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~!J!IJ!Jl]!!!li!!!l!!lii~ 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)~liit~~"16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)~r,r,K~~I ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'*' 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) !16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) iii . i<i Co-Ordinated But Far From Non-Viol~nt . -- 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~ !Atlanta Riots Unmask Agents Of Anarchy I ~ ~ the new constitution unless twothirds of the constituent assembly objects. This means the junta could control the assembly with a third of the votes plus one, or 40 votes. Carmichael & Co.: THE RECENT riots in Atlanta offer convincing evidence that most, if not all, of the racial violence in our large cities has been organized and led by a small minority bent upon the des t r u c t i o n of our society. My authority for this statement is Ralph McGill, publisher of The A:tlanta Constitution, and long a moving and militant force for Knight e q u a 1 treatment of the Negro citizen as provided by law and the Constitution of the United States. McGill places responsibility for the Atlanta disturbances squarely upon the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (Snick) and its leader, Stokely Carmichael. Snick, according to McGill, has no more than 300 members. These have been the agents of anarchy in Watts, New York, Chicago, Cleveland and other major cities. Snick's beginnings were auspicious. Its early student leaders were motivated by high dedication to the civil rights cause. Now the John • Lewises and other responsibles are out. Control of Snick is held by the • extreme radicals, of which Carmichael is the dominant figure. As McGill says, Snick is no longer • a civil rights organization but an • anarchistic group which is openly and officially committed to the destruction of existing institutions. Though small in membership, Snick appeals to all haters of the • white man. Its slogans of defiance intrigue the very young as was shown in Atlanta where the mob was largely composed of youngsters in the 12-.to-18 age range. There appears to be no question but that Snick's funds are supplied from abroad. One of its lawyers is a registered Castro agent. Its agitators shout Havana slogans to the effect So despite efforts of the Viet Cong to disrupt the election by act, of violence against those who participate, the outcome is assured. It will be acclaimed in Washington and Saigon as a triumph for representative government.

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Check The Facts that we must live through violence. "Black Power" is but the rallying cry. IT IS, of course, a first tentative step in that direction. But lest we attach too much significance to the election returns, J:hese facts should be kept in mind.

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A Stand-Up Mayor 1. The balloting is not a test be- FORTUNATELY for Atlanta, it has a mayor who confronted the mob with rare courage. Though physically manhandled and taunted! with shouts of "white devil," Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. remained upon the scene until the crowd had been dispersed. Mayor Allen gave short shrift to charges of police brutality. "I saw plenty of brutality," he said, "but it was all directed against police officers." At his press conference, Mayor Allen stated that "If Stokely Carmichael is looking for a battleground, he has created one, and he will be met in whatever situation he chooses." Atlanta's Negro community leaders were quick to decry the rioting and violence. The Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference, a Negro organization, denounced both Snick and Carmichael, while calling for constructive ,measures designed to alleviate problems which directly concern the Negro. Dr. Martin Luther King, Executive Director Roy Wilkins of the NAACP and Whitney Young, who heads the Urban League, have all repudiated Stokely Carmichael and his tactics.


The Truth Is Out THE CITY of Atlanta has long enjoyed an enviable reputation for t ween the Viet Cong and the nonCommunist nationalists, for the Viet Cong have been excluded, as far as possible, from the candidate and voter lists. 2. Charles Mohr, correspondent for The New York Times, reports that in two weeks of campaigning, the candidates have not discussed the war, how to win it or how to negotiate its end. Mar bing Through Georgia racial amity. Ironically, it was Atlan· ta's splendid image that the destroyers sought to tarnish. And yet, unwittingly, Stokely Carmichael and his followers performed a useful service not only for Atlanta but for the entire nation. For here was stripped away the myth that Negroes are always inclt• ed to riot over poor living conditlou, lack of employment and denial o1 civil rights. Mr. Carmichael has now revealed himself for \Yhat he is_ a schemtn, fomenter of disorder, a mad dog who attacks all whites indiscrimtn• ately, a revolutionist who seeks to burn and destroy, a terrorist who defies law and spits upon our flag.

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Good Start Made THE RIGHT to peaceable assembly is guaranteed by tile Bill of 1U1hts, as i1 the freedom to demonltr~ e and to seek redTess of griev- ances. 'rogether and in a spirit of constructive cooperation, the Negro and white communities must find solutions and answers to the ·problems which beaet our cities. For they are . · both numerous and difficult. ~ major start has been made in many areas. Where failures have occurred, the Negro is usually as mum at i.ult u his white brother. Suspicions, diltrust and fear of associatlon have worked agl\inst the Nearoea' btllt Interests. BUt the effort must go ahead if we are to enjoy the fruits of a com~tlble aociety in which there is mutualtty ol purpose and respect for all.

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Senatorial Views TlQS NATION will not, hOwever, permit the ttestroyers of society the C~ichaels and his ranting radicals ~to tear down what we have built, burn and destroy, to defy law a order with rocks and Molotov c tails or to hurl anarchistic idogans and imprecations at our public officials. The Ribicoffs and the Kennedys who continue to deplore "our tragic conditions" from comfortable seats in the U.S. Senate should visit riot areas and seek to quiet the mob, as did Mayor Allen. If nothing else, the experience might leave them better informed and not quite so sure that all social ills can be cured by dispensing a few hundred more millions from Washington. .- 1 JI~ .. 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) II Plus Ca Change .• - I~ ~ ~ 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)~~-J TODA Y'S election in South Viet Nam is largely an exercise in propaganda. Its purpose is to elect a 117 -member assembly charged with writing a new national constitution. ,When that is done, a legislature is to be elected next year. The election has been neatly rigged by the ruling junta. Premier Ky's generals can change any part of 3. While there are _no prohibitions against debating government war policy, the candidates are wary of standing Jaws that could punish those who "hamper" the war effort. In Saigon's election district 3, some 200 persons heard speakers from 11 slates of candidates. "Not one," according lo correspondent Mohr, "mentioned the war-, inflation, the American impact on Saigon or how soon the ruling junta should step down." The wariness ' of issues was rationalized by one candidate who said: "We must have a constitution as a legal base for our government. With a legal base, we can solve all problems." So when you read the optimistic post election pronouncements to the effect that democracy is thriving in South Viet Nam , leave a little room in your mind for some wholesome skepticism. The old French saying - the more things change, the more they remain the same - has specific application to Viet Nam. JOHN S. KNIGHT �