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N.Y. Urban Interns to Study Here • Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York will send a counterpart of his Cornerstone Project to Atlanta this summer, city officials said Thursday. The program will give a "select group of young leaders the opportunity to live among, work with and learn from the disadvantaged" here. Lindsay began the program last summer from private contributions and has worked out the outline for the program to come South this summer. De- zation, said Dan Sweat, governmental liaison director at Citl tails still are to be decided. Hall. About 20 interns from congressional and federal agency The interns, w.ho will co~ offices will come here for each from colleges all over the naof four two-week sessions, ac- tion, will spend a day or two with various established organicording to preliminary plans. zations or departments during The prognun is designed to the day, then hold pa el discus be educational and to give the sions in the evenings. students an idea of what the city and v a r i o u s organizations are doing to cope with the problems arising from urbani- �