paper Company P. o. Box 5079 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Dr, Vivian w. Henderr on Presid nt Clark Coll e Atlanta, Geor~ia 30314 w. Scror,gins Paul, Eub nks & Scro~gins f'ulton Fed aal Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr . Frank Mr . Henry L. Bowden ( Henry) City Attorney William otiver Buildinv, Atl nta, Georgi Mr , / A. P . Almand ( A.P.) Rob rt & Company As oci ts 96 Poplar St ., N. w. Atlant , Georgi Mr. John C. Staton (John) 1210 W t W ley Road, N. w. Atlant , Geor i Mr. Johnny Irvin 18 Fourth St., N. Atlant , Geor ia (Johnny) w. Mr , Jo w. Guthrid~e (Joe ) G orP,ia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Geor ia 30332 tr. Wise Chief Electric 1 Inspector City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr . Ern Mr . alter E. Fi hr, II 743 Piedmont Rd., N. E. Atlant , Geo ia 30308 30308 Mrs. Huh°"' n 1805 Whit Oak Hollow Atl nt • Georgia 30324 Mrs. Ada Meier 1206 Pe ehtree St., N. E. Atlant • Geor ia �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Miss Jean Hendrix SB-TV 1601 West Peachtree St., N.E. Atlanta, Georgia Mrs . Robert E. Kiss ling 2336 Melinda Dr., N. E. At l ant~, Georgi a 30329 A. H. Letton, 1. D. Suit e l Baptist Professiona l Bl d . 340 Bouleva rd, N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia Mr . Charles P. Phill ips 270 Peachtree St., N. E. Atlanta, eorgia 30303 Dr. Edwin W. Harri s on ( Ed ) President Georgia In s titute o Technolog Atlanta, Geor la Mr . Fred Kaiser Vice President Southern Area Honeywell, Inc. 500 Plasters Ave . , N. E. Atlanta, Georsia 30324 r. Francis M. Daves 57 Eighth St., N. E. Atlanta , Georgia (Franc is ) Mr. E. T. Kehr r Suite 1422 40 Marietta St ., Atlant , Geer i a ~tlrl,tl.wit/JI/ Edward Foster, Professor of Eng lish Gcor i Institute of T chnolo Atlant, Georgi 30332 • w. 30303 Mr. Annand May ( Annand) P. o. Box 4056 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 rs . frank Carter ( Jan ) 3800 Northsid Dr., N. W. Atl nta, G orgia 30305 Mr . Edward M. Cha an , Jr. 406 Pin land Rd ., N. w. Atlanta, G orgi 30305 r. w. o. Duva ll (w.o.) Chairman of Th Bo rd Atlant Federal Savin s & Loa n Assn. Atlanta, eorgia (Jane ) Hr. Ch rle M. Lokey (Char li ) and Bo•den C & S National B nk Building tl nta 1 Coria 30303 Mr. Howard B. Johnson ( How Ch irman of the Bo rd Atlantic Ste l Company tlanta , Geor la rd) Hr . Ernest P. Pierce 2446 Wi l on Dr . 9 s .w. Atlanta , G or i Lokey Mr. H nn n D. Hancock , Jr. ( Herm n) Tbomp on Hancock 3166 Maple Dr . N. :C . 30305 ttl nt , G or i Mrs . M rth Winston 668 D lbrid e St . , N. W. , G orgi r . D. A. Mcl< ev r J.E. H n er. Ine . 947 Juniper St ., N. E. Atl nt •Go i 30309 Mr . Cecil P. Floyd, Jr. lvan Cir., Apt . 3 Atlant • Georgia 1948 s. w. Mr. P. L. Bealy S 1th ( e ly) Suite 522 Fulton red ral Buildin Atlant I G orgia Mr. Henry w. Gr dy (H nry) 78 wet weal y Rd., N.w. At nta. o la 30305 Hr. Charl Pre id nt D. Collin ( Ch rli) Rhod s, Inc. 10 North Rhed s Center Atlant, Gori 30309 Mr. Ha 1lton Lokey (Ha ) C S National B nk Buildin Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 �FAVO ABLE - ATLANTA Mr. w. Colquit t Ca rter ( Sk i p ) Br yan, Ca rte r, Ans l ey 8 Smith Sui t e 924 C & S Bank Bui l ding ntlant a ., Georgia Mr . Cone M. Maddox, Jr . ( Cone ) Pr es ident Sha r p- Boy l s ton Co . 10 Auburn Ave ., N. E. At l ant a , Georgia 30303 c. Jones , J r . ( Sue ) 3010 Ar gonne Dr . , N. w. Atlanta, Geor gia Mr . obert B. Troutman King & Spa lding 434 Tr us t Co. of eor ia Buildin Atl nt a , Geor gi a 30303 Mrs. Hayden Mr, I, T. Cohen ( I,T .) 1320 First Nationa l Bank Buildi ng Atlanta 3 1 Geo ia Mr. Richa r d C. Lillie La Researc h Servi ce 41 Marietta St., N w. Atlan t a , Geor _i a 30303 Jr. Roland R. Ande r s on 3863 Lake Forrest Dri ve Atla nta , Georgia Mr . Cha r l es R. Yate Mrs . ene • Cl ement 2014 Ta ll Tree Dr . , N, E. At l anta , Geor ia 30324 Mr . J ac k De lius Mr . J ames C. H. And rson (Jim) 1593 M son Mill Rd • • N, E, Atl anta , Georgi a 30306 Mr , W lte r G, ?eyer 5525 Long I l and Dr . , N, Atlant a , Geor i a 30327 Mr s . Arlene DeBevoise 2222 Peachtree Rd ,, N, w. Apt. A-4 Atlanta . G orijia 30309 r s , Nei l Goldswort hy 3117 Towerview Dr., N. E. Atlanta , G or i 30324 Mr , L onard Bar kan Ex cut i v Vice Pre ident Fulton Indust r i s, Ino. P, O, Box 172 6 tlanta 1 Georgi 30301 Hr. John o. McC rty ( Ottle ) Pre !dent Th Audichron Co pany 721 Miami Cir . , N, E. tlanta, G orgia 30324 Mr. A. H. Yancy 676 Beckwith St,, S, W, tl,inta, Geor la Mr. Robert Th rpe Ch iman of the Board Tharpe & rooks. 