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1'~-· THE ' ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, · Monday, October .2, 196_7 . 9

4 Stabbed in Racial Melee at Fair Here; Four white y o u t h s wer e stabbed dun ng a melee with a " large group of Negroes" at the Southe.astem Fair during the eekend. The figh!ing was only part of inter-racial troubles that began erupting Satur day night. After the fair closed down for the night. Bumper-to-bumper traffic leaving Lakewoorl P ark along Pryor Road SW was bombarded with rocks and bottles hurled ifrom the sidewalks. De.tective L. F . Peaden said e wc:s told by several persons a t the fair that the group of egroes th€re had grabbed at passing white women and m ade vulgar r emarks . He said the four stabbed white youths told him they and their friends and dates were attacked twice by the band of Negroes. Following the knifings police caught one N~gro youth identified as a member of the group. H~ is Ray Stephens, 19, of 7 Troop St. SE , jailed under an assaul t charge. Cut during the melee were James A. Hardy, 20, of 1345 Heatherland Dr ive. Harry R. Glass, 23, of m5 Gillren St. SW, Danny Hoggerup, 20, of 1762 Shirley P!ace SW, and David F . Stewart , 19, of 1935. McAfee St. Northwest. Peaden said he still had the: matter .under investigation. , Capt. R. E . Little said there had been numerous report.s Sat-: urday njght of cars being pep-· pered from sidewalks in Negr o, neighborhoods along P r y o r< Street during the worst of the tr affic trying to leave the park. �Allen Pledges to Help Negroes Get Met Ticl{ets Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen has pledged his support to Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. in making tickets to· the Metropolitan Opera Company's performances here next spring available to Negroes. Mrs. King, representing the inter - racial Atlanta Committee for Cultural Opportunity, . had sent a lengthy telegram to Mayor Al1en to "call attention to some serious problems concerning the Metropolitan Opera Company's annual season in the · city. " Allen replied by telegram, in which he said he is " thoroughly sympathetic with your desire to provide additional seats at Metropolitan Opera for the Negro citizens of Atlanta. It- is my understanding that the additional 500 to 600 seats in the new auditorium will be distributed · on an absolutely fair and equitable basis and every consideration given to Negro applicants. I will support your position and sincerely hope that it will be completely carried out by the Opera Association." Mrs. King said Negroes were excluded from getting season tickets because white holders renew their seats y e a r after year and there is a long waiting list. "We are determined," she said, "not to submit again to the e x i s ti n g discriminatory practices of that ·association, regardless of where the Metropolitan Opera performs. We are confident that many of the Metr opolitan Opera's artists will join us if necessa ry." ���... ��-JUDGMENT Dlcr is every day •.•.•• Mr . Grimm . �c FOR ADDRc-., 0 THIS SIDE OF CARD IS IVAN ALLEN JUNIOR Bloc Vote Mayor City Hall �-, Mt R.. c ~NA 'R..'( : I \\ Rc.s f> ~ TA e, I L I T '( Poo~ Sve,s'f1-rurE- CH~R.I\CTef\ _ II - =-· �I R\J IN ~L- L- E:. N MA'(O~ CtT'( HAL.L AT L " WT "~ ~ " . �Big Block : Bot; I c~ntrois

ioo votes

in my pre- stink and I - wants higher poverty ~pay. Lo tsa Bal lo ts. �I • Irving Allen, Big Block Mayor, Cith Hall, Atlanta, Ga. �B 1~ BLOC:. Bo'(I CONTROL~ JOO \/OTE-S IN MV PREST/NK AND 1-\lGvHE-~ Pove.~Ty PAY- I W~NTS s . LOT ~ BALL OT.$. �_4_c ( THIS SIDCOFCArD_!~ F-5!.!:-DDR--.ESS) 1·.s.PO')L\GF 1\1 ~N ALLEN M~yo~, so9'....-~ C ITy' \-\"LL. ATl.1'NTA . ~"· �Love of Money Symbol: I am an ignorant white worker but I plan to go back to school and become intelligent enough to vote for you and help you destroy my country . my pe ople and all I hold dear. Schizo. �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IV.w, Mushmouth ALLEN "Mayor " of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta , . Ga e �I !QO TH ANN IVERS AR Y . f\ r, !' f) FHO LJ C: r I ! 1867 ..J f L Higll u [ r· I~ - 1967 Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Cor. 10:12. Sittin' Sam. 1:- LLI EG,·- \---~ �-.,, .;., ~- . ( THIS SIDE O F CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan Allen, Big Money Man, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga �ALWAYS USE ZIP CODE . ,vl//\/ ~v, �IVA ,..,_ EH MAYOR Cl ~ H LI.. A LAN-rA Ci..A • �Big Voodoo: I"se a victim of police brutality and I Wants a bigger relief check. Sidewinder. �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan Allen, Stockley Boy Mayor, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga. �Sweet Thing : Is you is or is you ain ' t my bebby? Last time I saw you was under the Pirate 's Table. Love , love, love, Eartha. Fi tt �(THIS SI DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IV ALL l Money Bags Mayor City Hall Atlanta , Ga e �Silver Spoon : I wants to apply for vice- pres . of your big company so as together you is. we can prove how sincere I is most powerful with qualifications in my prestink . Big Jig �r l>-NT..q PM 7 SEP ~ /9 5 , -.. ~ __,__,________ ' I 7.. ~ ~!!!!""'= ""' .;:;::--i~ _,,, ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan i ster Big Allen Daddy- 0 Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Ga. _L.. --.,..~


