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...... . . - U.S. News & World Report Exclusive Interview- A NEGRO BUSINESSMAN SP A S HIS MIND Witt racial demonstrations, now spreading ocrou a,e nation, solve the Negro's problems? Is the N gro actually a "second-class citizen"? If so, who is to blame-the white man? You g t unexpected answers to these and other questi0ns from a leading Negro busine~sman. he is S. B. Fuller, intervi~wed in Chicago by a member of the staff of "U.S. New!> & World Report." His conclusions: A Negro, like anybody els~, can get ahead only by hard work and enterprisa. .<\t CHICAGO of opr ,rlumty clo lo U,e Jll Ill > 'I n ( PHI ht l .. 111 · \\'orl l .ltt>pm·t. Ju , l) S EV.'i & W R,O REP RT Asnu,1 19 19 �Mr Fuller ,nsp cts Born of poor parents in Louisiana, Mr fuller went to ~,honl only 0\ for OS the si,:th grade. Moving to Chicago as o roung r,,o 1, he started the fuller Product! Company 1n l 93.5 on capital of $2 5. Today its g10H soles coine to more thori IO million d1Jllo1s a year. While h oppose~ the vi~ s rind toc. ,cs bc1 ,g used b)· militant' Negro s, Mr. Fu"ier descr·bes h111Hclf os on "integrotion15t' -pointing out thnt S 8. ful er ut !i8, hos reached o level of b,isint'U s ~ Ce$ o toined bv ' w ncn- while or Ne91(), In odditi n to the Fuller f'rod ~ Co ,pony, wh•ch produces o no•,ooolly known line of co,fl' trcs ond all, .d produc,s, he controls t'igh ol r co• orolton A'Tlong them i~ o de rntment ~tc-re 1n Chi ago, or ol tote tr.i ;n ew York, ur "Couri , ' choin of ne paper serving Negro readers 111 (h rogo N "" V rk Deir nd Pithb p rations at his cosmetics plant ,n Chicago 0

non-1 ot h1\

mployes ,.,,e w!ii:e, iijh. ti I , , 11• j) I p, I I ' f11,d u '\1 11 f l..11 h ( ,.;IOI' I 1,Jlt t 11\,! ~uH1 frn tit • 'I 1 (!1•111 Ill \r,tlll 1 ti1 ·~ ' p, op \ l t•, . , \ 'Ji 1 l•t ., 11 , 1, a'I 1 )l1 d , ,.,, \ I I l ,\a1,011t\ f I I I< O -\r • 1111' !\lad, 111 iirn 11, II 1·1 p111 I ir. tin• 1111 l' t' .I \ t •ro ')JII .\ I I ti C ' h h Ill ll,n~ ,,, 1I • llll 11d -~ m I (,I ltll'tl 1 .tt l I, Ii, l' i.11 It, ]1o1 I ( " I', I 11 th, t ,. I 111 I, l1111,.. l 11 \ II I· pt t,, I I },t ,I I ' I II 1t rt~• C ti ' .. d i I, I ti I t 1• • I , I r H fI 111, II\ ' l!:,ll 11 , ,.. t ( I h.. , m H 11 1 , , t( 1rout ir1111 d (1 11 :11 , I prt •, 59 EWS J W Rl0 RfPORl, A,,g• I IY, l9t-3 �INTERVIEW With a Negro Businessman • • • 11 Negroes. must learn to risk their capital 11 Q \ h t rnuld be your 111h ice. today to a voung ~t'gt'O comim:; nut uf ,chool? ft' 11l II oti l'I du I t!.t \ I I , , 1·, p r jl<l1 I • I < Ult lilt I\. .:Jilt! ri ,1k< "LAWS DO LITTLE GOOD" - ti A \h , d 1tt• toil·~ i,. hrst. ~<> 111 thool ,1,,J ~d ,1 ![O(',l ,•du, ,1t1011. It' 1101 ilp t,1 th, tea, hl'r to S('(' tl,at lu c,t.b it. It•, 1 1p t I tl,L stud, nt \ h,•11 .1 ,·~:,, ch1ld ww~ to ,·lwol, 1·,l ll.1 .t ICl I tr,tll ' I h, \\ nrk ·1 ht·1,, 11111 Ii,• L'<Jlll ""' , f , ·Ii ol. 011, , ut , 1 h ,11111,' thin).( to ,If,,. ttl1 1 t •h.1t !1 • , ,111 . , II 0 llut ,,c hcJr 1hnt tlw sd,ool ~, :1ilal,h, 111 "\t'l!r!JeS nfkn ,tre iulnior, that th~, don't oth•r a :.:.ooti t:1lu~·a!i11nA \\ ell. I tlnnl th,;I ti , ,-ht1, b th.it tlw 1 ~n~, ,tt1·1,cl liL're 111 <.hit·,1~0 h.1 t· il,011t thl' ,,tlllt' foe dlli, ,, ,b tlth, r )r·l1011b. \tn·,, ,I\ it'~ not r, mrll'h tt,P tat'il1t1,•, ot' th, Sl'hOtJ] I at ·ottnt .u t·lu: att1h11k ol the tudt'nl. Q \\.ill dcmou,;lratiom cm·oura~l"' ·cgr..)t's to "ork luirder. ht'l'Ome mor self-reliant? A • ,, I li11d th: t ti, ·c-µ.ro ttxla,· d,ws not h,1\111 .,~ mueh ambitio 1 ,I\ ht had 2:i )tar~ .1 o Q \'l,l is th11t? A I th.111k th,· tiuuhle 1, th.it 110 ,,nt' tdis the . f"!