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1954 'lbt fbtning J&ullttfn 11165 • f...~;::· _ ' S STAa L t&HKD 1847 Wllllam L. Mctcan, Ptt.ldent and Pnbll.sher, 1695,1931 'PUBLISHED EVE NING AN D SUNDAY BY BlJLLETIN COMPA NY 3 0 TH AND M A RKET STR E ETS, PHILADELPH IA, PA, 19 101 ROBERT McLEAN, C hairman of the Board R OBERT t. TAYLOR, Pmidcnt and Publisher 'WILLIAM B, DICKIN ON, Managing Editor - i 22 DONALD McLEAN, Editor, Edito rial Pare DO AtD W. THORNBUR GH, Vice President - ALB ERT SPENDLOVE, Vice Prcsidcnt•Busincss Mana1er RAYMOND D. McGEE, S«rerary and T rea1urcr - Wl LLIAM I. McLEAN, Ill, A S1i1tant Truturer JOSEPH G. ELLIOTT, As,istant Bulinc11 Manaeu - RICHARD W, CARPENTER, Adverti1in1 Director LOUIS T RUPIN, Circulation Dlrec,or - JAMES P. GRANT, Production Manager J!ARRY VRDANG, Promotion Manager - REGINALD E, BEAUCHAMP, Assistant to the PrcaidcnC B T H URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 5, 1966 Planning to Plan The $26,000 federal grant made available to help the Delaware Valley Regional '.Planning Commission "define" its job is a necessary first step. But it hard ly "refutes" aH of the recent criticism of the Commission by the Governors' Interstate Advisory Committee, as Commission Secr etary Lawrence G. Williams hastily insisted it did. Even when matched on a on_e-thifd basis by state and local governments r~p\ resented on the commission, the federal grant will pay only for a very modest professional and clerical staff- big enough, perhaps, to draft some preliminary outlines of the Commission's enormous tasks but certainly not equipped t o begin any real nuts-and-bolts work. More or less theoretical notions of what the Commission should undertake will be no substitute for a beginning on concrete regional planning of land use and resource development. If such planning is to have the necessary backing, if it is to have an impact on the actual operations of government in the Delaware Valley area, the fuller involvement of the governors and other ranking officials of the region, as proposed by the Advisory Committee, will indeed be necessary. Planning Commissions, local and regional, have a long history of ivory tower labors that too often result in plans that have little orno chance of implementation because the responsible officials of government are not involved. All the good intentions and professional com- · petence in the world cannot make a politically sterile or impotent organization an effective force. The Commission will truly come to life when this is recognized. . - Some Lessons From the tPros' . . Professional politicians can learn sev- ,ate halt to all bombings or a cease-fire by eral things from the results of Tuesday's South Viet Nam and its allies. The other lesson, and this one is to primary election balloting. be learned from the results in Minnesota, One, made obvious in the returns is the danger of "over packaging." a pofrom New Jersey's Democratic Party pri- litical product with bright-young-man mary, ii; that the war in Viet Nam is in- wrappings. deed an issue in congressional votingMinnesota's Dem:ocratic-Farmer-Lawhenever anyone sets out t o make it an_ bor Party leaders decided more than a iss'Ue. year ago that Governor Karl F. Rolvaag, A slate of Democratic Party "peace 53, should be placed on the political scrap candidates" was defeated down t he line heap. Rolvaag, these leaders reasoned, by party regulars who supported Presi· lacked polit ical "oomph" and had to be dent Johnson's conduct of the war ·as replaced by someone younger, more atwell as · his continuing efforts to bring tractive. Thus, the D'emocratic-Farmerabout a negotiated peace. The Viet Nam Labor endorsement went to Lt. Gov. A dissidents, who sought a U. S. Senate as M. (Sandy) _Keith, 37, who is in the .Rob well as sev.eral U. S. House nomi nations,· ert F. Kenneqy image-including hair fared badly- very badly- in the vot ing. styling. , The lesson here, and one supported by The party leaders figured everythir. previous primary contests, is that while -except voter reaction. A tremendou the American voter may not be a Viet sympathy vote was generated for RolNam "hawk," neither is he attracted by vaag and carried him to renomination. It pleas for tl}e unilateral withdrawal of left the party leaders alone with their U. S. tro~op~s~,_!;b~.e,i.~loQ8~,i,-e,A,,,1,l,Q,l;i~U.:..,~~2El~::,..- - - -- - --...:.._ I· New Battle of Atlanta Atlanta, Ga. , is a part of the old South well worth the consideration of northerners. It has close to a half-million populatiQ,n. It is the hub of transportation in t~at quadrant of the country, as it was more than a century ago. It is also a town which seems really to believe that the Civil War was a long while ago, and that what has gone with the wind never blows back. Atlanta, therefore, integrated its schools with much less strain than elsewhere in the Old Confederacy. This year there was violence as school resumed, because there are impassioned but sense· less people in every city, and of every race. Atlanta's mayor, risking his neck quite literally, went through the streets of a Negro district reminding his fellow-At· lantans of their duty to uphold the law. An out-of-state Negro whom some would describe as a demagogue was arrested fo r-violation of a local law. But so was a white man accused of wanton shooting of an Atlan ta Negro. Both arrests make sen,se; the point being to uphold the law' without partiality. This Atlanta seems to be attempting to do, much better than some of its back· ward sister towns such as Grenada, Miss., c where naked white power seems to have s the support of policemen who ought to be ashamed to wear a badge; where the crippling of children for the "sin" o( being black appears to be the accepted code. Atlanta is the place to look, for Atlanta is one of the most successful cities in the South. Its culture and industry, and its ·unusually articulate press have made it a leader. What Atlanta does in civil r ights will be copied, though perhaps grudgingly. On the record so far, the vigorous city in the red hills deserves the mantle of leadership._ ~ Kickoff might be a bad word for such figure was $7.85 per person, while the fe things as the United Fund, since the last Philadelphia average was $4.90. thing that happens is that anybody gets Since then we have done better. But t kicked. Everybody gets helped; contribu- what Mr. Seltzer had to say goes a long d

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