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,1---,l',... _S.P:-OSl.-.G_ �- ·~ck. ii--~i ~i ~~\ .; 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) . .. .. . •· Q ,.. ~ \. ·14-rvv &Va.M. ~'y-g,w- ¼~ l~ ~~'Y\ ~~ !\l\)ec.e"Tu+ ~ci.S 'N\}l'V\2)1-0"1- b~)\c.ws ~ 5 ll je 8\rJ--U-,S h~ e~,\~l IJS ~ - ~ ~s. C-b 0 ~ \ ~ i'¥\ h'fs $'"'2 ~t\ ~~'-4 ~o~e- vJ,~~\t~-t)\ ..$ J;:s:a-'r 'f E ~ �' �PROUD PAPA: Let's get Stokely and Rap to the Regency ~~shmouth Mecca for a big Thanksgiving feed-in. Who does you think v.e should serve? Marching Martin • �(THIS SI DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IVJJ' THE RElJ AU,EN Mayor by Bloc Vote City Hall Atlanta.; aa. �Long John Ivan : See you t the Pirate 's Table. Something really big co ok s. Bring goofa du st. John the Conqueror �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan wati.1si Allen Jungle mayor City Hall Atlanta.JI ga. i4c (( --t· S.J>OSL.\GE �Money Grubber : Remember this , don't ever forget , i n this together . we are all There ' s no way out . We s ink or swim together . Lane Mills . �(THIS SI DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IVAN ALLEN MULTIMILLIONAIRE CITY HALL AT LANT A GA MA YOR �t!: Bene di t Al.le~: . . . Two "~ors " Atlant.a w_;11 a l ways r emember for '-;- . t he i r infamy - - Willie Band Black Ivan . Hunky PSIS 'f~l!A$o~·s PRos PER\T '( ON TH£ W"Ne. •.• �THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS IVAN ushmouth Al,Ll;, Black Bloc Blight Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Ga . �Money Changers • Tool : The worst of all these who are with us · always-the ones actuated by mammonism. devotees to the acquisition of wealth : worldliness per soni f i ed. spirit of avarice . Mr. Grirrnn �( THIS SIDE o- CA D IS FOR ADDRESS) IVAN RICH 1 ~ Allen Bloc Vote Mayor City Hal l At l anta., Ga. . �S I L VE R S P OON- TRE..AS ON':s prosper i ty has hit t he s kids••••••••••••••••••• - Greaser . ... �( T HIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan Silver Spoon Allen Bloc,.,. Vote Mayor _______.. - ~ · 9-ity Hall - -. . . . _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ • •• • ' L ..._

 : '~-~

~G t /, A~ lanta, ( Ga.1 Ju ' ' ) - -; ~-~ - ::::s < - \ t') - ~ - -~ - - -- -- ~------ -- .• ~- - ~


'."'I b-- 1 ·---..::.__- ~ �Mix Master : What a high calling and noble profession 1-f or cing whi tes to race - mix with black s. Sic k, sick , l ove of money sick . Nauseated . �( T HI S SIDS OF CARD IS FOR ADD RE SS) Ivan Mi:xmaster Allan ·x I Em Mayor Atlanta, Ga . l:.S. P OSTAG, �I I I . !'.:ii . . Cf) S... ... >-;, +:> Q) Q) s::"' S... +" Q) r-l r-i (/) < fJ > H H ~ ~ r-i r-i &I >, +" •r-l 0 ~ (1) ..c: () +:> ~ co '° -~M H 0 ~ Cll"' +:> g r-1 +:> < prominent persons who can not be tempted by: any of usual meanj as money sex et.c~ We OQ ~ot reQ~ire he special cod~ ~aHtq§ _Qr i~tercep~ion o messages to identi1·y r1.ng mem~e;f• . r y ·I IJ .~~e- 1/ ~11'f'V (M±ss) Jewell C. Smith 801 Vedado Way, N. E. Atlanta 8, Georgia Secretary for Independent Sezcecraft 18 September 1967 �• . ril • Cl) H ... '";i +=' .... Q) ~ Q) H +=' Cl) Q) ~ <( § r-i H ~


