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r JUne 20, 1967 Mr. Ivan Allen Mayor- City Of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: I believe in our laws and obide by them, but for the life of me, I cant understand why the black race is not included in these lam. Were these laws made for the mli te race to obide by onl.y? Evidently they were, because you and the Chief of poilce certainly ofter nothing but excuses for not doing something to stop this destruction and danger to the citizens of Atlanta.. Who is going to payfor this damage to properity? We all know, as well as you and the Chier who is responsible, but nothing is being done tQ make them pay for the damages caused by them. If we had the right people in charge, there would be enough fines and prison centances placed on the responsible ones, that soon they would run out of money to operate on. We may have to wait until the next election to get something done about our laws, and a mayor and chief to inforce them, but it will be done. There is such thing as impeachment, and a mave will be started at an early date to see that this is done, unless you and the chief quit stalling and do something to stop this destruction. It I s a very simple job to do. Just make -ill· our laws apply to all races• Not just the white race. I know that you would never have been elected mayor, if it had not been for the black race. But eaven they have turned against you now. You do not have now, or have ever had white friends. Yes you had few white trash friends. They are lower tan the negro trash. Just look at the mayor before you, who supportedyou. Next to you, he was the nearest nothing any city ever had. You and the chief can do nothing to clear your name with the white man, but you might clear your consious, if you have one. I dont think you have or you would never have doublecrossed the race you were born in to then tumed black. The black race cant tnist you now. How can you expect it of them? Yours truly, Atlantian and White .American. �