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·,I HoLDER CoNsrRucrroN CoMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS 1926 FULTON NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 RoeERT M. TELEPHONE 523-2911 HoLDER , JR.,PRES1oeNT September 16, 1966 The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: While in Philadelphia yesterday , I noticed the enclosed editorial in the Evening Bulletin and thought you would be interested in seeing it. It is gratifying to me that responsible people in other parts of the country are aware that there is not only image, but real substance in the way we are handling our problems. I congratulate you on the outstanding work you have done since becoming Mayor. I , like all citizens of Atlanta, appreciate the sound, courageous and farsi ghted leadership you have given us and f rom the enclosed editorial, your reputation is obviously nationwide. Yours very truly, Robert M. Holder , Jr. RMHjr/ lr Enclosure �