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r-l I>, -+" •r-l 0 -~ b.O H 0 ~ ~(.) ~ -+" +=' ~ 00 '° ... ct! ] -+" <( prominent persons who can not be tempted by any of usual meanJ as money se~ etcA We ao not rea~i re he speciai cocti ~amq§. Qr i~tercep~ion o messages to identi!"y ring mem~e~ . . rv y ·/ IJ ,Y:_-~W <L- )/ ~ 1'f'V (Miss) Jewell C. Smith 801 Vedado Way, N. E. Atlanta 8, Ge orgia Secretary for Independent Spa cecraft 18 September 1967 �',V'i th further regard otir five messages r e ind~pencleni spacecraft 1 and million-member international ground support ring for several soacecraft still up globally and manned by criminals, first of si:>c rockets f r om space a t local (Georgia) targets planned as practice for first 20- megat90 Atomic !Jlissile was fired at approximately 2:00 PM, Tuesday, U Sent l9b7 at a target within lJ.mit~ of City of Atlanta and was a direct hit, causing fire, despite fac t that The AtlantatJournal and Constt~utio:o1 havetso man:.vtring members d~q tney did no report event . vrCot WJ. L con inue W1. n 1Ive more rock1et s, inctluhding one att~tateh o~ceptr attt iontCamp, a~.~onvbertj.entt· ~ A SO~ as ere W~S an~ 1er p tJical . ~.e~ £Il my life yin ru~eI a£tic~ b;rePthe~gdoi est~s~rwr~ei~ ~a~~:11 ~~a~r~¥ettru.~nf~6m5 sonsi independent Graft will1iIJ!ffiediatelyhafire r ocketshat oot 1 Gov4 ernor 's mansion anct vity Hal in order~ t persons t ere wi n o, be able to flee before slight dela~in setting up £lomic shot f or Atlanta rather than northward. Vfe ve ind;i.~ted be ore t hat we broke me~befship ±ctenti fi9ation go e of mil ion-me .er gr9und ring as to principles, and l will again repeat t t we will welcome a ssistance from any person 1 American, Russian or other, who reconsider s before Atonuc shot is ma.de ••• assistance in naming more ring members, in getting a good actor with good memory into ripR, or any other practical. hel.p. We would eSP,ecially like a Spanisn language exper~. Code is not based on past accrrpted idean of cryptography, 1s so complex it has confused many I small- fry membe~s b~t really re~uire s only WORK when princtples are known. Its eystem actualiv includes names of those designated to murder or damage ii~w �BLACK IV AN: When i s you going to pass laws ma.king voodoo and cannibalism le gal - like?. t Saltless Zombie ~ G.R.E,A--r Cie:o RG. \ f\ tJ t- .. ~OU ,., A �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDf E<.S) HIZZONER IVAN P..LLEN Mayor , Black Atlanta City Hall Atlanta., Ga . !u.s.POSTAGE. �Money Man : Is it true all them Ivan .Allen trucks haul ta.x money to us bloc voters? I an 1 t got mine off a truck yet. although I does get $300- 500 per mo. from other programso I expects mine too. . __.,... ~ -tus · Qu..o.. ·~~ .. ·· , ; t5 O S fA,- C E R, £ I I· _,. 1': C • • ·- ~, �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR J\DDRESS) His "Honor 11 Ivan .Allan Big Bloc Mayor = _:: e± ts ;; i ......._ _ __ _4""'=-'r ,-~ -- ~ - 2


... AJ;t;~1~p~-;__.~h.-:a:Z~ 1! • ,.:.;i·. ~~: �Ivan the Terrible : You do set up muoh fear and trembling in the white hunky community almost every day when you meets with t he coons at the summits . Shadrack. ~ou is A ~aEAI I\Mi.\\\( 1\ N ! .,, �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) N T '.IHE TERRIBLE ALLEP Bloc Mayor us .. City Hall Atlanta , Ga . �~I<: H JY( ~,:;;:. Uh-\ ~N I s '(o,J G..._o 1,./G,. 1'0 ORA-re. )ON\E Mofle..-. A-r THE ~$ ~el\(<: ME:cc~ ~ y N\US\-\MOcJ1"1i l\LL EA~s �ji.,j'i iVERSiV-·_c:... ,,,': 'i-iEH OV.S E COL t:Lt 1-I:~ - �Do•Gooder J You . are certa:inly doing your part making the world safe for hypocri sy. Victim Ofite �,,., , -.. , w I THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR Ji.DDRESS Irving Allen Hizzoner the Mayor City Hall Atlanta. aa. �:I'( C &cJ~ ~ToKE~ \ -_c:SJ/ID /£LL ...... -\ ·ou To R.., OL L... our 7' J../ E: C ,1 R.., PIE" T:, I-/I: ~ Co !VJ' IV(l J-/01n~. - L_ov~~ £1£11-/lj �---- - - ~~ ·- - -- - 7'( C o o/V ..f~/j/ J!itA