728 W t Peachtree St., N.W. ( Charl ie ) 270 Peachtree Building 30303 Atlant , Geor i a Gener a l Manager Atlan t a Parks Departm nt City Hall Anne x A~lant a , Georgia · tr . Phi l Gage , Jr . ( Phi l ) Home Li f 33 Ponce de Le on Ave . , N. E. Atl nt a , eor ia Dean Eliz b th St evenson Emory Univer ity 30322 Atlan ta, G orgi Mr . Cla ude Gri zzar d , Jr , (Cla ud) Gr i zza r d nd Haa Suit 306 Carnegi e Buildinp. Atl nta , Geor ia 30303 Mr . Geral d Talmad Horton Sui t 2342 B nk of G Of'Ri Atlanta, Geor~ia 30303 Mr . Hel n c. Prei l r 2514 Thompon Rd., N, E. Atlant , Georgia Mr . J . w. 30319 Jons P. O, Draw r 1334 Atlanta , G orgia 30301 Miss Grace Hoff nn 1333 Lanier Boul v rd, N,E. Atlanta, Geor i 30306 (J rry ) Buil ding �.I FAVO ABLE - ATLANTA Mr. Will iam J . ol den ( Jim ) At l anta Gas Light Comp ny P. O. Box 4569 At l nta, Geor gia 30302 Hr . Meyer L. Bal er 1501 Ful ton National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 0 Mr . James P. :Brown ( Jim) Vice President Atlanta Federal Savin~s and Loan Assn. Atlanta, eo ia Mr. Albert N. Parker ( Bud ) Beck & Greg Hardware Canpany P. o. Box 984 Atlant • Geor~ia 30301 Mrs . Lula ae Daniel 89 Fort Street, . E. Atlanta, Geo ia Mro . Hannah Shulhafer 2936 D llwood Drive, N. W. Atlant , Geor ia 30305 Hr. D. B. Hod son(Dan) 2877 How 11 ill Road, Atl nt • eor ia N.w. Dr. Rufu E. Clem nt Pre ident Atlant Atlant University r- or ,ia 30314 �FAVORABLE - ATL NTA The Executive Committee Grand Jurors Assoc iation of Fulton Count , I nc. P. O. Box 7532 St ation C Atlanta. eor i a 30309 Mr . and Mrs . Leonard Haas ( Leonard & Be ) Grizzard & Haas Suite 306 133 Carnegie ayt N. ~. Atlanta, Geor _ia 30303 ~r . Jack J . Rushin ( Jack ) 377 Techwood Dr., N. W. Atlanta, Geer ia 30313 Miss Fay E. Mewborn ( Fay ) The First National Bank of Atlanta P. o. Box 4148 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Reverend Will iam L. Self ieuca Rod Baptist Church 3626 Peachtree Road, N. E. Atlanta , Geog i 30326 • Robert M. Hol der , Jr . ( Bob ) Pre idnnt Holder Construction Canpany 1926 Fulton National Bank Bldg . Atlanta. Georr,ia 30303 Mr , rthur M. Kaplan Suite 67 6 1375 Pe chtree St, 1 N, E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Rev rend D. C. Coleman Campbell Cha l A. M, t. Church 1800 East 22nd Avenue Denver 5, Colorado Mr. L, D. Kith, Sr . 2746 Dal Creek Drive, N. w. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Mr. M rie Pullin 1586 Adler Ct . 1 S. E, tlanta. G or~ia 30317 Mr. Arthur L. Harri (Arthur) Vic Pr ident and Director M d Packa in Atl nta. Geor . i Mr. Louis Mont R (Louis) First N tional B nk Building Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 Dr . and Hrs . Sidney o. Janus ( Sidney & Leah ) First Nationa l-Nor th Ave. Bui lding Atlanta, Georgia 30308 The embership lest End J aycees P. o. Box 10903 Atl anta, Geor ia 30310 rs , Roy Judson Duer P. o. Box 1860 4Lenox Square St ation Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Mr . Edgar P. cott P. o. Box 4-541 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 Mrs . Bobbie M. Sl edge 1492 South Gordon Street, Atlanta, Geor gia s.w. �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mrs. Frances . Harrett ( Frances ) 355 Hi llside Dr ., N. W. Atlanta. Geor ,ia 30305 Mr, John J . Partridge E. R, Partrid?.et Inc, Pryor and Mitchell Street s At l anta, Georgia 30303 s. Carr ( Julian) 1600 First Federal Building Atlanta , Geor ia 30303 Mr. Julian ~r. Pollard Turman ( Pollard ) President J. M. Tull Metals Co ,, Inc, P. o. Box l+62 8 Atlanta, eor gia 30302 Mr . E. D. Lord Life Insurance Company of Geor ia Atlanta, Georgia Mr . Alan r. Kiepper ( lan) County anar,er Fulton County eor ~ia County Administrat ion Building Atlant 1 Geor ia 30303 Dean George E. Manner ( Geo e ) GeorP,i State College Sc hool of Busines · Administration 23 Gilm r St . , S. E. Atl nta, r;eorgia 30303 Th Kiwanis Club of Atlanta , Ca cad 2312 S w 11 Road , s. w. Atlanta , G orgia 30311 WAOK Council of Wom n Mrs . Louie Watley, Pr ident 110 Ed wood Av ., N.E . Atlant , G orgi 30303 Heights �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA rs . Jos eph i ne Vance 20 26th Street, N. W. Apt . D- 2 Atl nta , GeorP.ia 30309 Mr . a nd Mrs • • H. Lewis 3779 N. St r a t f ord Ro d, N. E. Atlant a , Geor gia Mr . J . Kurt Holla nd Haas, Holla nd , Freeman, Le vison & Gi bert fi rst Nat i ona l Bank Bulldin Atla nta, Georfli a 30303 Mrs. tlant a , Geor r, ·a 30329 Mr . I . L. Kunian ( Sonn ) Ka Deve l o ers P. O. Box 13041 St ati on K Atlanta, -eor i a 30324 Mr . 1illiam M. Robinson Vice President Coloni a l Stores, I nc . P. O. Box 435 8 30302 t lant a , eor s:;ia eor gc Beattie 8 57 Wood l e Dr . , N. W. Atla nta , Geor i a 30318 M:r. Ha rold Br ock ( Ha r o l d ) Pr esi dent nd Gener al Man e r Rich ' s At l nta , Mr , r . Henry C. Mal den 3288 Br iarcliff Rd . ~ N. E. c. c. eorgia Covey ( Chet ) J . H. Hil sman & Co. , Inc. 1410 C 6 S Building Atlant a , Georgi a 30803 Mrs . Laura Northington 377 r lton Dr . , N. E. Atlanta , Georgia Betty H v rty Smith Reverend Ron ld G. H nie Pa tor P rk Avenu pti"t Church 486 P rk Ave • • S.E. Atl nta, ~ or ia 30312 r . Herch 1 R. Coil Hone well, Inc. 500 Plat r ve . , ,E. 30324 Atl nt • Geor i • Helen w. Mr. Gr c A. Boynton 600 Willard v •• s.w. Atlanta, G orgia HI'S . Jud Mr . Bill C. Wainwri ht ( Bill) President Atl anta Federal Savin ,s & Loan A n . tlanta . Ceor i Mr. John H. B nnett ( John ) Director Av i tion Divi~ion 100 State Capitol Atlanta, Georp,i 30334 Mr . w. King Grant Pr id nt Southern Disco~nt Co pany 919 West Peachtree St . , N.w . Atl nta, Geo ia Mr. Ira H. Hardin ( Ira) President Ira H. Hardin C r ny 174 Mills St •• N.w. Atl nt , GeorRia 30313 rs . Roe S. Saper Box 7715 Station C Atlanta, Geor ia Ad 2795 Peaehtre Road , N. E. Atlanta, or i 30305 iman nd, N. w. Atlanta, Gori 30327 3640 Cloud r . N. E. Cornish, 1anaP.er Dixie Division Encyclopaedia Br i t annic 1371 Peachtree St reet , N. E. Suite 400 At l ant t Georgia 30309 Mr . Fred Ellis Student, or hou Atlanta. Geor ia Coll g 30314 Mr. Max M. Cuba ( M x) 45 Eighth Str et, N.E . Atl nta. G or ia 30309 �FAVOR BLE - ATLANTA r . St anl ey P. Meyerson ( Stan) H tcher, Meyerson , Oxford and Irvin Third Floor, first Federal BldR, At lanta, eorgia 30303 Mr. G. Albert Lawton ( Al ) Pr esident Gene ia International Life Ins . Co. P.O . Box 6036 Atlanta, eorgia 30308 Mr . William Underwood Executiv Vice President 1375 Peachtr e St. , N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia tr. Victor K. eador Attorney at Law 1401 illiam- Oliver Dl d • Atl nta, eorgia 30303 WAGA-TV Editorial P. O. Box 4207 Atlanta, eorgia 30302 Mr . Edward A. Jones 1341 Thur ood St . , S ,. W. Atlant, Gori 30314 Mr , Paul w. Sanger, Jr. 50 Westmin ter Dr., N. E. Atlant , Geor~i 30309 Mr . ike Wil on r, or ia T ch Box 34707 Atlanta, Geor~ia Mr. Sims Bray ( Sis ) P .o. Box 1111 Atl anta, Geor~ia 30301 Mr. Trammell McIntyre ( Tram ell ) Vice resident g Treasurer Guarant y Title Ins urance Co. Bank of Geor ia Building Atlanta, ~eor ,ia Mr . James s. Briaes 3459 Stratford Rd ., N. E. tlanta, Geor ia Mrs . T. Erwin Schneider l Austell Way, N. W. At l anta, eorgia ( Virginia) Mr. James D. Robinson, Jr. (Jim ) fir t National Bank of Atlanta tlanta, Geor ia r. Max Alterman Vice President lterman Foods, Inc , 933 Lee Stre t, Atl anta, Geor ia s. w. 30310 tr . H rb rt R. Bol'(.(es 2102 Lenox Road, N. E. Atlanta, eorgi 30324 Mr . John B. Coppedge (John) Pr sident Sophi Mae C ndy Corporation P.O . Box 6202 St tion H 30308 Atlanta, G or ia Mr. John L. Allen G ner l A nt John Hancock Building Butl rat Houston Streets, . • E. Atlant, G orgia 30303 Smith In. Co. Ir. nd Mrs. Ja D. St vens 313 Clakl nd Street catur, or .i 30030 Ann Wynn and Bruce Mont om ry 3527 Woodh v n Road , N.W. Atl nta, G or ia 30305 Hr, J ck Wal h Hr . w. K, Al x nder 2630 Win low Dr,, N, E. Atlanta, G r ia 30305 W II-TV 1611 w. P chtree St •• N. E. Atlant • Geor ia ( Dora) Mrs. Ja T. And r on, Jr,(J anie) �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Honorable Charles L. Weltner Con~ressman 327 Old Post Offic e 30303 Atlanta, Georgia Mr, Richadd L, Kattel ( Dick ) Vice President The Citizens & Southern National Bank Atlanta, Geor ia Mr , James H, Pair (J im ) 518- 535 Forsyth Buildin 86 Forsyth St . , N. W, Atlanta, eorgia 30303 Mrs . C roline Bethea (Caroline ) 200 The Prado, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mrs . Kate F, Edwards Th Darling , t . 1105 2025 Peachtree Rd •• N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Mr , Sam Adams Dorsey ( Sam) Theodore c. Le vitas, D.D.s. Suit e 131 The Baptist Professional Building 340 Boul evard• N. E. Atlanta,. Geor ia Archbisho Hallinan 2699 Peachtree Road, N, E. At l anta, Geore ia 30305 Mrs . James Crow 578 Ros emont Dr •• S. E. At lanta, Geor gia ~r. Benjamin H. Oehlert, Jr . ( Ben ) P. O. Dra er 1734 Atlanta, Georgia 30301 t r. La Fayette Frederick 672 Beckwith St • • s. , Atlanta , Georgia Mr , Irwin A. vebb (Irwin) 2317 Shasta Way, N. E. Atl nta Geor ia 30399 1801 Peachtree Rd ., N. E . Atlanta, Georgi a 30309 e v e l"Cnd All n T. Uewb Mini t e r Cokesbury Mcthodi t Church 1146 Sheridan Rod , N. E. Atlant a . ~ or i a 30324 {r . Roy D, Warren( Ro ) Roy D. Warre n Co •• Inc, 30 Pr yor St,, s. w. Atlanta , -eol"P,ia 30303 Mis Julia N. Clif ton Mr , Joseph D. Fr a nco 2823 Ride V l l ey Rd ., Atl nt a , Geor ia N.w. Dr , Uo h LanRdal e , Jr , ( Noh ) Pr i dent Georgia St te Coll e ,e 33 Gilmer St., S, E. At lant • G orgia 30303 Hon . Richard c. rr e n ( Richard ) 1116 First National B nk Bl dg , Atl nt GeOl' 1 30303 Hr , Clifford Oxford ( Clifford ) H tcher , Myerson, Oxford nd Irvin Third Floor , Fir t F dcral BldP. , tl nta , Georgi 30303 Dr, and Mr . Irvin Blu nthal 747 Lon 1 af Dr. • N. E. Atlant , G or ia 115 Peacht ree H orial Dr., N. w. Atlant a , Geor ia 38309 C-2 r . Wallace M, Al s t on ( Wal lace ) Presi dent Agne Scott Colle Dec tur , G or i 30030 4r. E. G. Cum in Cum ina Machiner Compimy 18 2-18~ Courtland St., N. E. 30303 t l anta, G r ,ia Hr . r, . Hayn rd Smith ( aynard ) Ful ton Nation l Bank Buildin Atlanta, Georgia 30303 M~ . George E. Gill 924 Woodl and Av ., s.t . Atlanta, G Or(J(ia 30316 Mr, R. E. Go ley Vic President orP,i Sa ins nk Atlant s Georgia Tru t Company �FAVORABLE Mr . Arthur B. L. Martin Smi t h, Rin el , Marti n & Lowe Suite 509 St andar d Federal Bui l di ng At l anta , Geor i 30303 r . Will L. Kina rd 1105 Kingston Dr . , N. E. 30305 Atlanta , Geer . ia Mr. w. J . Bookholt ( Bill ) Chai rman Atlanta Feder 1 executi ve Board Internal Revenue Service At l anta , Geor i a TLAN TA Mr. c. R. Bnwnb , Jr. (Charli e ) Pr esi dent