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~ - - rtii!iali ..:.;1•~..:0!.' •AU.:ll:l..:.lQI; ... ~~ HALL . SMITH /\TLANTA , GEORG I A I~ Chief Eerber t T . Jen ki n s At l n ta Po li ce De ~rtme nt AtlRnta, 'rcor ., iR e ar Chief Jen~i ns: I want to ta e th:i.s occasion to c0mmend you an d t ~e ~t lantA Pol ic e uepB rtment for the s p len did r:1a1:1.ner i n 1: h ich you all h a nd l ej th e rece nt d jstur a1ce 0n C1=1pitol Avenuee The restr ain , wis uor,, a:1d courag e ::3 1. s played y your 8r~a,i za~ i n in the fi ce o f a very d ifficul t R1tunt~on was c mme:1 d able. fhe results A c hj eve d. pr ,')ves n.-.:a i n the va ln e of d l P.ndc rsld p nnct t rfl j"linc: nn :1 · r V11s ynu are t, , 1-1 0 ' .• 1~ r·1;,,. l.:tv nd . HS R c t5_zen, I Am very ....' r u d ;:" L .,' At, _L :1ntn .Po l i ce 1)conrtr10n t. 1~0 CC: . Ryor Ivan ,'\llen , ~Tr . �