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. . . . CRUSADING LITERATURE The following literature should be in every American home: THE CROSS AND THE FLAG, Subscription price $2.00 per year. THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. Sensational 267 page book, bound in cloth, by Col. John Beaty formerly top man in military intelligence and Dean at Southern Methodist University. Deals factually and fearlessly with the Jewish and Communist program. Price $4.00 THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. Originally translated by Victor Marsden, great British journalist. Believed by many to be the original minutes of the Zionist plot for world power. Price 50c THE INTERNATIONAL JEW. Originally published by Henry Ford, Sr. Reproduced in a compact form . Introduction by Gerald L. K. Smith. Cloth Bound $3.00 Paper Bound $2.00 1. THE CROSS AND THE FLAG ( ) One year $2.00 ( ) Six mo. $1.00 2. ABOLISH THE UNITED NATIONS. Address before U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee by Gerald L. K. Smith ........................................................ .10 3. THE UNTOLD STORY OF DOUGLAS MACARTHUR by Frazier Hunt. A very important book containing 533 pages 5.00 4 . WHAT ABOUT GERALD L. K. SMITH? Rogue? Or Patriot? (A tract) Bundles free 5. THE CONSERVATIVE by Clarence Manion .................................................... 4.75 210 pages. Bound in cloth. 6 . OFFICIAL .JEWRY ON THE WRONG SIDE OF ALL MAJOR ISSUES. Single copies free 50 copies 1.00 7. MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH by Gerald L. K. Smith. Historic summary of contemporary issues. . ........................- .50 8. SUPREME COURT'S REAPPORTIONMENT RUI.JNG UPSETS. msroruc BALANCE. A tract ............. ~~· Sjngle copies free 9. JEWS MUST LIVE by Samuel Roth. The most sensational confession by a Jew concerning the activities of his race ever to appear in print. 163 pages. Paper cover ................................ 2.00 10. BURIED MANUSCRIPT. Unpublished testimony of the late Gen e ral Geor ge Van Horn Moseley be fore a Congressional Committee. .................................. .25 11. ABOLISH THE U.N. (a tract) 25 copies 1.00 12. HIDDEN HANDS. (The most powerful man in America Baruch's successor) ...................................................... .25 13 . .JEWS BOAST CHRIST IMPOSTER (A tract) ( 50 copies) ....................................1.00 14. MR. X SPEAKS ...................................... .25 Report of a very important citizen behind the Iron Curta in who dares not permit the use of h is name. 15. TALMUD UNMASKED 88-page out line of the doctrines of the Jews. Published originally b y Colonel Sanct uary, eminent and fearless Christ ian patriot. Pa p er cover ............................ 1.00 16. IS EISENHOWER A COMMUNIST? NO, BUT. by Ge r a ld . L. K . Smith ................ .25 A summary of 31 scandalous observations, 26 foot notes 17. MAP SHOWING SOVIET SLAVE LABOR . CAMPS ................................Single copies free 18. THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES by Mart in Luther .. ......... ..................................... .50 19. THE POPES AND THE JEWS (a t ract) Edicts of mor e t h a n ·2'8 Popes curbing J e wish a ggre ssion .... Single copies free 20. LIGHTNING OVER THE TREASURY BUILDING by John R. Elsom .............. 1.00 An enlightening discussion of the monetary problem. 21. FLUORIDATION UNMASKED by Fanchon Battelle .......................................... .20 22. THE DISAPPEARING WHITE RACE ( a tract) . Quot ing t he Rev. Dr. Mart in Niemoelle r ..........................Single copie s free 23. SCOTLAND YARD REPORT ( Archiv es Document) .............................................. .25 24. SENSATIONAL TRACT. Advoca.tes for ced interma r riage .... Sing le copies free 25. MENTAL ROBOTS by Dr. Lewis Ale sen Exposing t h e m a t e rialistic and communistic Men tal H ealth Conspiracy .. $1.50 26. SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN b y Max Rafferty . A terrific book b y State Superinten d e n t of Pub lic Instru ction of t he State of California. . ..... .... ....... ..... 