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ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201-B CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director Dear Friend: The Youth Council and several other community agencies are sponsoring a conference on Narcotics and Drug Abuse Among Youth. The conference will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 1969, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Fulton County Mdeical Academy, 875 \-Jest Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. The purpos e of this conference will be to determine some effective and unified course of a ction by the community to deal with this very serious and increasingly _ dangerous problem. The conference participants will include a very rich reservoir of experts who will assist us in improving and accelerating our programs in the areas of education detection and enfor~ement as related to drug abuse among youth, This conference will be a working conference, and it will be geared particularly to parents, teachers, youth and youth leaders. We are therefore inviting and urging you , your staff and any other constituency of your organization to attend this conference on March 18, 1969, 12:30 p.m. There is no cost , and a limited amount of free parking is available . Would you p l ease make yourself a committee of one and make sure that the director and cha irman of your youth organization ( counse lors, teachers, etc.) and some parents and youth from the community attend this conferen c e . Can we count on yo u? Sincerely, ~~ Matthew Patton, Chairman Committee on Youth, Health and Welfare h(~~l!p Professor Wi lliam Grosse, III Chairman on Conference AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA �. - ·., ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201 -8 CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director March 4, 1969 Dear Friend: As you probably know, each year the City of Atlanta, Economic Oppertunity Atlanta, Inc., The Community Chest and many other private and public agencies and organizations sponsor a Youth Opportunity Program. 'rhis program is designed to aid and provide service for all the disadvant~ d youth in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. It has been the practice of the Youth Opportunity Program to discuss and present tentative program plans with President's, Participating Agencies, Churches, Board of Directors and Youth. In this respect, we feel that any suggestions , criticisms and program input you might have will greatly contribute to the sue• cess of the 1969 Youth Opportunity Program. We are asking you to attend a meeting of this type and to bring any friends , Board members, youth gr.ups and/or representatives that you feel might be.help• ful to us. The meeting will be held Thursday. March 13 14:00 P.M. at City Hall, Aldermanic Chamber (2nd.Floor 2· ,n I hope you will be able to attend and bring persons who you feel terested. -~Q. Sincerely yours, Clarence Elsas, Ch&irma~ "-Youth·opportunity Program AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA .lght be in• �METRO - ATLANTA YOUTH OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM 68 MITCHELL STREET, RM . 1'201 -B 522-4463, EXT. 437 or 525-8275· ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Hon . Ivan Allen, Jr ., Hononary Chairman Clarence E. Elsas, General Chairman Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, V. Gen. Chairman John Cox, Executive Secretary Mr. Dan Sweat Mayor's Off ice Cit y Hall Atlant a, Ga. 30303 Dea r Mr. Swe at: Liller, Neal, Battle and I.indse·y has again this year agreed to serve as the publicity consultants for the Youth Opportunity Program. As we have reviewed and evaluated the 1968 publicity effort, I ·feel that the generous resource of Liller, Neal, Battle and Lindsey has not been effectively and fully utilized. This is especially true of publicizing, promoting and reporting the various activities to the media for maximum coverage. We have set up a meeting with Mr. 0. B. Moore, Consultant from Liller, Neal, Battle and Lindsey and other agencies to discuss developing guidelines and procedures for reportihg activities to the various media. The meeti ng will be held Thursday, April 24, City Hall, Committee Room #4 at 10:00 a.m. If you cannot attend, please send a representative . Sincerely, Zenas Sears, Chairman Pub licity Sub Committee , Y. O.P. l �April 24, 1969 Mr . Gerald W . Christenson Executive Directo r Presiden t ' s Council on Youth Opportunity Washi ngton, D . C . 20006 Dear Jerry: Attached is a c_o py of a letter which was sent to the V i ce President regarding the NCAA program. I think this illustrates the position that I took at the conference on youth coordinators . That was that while I support the view of virtually all th youth coordinators that this program was not handled properly in the beginning. I d o not support the view that we s hould pass a lot of resolutions condemning the President or the Vice President or anyone lse in sight as well s objecting to and fighting the NCAA program. We simply took the initiativ to m ke s ure we would have a ignificant input for th program in A tl nta and th t it i m a d p rt of our Yo uth Opportunity Progr- w ll y o ur help. S ine r ly yours , Dan Sw · t DS :fy �PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL ON YOUTH OPPORTUNITY WASHINGTON , 2000 6 April 22, 1969 Dear Dan: I want to express to you my deep appreciation for your participation in the recent Conference of Youth Coordinators. Your experience and your personal insights were a major factor in the success of the conference. Thank you for all that you have done to expand opportunities for disadvantaged youth. We look forward to working with you in the continuing effort. Sincerely, H Gerald W. Ch ristenson Exe cutive Dire ctor Mr . Dani e l Swe a t Director of Governmental Liaison Room 2 09, City Hall Atlanta, Georg ia 30303 YOUTH OPPORTUNITY CAMPAIGNS: JOBS· SUMMER CAMPING • FEDERAL CAREERS• SHARE YOUR . SUMMER • STAY IN SCHOOL �// /l tt.,~ THE VICE PRES I DENT WA S HI NGTON April 11, 1969 Dear Mayor Allen: Enclosed is a copy of the press release announcing the National Summer Youth Sports Program to be administered by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. To assure that the program will be carried out in concert with your city's overall summer youth program, the following procedure has been established. We have directed the president of each school or his designated representative to contact you. He is to inform you of his institution's summer youth sports program and is to solicit your advice, assistance and recamnendations so as to assure the program provides the maximum benefit to your city. Approval for these programs is contingent upon the preceding; however, due to the time factor, we hope we can receive your report by April 21. Please send a copy of your recommendation to me in care of The President's Cowicil on Physical Fitness and Sports, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, North Building, Room 4o49, 330 Independence Avenue, s. W. , Washington, D. c., 20201. Should you have none to make, please also inform me to that effect. I assure you that your camnents will be accorded care:f'Ul. consideration by my office. Sincerely, o/ 7 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia ~i,/ �April 22. 1969 The Honor ble Spiro T . A n Th~ Vice Pr ident Qf th United Stat W hi.rigton. D. C .

r. Vice President:

Dear in the N tional Summer The City of Atl nta. i Youth Progr m. h ppy to p rtidpat It ie tny under Atlanta col that, to date. a.r hous tina in thie program. Colle i th r. John Cox, E:xecutlv Director of th Youth Council, • s· coordinator lor our Youth Opportunity Pro :ram in Atl nt&, k the foll Ing action: I. o.nly • contacted all of the NCAA Collegea in Atl ta to coura e m to participa.t • o far, only orehouse Coll la p J'ticl t • Emory d G or 1& T ch ladle t d t t t · y c uld ot b e or other buildic d cU•lty program• thi• z. •• T of

30•1:S0 hlat a

�Pag ·T o The Honor ble Spiro T . Ag.new April 22, 1969 b. T target d the W rea ould b t End r as: th N h W shington c. The EOA Cent r in th West End and N sh shlftgton r , the Robin · on Boy Club, t Atl•n: Girl Club nd the Public Hou ing ould r fer th · p rtici- d. IJua in W> uld b pt t a mlotmum, tr epol'tation ould b u d tor trip and :upport £or the 011- goin. progr m; A maxJLJnilU'JJ-. numb I' ol poor youth from th tar t rea will be hir ci by th Proj ct; ,.. Th 111 plor tb poe ibility of ex di tble pro ram if uch n eda sirant, utilbiog oth r f cilitl ; Uy, th coll g F tlua project into coorduiat ity gram Hort. talc a o.r in r lation•hlp in.form cl on it• pro r ••· yor of 0DllD'l41lJJ.4 tt, f City of Atl d , I "111y e11dor1e • S eerel • Alle Sr. • tbi• pro r m �MAR CH 17, 1969. FOR H ,1MEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White Bouse Press Sec.retary - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE VICE PRESIDENT ON THE NATIONAL SUMMER YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAM C aptain J a mes A. Lov e ll h as joine d me today to announce a new program on e a 'r th ra:th e r than in spac e . While m.ost Americans are familiar with astronaut L ov ell ' s part in th e successful Apollo 8 mission, he has another · role and another mission as the Pr esid e nt's Consultant on Physical Fitness and Sports. We b e lie,ve h e will _b e e qually succe ssful here. T oday I am please d to a nnounc e the establishme nt of a national summer youth sports prograrn which will provide summer day camp experience for an estimated 75, 000 young p e ople living in urban areas. The program will e nabl e dis advantage d youngsters in 4 0 1netropolitan areas across A1nerica to attend sum1ner d a y camps which will b e held on the carnpuses of 12 0 co lleges, univ ers ities and junior colleges. Colleges will contribute t h eir gyrnnasiui;ns, swimming pools, tracks, playing fields and special purpos e room·s as well a s a full-time program director a nd capital sports e quip ment at a c o st of $1. 55 million. The bal anc e of the program's cost will be financ e d through a transfer of $3 million in OEO funds to th e D e p a rtm e nt of H ealth, Education, and Welfare which will a ssume responsib ility for the program. The program will be admini~tered by th e National Collegiat e Athletic Association und e r contr act to the D e partme nt of HEW. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sport s w hich I cha ir as Vice Pr e sident, has been ass ign e d by HEW S ec retary Finch to supervise the program. Captain Lovell directs staff ac tiviti e s for th e Council. T his nationa l program is modeled a fter th e highly successful summer sports progra m conducted l ast y ear a t the Univ ers ity of Southern California for youngst e rs fro 1n the ghetto are a n e ar it s campus. The 40 mdropolitan areas h ave be e n c hos en on th e basis of population si z e a nd p e rcenta~e of poverty l eve l famili e s. Our prime targ et is to r e a c h th e inner city youngs t e r who has no recourse but the streets during th e long, hot summer. ~- --- �Obviously w e c annot r e ach e v e ry child w e want. We hope to reach many . l • e s I pov e rty areas to prov1•d e at least a 5 we e k in the h ear t of th e se c :.t1 r e spite of recr e ation and l~elaxe d education. I Thi s is a beginnine:• We ar e t /lpping resourc e s heretofore unused and r eaching youngsters hElretofor'e unknown. As Capt~in Lovell knows from exp e rienc e , you cannot reac}:1 ~he moon on the first flight. But you can nev e r reach the moon if you w ill not try. Thi s y ear ' s suc c e ss will pave t h e w a y fo r greate r participation and expand h ori z ons of hop e wh e r e hope is m o s t n ee d e d - - right her e at home.

�CITY OF A.TLANT.A CITY HALL April 17, 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS , Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES , Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR ., Director of Governmental Liai so n MEMORANDUM To: Mr. John Cox From: Dan Sweat ~ Would you prepare a recommendation from the Mayor for Mr. Agnew and return to me in time to meet the April 21 deadline. DS:fy �Dear Mr. Vice President: The City of Atlanta is happy to participate in the National Summer Youth Program. It is my understanding that, to date, Morehouse Cmllege is the only Atlanta college participating in this program. Mr, John W. Cox , Executive Director of the Youth Council, as well as coordinator for our Youth Opportunity Program in Atlanta, has taken the following action : 1. contacted all of the NCAA Colleges in Atlanta to encourage them to participate. So far, only Morehouse College is part icipating . Emory and Georgia Tech indicated that they could not participate because of other building and activity programs this summer; 2, communicated with Coach Forbes, Morehouse's Director, individually, and discussed Morehouse's Proposal prior to submission. He later held a meeting with Dr. Forbes involving personnel from the City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department, Economic Opporuunity Atlanta and the Community Chest. At this meeting , the following proposed modification and changes were suggested and a greed to by Dr. Forbe s: a. The program would operate from 9:30-1:30 instead of 8:00a,m.-12:00 noon; b. The target areas would be the Nash Was hington and the West End ar eas; c. The EOA Center i n the Wes t End and Nash Was hington areas, the Robin s on Boys Club, the At lant a Girls Club and the Publ i c Housing Proj e ct s i n these areas would r efer t he partic ipants to t hi s program; d. Bussing would be kept at a minimum 7trans port ation would be used f or t rips and s uppoF.t f or the on-going program; e. A maximum number of poor yout h from the target area will be hired by the Project; f. The college wi l l explore t he possibility of expanding this program if such needs warrant, utilizing other facilities; g, Finally, the col lege has agreed to fully coordinate this project into the total Youth Opportunity Program effort. We will continue to maintain a working relationship with this program and keep your representative informed on its progress. As Mayor of the City of Atlanta, I fully endorse this program and recommend its funding. �Comnunity Development Aide Project Rod nt C(>ntrol 30 Courtland Stret, N. Atlanta, Geoo:g ' 30103 E. April 7,1969 Mr . Robert A. Kay Camnunity Environment 1 ~rov.· ~ t Co .Env:l.ro~ntal OQUtrol Adlninis t.-ratlon SO Se th Street, N. E. lant , Georgi Ar Mr . 30323 y: In compl:l.ance with yottr t:eque t Coal:lunity lt3040..0l-69 . Si e'ri ltant lo nt Aid ly your , .. Ji-. t of March 24,19.69; I Proj ct ( nclo t1'g 1ft .tu epo-rt of odent Control). pt:'oject er ( t) �l'l'Y DEVELOPMENT ( Prom; Proj et ut 0r4at E PROJECT nt Control ) INm~ s' t ,- .£ .


