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IGng Says Picl{eting to Grow Here Atlanta Negroes' boycott and picketing of a shoe store ch'ain "is going to grow" to include other Atlanta retail merchants, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. predicted Thursday. Dr. King was among pickets marching around in front of the Peachtree store of ThompsonBoland-Lee, a shoe store. With him on the picket line were State Sen. Leroy Johnson and City Alderman Q. V. Williamson. "We believe that stores tl;lat sell to Negroes should use Negro personnel," Dr. King s-aid. " We want some Negro salesmen up • on the S"treet floor here." Oscar Thompson, vice president and manager of the shoe chain, said that his company had 25 Negro employes out of a total employe force of 125. "My b u s i n e s s is selling shoes," Thompson said. "I can't let a bunch of ministers tell me how to s-ell shoes. We have had Negro employes for years, but I'm not about to fire some white employe with 20 or mare ye·ars experience juS"t to hire a Ne,gro salesman." Thompson said that he was sure his percentage of Nem;o employes was higher than any other Atlanta stores. King complained that Negro sales people at the shoe store were "down in the basement" and not on the main sales floor. Thompson s-aid that all personnel in the sales force started "in the basement" and moved up as their experience warranted. �