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C LASS OF SERVICE This is a fast message unless irs deferred cha·r· acrcr is indicated by the proper symbol. WES-TE W . P. MARSHA LL CHAIRMAN O F T HE BOARD Srv!BOLS DL=Oay Lccrcr TELEGRAM ® NL= Ni~hr Letter R. W . McFA LL PRESIDENT LT-Inrcrn:u ional -Lener T degram The fili ng time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TI fE nt point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 1107A EST SEP 7 66 AA137 A LLJ49 PD ATLANTA GA 7 959A ·EST L66 SEP 7 AM I I MAYOR IVAN ALLEN JR, DONT PHONE 3700 NORTHSIDE OR ATLA BH HAVE NEVER DOUBTED BUT KNOW THAT YOU ARE A GREAT MAN WITH MANY AND GREAT GIFTS FOR OUR CITY. DO TAKE CARE TOO MANY NEED YOU SINCERELY GRACE T HAMILTON (03). SF1201 (R2-65) 8 �... . A- �