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r' - .. ',.. THE ATLANT A CONSTITUTION, Tues., July 29, 1969 16,(;~'W"'~9:R·" ' ",~---~·w---:.r-TT"-"'··w~-:n~ "-'"?"t-··~-.,,~·.. ·.--· .........

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i \ \ YOUNGSTERS ENGAGE 1N RELAY AT GRADY STADIUM: Foot Race Is Depicted In 'Swinging Summer' I · -- - - - A § JI 11 1P) 2 PUD1ic II §~<e JU,- - - -- . { _f "° 0 r ~II a]_Jr§ •P.rogram§ Tofillight .. By PAUL JONES . Two TV specials which have something pertinent to say about t axes and r ecreation. will be .presented Tuesday by Channel 5. ·.. The first, "Swinging Summer ," a filmed story of what's going on in the Atlanta Parks · · Phyllis and cameraman Dan .Keever and producer Michael Fields spent several weeks pu tting together the special which depicts such areas. as a basketball clinic conducted !,, ,.i,~,,;. 9.30 p.m. by stars of the Atlanta Hawks , golf lessons, track meets, 1::;f /::'": ly ~: : drama classes, guitar lessons, r.::c:c:: 1.· .·.:¥.~r'/.·'.i.;'/·"'j·•· the. Channel 5 arts a nd crafts, bus trips into ·.-~(;?rt ,t;."-; • news departthe country, visits to Channel \'<, ment will of5, the Coca-Cola Co. , and othf ··.: !r:_ ,:Ji. ·, ~ fer a discus~r indus tries to say nothing l'-'~i:L~'-' '"° sion program Pa'.J ! Jor.cg i n V O} V i n g of the various activities on playgrounds and in pools in Clark Harrison, chairman of _the Atlanta area. the DeKalb Coun ty Commission , and Homer Cronin , chair• The "Swinging Summer"

will a fford Atlanta area viewm an of the Republican party

.ers a better picture of what is in DeKalb County. They will going on in and around the discuss taxes. .city. Thousands will see activ"Swinging Summer" is a ity they never dreamed took happy program. We can't say place here. the same for the di scussion . In the fin ale the program progra m at 10 p.m . will offer a montage of the ,· P hyllis Muller, who wrote many-sided progra m, high"Swinging Snmmer," said she lighted by a "block party" in was surprised to fi nd the great which under privileged yol!ngvariety of activity that exists sters are fed from mob ile in the Atlanta Pa rks and Reciunch rooms. reation Departmen t summ er . ,I: ll: '" program Rnd she said viewers will be agreeably surprised too. · t.tf.ii i;~~P\ !lt$f;'~tij I~~rl143.215.248.55f / F:: 0 .. / ·?,( ~- --=.-; ,.,,. { �