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CJ r '( J/4LI/JT L f.J IVTIf., i{,1. �·comrade:. I has registered ten times under ten names . Does I vote ten times now? cne-Man-Ten-Votes . �TH IS St DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Ivan Allen ayor o:r Afr i ca City Hall Atlanta c--a .. l· S.POSl.-\.GF 1 �IV AN BIRD: Share the weal th, baby start with yours .. l) share the ,·,-eal th o Let's I wants more money or I is gonna snipe . All the - poverty I got last month v,as I wants more for nry peace oe ooe• o 400 .,CO . Your close buddy• , Non- Violent ::itolr.:ely �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) MIS'IER IVAN ALLEN., JUNIOR SHO NUFF CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA MAYOR �Ivan Boy They always tells me at;_:~ . pole place who I is every time I go and I always votes for you like they tells me to . Don 't ever fergit. Yours truly,. Plebisit Pleb �'=tc ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan .Allen Mayor of Little Africa City Hall Atlanta.11 Ga e le.S.POSTAGE 1 �EX LO ITllTION OF T HE AME, ICAM l'ffiGTl O & ROMAN CATHOLICS "Oh, what a tane led web we weave, When f irst we practic e to deceive," SO - let Lyndon Johnson, who e::is.1Jloited the 'YEGGS' - unscramble the 'EGGS'. A e publican �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta Ga . �Hunky-o: I want more money or I 1s gonna snipe. Marxman. �TH I S SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRES S Ivan Daddy-0 Allen, Mushmouth Ma yor, City Hall, Atlan t a , Ga . �ushmouth: I f you put on your witch doctor feathers and bone in nose and dance at your stadium, your braves might draw a bigger gate . Tax Payer . (Defunct) �·-(THIS SI DE OF CARD IS FOR ADD~ESS) Hizzoner Irvin .All en Some Folks Mayor Ci ty Ha ll Atlanta., Ga . 'r S.POSJ'AG}. �IVAN HO : You are a ~ t Atlantan., a GREAT Ge orgian., and a GRE AT .Amer ican . Pickled Pete . �( THIS Sl_::_E~~CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) 1 . \/ L LE_. • J ' I !OR Black Bloc Blight Mayor City Hall Atlanta ~ Ga . t;.S .POST.\GE 1 �Big Man : A certain rn.a.n went down f r om business to politi c s., and fell among thieves and charla t a n s . Deficit Dan. �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FO R ADDRESS ) Hizzoner Irvin .Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta., Ga• �~ Ivan : When does your multi million dollars Buttermilk Bottom audit oriam open up to us for the big MIX I N? Buster Pew. �- - ~ I4:,r-c__,, ( THI S SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) R.As'IUS Ivan Allen Big Chief Mayor City Ha.11 Atlanta.., Ga e -[l- S.I'OS1'AGF �10am ~,NN I VERSARY ' . :- · · Heroic Iva>.n ; Do you·pr"eference your f-4?1_,mail by telegraph~ letter or post card or by the telephone? You is so hard to reach except by check. Swindel Sheats ~ ') \ I Fr· �[, - ( T H I S SI DE OF CARD I S FOR A D D RESS) IVAN ALLEN Fuzzy vVuzzy Mayor Ci ty Hall Atl anta, aa. �IJ1an Bird: When you makes your lips tight and thin and sp ews forth the cussing, yo 1s a man of most righteous indigna tion. Tremblin' Tom. �Ivan Allen, Stooge Mayor, City Hall, Atlanta. Ga. / �Rastus: He went down from business to politics and fell among thieves and charlatans. Little John. �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan All en, Big Tribal Chie f, City Ha ll, Atlanta , Ga . �Exalted One: Beware of false prophets, whkch come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt. 7:15. True Sheep. �( THI S SID E OF C A RD IS FOR ADD R ESS ) Irvin Allen, Bankers Boy, City Hall. Atlanta, Ga. �Wise Man: The rich man is wise in his own conceit; but the poor tha t ha th understanding sea rcheth him out.--- Prov. 28:11. Poor Searcher. �Ivan Allen, Gold Dust Twin, City Hall, Atlanta,Ga. �SH.AR.PIE : All this money you is giving t o your consti tuents . the coons--any of it out of your o~n pocket? SILLY QUES T.!.QL Picked Pockets �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDR 55) IV.AN .ALLEN JI JR ., Part Time Mayor City H 11 Atlant , G • �BIG CHIEF Why don ' t you and those Atlantians of stature- the coons--put on a cannibal carnival at tha st dium to r aise funds t o help the tax payers-the white folks? BUt don't count on me to eat or be eaten. Skinny Willie �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) BIG Crtll!.F IVAN ALLt: MA YOR City Hall Atlanta, Ga e U.S.POSTAGE �__ __d. _ · )VA i - ~ o ~o_ = -- ' _...,, �<::J<;~c :-.. ru-Y ' A uG 9 -~ PM !967 ~-At W-.A;f 8 lJ-£_ J

