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l S T ATE GEORGIA 33 GILMER STREET, S . E. • COLLEGE ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 September 8, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: May I express my admiration for the great personal courage you showed last Tuesday. Your manner of meeting the almost tragic event, I am sure, will go far toward helping us find a solution of good will. I believe no man or woman could have failed to be reassured by your great personal dignity and discipline, and by your true and self-forgetful concern for all of Atlanta's citizens and the welfare of our city. Though you are receiving many congratulations, may I add mine and say that your actions Tuesday may mark a tremendous step forward in race relations in this country. With best wishes, I am ·~ Noah Langdale, Jr. President NL/va �