1 nf.re.ct 1 lUHt-.W,.J.<UJJIJ,i, 1 -C lftk II 5 () 11-L.LZ... 11- 11 of " l. 2. J. \ l. ._ �th 4.- Mr. J.E. s. Mr-. Er 6 .. nt ............... Public • • • • • • • • • • Atl w~ ta H t.h ............ City of Atl par nt S f.tuy Di,i:,.._.....,._. ) Of l pe,.ctor of Bld • Tvtft:tY:tm!'Qt ( 1ng Authority ,~ 0££1c 1. • .. John lie 1th 9., 11 1 �) ·~+--•A- )-11

·-· ,_ l lS.C �.·DEPA RT MEN T O F HE A LT H , ED UC ATI ON, A N D WELFARE REGIONAL OFF I C E PU.BLIC H~AL TH SERV ICE Room 404 - 50 Seve nth Street, N. E . Atlanta , Ge orgi a 30323 March 24, 1969 Mr . John W. Cox, Exec ut i ve Director Atlanta Childre n & Youth Servic es Council 1201- B City Hall City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention : Miss Kat y Young Dear l'IJ.r • Cox : A r equest has been made by our Headqua.rte rs t o prepare a status r eport on the initial prog ress and related problems of the rat control projects in this Region . This j_s to r equest a report from your project that will provide data on the fo llowi ng : 1. Facj_lities : Are facilitj_ es avaj_lab l e to a ccommoda t e staff ? If not, wh en ,,rill t hey be r eady and what is the major cont i ngency ? 2. Staff : Have principal staff members been hired or at least identified ? What expec tations do you 11ave on acquiri ng non professional staff? Wi ll ass istance be required in their training ? 3. Int ernal ope ratj_ng procedures : Have l ocal operating procedures been drafted or fina li zed? This should include both the techni cal aspects of proj ec t accompl j_shment as we ll as admi nistrative matt ers such as t ime a nd att e ndanc e reporting, procurement, property responsibility, and job descriptions . Have professional and citize n advisory groups been estab lished? If so, with what results? 4. Expenditure i nformation : What has been the approximate monthl y rat e of expenditure and what is anticipated for the r emainder of the proj ect pe riod? What pl ans are being made to support t he exnansion and maintenance of the project beyond the first year 1 s operat ion? When will the proj ect b egin ope rating and whe n will i t reach normal capacity? �2 5. Exte r nal organizational re l ationships : What i nformal and formal arrangements have b een negotiated or will be negotiated with other organizations concerning matters of mutual interest? 6 . Community response : Wha t pub licity has b een given to the proj ect and what has bee n the reaction of organized g roups and the general public? 7. Other: Ident i fy any signi f icant ac complishments or problems encountered . I n particul ar ; describe situations which ma y be us ef ul to other grantees . This information i s needed by April 8; 1969 . that date; i t will b e apprec i ated . If you can forward i t b y Yours truly; 0 · / .~_;~:-ro0:ic,z/ \ /( ( . •/ i~ -r: / 12:53, 29 December 2017 (EST)/ l/ ~ 'v Jon e rt A . Kay Communi ty Environmental Improvement Consultant Environme ntal Contro l Admi nistration 1 RAK :cm �METRO - ATLANTA YOUTH OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM 68 MITCHELL STREET, RM. 1·201-B ATLANTA, GA. 30303 522-4463, EXT. 437 or 525-8275 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr., Hononary Chairman Clarence E. Elsas, General Chairman Mrs. Carrie B. Wright, V. Gen. Chairman John Cox, Executive Secretary May 13,1969 Dear Dan: M you prebably knew, planning for the 1969 Youth Opportunity Program has been underway since November 1968. In this respect, you were invited to serve on the Technical Executive Committee and to attend the first meeting which was held in March 1968. At this point, the various participants have developed what may be considered the overall plan fer the 1969 YOP. I am askirg that you attend a meeting of the Teehnical Executive Committee to be held on Tuesday, May 20,1969, City Hall, Committee Room :ff: 1, at 3:00 P.M. At this meeting you will receive a copy of the overall plan. You will also be asked to discuss and make suggestions, additions etc. to the plan. I hope you can attend. Sincerely yeurs, ~~ Clarence E. Elsu, Chairman Metropolitan YOP �ATLANTA, GEORGIA PHONE 522•4463 r/),0.- m~~ ~ - l;:.rem Capblte Merris Redding £)~ An(\ _ Ti(Y)e. 15 on- ~o~r ~ id ~ .sho)_ I- s~ P, 0~ . <a:--~ ~s Yo-LLk. owm~ 0 6'AA ~ 9£ Po.~ &&-Cc~6-lc:e _ We. G'AUe a} l~t 1wn 61- ~ 0-IV'\ ' ( prt>po~ ) noN2.. 'b uh~ ~ PAAK~ ~~ p~or~ _ ~,..J,-- LI"\ tfciw~ - ~ )\le.. ~a_ct_ our c.~ ~ " - ' dr)~~' aN' eJr.. wan bi rn~Ol, a).) Pr! /en ~~ tr: &n(jW 1fuA- - u, c~ ~ :I ~ ~ ~~ - a.rd Q4, a.. pdin: ~,..,fyi ~ - lJe.. ~ ll & (5h, IJ'v&_~ ~J- ~ . a.r-d ~ '1> FORM 12:53, 29 December 2017 (EST)~ d,,.c.,.;;kr L~ ('_~ �iM.,~et, t4. ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~~ s ,1 ~ ~ +o ~~ ~ rn~ �May to: 21, 1969 . John Cox D.an Sweat P'llOM: George ldridge Thia is t.o advise you that the Dap rtment of Housing nd Urban J>ev-elopment has proved th 30,000 grant for the Youth Opportunity Program. th s GA/blt Ae soon as HUD not1f1 s us, we will ublnit a r quisition for funda. �June 17, 196 9 MEMORANDUM T o : Mr . John Cox From: Dan Sweat Do you know anything about thi s o r ganization a nd should we get involved in lending th Ma yor ' s name to their public r l tions campaignl If so, would you prepai-e a hort tatement of ndorsement of it work. Unless we DS:fy r s u:re , 1 t's don 't do anything. �June 17, 1969


To: Mr. John Cox From: Dan Sw at Do you know a.n.ythln bout this letter Mr . Co.-: is referring to? Do we have a~y t tem nt we could send him in. an wer to the que tion: What r some pecific proj cts you would lik . to see youth und .rt ke in your loc lity? 11 DS:f.y �"' GA MBRE LL & M O BLE Y 390 0 FI RST NATI ONAL BANK 8 U I LOING ATLANTA, G EOR GIA 3 0303 DAVID H . GAMBRELL JO H~ H. MOBLEY AL BER T SI DN EY .JO HNSON June 17, 1969 J. ROBERT 0'\VENS ROBER T D. FEAG IN III 404 / 525 - 8571 J EREM IAH LUXEMBURGER LE ON L . RICE III Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Ha ll 68 Mitchel l Street, S. W. Atl anta, Georgia 30334 Re: Atlan ta Youth Council Dear Mayo r Allen: John Cox has ten dered and the Executive Committee of the Youth Coun ci l has ac c epted h i s resi gnation from his j ob as Exe c u t ive Direc tor as o f July 31 , 1969 . John is leaving t he Yo u th Council to take Frank Thomas' job as Executive Di rector o f the Butler Street Y. The Exe c ut ive Committee o f the Yout h Council feels that Jo hn has served the Council diligently and effective ly during hi s tenure as Executive Director. Before attempti ng to r e c r uit a s ucc esso r t o Joh n Cox , we wanted · t o a sk you i f you had any sugges tions f o r a suc c es sor t h at we could offer to t he committee in charge of selecting s uch a person and al s o t o ask you if y our co c eption of the Youth Counci l or of t he job to be fi ll e d h ad c hanged . As you may r emembe r, there was some talk las t Fall o f c onsolidati ng the Youth Council with ano the r grou p such as the Crime Commission o r the Community Re l a t ions Commission . At tha t time , we were anxi ous to get the Council fun c tio ning and its programs u nderway and d id not want to get i n volved in a re - exami n ati on o f i ts pur pose s or its place in t he structure of City Gove rnment . That is s ti ll a fair assessment of the sentiment o f t e Executive Committee . Nevertheles s, if changes in the status o f the Coun cil are contempl a ted, the Exe cutive Committe e fe lt t hat t hese c hanges should be known to it and taken i nto accoun t in its process o f recruiting a successor to John Cox . Ve ry truly y ours , ATLANTA CHILDREN SERVICES COUZJ C i ,14 1 J L/ kt & YOUTH ~ J ~ ;; t Luxembu rg~r Chairman �Mayo r Ivan Allen , Jr . June 1 7, 1969 Page 2 CC: Mr . Dan Sweat Mr . Jo h n Cox Mr . ichael Trotte r Mr . DeJongh F ranklin Mrs . Margaret Perdue Mr . Fl etcher Coomb s ... �THE KENTUCKY YOUTH CONFERENCE The Kentucky Youth Conference was begun in 1967 by former Attorney General Robert Matthews to seek among the young people of Kentucky the leadership necessary to curb Kentucky's juvenile delinquency problem . In 1966 Kentucky got, for the first time, a roughly accurate look at its juvenile delinquency problem. In that year, the Attorney General's Office, in cooperation with the Department of Child Welfare, developed a voluntary and uniform juvenile offense reporting system . They found the over-all picture bleak, showing little end in sight to the rising tide of juvenile crime in the state of Kentucky. The Kentucky Youth Conference was designed to do something about this problem. It is based on the theory that y oung people, if given the opportunity, can themselves develop solutions to the problem of juvenile delinquency; that their energy, insight, and imagination cannot be overlooked; and that they should seize the l eadership in dealing with this problem. These concepts of the Conference became a reality in August of 1967 and again in August of 1968 when more than 800 high school age people from a ll parts of Kentucky gathered at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond to ask themselves what they could do about juvenile crime in their local communities. Their discussions, s timulated by exce llent speakers, programs , and the most comprehensive data on juvenile crime available , sparked many ideas for local projects . Youth Conference delegates have organized a teen jury in Henderson; a three - county Central T een Council in northern Kentucky involving county judges and police judges ; a youth employm e nt servic e in Versailles which, in its first year of operation, found jobs for s ome e ighty young people in the area; a nd a Boyd County program which has involved pre-teen children of indigent parents in the area in picnics and horseback riding . Many such programs throughout the Commonwe alth have met with such great success , unprece d e nted c ommunity interes t a nd widespread s upport tha t the annual Conferen ce will now remain a perm a n e nt ins titution in Ke ntucky. l �Delegates to the Conference have been sponsored in the past by more than twenty thousand Kentuckians representing corporations, labor unions, civic clubs, schools, and church organizations. These groups, along with various other foundations and youth organizations interested in the development of Kentucky youth and the prevention of juvenile delinquency, lend financial support to the Conference efforts. The Kentucky Youth Conference is now sponsored by the privately financed, non-profit Kentucky Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Foundation of Louisville, Kentucky and has begun a Sustaining Member Program intended to broaden its financial base, while giving Kentuckians a chance to participate in its efforts in an important and essential way. Throughout the entire state businesses, organizations and individuals recognize and support the tremendous potential of the Kentucky Youth Conference, and of Kentucky young people, to mobilize the resources of the state in effective combat against juvenile delinquency and to explore new areas of constructive citizenship for the young. I \ �CITY OF .ATLANT.A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 June 17, 1969 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR ., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDU I I To: From: I (~ I Do you know anythi g abo~ t this organization and should we get involved in l end:,,ng 11 e Mayor 1 s name to their public relations campaign:?\ / If so, would you pr ~i of its w ork. Unless we ar e DS:fy re a short statement of endorsement 1 s don 1t do anything. �lCX) r1. bi.xt:b Louisville, kentucky S83-ll30 the kentucky juvenile c3elinquency piievention an3 youth c3evelopment founc3ation, inc. 40202 June 11, 1969 Hon. Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: I am presently working as Director of Public Relations for the Kentucky Youth Conference to be held August 10-13, 1969 at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I have enclosed more information regarding the history, goals and accomplishments of the Conference and of the entire Kentucky Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Foundation of which it is the heart, hoping that it will present you with a somewhat clear and informative picture of our past and present efforts . We are, of course, hoping and planning that this year 's Conference will be our larg est , most successful and most effective yet and are, therefore, doing all we can to make ourselves known to as many potential delegates and sponsors as possible. It is for this reason that I am writing to yo u. Being in a position of such leadership and influence, I would hope that you, after reading abo ut the Conference, would see the tremendous imp act and effect it is capable of having on Kentucky youth and would lend interest and support toward it with some statement of endorsement or approval which we might then be able to use in our public relations. We are very proud of and optimistic about the impressive results we have seen throughout Kentucky since the birth of the Conference and the foundation, and we know that you share our concern and hope that it will remain a permanent institution in Kentucky- - an opportunity for Kentucky youth to meet to pool thoughts , ideas and ex periences regarding timely and relevant youth questions and prob - the kentuck;y ;youth confeiience �Hon. Ivan Allen Page two lems, and an incentive to them to unite for statewide effect by putting new ideas and solutions to work within their own communities. I trust that you will let us know any reaction or response you might have to our efforts as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your interest and concern. Sincerely, Carol Kunk Director of Public Relations Kentucky Youth Conference CAK/cak �Jun 25 , 1969 Mr. Robert A . Fer '1 on, Director Atlant Are Technical School 1560 St a.rt Av nu.e, S . E . Atl t , Oeorgl 30310 Dear Mr. Ferguson: Mr. J oh:n Cox , Dir ctor of the S amm r Youth Opportunity Progr: mt h a informed me of th fin ork your Gr phic Ari D p i-tm nt is · doln 1n pdntlng 80,000 Su r Inv ntori • to b di t.ribu.ted to Atlanta• youth thi aumm: r . A ~ o r and H or ry Ch ir:m n of the Youth Opportunity Pro ~ 1 t m take thi opportunity to commend you and you.r ff for job •~11 don • Sine rely yc:uua. Iv All n. Jr. Mayor JAJr!fy �Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council 1201-B CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor. Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Franklin W. Thomas, 1st V. Chairman Mrs. Rhodes Perdue, V. Chairman Michael H. Trotter, Secretary Fletcher Coombs, Treasurer Robert M. Wood, Member at Large Mr. Robert A. Ferguson, Director Atlanta Area Technical School 1560 Stewart Avenue, SE Atlanta, Georgia 30310 Dear Mr. Ferguson: John Cox, Director of the Summer Youth Opportunity Program, has informed• me of the fine work your Graphic Art Department is doing in printing 80,000 Summer Inventories to be distributed to Atlanta's youth this summer. As Mayor and Honorary Chairman of the Youth Opportunity Program, let me take this opportunity to commend you and your staff for a job well done. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr Mayor cc. Mr. Fuller Mr. Mc Ma han AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA �June 23, 1969 Mr. Jerry Luxemburger Chairman, Atlai ta Children and Youth Services Council 3900 First National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 303-03 Dear Jerry: I have your letter of June 17th regarding the futur e of the Atlanta Youth Council and the l"eplaeem nt of John Cox. I am eking Dan Sweat to get in touch with you and arrange time when you, D n and George B rry may sit down and discus the matter, and then we shall decide what co\lrae ·o f action to pursue. He 11 be in tou.c h with you shortly. Sincerely., Ivan All n,. Jr. IAJr:am �GAMBRELL & MOBLEY 3900 F IRST NATIONA L BANK BUILD I NG ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 DAVID H . GAMBRELL JOHN H . MOBLEY ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSON June 17, 1969 J . ROBERT OWENS ROBERT D . FEAGIN III 404 / 525-8571 JEREMIAH LU X E MBURG ER LEON L . RICE ITI Mayor Ivan Allen , J r . City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, S.W. Atlanta, Ge orgia 30334 Re : Atlanta Youth Council Dear Mayor Allen: John Cox has tendered and the Executive Committee of the Youth Council has accepted his resignation from his job as Executive Director as of July 31, 1969. John is leaving the Youth Council to take Frank Thomas' job as Executive Director of the Butler Street Y. The Executive Committee of the Youth Council feels that John has served the Council diligently and effectively during his tenure as Executive Director. Before attempting to recruit a successor to John Cox, we wanted to ask y ou if you had any s uggestions for a s uccessor that we could offer to the committee in charge of selecting such a person and also to ask y ou if y our conception of the Youth Council or of the job to be filled had changed. As y ou may remember, there was some talk last Fall of conso lidating the Youth Council with another group s uch as the Crime Commission or the Community Relations Commi ssion. At that time, we were anxious to ge t the Council functioning and i t s pro g rams underwa y and did not want to ge t involved in a re-examinati o n of its p urposes or its p l ace in the structure o f City Government. That is still a fair assessment of the sentiment of the Executive Committee. Ne v e rthe l e s s , if changes in the status of the Council are contemplated, the Executive Committee felt that these changes should be known to it and taken into ac c ount in its p roce s s of rec ruiting a s ucces s or to John Cox . Very t r uly y ours , & JL/kt YOUTH �Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr . . June 17, 1969 Page 2 CC: Mr. Dan Sweat Mr. John Cox Mr. Michael Trotter Mr. DeJongh Franklin Mrs. Margaret Perdue Mr. Fletcher Coombs �GAMBRELL&. MOBLEY 3900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 DAVID H . GAMBRELL .August 14, 1969 JOHN H . MOBLEY A LBERT SIDNEY .JOHNSON 404 / 525-8571 .J . ROBERT OWENS ROBERT D . FEAGIN Ill JEREMIAH LUXEMBURGER LEON L . RICE ill Ivan .Allen, Jr . Mayor City of .Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Re : Atlanta Youth Council Dear Mayor .Allen : I am just about committed to run for the Fifth Ward seat on the School Board . My term as Youth Council Chairman expires in October of this year. I want to offer my resignation as Chairman of the Yout h Council if you think it improper for me to be both a candidate and Chairman. ~f you see no impropriety, I will stay on until the end of my term. I am not so committed to offering for the School Board that I could not change my mind if you felt it would not be in t he City's best interest for me to run at this time. I have always valued your judgment. Sincerely, J. Luxemburge r JL/lc cc: Dan Sweat �GAMBRELL & MOBLEY 3900 FIRST NAT ION A L B A NK BUILDING ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 DAVID H . GAMBRELL JOHN H . MOBLE Y ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSON August 15, 1969 J . ROBERT OW ENS 404 / 525 - 8571 ROBERT D . FE A GIN Ill .JEREMIAH L U X EMBURGER LE O N L . RICE Ill Mr. Dan Sweat Chief Administrative Officer City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Re: Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council Dear Dan: I appreciate the time which you and George Berry down and discuss the activitie s of the Youth Council. I want a summary of the conclusions as a r e sult of the meeting and convey to Lewis "t1~nkins, the Acting Director of the Council, to the p e rmane nt Dir e ctor of the Council w h e n he is named. took to sit you to have which I will as well as First, I conclud e d that the supervision of the Executive Dir e ctor , the initiation of Council a ctiv itie s, a nd the appro v al of policie s and pro g rams sug ge ste d by the Dir e ctor would continue to com e from the Board of Dir e ctors o f the Council . S e c ond , I c onclud ed tha t the E xec uti ve Dir e ctor of the Council should b e also subj e ct to the dir ec tion a nd sup e rvi sion of the M a yor ' s C hief o f Staff and should atte nd s t aff m ee tings o f Mayor Offic e p e rsonn e l a n d kee p t h e C hi ef Ad m i n is t r a tor in t h e M a y o r I s O ffi c e a ppris e d of w hat t h e Council is doin g a s we ll a s b e in g a vaila bl e and subj e ct to the supe r v ision and dir e ction o f t hat p e rson to do s p e ci a l tasks a ssi g n e d by him i n t h e a r ea o f c hild ren and youth . I am n o t c ! ea r how this w ill b e s ho w n o n t h e or ga ni z a tion c har ts , but I do kn ow t h at work ing r e l at i o nships a r e m ore impor t ant t h an organi zational lines of respon sibility. I wo uld h o p e that the resu l t wo uld be that you wou l d gain a valuabl e assistant and t h e Co u nc il w ould ga i n a va l ua bl e a ffiliation . P l ease l et me know if you ob j ect to my in s tr u cti ng L ewis ~ nki ns or his succ e ssor on the basis of thes e conclusions. Sincerely , cc : George Berry �August 22, 1969 M:t. Jerry Luxemburger Gambrell & Mobley 3900 Fir t National Bank Building Atlanta , Georgia 30303 Dear Jerry: With regal'd to your letter of August 15th conce1·ning the administrative and organizational relationships between the Youth Council Staff and the administrative staff of the Mayor and Board of A ldermen, please be a sured. that we will cooperate with the Director of the Youth Council and the Bo rd to insure maximwn result from the Yout1t Council work. ure if we have cl arly re olved the organiz tional position of the Youth Council Director. Maybe this c n be done alt an early date. In the meantime, we will communicate with .M r . Dinkin anci be vailable to a si t him in those area where he needs help from th City' dminhtrative organization. I am not Sine J"ely, D n w t Chief Admint•tr tiv Of.fie r D


