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. - ·., ATLANTA CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES COUNCIL 1201 -8 CITY HALL PHONE 522-4463 - EX. 437 ATLANTA , GEORGIA 30303 Jerry Luxemburger, Chairman John W. Cox, Executive Director March 4, 1969 Dear Friend: As you probably know, each year the City of Atlanta, Economic Oppertunity Atlanta, Inc., The Community Chest and many other private and public agencies and organizations sponsor a Youth Opportunity Program. 'rhis program is designed to aid and provide service for all the disadvant~ d youth in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. It has been the practice of the Youth Opportunity Program to discuss and present tentative program plans with President's, Participating Agencies, Churches, Board of Directors and Youth. In this respect, we feel that any suggestions , criticisms and program input you might have will greatly contribute to the sue• cess of the 1969 Youth Opportunity Program. We are asking you to attend a meeting of this type and to bring any friends , Board members, youth gr.ups and/or representatives that you feel might be.help• ful to us. The meeting will be held Thursday. March 13 14:00 P.M. at City Hall, Aldermanic Chamber (2nd.Floor 2· ,n I hope you will be able to attend and bring persons who you feel terested. -~Q. Sincerely yours, Clarence Elsas, Ch&irma~ "-Youth·opportunity Program AN AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA .lght be in• �