Cryst a l Laundry and Cleaners ,. I nc. 304 An ier Ave . , N. E. Atlant a , Ge orp,ia r . R. S. Howard, J r . Executi ve Secret ary St at e Wa t e r Qua lit y Cont r ol Boar d 47 Trin ity Ave . , s. Atlant a, ~eorRia 3033~ ( Hal ) At l ant a, Geor ia r , Robert • att ( Bob ) Courts & COlllpan y P. o. Box 1295 At lant a, Geor ia Mr . r dy Stamps Cafet e r ia raci l it St ate Office Building Authorit y 648 St ate Office Building At l nta ., Geor i a 30303 Mr. Frank ,idl ey ( Frank ) Vic Pre idcnt Marsh & McLennan 1201 P achtree Cent e r Tower Atlant a , G or ia 30302 Rev rend Carroll Tins l ey Jini t r e ~dMlt t Park St reetMcthodi t 6hurch 1684 B echer St ., s. w. Atlant a , G orgi 1r .. Robert R. Snodgra s Pr sident t l as Finance Co. , Inc. 262- 264 Spr ing St., N. w. Atlanta , Geor i 30303 t,4tU / <t,/ Mr . G. Conner Henry Director Law 6 Company P. o. ( a·ob ) ( Conn r ) Box 1558 Atlant a, Geor i Mr s . Fred w. Robinson 323- F Lak ooro Dr., N.c. Atlant . eorgia 30305 r . Wi l liem c. Atl nta Brav Atlant a St adium r,eorP,i tlant Hr. C. H. Stubb rthol om y ( Bil l) T rry ce SiRT1 · COl'llpany 1091 Euclid Av • t N. E. Atl nta , or ia 30307 Chur ch st ., s. w. 30303 Mr . Anni P. Wri ght 347 ry St., S. W. At lant a . Geo ia Rev r nd B vel Jone Pa tor t . M rk Met hod! t Church Peachtree at Fifth St ., N. E. Atlant , Geor la 30308 Mr . Charl e G. B th a ( Charli ) Executlv Con ultant to Stat Mutual Lif A urance Cooof America 917 Fulton Federal Buildin~ Atlant , eor i 30303 Rev rend S u l W. Willi s P stor , Fri nd hip ptist Chur ch Hitch 11 at Hayn Street . s.w. At lant , Go ia 30303 Mr , Raymond L. Kunin ky 1213 Popl a r Grove Dr • • N, E. Atlant , Georgi 30306 Mr . S Tupper 80 26th St., N. W, Atl nt • Geor 1 3030 �FAVORABLE - ATLANT-1. Mr. Eu ene Caldwell ( Gene ) Monta & Caldwell 1100-13 First Hational Bank Buildin, Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 Mr. E. A. Trabant Vice President for Academic Affairs Georgia Ins titute of Technology Atlanta, Geor P,ia 30332 r. VanLandingham Inman Park Methodist Church 1015 Edgewood Ave., N,E. Atlanta, Geor ia 30307 Re verent L. Mrs . Mar gar et P. Lindsey 247 Brighton Road 1 N,E. Atlanta, Geor ia fr , tdward D. mith (Ed ) President The First Nat ional Bank of Atlanta tlant , eorp.ia 30302 Mr. Clayton Yates 228 Auburn Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia . r. Wa lla ce H. Stewart ( Wa lly ) 1439 Peacht ree St . , N, E. At l anta , Geor gia Mr, E. J , Kelley MacDou a ld-\· arren, Inc . P. O. Box 19695 Sta t ion N Atlanta, Geor -i 30325 Mr . Joseph A. LQ8an 1819 Peacltree Rd ., N.E. Atlant a , Georgia Business Opportunities, Ina , 976 Piedmont Ave ., N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia 30309 Mrs . Josephine ilkins At l nta Biltmore Atlanta, eorgia r . R• • Siegel ( Pop } 2783 Syn at Rd • • N w. Atlanta, GCOI'ftia 30305 M • Waldo Oettinser ( C rolun) SSO Kingawood Lan , N.w. Atlant • Geo{lti ilton Mr . W lt r Hunken 3175 Verdun Dr., N. W. tlant , Georgia 30303 Mr. C, E. Prothro, Jr. 797 Harwell Rd., H, E. Atlant • G orRia s.w. ev. s. A, Baker 2980 Del Har Lane, N.w. tlanta, G OP i Mr. and Hr. Th d Morri on, Jr, 562 W t W ley Rd., N.V. 30305 eorf;ia Mr , N, Barnard Murphy, Jr . Goodbody 6 Co. Suite 1414 Fulton National Bank Bld. Atlanta, G orgia 30303 rs. J , • Parham 503 Wb h Av ., N, E. Atl nta, Georgi Atlant , Georgi At l an ta, Mr. L. T. ttells Mr . Charles H. Smith (Charlie ) Vice President Real Estate Loan Ccmpany 710 Atlanta Fed ral Savin~s Bldg . Atlanta. Geor i 30303 Lt. Col. H. W, Buh 2484 Black For t Tr 11 1 Atlanta• orgi Re . G. D. Adams~ Jr. 532 St. John Ave., S • . • Mr . Au u tu H. St rne Pr sident Trust Co pany of Geor i tlanta, Georgi 30302 Mr. c. Hildred Tho p on 3750 Pe chtree Rd ., N. E. Atl nta. eor ia 30319 Mr. G org s. Craft ( P. o. Box 4 1+1 Atlanta, G or ia 30302 ) �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mr . Carl J . Reith ( Carl) Pres ident Colonial Stores Inc . P o. Box 4358 Atlanta, eor ia 0 Mr . Allen E. Lockennan (Allen ) Troutman, Sams , Schroder & Lockerman 1600 Wi lliam Oliver Bui l din ) Atlanta, ~eorg ia 30303 rs . Leon Froshin ( Arl ene ) 1165 • Conway Dr . , N. W. tlanta, Georgia 30327 Mr . Harold Davis ( Harold ) News Officer eorgia State College 33 Gilmer St • • S. E. Atlanta, Geor ia 30303 Mr . Gene c. i ller 3540 Woods Drive Decatur, eorgia Hr . R. z. Gardner , Jr . 1803 Ha ROOd Dr . , N. E. At l ant a , Georgia 30307 ~rs . Irma Mc Aulay Arnal l for Governor Headquarters Atlant a Anerlcan Motor Hot el Atl an t a , Geor P,i a Hr . Thomas H. Read ( Tommy ) President Read Concession s Co. 30 Courtland St ., S. E. t l anta , Geor ia 30303 Mr. L. L. Austin (Low ) 1174 Zimmer Dr . , N. E. Atlanta, Georgia Mr . H. A. Wi ~in P. 0 - Box 4545 At l anta , eorgia r . Thomas Suite l.114 ~t,I/Pa~ll~ J/ S~~l/Jat~~t 'Jl/,V,/t/.J /(J,,J~t<Jtl Atlan t a , 30302 r. Chouco illiam Oliver Buil ding eo ia 30303 Hr. John E. Branch ( John } Mrs . Mariana Knox ( !ariana ) Atlant Biltmore - Mezz nine Atlanta 83 • r.: orgia ilson , Branch, Barwick & Wilcox Rhodes Haverty Building Atlanta, eorgia 30303 Hrs. Anna Marie Shinn City of Atlanta Law Departm nt Mr . Saul Feldm n 1254 w. Paces Ferry Rd ., i . W. Atl nta , Geo ia 30327 1114 Willi Atlanta, Oliv r Building i 30303 Mr . Char! s G. Bass P rker- H nnifin Corp . 