�~;* r; ¢ r; ¢ Q. 0 i Q. THE VICE PRESIDENT Q. ,c, W A SHINGTON r; August 20, 1969 1?~ ·-~ OPEN LETTER TO MAYORS ? / As Chairman of the President ' s Council on Youth Qpportunity, I ask your assistance in encouraging the young people i n your community to return to school this fall. Last y ea r, m ore t h an 6 75 , 000 youths chose not to s t a y in scho ol. T hey joine d another tw o million dropouts al rea d y i n the y outh p opulat ion, ne a r l y half of w ho m w ere un emplo y e d . One mayor of a la r g e city i s mailing p er son al le tt e r s t o 3,000 d r opout s o r p o t ent i a l d r opou ts in his com m unity t his s ummer , urg i ng t he m t o r eturn t o s chool. Th e l etter i s bein g fo llo we d by an a d v er t ising c a m pai gn a n d p er sona l v i sits to the young p e op l e b y c omm uni ty v olunt eer s . Y o u c a n h e lp by fo c u s ing c omm unity attention o n th e subject , w he t her throu gh proclamation, p re s s re l e as e , p erson al l e tter , or o t her means . Employers s ho ul d be e nc ou ra g ed t o o ffe r pa r t -time employment t o t ho se y ou th w ho need i t to s t a y in s c hool. Y ou may wish t o formulate spe c ial c o m m u n i t y e ffo r ts to locate part-time w o rk in city a g en c i e s . Thank y o u for your assis t a nce . S i ncer ely , · �GAMBRELL & MOBLEY 3900 FIRST N A T I ONAL B A NK BUILD I N G ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 DAVID H . GAMBRE LL JOHN H. MOBLEY ALBERT SIDNEY .JOHNSON August 15 , 1969 404 / 525 - 8571 ..J . ROBERT OWENS ROBERT D . FEAGIN III ..JEREMIAH LU X EMBURGER LEON L . RICE ill Mr . Dan Sweat Chief Administrative Offic er City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta , Georgia Re : Atlanta Children and Yout h Ser v ices Co unc il Dear Dan : I appreciate the time whi ch y ou and George Be rry took to sit down and discuss the activit i es of the Youth Counci l. I want you to have a summary of the conclusions as a result of the meeti ng and which I will convey to Lewis ~ nkins , the Acting Dire ctor of the Council , as well as to the permanent Director of the Council when he is named . First , I concluded that the supervision of the Executive Director , the initiation of Council activities , and the approval of policies and programs suggested by the Director would continue to come from the Board of Directors of the Council. Second , I concluded that the Executive Director of the Council should be also subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor ' s Chief of Staff and should attend staff meetings of Mayor Office personnel and keep the Chief Administrator in the Mayor ' s Office apprised of what the Council is doing as well as being available and subject to the supervision and direction of that person to do special task• assigned by him in the area of children and youth. I am not clear how this will be shown on the organization charts, but I do know that working relationships are more important than organizational lines of responsibility . I would hope that the result would be that you would gain a valuable assistant and the Council would gain, a valuable affiliation. Please let me know if you object to my instructing Lewis @enkins or his successor on the basis of these conclutlions. Sincerely, Jc: George Berry �GAMBRELL & MOBLEY 3900 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BU I LDING ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 DAV ID H . GAMBREL L JOHN H. MOB LE Y ALBER T SIDNEY JOHNSON August 26 , 1969 J . ROBERT OWENS 404 / 525-8571 ROBERT D. FEA GIN III JEREMIAH LUXEMBURGER LEON L . RICE III Mr . Lewis Dinkins Acting Exe cut ive Director Atlanta Children & Youth Services Council City Hall Annex 3 121 Memori al Drive , S . W . Atlanta, G e orgia 30303 Re : Atlanta Children & Youth Services Council Dear Lewis : Duane Beck of Community Counc il has had a series of meetings with people in the 14th Street Hippy community and one of the results of the meetings ha been to dramatize the need for a drug education program in that community . Many of Atlant a ' s young teen-age children come to that community during the weekends and are exposed to the use of drugs. Also there are other people who come from outside of Atlanta who are not knowledgable about the dangers of drugs. Duane Beck bas asked the Youth Council to undertake a drug education program in the Hippy community and it is his suggestion that if it is to be effective it must avoid moralizing over the use of drugs and it must involve members of the community . Art Auerback:, Telephone Numbers 872-9492. , 622-0919, i a young m.an in the community who is interested in the project and who can be of assistance . Bruce Donnelly, a Minister, at Twelfth Gate Coffee House is also interested in the project. 1 am asking tbat you, as the Acting Director of the Council, make the establishment of such a program in that community an item of first priority. It is a logical follow up on the conferences which we had on drug use and abuse earlier thi spring. �Mr . Lewis Dinkins August 26, 1969 Page 2 If it is necessary for you to take a staff person and assigning him full time to the project you should feel free to do so . By copy of this letter I am informing Dan Sweat at the Mayor ' s office and the other members of the Executive Committee of the immediacy that this project has taken on as a result of requests from other agencies in the community. Very truly yours , ~ JL/lc cc : ~ E . Sweat, Jr . Mrs. Rhodes Perdue Michael H. Trotter Fletcher Coombs Clarence Elsas . Robert M. Wood burger �Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council 1201-B CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 Ivan Allen, Jr ., Mayor Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Franklin W. Thomas, 1st V. Chairman Mrs. Rhodes Perdue, V. Chairman Michael H. Trotter, Secretory Fletcher Coombs, .. Treasurer Robert M. Wood, Member at Lorge Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director Model Cities Program 673 Capitol Avenue, S, W. Atlanta, Georgia 303 10 Dear Mr. Johnson: Sometime ago the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council submitted several proposed projects to the Model Cities Program for funding via Model Cities supplemental funds. Said proposals are: Absenteeism Project; Central Coordination Services for Model Cities Youthi Juvenile Delinquency Prevention; and, United Youth Outreach. It is my understanding that the above projects were a part of the total program submitted to and approved by HUD. It is my further understanding that Jerry Luxemberger and John Cox appeared before the Executive Cormnittee to review and discuss the projects at which time questions were raised on the Absenteeism Proi!:_ct and the others were 11 all right 11 • Later Mr. Luxemberger conferred with Mr. Dan Sweat to obtain the general position of the Mayor concerning the Youth Council's Projects. It is my understanding that Mr. Luxemberger was informed that all of the projects were approved by the Mayor e xcept the Absenteeism Project. While we understand the broad responsibilities the Model Cities staff has in finalizing all of the projects submitted by the various agencies and organizations, the Youth Council Board is unable to ascertain reasons for the seemingly unusual delay in funding Council's projects. AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLAN TA 1 �Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director Model Cities Program September 5, 1969 Page 2 We would appreciate an explicit explanation of this matter so that the Board and staff of the Youth Council will be knowledgeable of the status of the Youth Council's projects as well as the intent of the Model Cities Program concerning the same. I would be most appreciative of your immediate reply so that the particulars on this matter will be presented at the Executive Committee meeting of the Youth Council in the nex t few days. Sincerely yours, -·n 1-c,~;+(P, c.. . (Mrs) Rhei'des Pe r ~- '----,,.:; Acting Chairman cc: "--<....(!___... Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mr . Dan Sweat �WAYMON s. WRIGHT P. O . DR AWER 17 3 4 ~'\.T LANTA, GEORGIA 30301 June 9, 1969 The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr., Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 My dear Mayor Allen: Thank you very much for your kind invitation to join with you on the "Come See Tour" of Atlanta's Special Summer Program and Youth Opportunity activities. I regret deeply that I had to change my plans to attend because of a heavy schedule at the office that I did not anticipate. I am confident that I missed some revealing sight~ so at the earliest convenience I will try to see all of the points of interest that are indicated on the schedule. Again thank you and please accept my regrets. Very truly yours, ~o."#~ Waymon Scott Wright Staff Representative WSW: bs �Jt . 1c rn, 19Gs lr. J er emiah Luxemburger Chairman At ant a Children and Youth Service s Counc il 1201- B- Ci'ty Hall 3900 First rati onal Rank Bu lding Atlanta , Georg ia 30303 ear ~Terry : This l etter is written t formally submit my r cs i r,n tion as Executive outh Coun il , eff ctive ur, st 1, 196~ . Director of the The past two years have been most r ewardi ng for me in s pite of our ups and downs in the Council . I want to·· tha nk TllY short stay. , ike, Franklin, the real "elbow sonal l y . the card fo r it s p~or t Bu t speci 1 thank s sho ld Fletcher and Clarence for grease " you have given to of t he Counc il and me duri ~r; go t o you, Marr;ar et , Bob, the support, patience and t he Council and t o me per- Honest l y , I believe that we are now almost ready to do some real programming in the Council . Since I shall be right here in to,m , I will be hap y to ssist the work of the Council in any ways t hat I can. Please feel free to call on me and have my successor to do l ikewise , if he s o desires. ~y present plans are to carry out a dual " phas e in and phase out" process simultaneously. This way, the hardship on the new Director of the Council might b minimized and I wi ll be ble to better acquaint myself with the "Y" job. �Mr . Jeremiah Luxemburger Page 2 June 18, 1969 I hope e can get t ogether ver y s oon and compl et e any phas ing out and debriefing on the Counc il' s bus i ness. I believe that I am ent i tled to accumulated annua l l eave pay f or a period from ay 1, 1967 to t he pr esent. This would come to about f our weeks or t wenty {20 ) working days. As you know , I have not had a vacat i on since I s t art ed working f or the Council . Therefore , I would expect my pay to continue t o August 1 9 ,1969 • I expect to be on vacat i on in July . I should hope that by t hat time, mos t of t he t hings I have up in t he a i r will be settled or settling down . Thanks aga i n to t he Mayor , the Board of Directors of the Council and espec iall y to the Executive and YOP Committees for a most challeng ing experience .~ith the City Govet'lllment . I remain Sincerel y , •:-:_ ,·-.~ :-"-"'--"'.__.....,.. i John w. Cox I . Executive Director c.c. Mayor All n �June 2.3, 1969 Mr~ Jerry Luxemburger Chairman, Atlai ta. Children and Youth Services Council 3900 First National Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303

