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"A Conspicuously Successful Employment Bureau" ., Telephone JA. 2 • 5430 W. H. BRYAN, Manager ATLANTA FEDERAL SAVINGS BUILDING ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA S ptembe r 7, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen J r . T, A.Y R, CI TY OF ATLA TA City Hall J.tl anta , Georgia Dear .tr. t, llen: Your recent behavior, especially a t t 1e riot s cene, was most comrendable an I personally fee l your presence at the scene sto,..ped what was abo11t to be a senseless bloody catastrophe. Your prescmce there -;,ms one of t e Bravest Acts I have ever seen. "e , your constituents , deeply appreciate your dedication, your s incerity and yes your Braver.r. Atlanta is a great City. 'Te are all proud of our growth, and we are especially proud of the vray our offic ials have faced problems squarely and honestly. Please accept my thanks for the tremendous jo as our Mayor. Sincerely yours, you are doing �