(ro that hes r I msib)e for lun ~c·lt -bc1J1 • 1111 rnplo),cd \ lll'11 I \, a 1 o~ 11oh<xh h,·lp,•d u-. h111 h.1d h1 hdp ,iour .If_, :rnd \OU ha] to l•,1111 to 'rlo" '\011 h d to li1H t t' kno,-h1m piu~ th, Jo h,1,\. \h mnthl'r d1 l ,, ht·11 I ".,~ l'~ vca, s old d nn , If. I hl' rt IH t 1wopl1.: ,·anu;; ,111d omt• nlid I.Jut \\l d,d 1 01 aC'Npt it. ~1.un it r /' thin~ of ., h.mw tor JX'(,pic h1 n.'t<'IV r lid in tl-i ~< \\ l' , l'n ,·inh.lnJ d Jllst b · ~,11~t th,, 11•lid ,, 1o11 .1n , 11m to t lk to 1 './ did not \\ .int the 11t'lgh r tu kr.o , 1.vuld11't n, kt· it tor our In , So ,c ,n n11:Sll'f' ni dt· 11 101 m11seh1 . Q --,, hat kind of work du! mu do! 0 A I lo ,loor ·lluil( f rnm cl, ,111 uld, • 1 d I , b t•n , lh1, ol I from ,loor tn cloo; i . t mt d , lwu ( \.I.,\ 9 \t',11 11lci.m • , t eni "Iii cu o nu ? do. WHY OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT ic on t• future ot tht" · e- \ mid It l ,t' \ ,t hilt. lw \\ .:1 ,t\ wh1tt (t:ND! NEW & W< Lt. 11 P( Rr A I 1, 1963 61 �• 1,. ... RICH ARD B . RUSSE LL ML ·.-1orr?: GEORG IA A PPJH)rHlf,Tl ,H ~<; CC,~AMli f EE 1\1 JJONAlJ I IC AL Ar ·t) !'> I',\( C SC"lt N l ! '.:i, lOMMt I II t J O I NT COM/Ill I 11 ! ( , f l , \ I 1MI ( I tJEHGY OL-M\)C f1A l ll i 1L\{Yt"llMt,1IIIL L O LMOC.IU\r1l. ,.,il.1 l-!JrH.i l Of,H.•1!Tl f. L CHAI RMA N: ARM ED SE RV I CES COMM I fTEE SE LECT CO MM ITTEE ON THE C EN TR A L I NTELLIGL:NCE AGE i-i C Y APPHOPl<IAl l rlSLJiJC-OMMlf"IETS WASHINGlUN, D.C . A C,U lC"' tJl TIJ ~ l APrROPR I AT I ONS SUl3COMM ITTEE ON TH E DEt-'AR fMENT OF DEFENSE ['II I lC II n ~ lf ,;•, l',I ' , I ' ,. I Mll fl l(.HI A• ,·1 Ii I /HOlf \\ l l I Al~' August 25 4 1965 l ll'I l '• T rJCJf '; ~ ~ ) f, ,1 t ,Clf', ,t (':,T ' I l f d l f, TI MIL ITJt.• •, (,I I ""11 • ,r,\l -ir . II.I l All IH. I Iii / f Ii t ,'\Tl (I !'\/, J C "l l', '..J 1 l\f,1 ', ,.If S 'fr, ,, , · l••·CT I O t~ rl Ct IC W(.i,1 ·-~ Mr. Jack J . Rushin 377 Techwood Drive , N. W. Atlanta 13 3 Georgia Dear Friend : Permit me to a cknowledge andthi:rnk you fnr se nd i.ng me a sopy of your l etter t o the Se cretary of State. I deplore v·olence under any circu~st~nces ~nd especially so when it. is relu.ted to t:he r;..c iul siLuation . One o f the inescapable l essons of h .:..story s h ows t11u t i t is much ·"!asier to gcncral-::c mob action than i t is to contrn l it. Those in high off ice 11ave no ideu of the untold dumage they r1re doing to "Jur consl:itutional sys tem ])y approving these dcrnonstr.1Li..n n s. I havr. :1.Ltad e d thi..:::; attitudo time ,1.nd aguin, but unfortunu.t.el y , Lhe rest of t h e country hr1s chos0n to rnilkc t110. South t.h0. whipping :::'Jy in illl rue i;J.l rn;J. ttr;rs a nd t.hrnnqh t.h e u se 0f all. of. t1v.' communicr1tions fT"' di ,.t (incl11clin(_J hic1 abu:;c' of U1c Lc1cvi ~; i o n) h"1vc gcn0rc1tr;,l f00li.vJ ,7q1Ln:--;l. t.hr; South- <1rnc11.1nt1-nq ,, l11t<..J~~t t.o ,1 nationa 1 di •;cc1 ,c, TJnfort·.un;-t t.r~ly , t.hc "<'h i.c1<:c' n'.' w i 11 cnrnt' home to roost " vith l11r'm, for c1.tt.,ck on nrcl er:- l y <Jovcrrnw,nt c7.n on l y rr~su l t 1n ,l.l1L cc'. 1y. With ev0ry good wu;h, T am Si.ncorely, �