De r Jerry: I h ve your letter of June 17th regarding the future of the Atlanta Youth Council and the replac ment of John Cox. I am · king Dan S at to get in touch with you and arrange a tim.e when you, Dan and Georg B rry may sit down and discuss the matter. and then we hall decid what cours of ction to pursue. H ·11 be in touch with you shortly.. Sincerely, Ivan Allen. .Jr. IAJr:am �July 31, 1969 MEMORANDUM TO John Cox~ Youth Council FROM Ivan Allen,. Jr. I have read your memorandum of July 28, regarding the negotiations of the Bond Group to lease the Storey Theatre. I am sorry that 1 cannot be of assistance in this matter. �~August 12, 1969 Mr. Michael H. Tl'otter Citizens Sou.thern N tional Bank Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dea.r Mike: May I acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 11th tendering your resignation as a member of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council. I accept it with regret, but would like to express b9th my official and per onal ppreciation for the contribution you have made to the ·c ity through the You.th Council. Sincerely.. '\ Ivan Allen, Jr. \ lAJr:am �MICH A EL CITIZENS & II. TROTTER SOU T HERN NAT I ONAL BANK BUILDI NG A T LAN T A , GEO R GIA 30303 August 11, 1969 The Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: It has been my privilege to serve as a member of the Atlanta Children a n d Youth Services Council since the date of its organization mor e than three years ago. A great deal of time and ef f ort was required during the ear ly years of the Counc il's ex is t ence to place its ope ra t ion s on a firm f oo t ing . I believe that this goal has now been accomplished an d that the Council can continue t o make a worthwhile con tribution to t he dis c h arge by the city government of its responsibilities to t h e citizen s o f Atlanta . Because of numerou s oth er demands upon my b ec aus e I have al r eady cont ributed to t he thoughts a nd ideas that I have concerni ng I hereby submi t my r esigna tion, effective 196 9 , as a member of the At lan t a Childr en Services Counc i l. time and Coun c il t h e its operation , Sep t emb e r 30 , and Youth Best r e gards, MICHAEL H. TROTTER MHT: j j cc: Mr. Jeremiah Luxemburger �October 7; 1969 Mr . Charles L . Figley % Dr . Mario Hidalgo Coordinator of Youth Activ ities City Hall Honolulu. Hawaii 96815 Dear Mr . Figley : I am pleased to furnish you the followi ng information c oncerning Atlanta ' s Youth Commi sion and its overall effec:ti vene in de ling with youth problems of this city . Th Mayor and the Bo rd of Alderm n tabli h d the Youth Council in February 1966. to carry out th following sp cific obj ctive : ...____ 1. To develop community programs d control juvenil d linquency; igned to prevent and Z. To coordinate activitie of agencie devoted to the w lf re of youth nd th pr v ntion of d linquency; 3. To impl m nt prev ntiv program through 11 m an bl to th city d p rtment• nd privat gencie ; 4. To collect; correlat and di seminat inform tion, tatements. · nd data on th ubj ct of childr n nd youth; To conduct inv tig tion · nd ny nd ll other nee ry to eff ctively p rform it purpo • lt is tb mi• · ion of our Council to coordin offering direct youth • rvic nd om 30 ome 85 ctivities nci · nci • offering in• �direct services to children and youth in the Metropolitan Area . The Council serves as the overall coordinating agency for the city's Youth Opportunity Program . Said Council pulls together a Metro- Atlanta Youth Opportunity Council consisting of representatives f1>1>m several business , civic, religious, private and public groups . This Council makes recommendations to the Youth Council's Board regarding pr ogram pr iorities, d i stribution and h ours of operation. Such recommendations are made on the basis of researched and evaluated needs and gaps undertaken by the Council I s staff •.• in the areas of employment, recreation, education, .a rt, camping, transpo rtati on, volunteers, special events, social services, special programs and public relations . For your benefit, I am enclosing a copy of our 1969 Youth Oppor tunity Plan. It is my strong conviction that youth have a very essential and important role to play in any community, for youth, in fact, constitu the citizens of tomorrow. A big part of the urban problem i8 essentially a youth problem in terms of hwnan resources and development; and any urban planning must take into con ider tion this very important ingredient. 1 would recommend that youth be intimately involved in any coordinating activities aimed at helping youth. I would specifically recommend that : 1. yo~th serve ob the Board of Youth Commie ion; 2. youth serve in an advisory c pacity to your City Planning Department; 3. youth rv Education; 4. youth rve 5. youth erve Agency; 6. youth rv in an advisory capacity to your Board of s con ulta.nts to your Recreation Dep rtin nt; con ultants to your Public Employm nt consultants to th Mayor' Office . �The problem of youth unrest is certainly one to be dealt with . This is not only true in Atlanta, but is the case in every major city in the nation. Atlanta's approach to dealing with this problem centers around the . general lack of services, commitments and interest on the part of larger communities . In this respect, the Atlanta Youth Council has been very effective in getting agencies to provide more services on a need basis; the result being those youth most in need of the services, receiving it. In addition, the total community has been alerted to the pressing need for providing adequate and effective services for all youth in the Metropolitan area . It is my feeling and while all of ful involvement sary ingredient that Atlanta has been very successful in this regard the youth problems have not been solved, the successof the total com.m unity on youth problems is the necesto succeesfully solving these problems; I hope this brief explanation has been helpful to you and will assist you in planning and coordinating the various services in your city. Sincerely yours, \ I Ivan Allen, Jr, Mayor lAJr:sm �Septa her 2s. 1969 Th~ Hono1"ilble Ivan A.llcu, J • • Mayor of Atlant City Hall Atlonta . Georgia Re : 30303 At nt Yout Council- Mod l Cities Propo ls D ~ Mayor All n : The B a!'d of t Youth Council ha 1e cone rn over th Juvenil requ at d ·t hat I wtit Pro osals o-r the you to x: its Delinqu nc • t.b.e Youth Council pl;'O.,.:r.a You will £-cJ~,.w ~ th t th Youth Councils rt o.f th l C tie t'Otr • Th _propo l, Ab 2. C nt~al Coordin tion 3. Juv nil ... te i to b 1 Proj ct e.rvic D linqu cy Pre• ach f r Yiodel Citi Youth ion nd th Model Citi e proj Br ~h cf the Atl nt rt of tb by HUD . n in t t Jerry Luxe er t ition conc~i th Youth Council u1K1urflt d ·that all t e , Y'Oj ct w • .,~...-...--. total . ro- nd �-2- Th most im rtaut proposal sub~ittcd w sour Juvenile D llnqu ncy Progru . This dS you rel!lc ber 9 is t h v ry urpooe for which th Council a,, creat d. You may not know that t he Model Cities area. accounting fo?• only a fraction of th st eity 1 s t .iaJ. opul ton of children (less than~ ) accou ta f~r a sub- ero ntase (l7~....") o the oity• G juvenile delinquency • The Youth Council Bo, rd ha ... hoard t h t the Ju r nile D linqu ncy Pro·;ram i . ro ,osed to be dol ted from the list ef funded pI"Qje.cts .. ·e a uin r~q\l t, we did lat spring , ah a~in wit respect to thio and our other p ~r· rescinded. Very truly yours , ( 'r •) etin CC: Perdue n Dan S t / Jll'!l il:lkus Johnny Johnson E~rctt illic n Lc,ds Oinkit'\u • �September 30, 1969 Greetings : i The Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council, in its third year as the City's official agency for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, is undertaking a difficult task. During the past year, its functions have been greatly expanded in line with the aim of building sound programs for the youth of today who are our citizens ot tomorrow. As Mayor of Atlanta, I congr tulate the Youth Council's Board and et ff for its accompli hmente in the past. I m equally confident that the future work of the Council will result in even greater eucces • Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. M yor �ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201-B CITY HALL ( ' PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director October 2, 1969 Mr. Duane Beck Executive Director Community Council of the Atlanta Area, Inc 1000 Glenn Building 120 Marietta Street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Re: Atlanta Youth Council-Drug Education Project 14th Street Area Dear Duane: I am presently Acting Chairman of the Atlanta Youth Council, and am writing you in that capacity. The Youth Council, at its September meeting, decided that the Drug Education Project in the 14th Street area was an item which required further study by the Council and the Interagency Committee on Alcohol and Drugs before it could commit wholeheartedly to it. As you know, Lewis Dinkins has been trying to find some space in that community for housing a clinic sta rted last summer, a nd to date, has been unable to do so. We will certainly continue these efforts. Also, Lewis contacted Fulton County Health Department in efforts to ascertain resources which they had a vailable for drug educa tion and found tha t they were not substantial, to s ay the least . _After considerable discussion, the Youth Council Boa rd decided that any drug educ a tion a ctivity should be , a t present, under the juris diction of the Interagency Committee on Alcohol and Drugs which was c r eated in cooper ation with your organization . AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA �-2- Because of its broader scope, the Interagancy Cormnittee, should consider how such an education project could be handled. For example: 1. What sources should be used for statements about drugs? 2. Which authorities should be considered correct? 3. Can statements be made? When · these preliminary decisions and guidelines are set by the Interagency Cormnittee, the Youth Council will be in a better position to set a course pf effective coordinati6n and action for these youth. Sincerely yours, / / :/i VU~.r f~~ (Mrs) ~ e s Perdue, Chairman (Acting) CC: r/ Dan Sweat Jerry Luxemburger John Cox Lewis Dinkins Matthew Patton MP:vwp , .. ,...,.'.!;! . -.- -~ �I. PRESID EN T'S COU NCIL ON YOUT H O PP O R TU N IT Y WAS H ING TON 20006 November 21, 1969 fyfr. D an Sweat · Office of th,e Mayor C ity Hall Atlanta; Georgi a,. De a r M r. Swe a t: The staff of the Presid ent's Council on Youth Opportunity will conduct a Training Session for the Northeast and Southeast Mayor 1 s Youth Coordinators on Thursday and Friday, December 4-5, 1969, in Boston, Massachusetts. I, I· Subjects to be discussed include planning grants, the role of the states in the 1970 Youth Opporhmity Campaign, youth involvement, youth - -employment programs, public rela tions and fun d-raising, local organization, and the use of Urban Corps students. I ·I j I ! j ' lI Howard Phillips, Deputy E x ecutive Director, John H e in, Director of the Research and Public Affa irs Division, Geo:1'ge Gain e s, Director of Program Planning and Evaluation, and Bonn Clayton, Assistant Director, T e chnical Assistance Division, will be w ith us from the Council staff, as well as several resource people who are knowledgeable about thE: above subjects. Registration w ill be in Room SOS~ J. · F. Kennedy Federal Building , beginning at 8:30 a..m. both days and.concluding at 5 p.m. Thursday and 4:30p.m. Friday. Boston Youth Coordinator Clar e nce 11 Jeep 11 Jones has gen erously offered to assist you in finding w e ll-located h~tel accommodations. If you ne e d as sistance in this regard, call Mrs. Mary Stewart for reservations at 617 /722- 4494. If you have other questions, please call me at 202/382-6595. !-- 1 l l I_ (7&' /J ·. ~ 01Ua-? er · hllis Ca rrasco . Southea s t R e ri°i on ai Co ordinato.r YOUTH OPP ORT UNIT Y CAMPA IGNS: JOBS· SUMMER CAMP ING· FEDE RA L CAREER S · SHAR E. YOUR SUMM ER· STAY i N SCHOOL ,. J �November 26, 1969 Mr . Elli$ Carras c o Southeast Regional Coordinator President' s Council on Youth Opportunity Washington, D. C . 20006 Dear Mr . Cai-rasco: This is to inform you that I will be unable to attend the training session for the Mayor's Youth Coo:rdinators in Boston next week. l will be parti-cipating in th·e National League of Cities annual meeting in San Diego. I don't know if you would be interested or not, but S m Williams, who developed and operated our highly succ ssful Urban Corps Program through this past ewnmer, ie now in Harvard Busine s School. and would be a very valuable reae;>urce for any discu sion in thi area. Good luck on your meeting. Sincerely yours, Dan E. Sweat, Jr. Chi f Admini tr tive Officer DESJr:sm �' I I [ ~ ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201-8 CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 .... ., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburge r, Chairman John W . Cox, Executive Di 1·0ctor December 4, 1969 Mr. Dan Sweat Chief Administrative Officer Mayor's Office City Hall Dear Dan: As you know, the Christmas season is one of the times of the year that lends itself to the increase in crime and delinquency in our city. There are many statistics, as you also know, to support this claim . According to the City of Atlanta Police De partme nt, 368 juve nil e offen ses we r e committe d in De c emb er 1968. The Childre n and Youth Service s Council is charge d with the responsibility of preventing t hese acts before they b e come statistic s. To t h at e n d! we a r e p r o p o s i ng a series o f pu b li c s erv i ce announce ments t o b e carrie d by t h e ma s s me dia c entering around s e v eral i mp o r tant 00 1 S and OON 1 TS a t Christma s . We a re i ncluding ·a b ri e f out l i n e a s t o how t hi s c an b e done and what mat e rials could po ssibly b e u se d . To augme nt the thoughts we have, and to r e c e ive the bene fit s o f your thinki ng on t h e pro j e ct, we ar e calling a mee ting o f several key age ncies affe cte d by t hi s probl e m. At thi s me e·t ing we hope t o 11 firm u p 11 plan s so a s t o make max imum use of any T V and Radio time we can get . The meeting is s che dul e d f or Monday, Dece mbe r 8, 1 9 69 at 3: 30 p . m., City Hall, Commi tte e Room# 4. Thank you f o r your c oo p e rat i on . S i ncere ly , , ., J 1//'./. -rJ../4,,ti :vU,I ,.J. ,/ ,l_,,lA\--U.--{, . ,r 7 I ( Mr s )/ Rhodes Perdue Acting Ch airman RP: vwp Enc . AN AGENCY OF THE.CITY OF ATLANTA �Tl T (An Affiliate of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council) PAMELA WILLIAMS Vice President MICHAEL R. HOLLIS President MERI CURTIN, Corresponding Secretary ALTHEA TURK, Recording Secretary WILLIAM TOLIVER, Treasurer GREGORY McKINNEY, Parliamentarian BARBARA HARRIS, Reporter 68 MITCHELL STREET, 1201-B ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 522-4463, EXT. 437 DO I S AND OON I TS AT CHRISTMAS TIME With this year's Christmas season already upon us, the youth of this city wants each of you to help make all of us better citizen~ by eliminating the causes 0£ delinquent acts particularly during the Chri stmas season. fun 1 t turn a good youth bad by leaving the doors of temptation open to him. OON 1 T ! ! ! ! 1. leave keys in car 2 . leave packages visc.ble in your cari lock them in the trunk . 3. flqsh mone y around 4. leave car unlocked 5. lay your purse or wallet down; keep it in your hand 6. leave your house unlocked, even for a minute DO!!!! 1. leave a light on when you l eave home 2 •. have an escort at night when you are out ( ladies) 3. know where your children are 4. keep your doors locked 5 . be cautious of door to door sal esmen REMEMBER .••••• Only a s mall percentage of our youth are de linquents ••• let 1 s make this p ercentage even smaller!!!! "TO SEEK A NEWER WORLD" �- December 10, 1969 M rs . Rhodes L . Perdue A cting Chairman Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council 121 M emerial Drive. S . W . Atlanta, Georgia I