1735 Tully Circl, N.E. tl nta~ Go ia 30329 Mr . Louis L. K nnedy ( Buck) G ne-ral Mana r Rich ' s North DeKalb 2144 Lawrencevill Highwa D catur. Georp,ia Mrs . A, Dav nt Lawton 404 Redland Road • N. W. Atlant , GeorRia 30309 Mrs . H rn n H. Kul n 2309 Montview Dr •• N. W. Atlanta,~ orp,i 30305 Dr. Willi sandy Sprin Atl nta, G orgia Mr, A. 30328 Ch irman of the oard s.P. Richards Paper Co. P.a. Box 2666 sa tion D r . Kathleen LaBell Carri ~e Hou 69 Sprln St., s. \. Atlant 3, G orgia Mr. D vid Goldw s r Atl•nta Envelope Co pany P.O. Box 1267 Atlant , Geor 1 w. cason ( Bi ll) 30301 Rhode Atlant , G or ia ( Warren ) 30318 Mr. Mllton W instein (Hilton) 1180 Peacht N. E. Atl•nta,. Go Mr. W, Elnier Geor (Elmer) E~ecutive Director G or ia Hunici l A an. 406 fulton Fed,Bld Atl nta, Geo i 30303 �FAVORABLE- TLANTA Mr . Philip H. Alston ( Philip) Alston, Mi l ler & aines 12th Floor, C & S Nat i onal Bank Bl d . Atlanta. Georgia 303(33 r . Jus tus c. Ma rtin, Jr. hoaes- Haverty Buildinij Atlant a , Geor i a Mr s . Robert Leak Mac Dou~all 4141 Club Dr. , N. E. Atlanta, Georgi a Mr. J mes W. Hurst ( J im ) Executive Vice Pras id nt Atlanta Convention Bureau 230 Pe cht ree St ., N. E. At l anta , eorgia 30303 ~fl/ ~}!1}(~-/ /'f,// Mr . Mills B. Lane, Jr .( Mills ) President The Citizens & Southern National Bank Atlanta, Georgia rs . Saul H. Blu enthal 1405 ·Jest Wes le {d . , N, W. Atlanta, eor~ia 30327 Mr . G. A. Stone 2255 Capehart Cir . , N.E . Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Mr . John D. Thornton (John) President Perma-Ad- Ideas of Amr ca , Inc. 500 Plasamour Dr • • N. E. Atlant, Geor l 30324 Bishop Ernest L. Hic kman 94 Griffin St. , r . w. Atlanta, Geor ijia 3031~ Mr. and Mrs . Fr nk Tradewell Davis 2820 Haber ham Road, N. W. ( Justus ) r . Robert H. White ( Bob ) 710 r ir ie l d Road , N. w. 30327 Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Wi lliam D. Ellis ( Bill ) Sout her n tills , Inc . 585 e ll St., S. W. Atl ant a , corgia 30312 Rev rend Noel C. Burtenshaw Chancellor Archdiocese of Atlanta 2699 Peacht ree Rd ., N.E. Atlanta, eorgi 30305 Mr . Thurston R. Hatcher s Sr . At1anta • G or i Collier Rd . , 1. w. Atl nta, Go ia 30309 Mr . Paul u. Fuquay 764 Murphy Av . , s. Atlant , Geor ia (O r R d) Dorou h Re lty Com ny Suit 207 3166 Mapl Dr . , N. E. Atlanta, eor i 30305 w. Hr. Joseph E rle Birnie (Joe) Pre id nt The Nation l Bank of or i tlanta, G orp,i Mr. and Hrs . or n R i ord (Morgan nd B rn!ce) 135 Little John Trail, N.E. tlanta, Geor ia 30309 Th S ion of the Orm wood Park Pre byter1an Church 1071 D law r Av., s. E. Atlantt. Go i 30316 Mr . w. H. Coop r BESCO 70 Centr l Atlant • G ( Rod ) s. w. Hr. L w nee s. Evan Vico Pr id nt Dr per-Owns C ny (Larry) Gr nt Buildin Atlanta, Geor ,i Hr. Joe Vi Ro rt and C pany oci t 96 Poplar St:reet Atl nta, eor 1 30303 av. Cauble (Ton) Vice P id nt Ccnpany 61 ia 30301 �l FAVORABLE - ATLA TA Mrs . J oseph H. Dimon, I I I 61 Pal isades o d , N. E. Atlant ~, Georgia 30309 Hr . Hugh Davis Carte r, J r. ( Hugh) 11 Mariet ta St. , N. w. Atlan t a , Georgia Rabbi Jacob 1. Rothschi l d, D. D.(Jack ) 1589 Peachtree Rd . , N. W. Atlant a, Georgia 30309 r . Comer L. Hawkins Court s & Company 11 Mariet ta St reet P. O. Box 1295 At l anta, G orgia Harol d P . Mr . Fraz_ier Eugene Thar pe 1122 Crescent Ave . , N. E. Apar tment 14 Atlant a, eorgia , r. • H. Bryan , Mana er Executive Servi ce Corporation At lant a Federal Savings Bui l dine Atlant a, Georgi 30303 e) Mr • • Paul Cadenhead ( Paul ) Nall, Miller, Cadenh d & Dennis 28i 4 Nation l Bank of Geor ia Building Atlant, Geor ia 30303 Mrs . Daniel J . O' Connor, Jr . 2045 Fai rhaven Ci r ,, N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia 30305 Hr . Robert C. Al st on 97 Tenth St. , N. W. Atlanta , eorP,ia 30309 E. Van Bur en , M.D . The Roberts emorial Clinic 768 Juniper St ., N. E. Atlanta Georgia w. Hr. L. L. F rry ( Lou) Dr. Vivian Chairman Pre id nt Clark Coll e Atlanta, Geor9.ia Sloan Ppr Company P. o. Box 5079 tlanta, Geor ia 30302 Hr. H nry L. Bowd n (H nry ) City Attorney Wi llia Oiiv r BuildinR Atl nta, Mr. Joe 96 Poplar St • • N, W. Atlanta, Geo 1 Mr. John c. Statnn (John) Hr. Johnny Irvin 18 Fourth St., N. Atlanta, Geor i M • (Johnny ) w. Hender on w. 30314 Guthrid e or~ia In titut tlant • G or ia r. Ern st 1210 Wet We 1 y Road, N. W, Atlanta, GeorP,i 30308 Hr . Frank w. Scrop, ,ins Paul, Eub nk & Scr()JZ ins Fulton Fedeaal Build n Atl nta, Georeia 30303 or ia Mr,/. P. Almand (A.P . ) Robert & Company Aasoci t • D. {Harol d ) .iss Emily A. Hight ower 2073 ol f View Dr • • N•• Atlanta, eor gia 30309 r . Geo e w. Kenned ( Geo Trust Company of Geor la Atlanta, Geor ia 30302 c Donald, 272 I vy St reet, N. E, At l anta, ,.eor~ia r. (Jo) of T chnolo 30332 Wi Chi f Electric l In pector City Hall Atlant , Geor~la 30303 Mr . Walter E. ri hr, II 743 