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rn He .. THIS SIDE OF CA,;,o •s FOR ADDRESS LLE' I~\)\ '(O C 'c'· 0~ .SOM ~ '- "- AT t.. AMIA.,~ . -- �Big Daddy: I has committed too felonuous crimes this weak and I wants my reward. Lootin' Lou. �( THIS SIDEOF"CARD I S F"O RADDRESS ) ,. Irvin Allen, Moneybags Mayor, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga. �'1 Ive.ninsld : Black Magic at Pirate ' s Table . next . 33 hexes . Conservative stew., liber 1 helpings . Thigh bone blue plate.• Ravenous Rap . �( TH I S SIDE OF CARD 15 FOR ADDR E SS) IVANINS KI .ALLEN Bl ck .Arts Mayor City Hall Atlanta.., G • lcs.POSTAGE �BI~ DADDY - u~ You is delinquent with the hate spee ches . Baby~ they works miracles . ~ush with it, in man. Hippie Ho �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) D.ADDY-0 IVAN ALLEN Hottentot Mayor City Hall Atlant , aa. �Honest Ivan: Does a coon family l ive next door to you? .And if not •. Does a coon family share your mansion? .And if not, why not ? Has any member of your f ami ly married a coon ? .And if not, why not ? Get with your convictions and s ocial conscience, baby, not just lip servi ce and votes . why not ? Judge Phooey �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IVAN STOKELY ALLEN Ma~r of Black Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ga. �,,,.. ,"" fl ... t I I ..... OUR BOY When is you getting back on TV with some more of' them hate spee ches? you hates . Man. wi en you hates• Glad I ain't no hunky • . Your constituent. Bayard Roosevelt �I V A N A L L E N, Mayor Bankers ' Tool Ci ty Hall Atlanta ~ Ga e �IVAN LUCRE.- - With some people who inherit money~ that •s all they inherit. Twopence . - a.. .., . .- �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan Allen, Mayor Of Some Of The People City Hall At-lanta. Ga. ~ .. -- .- j �Raving Ivan : You should of' b.e en a colored preacher• You talks j ust like one . Your kinda f'olks . Highlander Folk Singer. �_; •• I ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) IV AN ALLEN Negro Mayor City Hall Atla.nta.c, Ga. �City Hall Bird: I is sure anxious to hear you orate at th~-- "~.:.·REGENCY MUSHMOUTH MECCA with Rastus Mc Goon and Martin Luther Koon. 11 11 be there• Yard Bird �'- THIS s10E o~ - c ~ ,s FOH ADDR Ivan Allen Big Witch Doctor City Hall Atlanta 1 Gae ac e �BIG WINNER- The master: the voters in mass bloc. The slave : the winner , vmo else 1 Fraternally yours. Phooey Louis �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOP. ADDRESS) BIG WINNER Ivan .Allen Mayor of Black Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ge orgia �GIVE AW.KY .ARTIST : How much is your stadi um costing the tax payers- is it 28 or 32 million? Put on a love -in there. and get some revenues . Tax Poor �(THIS SI DE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS) Ivan Allen 11 Jr • Mix Happy Mayor City Hall Atlanta, Ga e lu .S.POSTAGF �You should have been a colored preacher. You t lks just like one. Highlander Folk Singer. �( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ) Raving All en ,Mayor, city Ha ll, Atlanta , Ga . �Rich Man: The rich man's wea lth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own con, ceit.--- Prov. 18:11. Poverty Pete. �( TH I S S I DE OF C A RD I S FOR A DDRESS J Ivan Allen, Silver and Gold Mayor, City Hall, Atlanta, Ga. �'<,cA-ru <::> ,p AI Buttermilk Bottom Chi e \•• , G! ·M? '9. 1%7;:j Police brutality sure i~ , c. · ~ ·: 6 getting my head out of shape.~z z I've gotta grow some beatnik hair to hide the bumps. u ~ Bloc Vote Mayor

City Hall ,: ~ 0 u Play it cool. baby. ":, .J ~ '" ~ Lumpy Louie. Ivan .Allen z I- Atlanta., Ga. �-- .. - =MURDER'S .. -


WOULDN'T YOU RATHER PUT UP WITH ME? ,.1.u @I- 170 �r �I ~ ..S'tJ , I ~ -:> )_ S "'~J �����I O J Atl r':{ /951 �~~: I ~~ II �I r ' l I I ! -I �C_i=)~-\ ~J ')) wY-AJ ~ 0 ')3 ~~ -- - ~ ' . ' ~~ ~~ ~ • • .~ ~'- ,· ~, 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST)ti~ ~~ I I [ i ~ ' ~~ \ 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) ' ·~~ 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) . AJ ~..I\)._), ~. ~~ ~~ 16:23, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ! I �l ~ I �-- ~ . ·r_., C' 1ST