Dear Ma rgaret, 9u/ Thank you for your letter. of December -r ,.,<.,.,..... on.cerning J tb.e appointment to the Atlanta Childrentrid Youth Services Council. // This is to approv With best the reques t as outlined in your letter. i hes for the holiday season,, I am Sincerely your , Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lrd �ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201-8 CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director December 9, 1969 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: There have been several delays which have prevented the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council from being able to present the names of our proposed Chairman and 2 Vice Chairmen to you until this time. However, we have now secured what we consider an excellent slate and would like to seek your approval s6 that they may begin serving as soon as possible. We realize that it is also necessary for these officers to be approved by the Board of Alder men, but since we have a Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 11, we would appreciate your signifying that they take office at this time. Clarence Elsas has agreed to serve as Chairmano Fletcher Coombs, who has been our treasurer, and DeJongh Franklin have agreed to serve as Vice Chairmen. Although you do not need to appoint the balance of the Executive Committee, we would like for you to know that they are: Horace Sibley as Secretary, Jerry Luxemburger, John Cox, and myself, as members - at - large. Because the terms of these proposed members of the Executive Com mittee have expired, it will also be necessary to re - appoint Clarence Elsas, DeJongh Franklin, Jerry Luxemburger and Horace Sibley for another one (i) year term . John Cox is a Hong the ne w board members to be appointed and has already been nominated in this capacity by the Youth Council Board in October . We a r e ask i ng at this time, only for your indication of approval before the Board meeting on Thursday , December 11 and will sub mi t the entir e list fo r formal app r oval in the immediate f u tur e o ww;~;ersonal r egar ds , (Mr s )l'Rho de; ·L. Pe r due Acting ChairmOl"l RLP: vwp AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA �/ ' ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201-B CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director December 8, 1969 Mr o William Allison Executive Director E0A 101 Marietta Street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Bill: This is to express some very serious concerns regarding the Rodent Control Program for the City of Atlantao As Director of this project, I find it extremely difficult to effect a meaningful program due to internal flaws, inflexibilities and misconceptions by the various agencies concernedo Perhaps a little h _i story may be in order o The Community Development Aide Project was funded by the Department of HEW, such funds being designated ·to the City of Atlanta. The City of Atlanta, in turn, designated E0A as the agency who will · receive such fundso This does not mean, nor has it ever meant, that this is an E0A project exclusively or an E0A delegate agency; this simply means that E0A's responsibility in this project has been the administrative input necessary for effective program implementation . The City Sanitation Division also co-sponsor e d this p r oject with specific responsibilities accepted by them as an equal to E0A, Atlanta Youth Council and all other sponsors and co-sponsors. Most of the agencies participating in this project have been fle x i ble enough to make sufficient input and provide sufficient re sources to move the project effectively at this point in time o However, some of us are still laboring under long - range and irrele vant concepts which tend to hamper and render ineffective any progress in this area. . . . . - -..- . - --.. - - ·-· . - " .- . . . ·- . �-2- As Director of the Rodent Control Project, I am requesting that you use the influence of your office to insure that such short comings be effectively dealt with and eliminated . Sincerely, /~½ r:;::~~ Lewis F. Dinkins Project Director cc: Dr. Hackney Ralph Hulsey Johnny Johnson Dan Sweat v / Jim Westbrooks Harold Barrett �D 0 YOU KNO W are more than 16,000 pre-school children in Atlanta's ---there neighborhoods that desperately need low-cost day care . . . is room ---there now operating for only about 1300 of these children in centers of the mothers of ---most work these children need to work and must many of these children are left to roam the streets uncared -for •.• older brother ---an babyBit , , , CAN YOU ---build i ng - - -a or sister may even be kept out of school to I F HELP YOU HAVE space sitting empty during the week bus or car available in the early mo~nings and late afternoons ---a youth group or mens' a willingnes s to cook, ---children • • • club that can make a sandbox, a t oy ---a gr oup t hat ca n star t a day ca r e center i n you r nei ghborho od • • • YOU I F WA N T or teach music , or if you just love M O RE HELP can buy a Day Care Manua l

hyou ow to start your own center •• $3 which te lls you step-by-step • _ __a.,.ssistance is available t o advi s e you ---call the Community Council, CCAAinc. CS:rm 10/21/69 120 Marietta Street, 577-2250 • • • �April 22. 1969 The Honor bl Spiro T . Agn The Vice President 0£ th United Stat s Wa hiagton. D. C. De r Mr. Vic Pr The City of Atlallt Youth Pro ram. id nt: is h ppy to p rtici te in th National Summer li is my W1derstan t t, to d t , arehouse Coll,1 Atlanta colle rtici tin& bl this program. is the only r ,. John Cox. ecuU Dir ctol' of th Youtb C u.ncU, swll 8 r for our Youth Opportunity Program in Atl a coordin tak tl& iollu-:u.u<. ac::tloau l. 11 of the NCAA Colle ea iii Atl.an t m to pa1>tlci te,. So far, only or oua Colle la rtici tin • Emoey a d Ge r la T ,e.ch lodic:at d t t y could not rtiei te b c ua · of otb r buildi cl · ctl ity pro ram.• tbla c ntacted aurnm, r; 2.. commwucat d tb. Co dlvidually,, •• Co unity a. d modilicaU n to b DI'" F I' ea. ., T f �Page T o Tb Honor bl Spiro T. A n w April 22. 1969 b. The targ t area would b d th W st End · re : c. The EOA Cent r in th d. •u the Na W hblgton We t End and N sh .Robin on Boy Club. · nd th Public Hou ing would refer the •tici- ing pt t a mioift\11.m. t · porta ... don would be u ed for trip · a.nd .upport for the on- going prog~am; e. A m im n\Unb r of poor youth from. th tar et r a will 'be hir _d by th Project· £. The coll g ill lor the po eibility of . nding thil progi,am 1f •uch n da rran.t. utllb ing oth :r facUiti · ; g. Finally, th col ge .ha• gre d t.o fully coordin t thl• project into ~ total Yo,uth Opport\Ultty Pro ram Uort. W co.nthlu to maiD in a wo;rk yo.ur r•pr • A8 · r yor Con:JIDUlDtl .tativ infonn City ot Atlan , 1 fully it• f'Wld • l u All ,-01' L\Jr. latlon• .• thl• pron1llflll""' on it• pro r • • 1' • Sr. �. - -~·. ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND W ELFARE REG I O NAL OFF I CE PUBLIC H~ALTH SERV ICE Room 404 - 50 Seventh Street, N. E . Atlanta, Georgi a 30323 March 24 , 1969 Mr . John W. Cox, Executive Director - At l anta Children & Youth Services Council 1201-B City Hall City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention : Miss Katy Young Dear Mr . Cox : A request has b een made by our Headquarters to prepare a status report on t he initial progress and rel ated problems of the rat c ontrol projects in this Region . 'I'his is to request a report from your project that will provide data on the following : 1. Fa cil ities : Are faciliti e s available to accommodate staff? I f not, when will t hey be ready and what is the major conti ngency? 2. Staff : Have pri ncipal staff members b een hired or at least ide ntified? What expectations do you 11ave on ac quL.· ing nonprofess ional staff? Will assista nce be r e quired in their tra ining? 3. Int ernal ope rating proce dure s : Have l ocal ope rating proc edures b een drafted or finali zed? This should include both the techni cal aspects of proj ect acc omplishment as well as administrative matters s uch a s time and attendanc e reporting, proc urement, prope rty respons j_bi li ty, and job descriptions . Have profess ional and citi zen a dvisory groups been establis hed ? I f so, with what results? 4. Expe nditure information: What has b een the approximate monthly rate of expenditure and what is a nticipated for the r emainder of t he proj ect peri od? What pla ns are b e i ng made to s upport t he exnans i on and maintenance of the proj ect beyond t he first year ' s operation? When will the pr oj ect begi n operating and whe n will it r each no rmal capacity? �2 5. External organizat ional relationships : What informal and formal arrangements have been negotiated or will be negotiated with other organizations conc erning matters of mutual interest? 6 . Community response : What publicity has b een g iven to the proj ec t and what has been the reaction of organized groups and the ge neral public? 7. Other : Identify any significant accompl ishments or problems encountered . In particular, describe situations which may be useful to other grantees . This information is needed by April 8, 1969 . that date, it wi ll be appreciat e d . If you can forward it by Yours truly,

