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_, Artificia l Arms a nd Legs O rt hopedic Shoes & Arch Supports Whee l C hairs-Walke rs "Sales & Rental" Crutches-Ca nes-Accessori es SPECIALISTS 947 JUNIPER STREET, N. E. • BOX 7443 ATLANTA, GA. 30309 PHONE 875-0066 AREA CODE 404 September 7, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor - City of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell, s.w. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Our paths haven't crossed lately to enable me to say what a splendid job I think you are doing as Mayor. I felt impelled to at least send you a note after yesterday's demonstration with your courageous and able action. Atlantans should be - and I feel sure are - proud and grateful for the job you're doing. You have our best wishes - and our prayers. Sincerely, ~ D. A. McKEEVER DAM/ a c s AFFILIATED g.J., FAC I LITIE S IN MANY PR I NCI P AL CITIE S O F THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA �