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.. I HALL. SMITH ATLANTA , GEORGIA September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City of At lanta Atl anta, Ge orgia 30303 Dear Ivan: As a frien d and as a citizen, I want to tell you how p roud I a m of y ou and the manner in which you handled the recent d isturb an ce on Capitol Avenue. Your c ourag e, g ood judgement and patience demon str a ted again the splendi d l eaders hip you are furnish i n g our co mmunity. I was ple as ed t ha t t he radi o an d pr ess g a ve you strong support a~d th t you had recognition n ationally from Vice Preside nt Hu mphri es and the Presid ent of t he Unit ed States. It was a lso g rat fy1ng to note t he s u pp ort you rece i ved from al l segments of our popula tion. Your stan d f or law and order, and ye t recognizing t he legi tima te needs of s ome of our less f ortunate citizens, is certainly commendable. You and all t lwse associated wi t h you in t he hand lin P-; of t h e lncident a re certainly due the heart f elt thanks of t h e citizens of our comm.un i ty. Please do not feel tha t this letter r e quires a reply. I just wanted to express my respect and admiration for you in the job y ou are doing as the Mayor of our City. With warmest regards. Sincerely, /L �