l • ~ PM . y' ' . t' II . J AN · r;j) /951 / . ��I ��--, • �I VAN ALLEN JR MAYORS OFFICE CITY NALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA. �QU()J'ING THE PRESS : ttGO:V·ERNOR MALDOX , YOU HAVE WON THE SHIP OF STATE, ANL NOW YOU .HA OT TO SAIL IT OVER ROUGH SEA . NOTHING YOU MAY DO, OR NOT JjO LL AT ONCE BRING CALMNESS UPON THAT OCEAN OF DISCORD ~ •D BY THE FROTHINGS OF MAYOR I VAN ALLEN AND THE MALICIOUS FAJ3Mt ATJON5 OF MCGILL, PATTERSON AND THEIR SATELLITES •• BUT IF YOU STEER CLEAR OF THE SHOALS ANLJ THE ROCKS AND THE TRAPS WHIG} ENVIOUS POLOTICIANS AND ENEMIES OF CONSTITUTIO.lfflL GOVERNMENT WILL TRY TO PLANT DECOYS, WE BELIEVE TB.AT YOU WILL HELP GIVE BACK TO GEORGIANS A BIG MEASURE OF ITS GLORIOUS HERITAGE, NOW DIMMED BY THE FORCES OF THOSE WHO WOULD DESTROY CONSTITUTIONAL GIDVERNMENT11 • FULTON COUNTY ATLANTANS ��~ one ever deserved it more. ~ jW ~P · ~ good luck and the best of e':!!17thing! I l:,J ~ . I:. -s ( e e. ;r.l f (:1i '1,';; /Vt? l..(J ~<JVen or. �15M 604-4 �,- �~cv-i ~lo,~ <Wf)Mt hrfru¾ in, JAIL ~(µ,\; 10Wt )J (YUWW-. FnOM ONE OF OVER 400,000 l,;ITIZENS, 'WHO VOTED FOR THE HONORABLE LESTER G. MADDOX BOR GOVERNOR OF THE SOVERIGN STATE OF GEORGIA. THIS IS MADDOX COUNTRY. �255 6 7k ��., �7 ����U.S. Signs 85 Negroes As Voters Conslilntion Was hlni,to n Burea u WASHINGTON-Federal registrars sent to oversee Negro voter registration in three Georgia counties Monday listed only 85 persons during their first day of operation, it was reported. A spokesman for the U.S. Civil Service Commission, which administer s the operat ion, said only 84 voters were signed up in Screven County, one in Ter'!ell and none in Lee. By contrast, three Shr eveport, La., registration offices also under their first day of federal supervision Monday showed listings of 4 , 81 ancf 193 voters respectively, the CSC said. Spokesmen here said they supposed the Georgia totals were low because many eligible voters were not yet aware of e opportunities provided through longer registration hour s. The registrars, the first sent to Georgia counties under the 1965 Voting Rights Act, were assigned after the Justice department announced it had received complaints of discrimination. The federal supervisors are stationed in Dawson, Leesburg and Sylvania. No indication has been given as to how long they will remain there. Rec en t voter registration drives conducted by the Soi.;thern r egional council resulted in 49 new voters in Terrell County and another 17'7 in Lee. Daily totals are not made available until the following day. �City Hires 1,501 with 733 Negroes e >f k 1 Gt ·s st e a f The city hired 1,501 persons during the first quarter of 1967. · About half were Negroes. Negro-white employment was · 733-768 fo r al l jobs, the city personnel department said Wednesday. The breakdown of higherthan-menial labor was 168 Negro and 688 whit e persons. The city's work force is now about one-third Negro, Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. said. The personnel report shows 148 white firemen and 45 Negro firemen hired this year. There were 58 white and six Negro policemen hired. Allen said the city ha9 about 20 per cent Negro employes 10 years ago and has continued to increase the ratio. The white-Negro hirings-exclusive of laborers-in 1964 were 1,054-402. The 1965 totals were 1,209-455 and fo r 1966, were 1,982-815. �24 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Friday, April 7, 1967 Experts to Review Housing .Bias Here The Georgia State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission will hold a two-day open meeting on discrimination in public and private housing in the Greater At lanta Metropolitan Areas beginning Friday.

