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"' GA MBRE LL & M O BLE Y 390 0 FI RST NATI ONAL BANK 8 U I LOING ATLANTA, G EOR GIA 3 0303 DAVID H . GAMBRELL JO H~ H. MOBLEY AL BER T SI DN EY .JO HNSON June 17, 1969 J. ROBERT 0'\VENS ROBER T D. FEAG IN III 404 / 525 - 8571 J EREM IAH LUXEMBURGER LE ON L . RICE III Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. City Ha ll 68 Mitchel l Street, S. W. Atl anta, Georgia 30334 Re: Atlan ta Youth Council Dear Mayo r Allen: John Cox has ten dered and the Executive Committee of the Youth Coun ci l has ac c epted h i s resi gnation from his j ob as Exe c u t ive Direc tor as o f July 31 , 1969 . John is leaving t he Yo u th Council to take Frank Thomas' job as Executive Di rector o f the Butler Street Y. The Exe c ut ive Committee o f the Yout h Council feels that Jo hn has served the Council diligently and effective ly during hi s tenure as Executive Director. Before attempti ng to r e c r uit a s ucc esso r t o Joh n Cox , we wanted · t o a sk you i f you had any sugges tions f o r a suc c es sor t h at we could offer to t he committee in charge of selecting s uch a person and al s o t o ask you if y our co c eption of the Youth Counci l or of t he job to be fi ll e d h ad c hanged . As you may r emembe r, there was some talk las t Fall o f c onsolidati ng the Youth Council with ano the r grou p such as the Crime Commission o r the Community Re l a t ions Commission . At tha t time , we were anxi ous to get the Council fun c tio ning and its programs u nderway and d id not want to get i n volved in a re - exami n ati on o f i ts pur pose s or its place in t he structure of City Gove rnment . That is s ti ll a fair assessment of the sentiment o f t e Executive Committee . Nevertheles s, if changes in the status o f the Coun cil are contempl a ted, the Exe cutive Committe e fe lt t hat t hese c hanges should be known to it and taken i nto accoun t in its process o f recruiting a successor to John Cox . Ve ry truly y ours , ATLANTA CHILDREN SERVICES COUZJ C i ,14 1 J L/ kt & YOUTH ~ J ~ ;; t Luxembu rg~r Chairman �Mayo r Ivan Allen , Jr . June 1 7, 1969 Page 2 CC: Mr . Dan Sweat Mr . Jo h n Cox Mr . ichael Trotte r Mr . DeJongh F ranklin Mrs . Margaret Perdue Mr . Fl etcher Coomb s ... �