7 . -~6:-~,~ - f. ; ( .,- ~- ,;::;, / r ' ,.,(! . .:~~ -~(;~ Ifot5 ert A. Kay <,:: / community Environmentaf I . proveme nt Consultant Environmental Control Administration RAK : cm �Conmunity Develapment Aide Project Rodent Cont.r ol 30 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 April 7,1969 Mr . Robert A. Kay Comnuntty Environmental Improvement Consultant Environmental Control Administration 50 Seventh Street,. N. :e. Atlanta , Georgia 30323 Dear Mr • Kay: In compliance with your request of March 24,1969; I am~nclosing status rep-0rt of the Cooanunity Development Aide Proj ct ( Rodent Control), project number (grant) 43040-01-69 . Since1:ely yours, Enc Cc: Honor bl I~ n Allen. Jr. Mt. ll1oma• J. P rham Mr . Dan Sweat Mr. R. E. Hul ey Dr. J • r. Haokney �COMMUNI'IY DEVELOPMENT AIDE PROJECT ( Rodent Control) Progres Report on the Community Deve lopment Aide Proje ct Grant NumbeT 43040-01-69 FACILITIES: 'lhe project is headquartered at the At lanta Municipal Auditori1;U11, 30 Courtland Street, N.E. and also has field centers located in the Pittsb~gh and Northwest Perry EOA Centei,s. STAFF : 'lbe following staff poeitton have been fil l ed : t Director 1 Assistant Director 1 Clerk II 5 Full-time Crew Chiefs 10 Full-time Environmental Health Tr inee• All Cr w Chiefs and Enviromnant 1 Uealth Train es m:e non-profe 1ional indigenou ruidenta of the two t rget ar as. lhe at ff per1one li ted bove have re.cef.ved tr t.ning in th 1. 2. 3. following manner: One week tr 1.ning eeasion- Conmunieable Di eue Certtel' Orientation and On-'.lh -Job Training- Fulton County H 1th Depar nt Orientation and On•'lbe•Job Training- City of Atlanta Public Works De rtmont S nitary DiVision hrth r assiatanc in claa:sroom and On--'l'he•Job Training will be obtained fr the Fulton County He lt:h Department, Public Work9 Depart1nant ( San1t ry Division ) • Comprehen•ive Health nd the Gt-.-t r Atl.&nt Peat Control Ateoci tion. INTERNAL OPERATING PROCEDURES : dminietr tiv . ttera rela~ing to thi.a pi-oj cJ ha been ••~•bliahed through reon~l Depart nt of E(';onomic 0ppc)l'tun1ty Atlanta. Inc. h m ll\ent procedur•• ha al,o been ~,cabliab-4 through the Purchaa_tng D p rtuient of Jte.onomic Opportunity Atlant • All of the coope:ratt • nei•• invol d i.n thi• pJ!' gr _ ha a_ei d prof•••ional ataff top rticip · t · in an ,adyiaQry group. 'lhe• include: Mo8t of th the 1. Mr. T. A. Cantr•ll ••••• , ••••• Fulton Count}' Health Dep.x-tmtnt ( Bnv111'orunent 1 •1tb ) 2. Mr. JQbn s. G nn r .o . . . , . . . . . Fult. n County Hulth Dear nt �3. Mr. Melvin Dolob • ••••••• •• •• Fulton County '.Health Dapartment 4. Mr . J . E. Kent •• •••• ••• •• •• • Public Woi-l«J Department ( Sanitary S. Mr . Erne..\lt Bathl<A • • •• • •• • •• • Atlanta Housing Authority 6. Mr . J 7 .. Mr. Loui1;I 8. Mr .. John 't ylor ..• • ••• • ••• ., • s A. Smith •• • •••• • •• City of Atl ~ ue · ld Of I ctoi- ) of Bldg. Rea 1th • Department of Publie Health · Wright ........ .. . . Model Oitiea, Phy teal Planning 9• .t e . :r .• • ••• • •••••• Compr hens t ta, Office Din i.on ~ swna11y with thi. gn>up . Two Rodent Control Coomlttees ha . t i:ry ¢0im!Unitie • 1he c::h:41rmen ·: 1 · Du'.t'den,. Pitt buf ., Mra. Oliv . Pulli ,. NQrthwe t Perry. a in the Pitt bUl\'gb be n 4 Northw ton of ~e rch cctt1d:tt b en only .nla~ • �• COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AIDE PROJECT ( Rodent Control) GENERAL TENTATIVE TIMETABLE---------- Otientat1on and On-'l'he Job Trnining ( Fulton County Health Department) ••••••••••-April 3•11 Orientation and On-'lbe Job Training ( Sanitatlon Department --•••••••••April 3•11 Community Organization •••••••••••April 3•11 Comm.mity Survey •••••••••••April 14-25 Formal Publicity

April 14-25 Training• Community Organization Skills and Techniques

April 14-25 COnJnUnications and grc.up work skills ----------·April 25-30 Establish Information Centers

Apr1.l 25 Planning analysis, and tabulation of Survey Data

April 25-May 2 Poisoning Program Rat-Proofing Clean-Up Campaign Paint campaign

~---May 5 �C ITY OF A.rnL ANri:A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA, 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTi\lENT OF PLANNING COLLIER B. GLADIN, Director February 26, 1969 Mr. John T. Edmunds Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance Department of Housing and Urban Development 645 Peachtree-Seventh Building Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Dear }Ir. Edmuncls: Subject: Transmittal of Final Documents Youth Opportunity Program Prepared by Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council Not to exceed $45,000 We are transmitting herewith the final documents developed by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council for the Youth Opportunity Program. This was included . as part of the Atlanta Community Improvement Program budg~t for 1968 in Amenclatory Application #2. We have been requested to relay several requests of the Atlanta Children and Youth Ser vices Council relative to continuing the Youth Opportunity Program. 1. That the Council be allowed continued use of those federal funds approved in Amendatory Application {t2, which have not been completely used to this point. In other words, in the approved budget period from February 21, 1968 to February 21, 1969, only $21,385 of the ori g inal $30,000 have been used for this project, leaving a residual of $8,615 in federal funds . ..-· �I I I f Mr, John T. Edmunds Page Two February 25, 1969 2. That the Council's original scope of services as sho\-m in Arnend a tory Application ff2 be reaffirmed and extended in time for 1969 by HUD. This action would be in lieu of the Council having to submit a new scop:? of ser vices in another Amendatory Application for 1969, and 3. In addition to the abo ve, the Council requests additio~al federal funds from HUD for the Youth Opportunity Progr am for 1969 in t he amount of $30,000. The Council again would provide the necessary $15,000 in local non-cash contributions. We would appreciate your review a nd concurrence in the abo~e requests. Sincerely yours, Q(S)~ ~~-Qc.Q;_, Collier B. Gladin Planning Director CBG:pr cc: HUD Area Coordinator Aldermen Rodney M. Cook R. Earl Lander s Ch ar les Davis Dan Sweat John Cox Enclosures P. S. Enclosed i s a le t ter fr om Mr. Dan Suea t in the Mayor' s Office pertai ning t o t he s ubj e ct matter of thi s l etter . �.C I T Y OF .ATLA1 T.A CITY HALL February 26, 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison Mr. Collier Gladin Director of Planning City of Atlanta 700 City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Collier: Re: Your letter to John T. Edmunds of February 25, 1969 This is to request that you transfer the $8, 615 remaining in Amendatory Application #2 of the Community Improvement Program to the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council. It was the inte nt of the Pre sid e nt's Council on Youth Opportunity that the CRP in HUD b e used simply as a conduit to provide funds to city youth agencies for summer planning and programming. There was no intent to require local CRP (CIP) agencies to justify the use of these funds as a part of the normal CRP program activities. This is also the understanding of John Edmunds. I see no reason w hy w e should not transfer the rema1n1ng funds from the 1968 approv al to the Youth Council immediately so they w_ill b e able to continue their present activities without interruption. Mr. E dmunds has informe d me th a t the $30, 000 for 1969 YOP activiti e s has been set aside by HUD in Washington for Atlanta's use. He will let us know shortly if your lette r can serve as th e 1969 application. 1~1y your::/ P// Sweat cc: Mayo r I van All en, J r. Alderma n Rodney _C ook Mr. John Cox Mr. Ch a rle s Davi s Mr. Earl Landers �-

- ----- ---------

February 26 , 1969 Mr . Colliex,, Gladin Directo:r of Planning City of Atlanta 700 C ity Hall Atlanta , Georgia Dear Collier : Re , Your letter to John T . Edmunds of February 25, 1969 This is to re quest that you trans£ :r th $8 ,615 r· maining in Arn nda tory Application # l. of the Community Improvement Progr - m to the Atl nt Children and Youth Se:rvic s Council . It w e th int nt 0£ th P r sident's Coundl on Youth OpportW1ity th t th CRP in HUD b use d imply as a conduit to provide fund s to city youth ag nci e for surnm r pl nning and progr mm.in . Th r w no int nt to re qui1' loc l CRP (CIP ) agand to ju tify th ue of th funds e p rt of the normal CRP progl'am ctiviti This ia · 1 o th undetst nding of J ohn Edmunds . no r son why w s hould not tr n £ r th . r m ining fund s from the I 1968 approval to the Youth Council inune d i t ly so th y ill b bl to continuo th•ir prea nt ctiviti without int i,ruption . Mr . E dmunds ha iniorm(,d mJ th :t th $30~ 000 for 1969 YOP actlv1t1 s h been et a i d by HUD i.n. W a. hlngton for tl nt • ua • .He will 1 t u.a know hortly if yol\r lett r c n s erv th 1969 pplicatlon. Sine r ly your•, D cc! M yor Ivan Alle , Jr. Alderm odn y Cook Mr. J ohn Cox Mr. Charle Davi Mr. Earl Landers Swat �February 25, 1969 Mr. John T. Edmunds Regional Administrator for R newal ·Ass:1,stance Department of Housing and Urban Dev lopment chtr •S venth Building Atlanta, 0 orgia 30323 645 P Dear Mr. Edmund: Subject: Tr•n ittal of Final Documents Youth Opportunity Pro .r Prepar d by Atlanta Ohtldren and Youth Service Council Not to exc ed 45.000 her iWith the final d c: enta d v lop d by the Atlanta Children and Youth S rvi,<;eo Council for th . Youth Opportunity Progr • this w. . included as part of the Atlanta C n1 ty lmprov · nt l?rogr bud t fQ~ 1968 in ndatory Application 2. We are tranamitti, W hav be n ~equest d to relay aev ral r qu sta of the Atlanta ChlldTen and Youth Servic . Co\lncil r lative to continui · th Youth Opportunity P~osram: l. that the Council be allow d continu d u fed ral funds of thoa pproved tn ndatary . plication #2, not be compl t ly u •d to thi• point. I which hav other word•~ in the 7 bl:'Uuy 21, 1968 to pproved budg t r e riod fr bruary 21, 1969, only 2.1,3 S of tb original 30 1 000 hav be•n ua d for thf. l"Oject, l ~tng a residual of ,615 i federal fund • �• Mr . John T. Edmund Pag Two February 2S, 1969 2. Th t th Council ' s original s~ope of servic s shown in Amendatory Appli~ tion #2 be reaffi d and ext nded in tiln for 1969 by HUD. Thi action would be in liew· of th Co\lllcil having to ubmit a cope of s rvic in another Am nd tory .Applic tion for 1969, and 3. tn addt tion to th ·, th Counct 1 requ t ddit1onal fed ~al fr HUD for th Youth Opportunity Progr · for 19:69 in th mnount of $30,000. Th Council ag in would provide th a ary $15,000 in local non- eaeh contributi~na. would ppr ct t r qu .its. W your r view and qonc:ur·r enc Siner ly yout'S, • Gl e c


HUD Ar a Coordinato~ y M. Cook loaure-1 i in th bov �April 11 , 1969 Mr . Angus Vvynn, Jr. Pi-esident Great Southwe t Corporation Arlington. Texas Dear Angus : Last year, y u made a most generous contribution to the Atlanta Youth Opportunity Program by providing 4, 000 ticket and $4, 000 to be used by poor and underprivileged c hildren to spend a day at Six F lags Over Georg1a. The genero ity of t1ai gift and th spirit in which it was given made it one of the moet significant and meaningful donation to the l 968 program. For many of the mor than 4; 000 children and youth attending, thi was th only real vacation that they had, and their v ry first trip . to Six Flag • 1 Th ucce of thle progr m ts manifested. in th ye r-round reque t of young t r w nting to know if they ai-e going to be bl to go to Six Flags this ummer. Whll w in Atlanta. do not want to unf idy hnpo•e on your genero tty nd cone rn, l would c rtainly hop th t uch an £fort c n b rep at d a am tbi ye r. W r now in the proc~ s of pl nnlng our 196 9 Sunune r Youth Opportunity Progr m for M tropoU.tan Atlanta u.nd r th Chabman•hip of Mr. Cl r · nc: Eb a. A f vorabl r spon fJ-om you or th Corpor tion on ti.ck t.s or/ d dmi ,ion tor cbildr n for this umm r would b a r 1 bo t to our program goals of expanding th recr tto:n 1 and due tion l opportuniti of Atl nt 10,000 poor and un.d rprlvileged childr n. t• �P ge Two Mr. Angu Wynn, Jr. April 11, 1969 The Atl nt Children and Youth Services Council i coordinaaing the Youth Opportunity Program. John Cox, Executiv·e Director of the Atlanta Children and Youth S rvice Council, will aglin work with your Atlant tall i.n implementing thi .e ffort and making e that the aim of thi pcoj ct to provide tickets and admi sion to poor children, will be effectively arried out. By the way, I wa.n.t to thank Six F lag Over Georgia for aw rding an ntert i.mn nt contract to the Steel Drum Band G.-oup. Thi. i certainly uother .111 tra.tion of how tal nt dev loped in ·t h Youth Opportunity Effort can b utilized by tb.e 1 rger community. TbaakiAg you in dv ce for your generosity, I am. Sincerely, Ivan Allen, J~. May-<>J' IAJr:hdt bee: John Cox �'WU'1 2, l9 V JU 1• • • �2 4. s. JL1c C I 01l]3 Ci'ty•SU:t>POl' d. probl ot r.N~"PnlinA: �--3, 1969 - ~ CIT Y OF ATL ANT A EXPENDITURE DETAIL De_pt. of F ina nce Depa r tm e nt - - -- -~- - Date ~ e r - - -- ' -A-t-lanta Chi-ldren and Yout-h Se~viees ' Council Division Ac t iv i ty or Program Badget Fo rm 1 Two prior year' s Expen se an d Accoun t No. Current Adopted Budget S ubmitted by /961 A_,U ~-~ .j u / \/ I ~ / Cj'i,;9 I r >c-" ./--- r= ,LJ.. G-60-62 ti --,A, _k ). =;-- (S i g na tu re of Dep t. Head) Sheet No . . of s h eets . -- ,, - C urrent Year 19 Obj ec t Co de Num ber Actua l Ac t ua l Actu a l F irs t 7 Months Titl e o f Ac c ount 19 · -6J_. 19 ---48 C urren t Budget Amount Esti ma ted T o ta l For Year ' 1, 300A Youth Oooortunitv Proizra11 2. 000.00 500A Automobile Allowance 1 , no.no 510A Travel 1 a.,~ nn 570A Rnui..-nf' \ I I I Purchase of 1 -.nnn nn Reserve for 571A _.. 7'40A -·, 761& , ,.-., 11 -C,at-inn . 1-. ··"-., .,on n ,. '"""" Faea Printing and Pub1,C ,...,t,-lnna . -· ., cnn Office Supplies .. _ .. v-............. 770A Consultants and Contracts 78Q.\ . ' -- nn . .,-· ,.nn nn 2 c.nn_no ' ' 789A SIM!!Cial Pro 1ects 830A Salaries lliOo . no 1 1. 7 Q1 nn I ' 830A-l Salaries~ - CRP ~.nn nn 'll nnn n1 ~~ Salaries - Part time And extra Nido 831A 1 i;. \ 868A Conferences and meet fno~ t..'7n no - ..• t . - "' l,_A _70Q. t1 It e m N o's on this s h ee L re la t e to co rr es pond in g accou nt s un d e r It e m No' s o n Fo rm 1- A \ \ �I Date CITY OF ATLANTA EXPENDITURE DETAIL B ud ge t Form 1-A D e pa rtment I Division Activity or Pro g r a m Ba sic Budget and Service Improvement Budget Requests for 19 Z() f2c_c; ,_ ~-r;?-~ /'7 7<) Account No. Submitte d by ~ t!7- ( ) ~ i= .h~ 1 k. . ~----, (S i gna ture of D e pt. He ad ) Sheet No . of s h ee ts I Fi nan ce Comm ittee 's Re comme ndation Dept! . Re que s t Bas i c Budget Se rv ice Imp v t. Budge t Reques t T ota l Budget Reques t for for 19 _ for 19 ~ 19 _ Ii Service lmpvt. Reques t 500 2.000 1 869 0 0 0 300 300. ?. 800 2.800 1 400 3 400 n non 6.000 , noo 1.000 ~ ' 2 2,500 1,869 E 1 3 2,200 2 200 z for 19 - 0 0 4q ?.?.q Basic Budget Req uest ci Total Adopte d Budget 4 I 5 I 6 7 8 . 9 10 ~D3 ,n ~ '1);).. 59 ~ · , 11 12 n 0 -l nnn l , nnn 1 nnn 1 nnn 13 14 15

The Atlanta Ch ildren and Youth ServicE s Council requ ests ~hat the City of

16 Atlanta app ""Opriate fund,; to pay f or c 11 of the pr es ent s taff posi ions fro m th e 17 General Fun :is• 18 19 20 21 22 2 0 I- I �Dept. of Finance CITY OF A TL ANT A Budg e t F orm 2 PROGRAM DAT A Department --~A.......,.Cc.oY~S.. _____ C ________ Divisi o n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Activit y or Progr a m - -- - -- - - - -- -A ccoun t No. --..,.......---,--,0,_.,..--,::---------S u bm imd by 1 ' (S ign a tur e of Dept. H eaJ)

i=° r:;;,..).J/.,. ___,_- __~

B udget Request For 19_l_Q__ She e t N o ._ _ _ __ o f _ _ _ _ __ ,-~ s he et s Program De sc ri pt ion (Sta te me nt of Current Function(s) and Responsibility(s)): lo Deve lopme nt of community programs designed to prevent and control juvenile delinquencyo 2. Coordination of activities of agencies devoted to youth welfare; 3. Implementation of preventive programs through all means available to the city. departments and private agencies; 4. Collection, correlation and dissemination of data, statistics and information on the subj e ct of children and youth; So Conducting investigations and any • .nd/or all other activities necessary to effectively perform its purpose o Program Comments (Comments regarding proposed work program changes, including proposed function or responsibility changes, etc.): In addition to the above the Council proposes to initiate a Drug Education Program and provide outreach services in areas of the city where alcohol, narcotics and other drugs are being misused and/or abused by Atlanta 1 s youtho Program Measurement (Statistics) Actual Actual Current Year 19- 19_'_ 19_ Actual 7 mos. Proposed 19- - E s t. Total Basic A. See attachments .... - - - - - · ···c _J _ Svc.lmpvt. Total �A. Formul ati o n of Community Program s of De l i nqu e ncy Pr e vention To Be Carri e d Out By Private and Public Ag e nci e s . l. Me t with Dr. Vern e l e Fo x (Fulton County Me dical Soci e ty) and oth e r s in devel o p i ng a me dical clinic in th e 10th Str e et-14th Street ares. 2. Assiste d WIGO Radio and the Atlanta Youth Congress in the developing o f a Summer Volunteer Program. ' 3. Deve lope d with the assistance of AFL-CIO 150 job slots for youth during t he s ummer . 4. De v elope d and s ubmitted to the Model Cities P l anning Staff several p r oj e ct s in th e youth services and coordination. S. Met with th e staff of Butler Street YMCA and the Community Chest in the de ve lopme nt of an emerge ncy-special recreational program in Perry Homes. 6. Work e d with th e Fulton County Medical Society to make medical assistance a vailabl e in th e 10th Street-1 4 th Stre e t area where the high VD rate is appar e ntly prevel e nt. 7. Participate d and co-sponsore d with t he Community Council and the Atlanta Parks De partme nt in the development of a total recreation program in th e city. 8, Worked with the Board of Education in locating remedial and other educational as s i s tance programs in areas of highest needs. 9. Helpe d age ncies obtain as s istance of CPB in carrying out many of its r e cr e a t ional and social progaams. 10. Participate d with the Atlanta Board of Education in d e veloping a mental h e alth project . to d e al with early d e tection of mental health probl e ms with school children . Implementation of Action Programs Carried Out By The Council's Own Staff B. 1. J)0, veloped and cooperated with Social Service Age ncies throughout the community in a summer youth Walk-In Center. 2. Conducted in cooperation with several community agencies the 1969 Mayor ' s Confe rence on Childr e n and Youth. 3. · cooperated with several agencies in the convening off a committee to look at drug problems in Atlanta. This includ.e d Fulton Medical Society; WQXI, TV; Georgia Pharmaceutical Association; Atlanta Polic Department; EOA, Selective Service Associates C. 4. Conducted a Spring Conference on Drug and Narcotics Use in AtlantQ 5. Assisted the Youth Congress in sponsoring a meeting between the police and youth. 6. Worked with the Youth Congress in d e vising a plan . for sex education and family life programs in the public schools. P roviding Technical Assistance and Consultative Services To Agencies L Provide d technical assistance to several com:1mni ty churches de v eloping t h e Earn-L e arn Program. 2. Pro v ide d a ss istance to Hoke-Smith Techniczl Achool in developing . a s t udy p r ogram for potential dropouts. in �Do 3o Cooperated with the Community Relations Commission in its Town Hall Meetings related to Youth Services and problems o 4. Met with and assisted a youth group at Trinity Methodist Chmrch in developing a babysitting project with Red Cross. So Served on the Ad Hoc Committee on law enforcement. 6. Provided assistance and worked with several commumity agencies in att empting to find funds for a comprehensive art program o Planning Activities l o Met with EOA o Community Chest and several other agencies on the d eve lopment of creative Atlanta. 2o Met with and provided assistance to the Fulton County Juvenile Court and other interested persons in the development of a program d e aling with drug problems in the 10th -14th Street area o 3o Met with students of Georgia Insitiute of Techn6.logy, Emory university, Oglethrope, Georgia State, Agnes Scott and incorporated wi th HEW in developing community programs in which they could become involvedo 4o Assisted Fulton County Juvenile C~~rt in finding possible employment for probateso 5. Assisted the Community Council in the development of an interagancy council to deal with drug and alcohol. 6. Approached the school counselors · in the Atlanta Public School System, Fulton County and DeKalb County Schools in becoming involved in an off-campus work study program o 7. Met with the Dean of Colleges and the University systems of Georgia 8. Participated in the college work study program in Atlanta. 9. Developed a proposal for the establishment of a Youth Walk-In Service Center . 10. Met with and provided assistance to the DeKalb County Health Department in the development of an absenteeism project in the DeKalb County. 11. Met with and encouraged the participation of Black-SFA coordinators . in the Atlanta Urban Corps . 120 Participated with the Community Council with its Day Care Committe~ and assisted in developing the 4-C Programo 13. Met with the State Vocational Educational Department on development of a vocational education committee to take advantage of the comprehensive school ideao E. Coordination of Activities 1. Coordinated the work for the 1969 Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity; �2o Continued to coordinate efforts with EOA, City Public Works Department , Fulton and DeKalb Health Department and other agencies in a Rodent Control Program to reduce the problems of rats in the c ity as well as to increase youth employment; 3o Coordinated a health examination program for participants in the Youth Opportunity Program through the services of Fulton Councy Medical Society and the Red Cross; 4o Coordinated and assisted the Inman Park Presbyterian Church in the development of the Bass Organization for the Neighborhood Development (B oOoNo Do ) which dealt with various youth problems in the Bass communityo So Provided technical assistance to the planning staff of the Urban Corps; 60 Met ~ith and provided assistance to various agencies in the Summerhill-Mechanicsville area and the problems of absenteeism and school attendance. 7o Met and provided assistance to Mr o Joe de Casseres on the development of a summer photography project. 1 8. Coordinated the efforts of the NASA Space moblie program which p provided demonstrations in several schools and community agencieso 9o Conducted and coordinated the efforts for Fun Day 19690 lOo F. Go Coordinated and cooperated with EOA and other agencies in developing a comprehensive art program for inner city youth o Information, Clearinghouse Services lo Developed and distrubuted an inventory of summer opportunities and acitvities to youth throughout the community. 2o Distributed information, sent by the State Health Department, regarding VD. Public Affairs and Public Policies lo Wrote leteers to several national officials and congressmen concerning vital legislations in youth relationships services. 2. Supported legislations at all levels--local, stat~ and federal which affected the lives of Atlanta's youtho 3o Wrote to the State Department of Labor asking that they re-examine laws dealing with youth employment; 4o Contacted the State Planning Department in regard to participation in the State plan under the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act of 1967; 5. Supported the flouridation program; 6. Worked for the passage of the school bond issue and distribution in areas of greatest need; 7. Testifies before the State Le gislature; 8. Supported the Juvenile Delinquency Act of 1967; 9o Participated in the Community Council Legislature Conferenceo �H .• Inter - Agency Relationship and Participation in Community Activities 1. Coordinat e d the ef forts of se veral age ncies in the North West Perry community in carrying out an absenteeism project; 2. Me t with and provided as s istance to the Stern Committee under the development of an intern program in Public Administration for Black students throughout the State; 3. Served on the Adult Advisory Committee of Operation Understanding, Central YWCA; 4. Participated in an intern agency task force in the Edgewood Kirkwood area; 5. Met with Jim Cona, a student at Georgia State on how several students there could become involved with the summer program; 6. Met with citizen groups in the Model City community about problems related with school and recreation. 7. Attended a conference · of a National Council on Crime and Delinquency related to youth involvement and participation in community affairs; 8. Sponsored two family outings with the Northwest Perry Absenteeism Project; 9. Cooperated with the Jaycees in their youth program; 10. Made several speeches, radio and TV appearances relating to youth services and projects. ,n-~-· - --•• ••'" --·- -~ ~ - · -,. _._._. . . , _.,....., .. _ ......_..,__.. 0 ' ~ 4 - - . r p a,,=.,,_..- _ _ .. _ _ _ _ ....,., .... ~ , - - - �Da ce _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Accoun t No . - - - - - -- - - Dep_a rtmen t _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __'_ Department of Finance CITY OF ATLANTA Di v i sion - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - Activity o r P,r~ram ;-t Submitted by L - r (Signa tu re of D ept. H e ad) SUMMARY OF PERSONAL SERVICES Budget Forin 3 ii' .-.. . -&;:,~? Budget Request for 19 _ __ Sheet No ._ ·, _ _ __ _ Position Quota Class Code Classification Title Prom:-Qt;l .Dev. Specialist Current Au thorized · Projected Salary 1----~(:..:A:.::s~o:..:f:__D=-::.e.::.c.:.., . .::3.::.1!.. .)--l-1----__Jnt:',_LL'c:i.l;LL.ll-ll·-i..,,'--.i.:10'1....==~ - - I Amounts for 19_ _ No. of Salary for Current Authorized 19- 1 9 - 19Positions Range No. Positions 1 65 2 50 l Si; 1 4iU 1 3S of _ _ _ _ _ _ sheets REQU ESTED PERSONNEL CHANGES FOR 19 NEW POSITIONS IReclass ificacions Salarv Ranr,e No. Chani>es \ No. of Salary Total Amount No. of Proposed Salary No. of Range No. P ositions , Range No. Amount 'R.eclass. Changes Amount . Changes 19-- 14~924 1(1480) 16,443 1(1066) 18,989 2546 8,176 5,351 ' 5 •.351 4,335 l 49 49,229 7,657 7,657 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: A ll personne l changes, n ew positions, re clas s ifica t ions and/ or salary cha n ges muse be supporce_d by a "Personnel Acti on Reques t" form No . 9-1111 . Depa rtmental personnel w ill comp le te each column o f the section of this fo rm e ntitl e d, "Reques t e d P ersonnel Cha n ges for 19 - - " . ' 7,657 59.432 Total Amount Approved �Dept. of Finance CITY OF ATLANTA Budget Form 3-A PRIORITY RANKING OF PROPOSED NEW POSITIONS Dace--------------------Deparcment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Divi s ion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aecivi cy or Program _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Account No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Budget Request for 19 _ _ SubmiHed b y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Si gna cure of Dept. Head) Sheec No. of sheets Rank in consecu ti ve order a ll proposed new positions li s t ed on Budget Form 3 according to priority of need. (Those new posicions required to implement approved new progra ms, services , or projects, s hou ld be li ste d first.) Definition of positions:. Posicions can be defi ned as individu a l posicions or a combi nation o f positions chat can be considered as a unit. For e xamp le , vario u s se rvice crews, such as a ga rbage colleccion crew, asp ha lt ma intena nc e c rew, expressway maintenance c re w, bridge maintenance crew, forres t ry crew or oche r s uch com bination of positions can be li s ce d as s uch racher than a listing of each individual posi tion. NOTE: For those Departments budgeted b y Divisions or Activities, a separate Form 3-A s hould be prepared rankin g all Departmental reque sted positions in priority seque nce . 1. Senior Program Development Specialist 2. Outreach Coordinator �-


