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• EDITOR.IAZ.$ OF , .... ~ · 1Iltm.9trilf-lintd - fie.Jtlfn . ,,., Greerrville, ·M)s§., Sunday, Septem~~P 11, l966 • ·• W.etj? it· left ·to m:e t_o -deeide whether w~ sbquld hJve a govern• riient · withQut J\_ewa,p,ip~r~ Qr ~wsp.a·p ers without g,>vernment, I should ·)lt,1t bJ?sifat~· a mo~nt tp p:r~fer tbe l~ttf:!r. • · · · 7. · t , ' ~ ", ., ,.,·i "". ' . · --,ll'hoQ:lJls J~fferson ' ' 11,e Second, Battle Of.·Atlanta , - The Studen t • Non..vjolent Co-l'f ·1$ .Qi{tE)r' irqny ·thet SNCC ordtnating Cgm:rni!J:ee ·w~y· still ~houlg p.ow ~:!i09/l~ .t\tlap.t;1 l!S the h a,ve public /iUpporters sgmewhere . tar.get for delibera.te ~r~Qti.J)n pf outside the extreme fringe · of the · civil disorder. No city is perfect, and civil rights movem.e11t and . .dee-p behj.nd its image of prQgresi;ivism within the,· ghetto, ·but th~y wiil be• ~Atlanta has trouples like !¼PY other h ard to find after the focredibly ' municipality. But again and ag11i;n b latant job pf incitement to t jot its ' it ha~ been demonstrated there leadersh ip pulled off in ..Mlantt1. · that N~gr,o and white le~deri;hip last week. The organi;za tion's very" could work out a.q_comoi:laUons acname is nbw a bad joke, as the cept~hle to both sides. Mayor Allen Atlanta disgrace · demqnstrated. himself w.as one Qf t~e few SputhSending a sound tntck into an a;rea ern politic;ian1:1 to tefitify in favor of ,tQ whip up a mob against the poljce the civil rights bill. and the city administratioµ can be But SNCC does not like to see put in ·many categories, but "non- change pr oceed in thi~ way. It must .violent" is not one of t hem. be able to claim compl,:te credit. Anything done by others is cateTher e is apparen tly no end to gorized as sell-outs by Uncle Toms the lengths SJ'fCC w ill go in order and "Whitey." Peaceful chan:·ge to create a suitable climate for its must be converted into snarling operations. First its workers went anarchy. to great effort t o eject whites There is only one answer to that working to alleviate p overty from kind of approach. Mayor Allen utiNegro are.as in Atlanta, using the lized it by telling the police t o sound truck technique to smear a crack down. lVIapy: more respqndedicated man th~y contemptuous- sil)le Negroes al&o unqerstOQd what l y referred to as a " white Jesus." damage was being done and workThen t hey h elped whip a m ob into ed against. S NCC on the street the streets, culminating with an corners. attempt to m aul Atlanta Mayor Mayor Allen is r ight. If CarIv~n Allen as h e sought to disper se michael and Company want to the group. Mayor Allen responded make Atlanta the n ew battlein the only possible way, instruct- ground, the fight should begin jng h& Negro and white police to n ow. The t ime is past when open brea up the h oodlums with wh at- invitations to chaos can be t olera torce was :neceSiary. ed, in Atlanta r anywh ere else. l___ _ _ __ __ .ai----· it. . . . ..~ __,------~ ..-1- . �