Piedlllont Rd ., N. E. Atl nt , Geo l 30308 30308 Huh Owen 1805 Whit Oak Ho6low Atlanta, eoNtia 3032~ Mrs . Ad Meir 1206 Peachtree St ., N. E. At l nta • G orr.i �FAVORABLE - ATLANT Miss Jean He ndr i x WSB- TV 1601 West Peachtr e St . , N. E. Atlanta, Geor ia Mrs . Robert E. Ki slin 2336 Mel inda Dr . , N, E. Atl ant~ , Georgi a 30329 • H. Letton, M. D. Sui t e 1 Baptis t Profess i on l Bl dg. 340 Boul evard, N. E. Atlant a , eor ia Mr. Charles P. Philli ps 270 Peachtree St. , N.. E. At lanta , Georgia 30303 Dr. Edwin w. Harrison ( Ed ) Pr esident Georgi a Ins t itute of Tecbnolo Atlanta , Geor~ia Hr . Fred Kaise r Vice President Southe rn Area Hone well, Inc. 500 Plast ers Ave . , N. E. Atlant a , Geor i a 30324 Mr . Francis M. Da ves 57 Ei ghth St. , N. E. Atlanta , Geor ia 11, . ( rrancis ) Duva l l Mr. E.T. Kehre r Suite 1422 40 a rictta St . , Atlanta , Georgia Yitl/V,/Jw~tfJ. II Edward Foat r, Professor of Engl ish G or~i a Insti tute of Technolo Atl nt , Geor i 30332 ( .o.) • s sn . w. 30303 Mr, Armand M ( Armand ) P. o. Box 4056 Atlant a, Geor ia 30302 Mr . Frank Carte r (Jane ) 3800 North id Dr., N. W. Atl anta, or ia 30305 Mr s . Edward M, Chapm "• Jr. 406 Pin l and Rd ., N. w. Atl nta, Geor ia 30305 w. o. Chai rman of The Board Atlant a red r a l Sa vin s & Lo n Atlanta , Geor i a Mr . Howard B. Johnson ( Howard ) Chairman of the Board Atlantic St~el Company (Jane ) r . Ch rl • Lokey ( Charli ) Lok y and B05den C ~ S National Bank Building Atl anta, orgia 30303 tint , Geor i Mr . Er n t P. Pi 2446 Wil son Dr ., tlanta , Gcorri 1rs. M rth Win ton 608 Delbridg ?• w. Atl nt , G or Mr. H rm n D. H ncock, Jr. (H nnan ) Thompon & H ncock 3166 Mapl Dr. N. £. tianta, Geor ia 30305 Hr. C cil P. Plod, Jr. 1948 Sylvan Cir., s • . Apt. 3 Atl nta, Geor !a Mr. P. L. Bely S 1th (Daly) Suite 522 ulton r deral uildin Atlanta, Gori r . D. A. Mcl< ev r J . E. Han r, Inc . 947 Juniper St . , N. E. Atlanta, Geo ia 30309 Mr. Charl s D. Collin Pre !dent Rhod (Charli) • Inc. 10 North Rhode C nt r Atlanta, Georp.ia 30309 Mr. Ha ilton ~okey (H ) C s National ank Buildin Atl nta, eor i 30303 �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mr. w. Col quitt Carter ( Ski p ) Bryant Carter, Ansley & Smit h Suite 924 C & S Bank Building nt l anta 1 Georgia Mrs. Hayden c. Jones, Jr. (Sue ) 3010 Argonne Dr., N. Atlanta , eo Mr. Cone ~. Maddox, Jr . (Cone ) President Sharp- Boyl s ton Co. 10 uhurn Ave., N. E. Atlant a , -eor ~ia 30303 Mr . Robert B. Troutman Kin & Spal dine 434 Tr ust Co. of Geor ia Buildin Atlanta, Georgia 30303 l. ia Mr, I, T. Cohen ( I.T .) 1320 Fir t Nationa l Bank Buildin Atlanta 3, Geor ia Mr. Rich rd c. Lillie La, R search Servi ce 41 Marietta St., N w. Atlant a , Geor ia 30303 Hr. oland B. Anderson 3863 Lake Forrest Drive Atlant a, ~eorgia Mr . Charl es R. Yates (Ch rlie ) 270 Peachtree Buildin Atl nt a , eor ia 30303 Mrs. Gene G. Clement 2014 T 11 Tr e Dr ., N. E. Atlanta. GeorP,ia 30324 r . Jack Delius Gen ral Manager Atlant a Par ke Depart ent City Hall Annex A~lanta, Geor ia Mr . James c. H, Andrson (Jim ) 1593 Mason Hi ll Rd , , N, E, Atlant , Geor~ia 30306 Mr. Walter G. Meyer S525 Lon Island Dr • • N. Atlanta, ~eo ia 30327 Mr. Phil a et Jr . ( Phil ) Hom Lif 33 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, eorgia • Mr . Arlen DeBevoi e 2222 Peachtree Rd, 1 N. w. Apt . -4 Atlant , Geor8ia 30309 . E. an Eliz b th St von on Emory Univer i t y Atl nta , G or?,ia 30322 rs. 1eil Goldsworth 3117 Towerview Dr,,} . E. Atlant , G orgi 30324 r . Claude Grizz rd, Jr. ( Cl ud ) Gri zzard and H s Suite 306 Carn ie Buildin 30303 Atlant , Geo l Mr. L onard B rkan Ex cutiv Vic Pre ident Fulton Industrie • Inc . P. o. Box 1726 Atlante, Gori 30301 Horton (Jerry) Suite 23ij2 Bank of Go i Buildin Atlant, eor ia a0303 H • Helen C. Pr Kr. John o. McCarty (Ottl y ) President The udichron C pany 721 Mia i Cir, 1 N, E. Atlanta, Georg Mr. A.H. Yancy 676 Beckwith St,, Atl4nt • Geo~gi tlanta,G Mr. J . w, Jon P. O. Dr w r 1S3~ Atlanta• Georgia 30301 3032~ s. w. Mi Grae Hoff ann 1333 Lanier Boul v rd, Atlanta, G or obert Tharpe n of the B rd rooks; 728 West Pe cht~ee Tharpe Hr. Chai ler ~t., N,W. la 30306 .E. �1803 Hay g ood Drive, N. E . Atla n ta, Georgia 30307 S e ptembe r 8, 1 966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . Ci t y Ha l l 68 Mitc hell S t reet , S . W. At lanta, Geo r g i a Dear Ma y o r Allen: As a native Atl an t an for over f ift y years, I wish to express my co mmendation fo r t he stand wh ich you h a ve t aken i n the recent unrest c aused by a portion of our Ne g r o popu lace. Many people see m t o overlook t he fact t hat t h e Negro race , parti cul ar ly as we know it i n t he S outh, i s endowed with certain inherent characteristic s wh ich g ive vent to a s t atus paral l e ling a paren t - c hi l d associat io n. Strong and influential guidance i s necessary bu t an occasional sc o l ding or s pank ing has proven to be a necessary ing redien t to p roper "upb ri ng ing' ' . Certainly, l aw lessness, violence and disregard £or the r i g hts and p roperty o f