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0LD FUDD" P . Oo BOX 4541 , ATL.NTA , GEORGIA. 11 30302 Atlanta , Ga , Septo 19 ., 1966 . Hayor Ivan Allen Jr. 11 Ha ll , · Atla nt a , Georgia o %City Dear Hr . Alle n., J us t t o l e t you know t ha t you have my p ersona l admir ati on and approva l of yo ur han dl i n~ of t he r e ce nt rac i al di st urban ce s i n our ci ty . As one of your very f ir s t s uppor t ers for t he of fic e of mayor I was on e of t he small number of ci t izen s t ha t wer e not s urprised a t your displ ay of couraee whe n t he ch ip s were down ., as i t was what I had anti cipat ed fr om a fie l d gr ade officer,( Ma jor ) from our war . a. wor l d war 2, and this was what di cated my writing a let ter to the edit ors t hat appeared in t he At lant a J ournal of Sept . 15t h is s ue in support of your act io n. Your acti on as you kn ow has attracted national attention, and you may be pressured to accept 2nd spot on a national ticket o I still have your l ot ter t el l ing me that you only wish d to be mayor of Atlanta , and did not want any national office . I thought your decision wi3e at the time , and still t hi nk you would hove more political influence as mayor of a great city than as a nveep" on any ticket nationall y , altho it seems obvious t o me t hat "Bobby" Kennedy is giving you serious consideration as a possibl e runni ng n1ate IF he should head a national ticket f or the Democratic Party, as you'd be a natural .for him despite the difference in your ages , looking at it from the practical view that the Kennedy money can take the N. East , Ohio , Illinois and the far West ( California ) but no amount of mone~ can carry the South for Bobby Kennedy l Texas woula at least split 0-50 for him, the anti - LBJ vote o • • • as I see it a If offered such a deal and you wish to try it in the future, my offer of help for you is still open and I still have a heavy political following in most of the States . We were unable to put Sam Yorty over in California BUT it was a close one •••• and make no mistake about it Sam Yorty is a good man . He was, in our war, Capt~ Sam Yorty, Air Corp, attached to the 3rd ~ o n Leyte in the Pacifica o •• but I agree uith the majority of the people of our city that Atlanta needs your proven leadership, most especially during these trying times of racial unrest along with rapid economic ero,-,th• and I hope that even tho offered such a post y~ l chose to remain in Atlanta, C~ Sincerelyi Edgar P. Scott, ,., ~ ,,0 . Box 451.~l , Atlanta, Gaa �