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SYMBOLS CLASS OF S ERVICE This is a fast m essage unless its deferred char· actcr is indicat ed by the proper symbol. DL =Day Letter W . P. M ARSHA LL CHAI RMAN OF THE SOARD TELEGRAM NL= Ni~ht Lc1ter R . W. M cFA LL LT -Intcrn3tional - Letter T clegr::tm PRES10ENT ® The filing time shown in the dote line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of oris in . Time of receipt is LOCAL TIM E at point of desrination 928P EST SEP 6 66 AB597 A LLV415 NL PO 6 EXTRA ATLANTA .GA 6 MAYOR IVAN ALLEN CITY HALL ATLA HAVE LONG ADMIRED YOUR INTEGRITY COURAGE DED IC ATION AND VISION BUT NEVER MORE THAN TODAY~ YOU HAVE MY FULL SUPPORT IN ALL tQF THE PERPLEXING PROBLEMS YOU NOW FACE. PLEASE BE CAREFUL ANJ MOT EXPOSE -YOURSELF UNNECESSARILY H W BUSH LIEUT COLUSA RETIRED 2484 BLACK FOREST TRAIL SW ATLANTA • • ' SF1201(R2-65) I �A- �