othe~s h as no p l ace in our society . It hasn ' t been too long a g o whe n peopl e were a pp rehended and p uni shed £or merely dis tur ing the peace . Today str ong leaders h i p is called £or, and many of us bel iev e th a t t h e lead er who ge ts there " firstest wit h t he rnos test" wjll prevail. RZG:vr �Move Georgia Forward with Ellis Arnall for Governor September 8, 1966 The Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Gear' gia Dear Mr. Allen= Out-of-town visitors have coften asked me why Atlantan's have such fierce civie pride - sometimes this is hard to explain - we have it - we don't know exactly why - it's like trying to explain why you like a great symphony or the feeling you get from looking at a great painting and somehow knowing all is well. On Tuesday of this week you •put this pride in sharp focus. In the ugliness of the whole sordid mess, your demonstration of leadership and bravery was a moment of triumph for all good citizens of Atlanta. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. / Arnall for Governor Headquarters: Atlanta American Motor Hotel· Spring St. and Carnegie Way• Atlanta, Ga. Phone 524-8435 $ · �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA Mr. William J. Goldin (Jim) Atlanta Gas Light Company P. o. Box 4569 Atlanta , Georgia 30302 Mr. Meyer L. Balser 1501 Fulton National Bank Bu ' lding Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Mr. James P. Brown (Jim ) Vice President Atlanta Federal Savin sand Loan Assn. Atlanta , Georgia Mr . Albert N. Parker ( Bud ) Beck & Gre g Hardware Com any P. o. Box 984 Atlanta , Georgia 30301 Mrs. Lula Mae Daniel 89 Fort Street , N. E. Atlanta , Georg ia Mrs, Hannah Shulhafer 2936 Dellwood Drive ; N. W. Atlanta 1 Georgia 30305 Mr . D. B. Hodgson(Dan ) 2877 Howell Mill Road , N.w. Atlanta, Georgia Dr. Rufus E. Clement Pr e sident Atlanta Univers ity Atlanta 1 Geor gi a 30314 �FAVORABLE - ATLANTA The Executive Committee Grand Jurors Association of Fulton County, Inc. P.O. Box 7532 Station C Atlanta , Geor gia 30309 Mr . and Mrs. Leonard Haas(Leonard & Be) Grizzard & Haas Suite 306 133 Carnegie Way , N. W. Atlanta ; Geor ia 30303 Mr. Jack J. Rushin(Jack) 377 Techwood Dr. , N. W. Atlanta , Georgia 30313 Miss Fay E. Mewborn (Fay ) The First National Bank of Atlanta P. o. Box 4148 Atlanta , Georgia 30302 Reverend William L. Self Wieuca Road Baptist Church 3626 Peachtree Road , N. E. Atlanta, Geoggia 30326 Me. Robert M. Holder , Jr. (Bob) President Holder Const r uction Company 1926 Fult on Nationa l Bank Bldg . At l ant a , Georgi a 30303 Mr . Arthur M. Kapl an Suite 676 1375 Peacht ree St ., N. E. Atlant a , Geor gia 30309 Reverend D. C. Col eman Campbell Cha e l A. M.E. Church 1500 East 22nd Avenue Denver 5 , Colorado Mr . L. D. Ke i t h , Sr . 2746 Da le Creek Dri ve , N.W . Atlanta , Georgi a 303 18 Mrs . Marie Pull in 15 86 Adler Ct., S. E. Atlanta, Geor~ia 30317 Mr. Arthur L. Harris ( Arthur ) Vice Preiident and Director Mead Packaging Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Louis Montag (Louis ) First National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Q. Janus (Sidney & Leah) First National-North Ave. Building Atlanta , Geor gia 30308 The Membe r ship West End Jaycees P. o. Box 10903 Atlanta , Geor gi a 30310 Mrs. Roy Judson Due r P. o. Box 18604 Lenox Square Station Atlanta , Geor ia 30326 Mr. Ed ar P. Scott P. o. Box 4541 30302 Atlanta , Georgi a Mrs. Bobbie M. Sled _e 1492 South Gordon Street , Atlanta , Georgia s.w. �OVER IN 70 YEARS ENVELOPE S POST OFFICE BO X 1 267 ATLANTA ENVELOPE COM PANV ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30301 DI V I S ION TELEPHONE : OF NATION A L SERV IC E IND U S TRIE S. IN CORPOR A TED 3S1-5011 S e ptember 8, 1966 Mayor Iv an Allen City Hall Atl anta, Geor gia 30303 D e a r M i ster Mayor: I had hoped to b e among the first to express app r ec iation to you fo r y ou r l eade rs hip in our time of stress. The Vic e P resident and m a ny others h ave b ee n ahead of me , but I still wa nt you to know how I fee l. You r courage and you r d eci sive n ess e piton,iz e the b est qualiti e s we s eek in c i v ic l ea d e rship. T yp i ca l of your e ntire public ca r ee r is the manne r in whic h you face d our prob l em s h ea d-on this wee k. I r eca ll you r similar quick action w hen our community w itnessed a tragi c accident 1n Paris. You ha ve a r e markab l e ta l ent fo r moving into the cente r of probl em s rather t han wa itin g fo r them to go away . I like this qua l ity rn yo u . Our tow n 1s fo rtun ate to ha ve you as i ts spok e sm a n and l ea d e r . Y ou deser ve the fullest backing possible and the g ratitud e of every go od citizen of our commun ity. You have both my thanks and n,y suppor t . It's a personal comfo rt to kn ow you're 11 i n c h arge . 11 God bless you. D avid Go ldwas s e r SALES O FFICES: BIRMINGHAM / C H AR LOTTE / CHAT T ANOOGA / COLUMBIA / uACKSONVILLE KNOXVI LLE / LOUIS V ILLE / MACON / M I AM I / MOBIL E / MONTGOMERY NASHVI LLE / SHREVEPORT / T AM P A 1700 NORTHSIDE DRIVE, N.W. ATLANTA �Carriage ..J.Jou:Je H & W Enterprise :j:f:4 Terminal Station 69 Spring St., S.W. Atlanta 3, Georgia Sep~. 