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1'~-· THE ' ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, · Monday, October .2, 196_7 . 9

4 Stabbed in Racial Melee at Fair Here; Four white y o u t h s wer e stabbed dun ng a melee with a " large group of Negroes" at the Southe.astem Fair during the eekend. The figh!ing was only part of inter-racial troubles that began erupting Satur day night. After the fair closed down for the night. Bumper-to-bumper traffic leaving Lakewoorl P ark along Pryor Road SW was bombarded with rocks and bottles hurled ifrom the sidewalks. De.tective L. F . Peaden said e wc:s told by several persons a t the fair that the group of egroes th€re had grabbed at passing white women and m ade vulgar r emarks . He said the four stabbed white youths told him they and their friends and dates were attacked twice by the band of Negroes. Following the knifings police caught one N~gro youth identified as a member of the group. H~ is Ray Stephens, 19, of 7 Troop St. SE , jailed under an assaul t charge. Cut during the melee were James A. Hardy, 20, of 1345 Heatherland Dr ive. Harry R. Glass, 23, of m5 Gillren St. SW, Danny Hoggerup, 20, of 1762 Shirley P!ace SW, and David F . Stewart , 19, of 1935. McAfee St. Northwest. Peaden said he still had the: matter .under investigation. , Capt. R. E . Little said there had been numerous report.s Sat-: urday njght of cars being pep-· pered from sidewalks in Negr o, neighborhoods along P r y o r< Street during the worst of the tr affic trying to leave the park. �