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De r Mayor 1Allen: I shall be anohomous for obvious re sons. We want to you know that ninety nine percent of intelligent Negroes ho.ve no truck with the likes of St okely Carmichel in his p id for foolisms. We believe he is being p id to bringing on tenseness in this country to slow down the Civi l Rights revolution. Firstly, he gx went into Mississippi squ lling "black power" nd now he continues to add fuel to stir ill will while he lives high on the hog selling his r ce down the river.We know not whe ther he is being paid he vily by some invidu ls or some orgsniza.tion to continue these gr owing foolisms. P1e se continue to believe in the intelligent Martin Luther King leadership of and d others anot this unwelcome insincere man of little if any br in: big fool if being p&id or a bigger one,if fan tic not.We deplore such ~~ff<l. A citizen. He is ~ - -- .... �