8, 1966 l ~ 16th St; Meridian, Miea. Dear Mayor Allen, We talked with my sister, who livea in Atlanta, thia morning. She wu prailing you, for the coruageoue •tend you haye taken, in regarei to the Atlanta racial disturbance. She sai• all Atlanta is so proud of you thie morning, but may I add to thi• Mayor Allen, that not only Atlante.na are proud of you, but all of ua, who are still True Americans, are Grateful, for the tine job you are doing. We, a• neyer before, need more God Fearing men, like you, to Proye to tho•• who are doing wrong, that Right •till perYail• over wrong. My sister and her hueband, Mr. and Mr•. Clyde Harri•on have the Carriage House Restaurant, in the Terminal Train Station. Maybe, you already know thea, but if you don't, go by there someday or evening, and tell them that I, Kathleen LaBelle, said to treat you to the beet eteak in the houae, which would make t,em very happy. I will continue to Pray for God to Grant you Divine Wisdom to Serve your people Rightouely, and to continue to set a shining example, by which other state• may follow, because if we lose our Freedom, we have loet Everything. May God Ble•• and Protect You and All your loved one•. Sincerely, ~ . . j ' ( ~ ~ ~~ Mra. Kathleen LaBelle ..... �TELEPHONE: PARKER-HANNIFIN parker FITTINGS AND HOSE DIVISION • 531-3000 CORPORATION 17325 EUCLID AVENUE • CLEVELAND, OHIO , 441 12 • AREA CODE 216 Atlanta , Georgia Sep tember 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Al l en J r . City Hall Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mr . Mayor ; Let me take tt!is opportunity t o number m_,· s e lf arn'J!1g t he ten s of t :,ousands that are s aying tha!1k yDu for the manner in which you c ' nduct ed yourself d uring the unforunate events th ., t took plac e in our cit y on Septewber 6, 1966 1 No other executive officer of any of the strif e torn cities of this gr eat land, has shown the care , c onc err- or t he coura ge, that you di splayed in handling t he situation that. preserit'3d j tself on the Sout h Side of Atla nta on Tuesday Jf tois week l 1 No city ca.11 continue its geographical, economic, or social grm,ilth witho ut the kind of leadership that you have given t hi s proud and wonderful city of Atlanta . May God continue to strengthen and undeq:;i rd you in your work, and may the citizens 0f this great city c ontin ,£ to lend the i r sur port to you, a man we ~11 know to be the p;rt"atest mayor in t lri s gr ea t land ! /1 ~r1Jrn J 'JlJC ~~)?~J\T [/;~~b.J ;?f?'r/ C- - c<arles G. Bass Atlanta Branch Manager PARK EH-HANNI lcI ~! CO HP. 1735 Tully Circle N.E. Atla nta, Georgia 30329 CGB/JEB c -~ _,/ �CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1114 WILLIAM- OLIVER BUILDING Atlanta, Georgia 30303 September 8, 1966 H E NRY L. BOWD E N C IT Y A T TORNEY LEW I S R. S LATON A SS ISTA N T C I TY A T T ORN EY ROBERTS . WIGGINS MARTI N MCFARLAND EDWI N L. STER N E RALP H C. JENKINS JOHN E . DOUGHERTY FERRIN Y. MATHEWS C HARLES M. LO K E Y THO M AS F. CHOYCE ASSOCIATE CIT Y ATTOR N E Y S ROBERT A. HARRIS HE NRY M. MURFF Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 C L A I MS ATT OR N EY S Dear Mayor Allen : The kids around Atlanta may be "ga-ga" about Ba t man, the upcoming Green Hor net a nd, of course, the ever present Gunsmoke - but as for me, your performance during the past few ri.ot tor·u days beats all . It was a rare displa y of courage and a s inc ere a ttemp t to b e "whe r e t h e a ction was" in or der to do the mos t good f or a ll . I was fea r f ul on sev eral occas ion s as I saw you on t h e T-V and am gratef ul that you suffered no physical effects -- the menta l pictures will not soon fade be ca use I as well as most Atla nta cit i z en s know how deeply you care about At l anta a nd the good of ALL its people . The rest of t h e c ountry is finding out too. You were t he first order of business on the Walter Kronkite Pr ogram l ast evening and you came through loud and c lear . MORE POWER TO YOU . Sincerely yours, -,;;',, N J /11; ~ (Mrs.) Anna Marie Shinn Secretary to John E. Dougherty �PUBLIC RELATIONS CO U NSELOR • ATLANTA BILTMORE• MEZZANINE ATLANTA 83, GEORG I A TELEPHONE 874-9570 LONG RANGE PROGRAMS / ~~ SINGLE SPECIAL EVENTS MEETINGS PARTIES CONVENTIONS 7,!Jlc~ ~~I ~·~~ >"-~:-A- I j ~ ~ ~a__143.215.248.55 16:21, 29 December 2017 (EST) /4;,, ~ ~ , J ~ , f- ~ ~ ~ 7>:J- ~~L ~~ lzP~~ ~ ~ ~ .& ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --ffu_ ~ ~ ~~ ~ )4J,.__ , ~0<--<-'-~--~--o n . . -~/ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ m_. ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~


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~~..k_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! axi LU-e- ~ ---~ ~. <I _.., �~ I �NEWS· GEORGIA 3 3 G IL M ER STRE E T , S. E . STATE A TLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 COLLEGE T E LEPHONE 523-7681 H aro l d D a v i s News O ff i ce r ct.,. p_ ~- o-( ~~ ~ CAw\.~ ,~ �