3.00 �27. REPORT ON THE BLACK REVOLUTION. By U. S. Senator Eastland ....... . ....... .... ....... ,................ ......... Single copies free 28. THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA by John Beaty ...... ................................. . 4.00 29. 718. Listing the 718 subversive organizations in America ........................ .25 30. LEST WE FORGET b y Mrs. Gerald L. K. Smith ..... ..... .... ......... .....Single copies free 31. FRANKFURTER'S RED RECORD by Sam Crockett ..... ..................................... .50 32. CHRIST THE ISSUE. Dealing with Good Friday statement made by Rabbi Node! of Portland, Ore., in whch he branded the New Testament a vicious forgery .............................. Single copies free Bundles of 50 for 1.00 33. QUOTES, QUOTES, QUOTES. 189 sensational quotations w ith sources meticulously identifie d establishing beyond doubt the responsibility of organized Jewry for Communism. ...................... .25 34. LINCOLN FAVORED SEGREGATION. A quotation from the great President. Single copies free 35. Bundle of back numbers of THE CROSS AND THE FLAG ........ 6 copies 1.00 36. THE MOST DANGEROUS AND GLORIOUS THING IN THE WORLD by Gerald L. K. Smith. Single copies free 37. WORLD GOVERNMENT MAP. One copy free 38. FACES, FACES, FACES. Portraits of leaders of Red Revolution ............. ....... .10 39 . QUOTATIONS FROM THE TALMUD (a tract) ............................ Single copies free 40. THE ROOSEVELT DEATH, A Super Mystery b y Mr . X .................................. .25 41. JESUS VERSUS THE JEWS (A tra ct) 3 copies .25 42. THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (The Plot of the J ews ) .............. ................ ..... ..................... .50 43 . COLOR, COMMUNISM AND COMMON SENSE, by Manning Johnson ............ 1.00 Introduction by Archibald Roosevelt. Summary of Communism b y Negro who was in t h e Communist Party for ten years. Left it a nd exposed it. 44. CO-EXISTENCE. A tiny tract quoting an original statement of Kremlin leaders who plotted the co-existence policy ........ ............. ................. .. 10 copies free 45. BLACK REPUBLIC MAP, showing conspiracy of Reds to establish . a black republic in the South. Single copies free 46. CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHRISTIAN PRAYERS. Photostat of article appearing in Miami Herald revealing J ewish opposition to Christian prayers in PTA meetings. . ........................ .Single copies free 47. NINE MEN AGAINST AMERICA by Rosalie Gordon. Pa,per bound, 166 pages. Exposing background of Supreme Court membership ... ............. .. .. 1.00 48. JEWS CHANGE NAMES. 500 instances.. .10 49. WHAT THE JEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (A tract) ......... .... ... 10 copies .25 50. SUPREME COURT TYRANNY by U. S. Senator James 0. Eastland .................. .10 51. THE FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATION (42 y ears of subversion) by Wickliffe B. Vennard. Pin-pointing 100 treasona ble acts. . .. .............. .. ..... 2 .00 52. THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY ................ .2'5 An obj ective r eport by a non-member. 53. TRIPLE CONSPIRACY. Black Revolution, Sa·botage the Military, Outlaw Christianity in Public Institutions. ................ .25 54. THE ·GREAT CONSPIRACY. Exposing the United Nations, by Congressman Usher L. Burd ick ...... ..................... ....... .25 55. RACE, HEREDITY AND CMLIZATION. A deep and logical study of the race problem by Profe ssor W. C. George of the University of North Carolina..... .. .50 56. 20 YEARS OF TREASON, by Senator Joseph McCarthy .. ..... ........ ..... 5 copies 1 .00 57. BLACK REVOLUTION. Progress report.. .10 58. A Photostat taken from the Jewish Post revealing that all leading Jewish organizations condemned Rabbi Benjamin Schultz who came to the defense of Senator Joseph McCarthy and who organized the Jewish League Against Communism. . ........ ........... Single copies free 59. THE INTERNATIONAL JEW. Originally published by Henry Ford. The sensational book of the century. Cloth bound, 231 pages .................................. 3.00 Paper cover ................................. ............. Z.00 60. Tiny tracts about four times the size of a postage stamp. 3 different subjects .................................. 300 copies l .00 61. DANGEROUS AND GLORIOUS SEARCH FOR TRUTH by Gerald L. K. Smith .... .10 62. CONFESSIONS · OF AN EXTREMIST. Summa rizing what a r eal right-:v.ing patriot stands for . ..............Single copies free 63. AMERICA'S RETREAT FROM VICTORY by Joseph R. McCarthy. The story of George C. Ma rshall ..... .... ..................... 3 .00 64. THE ARCHITECTS BEHIND THE WORLD CONSPIRACY by Ron Gostick, Editor, Canadian Intelligence Service .25 65. WHAT DOES GERALD L. K. SMITH STAND FOR? (Ten Principles of Christian Nationalism in convenient card size. ) ... ........................... .............. 100 for 1:00 66 . NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Religious? Political? Red front? ........ .25 67. MONEY CREATORS by Gertrude M . Coogan .............. ................ .... .... ......... .... . 3 .00 Written by one of the greatest scholars of monetary manipulation by internationa l Jewish bankers. 68 . INTERVIEW WITH MISS X ............... ..... .25 69. OPEN LETTER TO THE LOST. ~fend~ ing Christ vs. Freud; Christianity vs. psychiatry. . ........... .............. Sing le copies f.ree 70. Poem by Langston Hughes entitled "Good-bye Christ" ....... .... ..... 25 copies 1.00 71. ARCHIVES DOCUMENT. Recently declassified by the U. S. Government. Re port by Military Inte lligence establishing t h e J ewishness of the Russian revolution ..... .. .... ......... ............. ............ . .25 72. 'TREASON TREATY'. Su mmarizes the conspiracy concerning State Department documents for bringing the 73. , 4. 75 . 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83 . 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89 . 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. United States into a United Nations w orld government by transferring arm a ments to the Unite d Nations. . ..... Single copy NO ROOM IN THE INN ... .Single copies THE STORY OF OUR MONEY by Olive Cushing Dwinell. A 208-page book discussing our currency and credit its sources, creators, control and regulation of v olume and value .......... JEWISH VOICE REPRINT (Milton Friedman tells of money spent to destroy Gerald L. K. Smith) ........ Single copies NO ARMY, NO NAVY, NO AIR FORCE Reproduction of a State Department document calling for the transfer of armaments from the United States to the United Nations. ............................ MURDER SUGGESTED ( Excerpts from novel by Merle Miller) .... Single copies 50 YEARS OF TREASON. A summary of 100 jncidents leading towaro treason ,d;urmg the past. ....... .... .......... .... .......... ... PORTRAIT OF RUSSIAN ARMS BANNER AND UNITED NATIONS FLAG (One page circular.) 50 copies ........ AN EYE OPENER (History of the U.S.) (A tract) .............. ........ .... ...... 10 copies THE DESTROYERS by Rev. James P. Dees (Prominent Episcopalian clergyman exposes Supreme Court tyranny.) Single copy CAMPUS ENCOUNTER. Index to sophisticated depravity. ......... ........................... SUPER-SECRET DOCUMENT. Outlines the Budget statements of the American Jewish Committee ................... ....... QUARANTINED ,. BY THE ANTI-CHRIST (A tract) ........................Single copies POISON WATER (A tract on Fluoridation) ... ........................ ....... Single copies MYSTERIOUS ·FACTS BEHIND THE DEATH OF SENATOR JOSEPH McCARTHY .. .... .... ..... .................. ........... .. McCARTHY - MANION - JENNER SPEECHES, Delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York City ............................ MYSTERY MANUSCRIPT by Stephen Paulsen. ...... ............. ............... .......... ...... CONGRESSMAN UTT'S ADDRESS (Withdraw from the United Nations) .......................... ................ .. Single copies BROTHERHOOD RACKET (A tract) Single copies JEWISH CONTROL OF A AND H BOMBS (A tract) ....... ..... Single copies HAS THE METHODIST CHURCH GONE MAD? by Angus H. McGregor ............ NOTORIOUS REUTHER LETTER (A tract) ............................ .Single copies AMERICA, A CHRISTIAN NATION. Magnificent statement by Suprem e Court Justice Brewer .. ............ ........... ... 12 copies ......................................... ....... SOVIET SPACE FALLACIES. Taken from the Congressional Recor d . .. .. One copy U. S. FLAG FLIES HIGHER, Cleveland Ohio, takes legal action to force the flying of the U. N. flag lower than the free free 2.00 free .25 free .50 1.00 .25 .25 .10 .50 free free .2·5 .10 .25 free free free .60 free .10 1.00 free Stars and Stripes. . ............Single copies free 97. LIST OF CONGRESSMEN (Complete list of names of all U. S. Senators and Congressmen) ............. ............... Single copies free 98. THE CHRISTIAN AND THE BLACK REVOLUTION (A tract) ........... ......... Single copies free 99 . "YOU GENTILES" (Quoting 37 paragraphs from the book by Maurice Samuel in which he confesses the philosophy of the Jews and levels an attack at the non-Jews) (A tract) .............. ....................... ......... Single copies free 100. I WAS A SLAVE IN RUSSIA by John Noble. Super-sensational book written by an American captured and enslaved by the Kremlin barbarians. Paper bound, 182 pages ............ .......... 1 .00 101. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM'? ( A tract) ....................... .Single copies free 102. MEET THE MAN WHO PLANS TO RULE AMERICA by Joseph P. Kamp. Exposing Walter Reuther .................... .30 103. THE ORGANIZER OF THE BLACK REVOLUTION .......................................... .10 A photostatic reproduction of his background, including his criminal record taken from the Congressional Record. 104. RED VOTING RECORD OF SUPREME COURT. Showing the high percentage of times when members of the SupreI1:e Court voted favora?le to Co?1mumsm. . ..................... ...... Single copies free 105. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION ATTACKS SUPREME COURT (a tract) Single copies free 106. PETITION TO . IMPEACH SUPREME COURT MEMBERS. Contains space for 20 names. . ........................ .........................Free 107. MARY JONES SCANDAL. The complete story taken from the Congressional Record concerning the clerk in the Agriculture Department who was temporaJ"i!y incarcerated in a lunacy wa·r d after discovering that she held deadly files dealing with the Billy Sol Estes scandal. ........... ................. .... .25 108. SPOILING WORDS by Gerald L. K. Smith (a tract) Single copies......... ... free 109. A CHRISTIAN EVALUATION OF nlE U. N. by noted Presbyterian Clergyman. . ................ ................. ...................... . 15 110. THE BIOLOGY OF THE RACE PROBLEM by Wesley Critz George, Ph.D. noted biologist. Professor of History and Embryology, University of North Carolina Medical School (A scientific study of t he Negro race) .................... 1.00 111. COMMUNISM AND .JUDAISM ... ......... .. .10 (A comprehensive brochure ) 12 copies ...... ....................... ...... ........ ..... 1.00 112. THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE b y Former Army Major of Intelligence Robert H. Williams. Introduction by Upton Close. .......................................... .. .50 113. RACE AND REASON by Carleton Putnam (paper bound) ....... ........... ... ... 2.00 114. ROOSEVELT'S ROAD TO RUSSIA by George N. Crocker. Sensational and documented. 298 pages. Paper bound.. 2 .00 �115. SPEECH BY GENERAL E D W I N WALKER at Jackson, Mississippi. ...... .25 116. ABOUSH UNITED NATIONS (24 r easons) ................................Single copies free 117. NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON by John A. Stormer. 254 pages. Paper bound ...................................................... .75 118, I LOVE THE CHURCH. True Christiani~y v~. the corrupt religious. bureauci:-ac1es .~..........·..........................Smgle copies free 119. JEWS RUL"E AMERICA ........................ .10 120. MENTAL HEALTH RACKET ................ .10 121. GOD, THE ORIGINAL SEGREGATIONIST by Rev. Carey Daniel .................... 1.50 12'2. THE . NAKED COMMUNIST. Cleon Skousen .................................................... 5.00 123. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. "Presiden- tial dicta.torship." ............Single copies free 124. JAMES A. PIKE. The background of . an enigmatic left wing Bishop. .......... .10 12'5. IS IT UNSCRIPTURAL TO CRITICIZE THE JEWS? ........................ One copy free 126. ZIONIST PLOT MIDDLE EASTERN WAR ......................................................... . . 25 127. LEHMAN MANUSCRIPT. Super-sensational exposure of concentration of Jew power under the leadership of the Lehmans and others. .................... .25 128. THE POUTICIAN. This is the hlghly publicized and very controversial book dealing with international intrigue .... 1.00 129. THE MOST POWERFUL JEW IN AMERICA. ............................................................ 130. ALABAMA (True story) Based on per- sonal interviews with prominent state officials during the Selma-Montgomery march of the black revolutionists. ...... 131. THE KINGMAKERS. A manuscript by Gerald L. K. Smith ................................ 132. ·McCARTHY. A deep study of the character and · qualifications of this political martyr ...................................... 133. HOLD THE LINE. A summary of victories W'hiC'h must be won Sin,gle copies 11 I I I I rI .10 .25 .Z5 134. THE ASSASSINATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY. Background, details, unpublished: facts. A manuscript ............ 135. GOVERNOR GEORGE C. WALLACE. A New Star on the Horizon of Statesmanship. A manuscript with attrac- .25 tive picture a ttached ............................ .10 136. THE MOST PERSECUTED MINORITY IN THE NATION THE WHITES OF THE SOUTH ....................Single copies frEoe 137. THE SUPREME COURT VERSUS THE CHURCH. By Gerald L. K. Smith ....... . .. . .. . ..... .. . ..... ... ..... .... .. .. .... .. . .. Single copies free 138. BLACK TIDE, RED BLOOD. A manu- script ........................................................ .25 139. GERALD L. K, SMITH AND THE JEWS A detailed summary of the circum- stances and the evidence behir.d Mr. Smith's viewpoint concerning· the Jewish question Documented and very convincing. ................................................ 140. DICTATORSHIP IS HERE. A Manuscript. . ................................. Single copies 141. DID YOU KNOW? A sensational summary of how one man discovered t he Jewish issue. . ..................... Single copies 142. SAUL ALINSKY. Photostatic News stories concerning notorious agitator among the Blacks, .......... :.....Single copies 143. WHO IS ARTHUR GOLDBERG? Documented Resume. ........................................ 144. THE LOS ANGELES RIOT. A Broadside .10 free free tree 145. LESSONS FROM THE LOS ANGELES BLACK RIOT. A Broadside. .................... 146. CUFTON WEAVER. Black member of <the President's 0a'b inet. (His back- ground). .................................................... .50 .10 .10 .10 147. THE SHADES OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Plot of rad-icals to exploit sex perversion. ........................................ .10 148. BLACK GUERRILLA WARFARE. Single copies free .25 free 149. JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT A JEWAS JEWS ARE NOW DEFINED. ............ I I I I I I I I I I I I I l+H-l I I I I I I I I I I f-! ,r, I I 11 I .2'5 +-'.-+•l-+o§-+++++++++++·l-+++++++++++-t-+++· CHRISTIAN NATIONAUST CRUSADE POST OFFICE BOX 27895 GERALD L. K. SMITH, Director LOS ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 90027 Enclosed is $ ........................• Please send me the items of literature listed herewith. Name .................................................................. ·.........Address ......................... · ............................................. . City State .......... ............................................ Zip code ....................... . 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