Dr. Vivian W. Henderson, on the third floor of the OI<i president of Clark College and Post Office building on Forsyt chairman of the state advisory St. NW. -7· · committee, an· The Georgia committee is om . ·: nounced that } the group will of 51 national groups w h o s e collect informa- members serve without compen . tion on alleged sation to inform the comroission d i s crimina- nf civil rights matters in their communities and to disseminata tion and its ef- information about federal laws fects on school and programs. desegregation a n d community tensions, a n d Mayor Allen examine Ways in which the state, federal and local governments and private 1 organizations can combat hous- 1 ing discrimination. Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen will welcome the group at 1 p.m. Directors of the Atlanta, DeKalb and Atlanta Metropolitan Area Planning commissions have been invited to appear Friday. Also invited are Housing Authority officials from cities in the metropolitan area, the Fulton County Welfare director, the regional director of the Federal Housing Assistance Administration and the vice chairman of the Georgia Council on Human Relations. The session is to conclude at 6 p.m. Officials of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, American Friends Service Committee and National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing will appear Saturday, with representatives of the mortgage banking, real estate and home building industries. The two-day meeting will be , in the federal district courtroom 1 �N.Y. Urban Interns to Study Here • Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York will send a counterpart of his Cornerstone Project to Atlanta this summer, city officials said Thursday. The program will give a "select group of young leaders the opportunity to live among, work with and learn from the disadvantaged" here. Lindsay began the program last summer from private contributions and has worked out the outline for the program to come South this summer. De- zation, said Dan Sweat, governmental liaison director at Citl tails still are to be decided. Hall. About 20 interns from congressional and federal agency The interns, w.ho will co~ offices will come here for each from colleges all over the naof four two-week sessions, ac- tion, will spend a day or two with various established organicording to preliminary plans. zations or departments during The prognun is designed to the day, then hold pa el discus be educational and to give the sions in the evenings. students an idea of what the city and v a r i o u s organizations are doing to cope with the problems arising from urbani- �2 Policemen Shot to Death In Probe of Roh Attemp! WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. !A'l-Two West Palm Beach police officers were shot to death Thursday as they answered a trouble call at a federal savings and loan association. Police Sgt. Jlohn Ollis said the officers were shot down by a seconds after the man was taken man who had attempted to enter into custody. He said the policemen arrived the cl05~d bank about 5 p.m. by at the scene separately, one on kicking the door. Witnesses said a suspect who a motorcycle, and the other in was apprehended by a bystander a squad car. was taken into custody. "The man must have b~n a Neither the suspect nor the dead shot," Coman said. 'The dead officers were immediat~ly motorcycle officer apparently identified. was cut down before he got off Richard Coman, an employe his cycle and the other officer in an office adjacent to the bank, was shot as he stepped out of ' said he arrived at the scene just his cruiser."- �r I Eugene Patterson Two Parties, But No 'System' NORTHAMPTON, Mass. -Smith College students, struggling to understand the South, ask the ancient question: " When will you have two parties?" To say the question is relative, which it is, or to propose a general answer, which one cannot, is unsatisfactory to them. They wsnt at least a guess as to when the South is going to organize itself politically like everybody else. The answer may even be never. But if a Southerner were required to risk a generali?:ation, perhaps the most sensible way of getting at it would be this: Southern Republicans will be wise to offer an alternative; they apparently cannot win a mere me-too campaign against the Southern Democrats. Winthrop Rockefeller moved to the left of a conservative Democrat and won Arkansas in 1966. Claude Kirk went to the right of a liberal Democrat and won Florida. Conservative Republicans tried to fight a me-too campaign against conservative.Democrats in Mississip_QJ_, Alabama and Georgia, and lost all three. Georgia almost certain y would have g-one Republican as Arkansas ilid if a Rockefeller-type candidacy had been present to gather in the moderate and Negro vote. All of which brings up the relative aspect of the thing. Party labels don't really mean as much to the future of the Deep South states as do the principles that are in competition. An increase -0f segregationist conservatism in a region already surfeited and stifled with it can hardly be called a political service to the South, whether it is the result of one party factionalism or is sanctified with the shibboleth of "two party system." A way out of the pa:;t, not a thrust backward into it, is the South's need. And the Goldwater Republicanism of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia-and to some extent South Carolina-offered an echo of old Democratic practices instead of the choice of something new. Far from being constructive politically, this right wing challenge merely snuffed out the first glimmerings of moderation among Deep South Democrats and drove them back to the right to defend their old base of racism and reaction. Then which party wil1 risk the first move toward the middle of the road? Again, it is foolish to generalize: Georgia may be almost as different from Alabama as Florida is from Arkansas. Yet it would seem reasonable in Georgia at least for the R publicans to lead the way out of the right hand rut and toward the center. The Democrats would undoubtedly follow them toward that higher battleground, since they wete trying to move there before the Goldwater debacle chased them back to their old base. The state would benefit greatly by the moderating trend. And a moderate Republicanism, being known nationally as the more conservative philosophy anyway, might retain an advantage with genuine conservatives while freeing itself, as well as the Democratic party, from the destructive business of courting segregationists to the exclusion of moderates and Negroes in the South. - - ---- - - .......... .a,:tf.....s.t11 ---~-- P. �IGng Says Picl{eting to Grow Here Atlanta Negroes' boycott and picketing of a shoe store ch'ain "is going to grow" to include other Atlanta retail merchants, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. predicted Thursday. Dr. King was among pickets marching around in front of the Peachtree store of ThompsonBoland-Lee, a shoe store. With him on the picket line were State Sen. Leroy Johnson and City Alderman Q. V. Williamson. "We believe that stores tl;lat sell to Negroes should use Negro personnel," Dr. King s-aid. " We want some Negro salesmen up • on the S"treet floor here." Oscar Thompson, vice president and manager of the shoe chain, said that his company had 25 Negro employes out of a total employe force of 125. "My b u s i n e s s is selling shoes," Thompson said. "I can't let a bunch of ministers tell me how to s-ell shoes. We have had Negro employes for years, but I'm not about to fire some white employe with 20 or mare