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80 - 26th St., NW Atlanta, Ga., 3 03 09 September 8, 1966 Dear Ivan: Along with thousands of others, I should like to express my admiration for the courage and common sense with which you handled the race riot in the Capitol Avenue section, and I am sure all people of good will, of both races, feel the same. This morning I spoke of it to a colored porter, and he heartily agreed. You will receive many such letters, and you will be too busy to answer them, so don't bother about that, but I do want you to know that I feel grateful to you and proud to have you as mayor. Atlanta has many problems, some of which may not be solved in your time or mine, but the one you handled this week is the most immediately urgent, and I don't see how anyone could have handled it better. Thank you, and you may be sure that my thoughts are with you constantly. Sincerely, �