I" Account No . Date Department of Finance REQUEST FOR REPLACEMENT EQUI PMENT Budget F orm 4 Bu dget Request for 19- - I I I Department I I . Divisi o n Activity or Program j Submitted by I (Signature of Dept. !lead) Sheet No. Item Quantity No. Reques ted D escri ption of Equ _ipment to be Replaced Descrip tion o f Ecfuipment Requeste Inventory Number Model Year Nomencla rure Hours/ Mil eage Cond.iti~n Item checked by Garage Supt. fo r R epl. Pro[Jam 0 yes no Dispos i tion I D D D D D D D D Justification of R equest sheets of Unit Cost (L e ss) Trade - In Val ue T o ta l Cost Amount Approved I I I D D . I I II GRAN D TOT AL EQ UIP MENT $ I I l I! �CITY OF ATLANTA Department of Finance 11•5•69 Department Atltmta. Chilc!ron 6 Youth Sorvicos Coune Activity or P r o g r a m - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - ! Sheet N o . - - - -Quantity Requested Description of Equipment Requested Request will in crease Personnel 0 yes CJ no O ' L - - - - - - - shee t s Unit Cost Ju stifica ti o n of Request Total Cose $ 0 - 1 S't$1eil Cut ing Hachina ! I 7AC Ab iI D Gest fax Jr. l Amount Approved I Ta facilitate rapid repro etion of in:foraation on dang roua drugs, drug <!bus and u in Atlanta. Also reproduction of sta~iatic and data on children and you.th, information to D i G-60=62 Submitted b y - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - ! ( Signature of Cept. Head) Budget Request for 19_29 [tern No . Account No. D i v i s i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -! REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Budget Form 4-A Date 995 D Q D D Sarao cH above 86 I,I I, 1 - - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - _ ;' l D D I ,,I SPECIAL INST RUC TIO NS : S ubmit Form 9-11 ll "P e rso nn e l Ani o n R eq ues t", whe n re qu es te d e quipm e nt will necess it a te addi ti o na l pe rso nn e l. GRAND TOTAL EQUIPMENT $ 1, 69 �Dept . of F i na nce Budget Form 5 CIT Y OF A TLA NT A Da t e _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ COMPUTAT ION OF VARI OUS OPERAT ING EXP ENSES . 70 Budg et Requ e st For 19 _ D e p a rtm e nt Di v i s i o n - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - A c t i v it y o r P rog ra m A cc o u n t No . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ S u b mi t t e d b y - ----,--=-c-- -- - ~ - - - '--- - - - - S h ee t N o _ _ __ _ IMPORTANT : - ( S i g n a ru re of D e pt. H e ad) of - - - - s h ee t s It e mi ze a n d e x p l a in in de t a i l th e exac t ma nn e r i n wh i c h yo ur bud ge t re q u es t s w e re co mp u t e d . In cl ud e d e ta i l fo r a ll a ccou n t s w ith th e e x ce pt i o n o f P e r so n a l Se r v ic es a nd R e qu es t s fo r Eq uj_eEJ e nt. L i s t th e acco unt s i n rh e sa me o rd e r a s th ey a pp ea r u nd e r th e Ti tl e o f Acc o u nt c o lu mn. o n B u d ge t F o rm 1. T h e to t a l co s es fo r eac h acco unt s ho ul d ag ree w i th t h e re qu es te cl a mo ,; n t s s h o wn o n B u dge r For m l A . 300A Anticipate d funds donate d by businesses, agencies and individuals to the Youth Opportunity Program. The se funds are earmarked for Camping, Summe r School Tuition, Trips, etc, and distributed by the Council to all agencie s requesting and needing them for the purpose of providing additional s ervices to poor youth. 500A Auto allowance of $2,500 needed to pay auto e x pense for 5 professional s taff@ $50 0 per year. 510A Travel-$ 2 ,200 needed to pay out-of-town travel expenses and per diam to various me e tings of the President's Council on Youth Opportunity, Washington, D. C., NLC-USCM, Washington, D. c., New York and Chicago. si x t r ip s for two s taff approximately $298 per trip, including per · diam e qual s $ 2 , 200. 571A Re s e rve for Appropriation--computed by Finance Departmenr 7 30A Membership Fees--$300 needed to pay the cost of all professional staff to join the various service organizations: Organizational membership for the Council to join the National Council on Social Welfare is $300 0 761A Printing--$2,800 ne e d e d to cover the cost of printing and reproduction of Drug Education mat e rial, Annual Me eting; Mayor's Conference, . YOP Plan, YOP Final Re por t , Newslett e r, Data and Statistics on youth s ervice s and problem s . 7 7QA $3,400 ne e ded to pay cost of normal operating •and program supplies in addition to increase cost of mimeographing paper and ink for th e y e ar . 780A $6,000 neede d to pay ·the various contracts with Urban Corps and consulta t ion fees for proposal development and consultations regarding effe ctive drug preventive programs. 831A $1,000 n e ede d to pay part-time and extra help during critical summer month s . 8 68A $1,000 n ee de d to pay for Council's staff participation in Conferences, Se minars and Workshop s @ $10,00 per person attending twenty-five even ts. . _I �Dac e _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ CITY OF ATLANTA Department of Comptroller De pa rem en c _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SERVICE IMPROVEMENT REQUEST Divi s ion - - - - - -- Budget Form 6 - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -'- A c ci v icy o r Pro gra m _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Account N o . - - - - -S u bm i cced by Budget Request for 19 - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - (S i gnat ur e of Dcnl- Head) S he e t No. of sheets Purpose & Justification of Requ es t 1. Outreach Coordinator will work specifically with Drug Prevention Project in areas of the city where problems are most manifest. 2. Program Development Specialist will take on additional responsibilities in the Council's operation. 3. Auto allowance to pay ~ur auto expense of Outreach Coordinator u t-, jccc Code .\"umber 830 A Amounc Reque s ted Title of Account Salary , $(7,657) Describe Items of Expense (Number & cicles of po s iti ons, numbe r of s pecific objects of expenditu res, etc.) Outreach Coordinator -4s--~ / 2? .,.J. (2*0) Auto Allowance TOTAL 1UESTED Program Development Specialist New personnel to work specifically with Drug Project will enable the Council to devote more time to drug problems among Atlanta's youth. $10 ,:lo~ Total 500 A Exp lana ti o n of ite ms Reque seed 500 s Parking and travel expense while in the field. · NOTE : Carry forward a ll ite ms cpense by object code number to Budget Form l·A. 9- 1117 �l CITY Budg e t Form 7 JUSTIFICATION OF INCREASE OR DECREASE IN OPERATING EXPENSES -~---T_ ____________ Ob jec t Code \ Depa rtmenra I Request for I I l $ 0 Auto Allo wance 510A Travel 570A Equipme nt ' 57 1A Res e r v e for Appropria L on I I 730A Me mbe rship Fe e s $- $ 2,000 2,000 - 770A 780A I 789A +l,400 increase accounted for by intensive staff travel in the city to e ffect th e Council' s missions and programs. 2,200 1,926 + 174 increase needed to attend and effectively, bargain for Atlanta's share of Federal resources. 1,869 1,000 + 869 increase needed to purchase necessary mimeograph equipment to reproduc e flyers, brochures, etc. 0 642 - 642 provided for by the City 300 280 +20 needed to allow all staff to participate in professional and services organizations activities o and Publi- cation 2,800 2,500 +300 increase n e eded for additional printing cost for new programs d e aling with drugs . Off ice Suppli es an d e x p e n ses 3, 4 00 2,400 +l,000 n e eded to pay for additional office supplies e s pecially stencils, mimeo ink,e tc. Consu l tants and Con tracts 6, 0 00 2, 500 +3, 500 n ee ded to pay for Urban Corps contracts and con s ultation s by exp er t s i n dr u g programming o Spe c ial Projec ts 1 , 000 500 + Constitutes a continuous grant to the Council by a private foundation . i I 8 30A-ll 59, ~ Sal ar i es Sal ar ie s CRP 0 1 4, 791 +44,- . . ne e ded to pay for all staff under the g e n e ral appropriation , I 15 , 400 '- 15 , 400 Not n ee ded if s taff is paid for u n der th e ge n e ral a ppropriation . I 8 31A !salaries, par t -t i me b.nd extra he lp I 1 , 000 ! I 500 (, t-1 I L(.., ·) 830A Anticipated donations which may or :may not be forthcoming 1,100 l I Printing Justification of Increase or Decrease (Use as mu ch spac e as ne~ ded co th oro ughly ex pl ai n th e differ ences . Do not repeat a jus tifi ca tio n already ex plain ed on oth er bud ge t fo rm (s) .) 2,500 I 761A _______________ ______~S::_:h.:_:e:_:e:._:t._N'. .:_'.'.o.:__.-=-=-=-=-=====:....:::.o~f~==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=.-=._s_h_e_e_ts__________ 1 - 500A I Diffe re n ce be tween De p t! Req uest Fi g ure a nd Curre nt Ap p rop ri a ti o ns Current Year Appropriations 19 Youth Opportunity Program 30 0A A TL A NTA T _ _ _ _ _1 _ __ __B _ u1 d~ g e_ t_ R _ e~q.:... u.:... e _s :__ t _f:..:o:.:.rTl:..: 9--==7=0::___ T itl e of Account Number OF Departme nt of F ina nce Date __________ Account No . __________L _ - 1 De parcm entAtlanta Children and Youth Se rvices -Cour Di vision - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ~,.- - ! Act ivit y or Prog ram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------" Su bmitt ed by - - -- -------;--;c-:--- -----;-;c----;-;------,-:--- - - -------JI (S i g n a tur e of D e pt . H ead) 3, 000 I I I ' I -2, 000 ne e de d to pay part - time workers to do some me chanical ta sk s t oo time c o ns umi ng (se e n ex t pa ge for con t inuation) for �D a te -- -~ ~- - -------=- ~ Ac c ount N o . _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Dep a rtm e nt De p ar true nc of Fina nce CIT Y OF Budge t F orm 7 JUSTI Fl CATION OF INCREASE OR DECREASE IN OPERATING EXPENSES A TL A NTA Atlanta Children and Servces Council• D iv i sio n - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- Ac t i v 1 y or Pro g ra m _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ S u bm i tte d b y - -- -----,-,,..,---------:--=-------:~----=-.,--------(Signature of D e pt. He a d) Sheet N o. _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s h.e ecs Budget Request for 19 70 ,t--- - -------- - -- - - - - -- - - - , - - -- - -- - - ,- - -- - -. - -- - - - -- ,--- -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Ohj ec c C o de \"umbe r L 831 A 8 68A T i tl e of Ac co unt Sa lar ies, part - time and extra help Depa rtmenta l Req u e s t fo r 19 Appropri a ti ons De p t ! Req u es t $ 670 (Use a s much space as need e d to thoroughly e x plain the diff e re nces . Do not repeat a ju s tification a lre ady e x pl a ined on other bud ge t form(s).) F ig ure a nd Cu rre n.t Appro pr ia t io n s cor.. -t inue 3. from pre ~ious page Con fe r ences and Meet $1,000 i n gs Justification of Increase or Decrease Diffe rence be t wee n C urre nt Year + $ 330 I' regular staff . needed to enable the Council to maintain its credibi lity and working relationship ~ with social agencies by participating in their functions . - �-, THE . ATLANTA CONSTITUfION, Monday, l\:lay 26, 1969 5 Cox Picked to Succeed Thomas In Butler Street Yrr1CA Position John Cox, executive director of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council, apparently is in line to become the next executive secretary of the 1 Butler Street YMCA. It was learned Friday that Cox has been offered the job , after interviews with the Butler Street Y directors Thursday night. Cox said be -hasn't made up his mind. . ···--·--·· Cox would succeed Franklin Thomas, who has resigned to become director of personnel for the National Council of YMCAs in New York City, effective next month. Cox has been director of the you th council for two years. Thomas took the top job at Butler Street YMCA in 1965 to succeed Warren Cochrane, who left to head the Harlem YMCA. I �Mar ch 20, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mr . J ohn Cox From: Dan Sweat Perhaps you can find out what this is all about. Ia it through the President ' s Council on Youth Opportunity? they should be chasth:ed for not coordinating thi s with you. DS:fy If so, �I' ·,I . THE ATLANTA CO NSTITUTION, 'l\1esd;:1.y, March 18, 1969 5 Get§ ·Jf(Di[llih JPr(J)ff (eci ! ,I

,' oY Coli!i tit'J(ion , v:.~hlngtou Burcan WASIIINGTON-Atl:mta was chosen Monday as one of 40 metropolitan areas of the nation the to participate in a summer ath>pe- lelic program for ghetto youths 12 to 18 years of age. Modeled after a program conducted lc1st summer at the University of Southern California, the unique clay camps will emphasize physical fitness, sports ,and nutrition. College campus fa cilities will be used. A White House spokesman said five Atlanta colleges had given tentative indication of willingness to participate in the program, to be adm inistered jointly by the National Collegiate. Athiel.ic Association and the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Responding favorably to a queslionnaire were Emory Univ e r s i t y, Morehouse College, Georgia Tech, Clark Col!ege and Morris Brown College. Announcing the program Monday. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said its prime target "is lo reach the inner-city youngster who has no resource but the streets during th lo:1g, hot summer." Each program will have a i - =; r : - !S18- campus supervisor and run a minimum of five weeks. The , -' . ... U.S. Office of Economic Oppor- (.:_ tunity is transferring $3 million ,, to the Deparlii1ent of Health, Education and \Velfare to support the program. Campus facilities and professional assistance will account for another $1.55 million. At least 200 youths wm be enrolled on each participating campus. C ....:-.i. ~ . 5>« , ;·,-,. , . - ~ ~'7:~ f lJ I �