ye·ars experience juS"t to hire a Ne,gro salesman." Thompson said that he was sure his percentage of Nem;o employes was higher than any other Atlanta stores. King complained that Negro sales people at the shoe store were "down in the basement" and not on the main sales floor. Thompson s-aid that all personnel in the sales force started "in the basement" and moved up as their experience warranted. �Eugene Patterson MLK: Where The Action Is? WASHINGTON -The liberal Washington Post said Thursday that many who have listened to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with respect in the past "will never again accord him the same confidence. He has diminished his usefulness to· his cause, to his country and to his people. And that is a great tragedy." The Atlanta Negro leader deliberately dumped a hod cf bricks on his own head when he narrowed his base in the civil r ights movement to the confines of the Vietnam " peace movement. " But the civil rights movement as it was practiced nonviolently under Dr. King was in trouble anyway. His demonstrations had won their big battles. The antipoverty progr am he advocated had been hiring the old militant leaders and moving them off the streets and into offices where they were invited to perform instead of protest. · A fringe of " black power" advocates stole the stage. For all their admirable goals of instilling pride of race in the Negro, their technique was a dangerous reverse demogoguery and a ready resort to violence. The riots that ensued were disastrous for the civil rights movement. After each outburst of lawlessness and vandalism, white support dwindled, anti-Negro enmities hardened, and civil rights leaders struggled to minimize the damage with cooling-off periods that broke the momentum of the movement. .. Then as the black power racists began expelling whites, wlio used to make up a big contingent of the nonviolent demonstrations, the war in Vietnam gave these white youngsters somewhere else to go. The same university campuses that supplied manpower and money for the civil rights movement are preoccupied almost exclusively now with the peace-in-Vietnam protests. That's whef'e the action is, all of a sudden, for the white kids who have been told by Stokely Carmichael that the Negro doesn't need them any more. Dr. King must have watched this breaking up of a r ational civil rights movement with deep dismay. Without questioning his obviously deep-felt convictions about e Vietnam, one can see that he is now in position to· salvage at least some of the dissipated following of the civil rights movement, assuming a drastically narrow base is better than no base at all. Yet there is disappointment among many who had hop-ed Dr. King would somehow overcome the obstacles and revitalize a responsible movement within the civil rights arena itself, and not !ollow !he bla~k powe~ hotheads int~ the emotional tangle of foreign policy. This he failed to do. It IS probably right to call it a tragedy. It now seems likely that the less spectacular but harder working old organizations like the NAACP and the Urban Lea~e. wip. have to ta_ke up the burden of new responsibilities if the CIVIi nghts cause 1s to have continuity hereafter. �'ABC STAGE 67' TtlNIGHT .,. J Negro Humor ls Shown In 'A Time for Laughter' At the beginning of "A Time For Laughter," Harry Be1afonte's production for "ABC STAGE 67" Thursday, on Channel 11, host Sidney Poitier says, " There are few things that express the mood of the Negro better than his humor. Unlike his music - jazz - which has been able to break out and move societies of the world, Negro humor has stayed home." f Paul Jones is on vacation. "A Time For Laughter" is an attempt to bring that humor into homes where it has never been seen or heard; to introduce audiences to such classic comedians as Moms Mabley -and Pigmeat Markham, to the kind of Gomedy this show calls " Ghetto Talk;" to the black birth of what became white minstrel shows (" That's ho w 'darkies' was born," Poitier comments ironically), to the outspoken wit and satire of the socio-political commentators of the generation following after Mab'ley and Markham. Producer Belafonte is also performer Belafonte in "A Time For Laugher ," displaying his respect for a vaudeVille tradition that greatly ante-dates him in a time-honored sketch which teams him with Pigmeat Markham and guest star Diahann Carroll. Godfrey Cambridge, actorturne&-eomedian, also turns writer in the production. He is featured with M o m s Mabley and Broadway star Diana Sands in a sketch he wrote, satirizing suburban social climbers of all colors. George Kirby, whose skills at mimicry have made h i m a popufar guest on television variety shows, lays a cast of seven in a g1ietto barber shop, using the sharp edge of wit to outline s e v e n very different types (in two colors) . The ghetto talk moves into two other areas. In a pool hall we find Redd Foxx, long-time favorite on the circuit of night clubs and theaters which play primarily to Negro audiences (and lately a guest on afternoon game shows) utilizing his zest for the language and rhythms of the "fast - talking hippie." In a funeral parlor, young comedian Richard Pryor unsolemn'ly intones a satirical service that - Hke much of humor's spectrum would be equally at home in any color scheme. �L ��..•. NAT IONA CH ILDRE DEN TAL HE AL ���������A FTER 5 D AY S RETUR N TO ALWAYS us~,~~ "" ZIP COO~t ~ ,ZIP COD E �1• ., ��THE Ht.Lt'nll Uv" .. -- RT. 1, BOX 190 OR143.215.248.55 ~ . . . . . ..... ~ ...\ -~~r~~ ~ --U uh ~ ~~ - ~ 1~· ~-- ~ ' ~ ~ :.' & F 1 ~~, ALJ--~ _.....,_, ~ ~) 4V~ ~c~) ~ �r �r JUne 20, 1967 Mr. Ivan Allen Mayor- City Of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: I believe in our laws and obide by them, but for the life of me, I cant understand why the black race is not included in these lam. Were these laws made for the mli te race to obide by onl.y? Evidently they were, because you and the Chief of poilce certainly ofter nothing but excuses for not doing something to stop this destruction and danger to the citizens of Atlanta.. Who is going to payfor this damage to properity? We all know, as well as you and the Chier who is responsible, but nothing is being done tQ make them pay for the damages caused by them. If we had the right people in charge, there would be enough fines and prison centances placed on the responsible ones, that soon they would run out of money to operate on. We may have to wait until the next election to get something done about our laws, and a mayor and chief to inforce them, but it will be done. There is such thing as impeachment, and a mave will be started at an early date to see that this is done, unless you and the chief quit stalling and do something to stop this destruction. It I s a very simple job to do. Just make -ill· our laws apply to all races• Not just the white race. I know that you would never have been elected mayor, if it had not been for the black race. But eaven they have turned against you now. You do not have now, or have ever had white friends. Yes you had few white trash friends. They are lower tan the negro trash. Just look at the mayor before you, who supportedyou. Next to you, he was the nearest nothing any city ever had. You and the chief can do nothing to clear your name with the white man, but you might clear your consious, if you have one. I dont think you have or you would never have doublecrossed the race you were born in to then tumed black. The black race cant tnist you now. How can you expect it of them? Yours truly, Atlantian and White .American. ��r-- - .

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