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. . . '·:··. DA N ·G ·E R ! WARNING! PRO . STALIN POLITICIANS AND ALIEN. MINDED TRAITORS IN COOPERATION WITH BLIND. SENTIMENTALISTS ARE ATTEMPTING TO FORCE �Ten thousand American Negroes are now being trained and educated in Moseow as key men in what Stalin hopes will be a bloody Communist revolution in the U. S. A. These Negroes, through American Communists, are now establishing their . contacts with every Negro community in the U.S. A. Encouraged by the ignorant sentiment of foolish preachers, blind educators and political demagogues like Eleanor Roosevelt and Henry Wall~ae, these Negroes are cooperating with .A:merican political demagogues in an attempt to break down all social barriers between the black an<;l' white. Among the many demands tha-t they now make are the following : 1. They demand that all laws against intermarriage of black and white be repealed. It is the belief of the Communist that America will be easy to control if they can make of us a nation of m?ngrel mulattos. 2. Through the leadership of political dema. gogues and Communists, they would force Negro children and· Negro young people in- 3- �/ to whit e schools and colleg.es, which is the short cut into intermixture of black and white blood.

. They would repeal all Jim Crow laws an.d

compel white women to crowd into trains and busses with the blacks, thus breaking down all commonsense barriers designed to protect both races from the wrong kind of mixture. • WHITE RACE TO DISAPPEAR? A prominent political braintruster r ecently said in W ashlngton: " It is only a matter of time when t her e will be no white race. The intermixture of black and white in the U. S. A. will r emove the whit e race." WOULD FORCE MIXED SWIMMING POLITICIANS CATER TO NEGRO SLUM VOTE These pro-Stalin politicians who follow Henry W al).ace and Eleanor Roosevelt have passed laws in certain states f.o rb~dding the erection of privately owned commercial swimming pools unless these swimming pools permit black and white to swim together. Political fakirs in both old parties are willing to sell the white man down the r iver in order to line up the Negr o vote in th e slums of the big cities in the North. I t is only a matter of a few mo nths UJ1til it is likely t o be declar ed un-Const itutional and unlawful to send a child to a school for whites only, or a young ma:n arrd a young woman t o a college, for whites only. PUBLIC TOILETS TO BE REMOVED In W ashington, D. C., public toilets for Negroes have been destroyed and Negroes n ow invade t he toilet facilities originally erected for whites only. In view of the fact that nearly three-f ourths of the Negro race is infected with venereal diseases, this f act alone makes such mixture ,of the races virtually criminal. · -4 - PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN · has allowed hin;iself to give his 0 . K. to a socalled civil rights program which, in fact, was originally outlined by a confer ence of Negro Communists held in Detroit, Michigan. President -5- �Truman was mislead by a group of Northern politicians into believing that this program of social intermixture of black and white was smart politics. This is no· longer a political issue. It is a question of whether or not the white race is going to commit treason ag.ainst itself and its America. If the white people do not awaken and start voting for -public officials who believe honestly and fearlessly in white supremacy, it is only a matter of time until the Negro vote in the South and the Southwest,will be powerful enough to subdue and belittle and destroy the leadership of the white man. We who believe in protecting the white man's interest do not hate the Negro and would not rob him of any rights guaranteed under the Constitution, but we are going to fight to the bitter end any attempt on the part of "\Vashington politicians to force the following upon us: . IN OTHER WORDS WE FIGHT 1. The F. E. P. C.-a law now being advocated by the leaders of both old parties in the North to force a white man to hire Negroes, 'whether -6- 'he wants them or not. Such a law is already • on the statutes of New York State which makes it a criminal offense, punishable by_ fine or imprisonment, to ask: any would-be employee his race, religion or color. It , is even a criminal offense to ask how long. he has been in the U. S., and whether he came from a foreign country. This is a trick law to force people to hire Negroes and Jewish reftigees. The same political forces are trying to get the same kind of a law to apply to the w);iole Nation. To illustrate: If this law were to pass and a businessman in Oklahoma or Ohio, or any other state, called an employment agency £.or help and said, "I want five white girls to work in my office," he could be fined or imprisoned or both for saying "white. " Or if he should say, "i want f.ive Christian girls to work in my· office, he c;ould be fined or imprisoned or both for saying Christian, on the grounds that this would offend the Jews. 2. Intermarriage. These revolutionists in our midst are anxious to create situations where it will malrn it easy for the weaker elements in both races to intermarry. Many states have statutes against this, but a Federal law is being advocated which would outlaw all at(Conti.nued on Page Eleven) • -7- �\ \ \ IL J. 1 N O ls\ . .) l 0 . .. I 0 i r,I ~I" NJi. . Extra copies of this map, size S½"x g.11 11", may be had t the following rates: 25 copies 100 co1>ies 1000 copies rm: ABOVE JB ,. I s 1.00 - 2.00 J 15.QO Address orders ro Christian Nationalist Crusade, Post Office Box D-4, St. Louis I, Missouri. • MIU' OP THE PROPOSED IBO&O ooJ!lln"m.sr STATE TO BE CARVED OUT OF TBE SOUTll. �10 Million White People to be Driven From Their Homes to Make Room for Black Communist Soviet tempts to prevent intermarriage of black and white. 3. Black and white mixture in schools. St r ange enough, our colleges ar e so f ull of Communists, pinks and pro-Russian pr op agandists that an alar min g number of our public school teachers and college pr ofessors actu ally favor the • mixture of black and white children and y oung p·eople in schools. W e white p eople must fight t his t o the death. To illustr ate: Students of physiology know t h at a Negro boy comes into puber ty much earlier t han a white boy, and sex relationships on t h e part of Negro boys at t he age of 10 is not uncommon. W hite p eople must not p ermit these blacks to be turned loose on our little scho9l girls. .4. Black bureaucrats. The same politicia~ in both old parties who ar e attempt ing to commit the above atro cities a g.ainst t he white race think it is cute p olitics to appoint black bureau crats t o high office t o have rule over us and t o be put into positions of political authority. W hite men must oppose t h ese cheap- practices.

> . Black rule in Southern States. In the Southern

states the Negr oes equal and outnumber the · whites in many communities. The Communist P arty h as a plot t o make of these Southern states a Black Republic, ruled by N~oes now -11 ~ American Negro Communists Now Being Trained In Moscow To Run Black Area, Thus Qriving Out Whites And Enslaving Their Own Fellow Negroes On the two pre cedin g pages Is a n exact copy of a rpa.p taken out of th e s ecre t files of t h e Communist P a rty . The blacl<ed-ln a r ea repr es ents w h a t the Communists hope some day (if th ey ca n promote a bloody r evolution ) will be the Negro Communist Soviet. It r epr esents 120,000 s qua r e miles. A bout 10 million w h ite people will h ave to be driven out of t h eir h om es. Among the leading cities th a t wlll be turn e d ov e r complete ly to the Negroes w ill be Charleston, Atlanta , Shrev e port, N ew Orl ea ns, S a v a nn a h, a s well as m a ny oth ers. Th e lan d which n ow b elon gs to t h e w hites will be co n fi scated a nd t u rne d over t o the R ed burea u cr a t s for control. Th is p la n was advocat ed within th e past year b y the Com muni s t N . gr o m e mb er of the N ew York City Council, B en ja min J. Da vis, Jr. Sh ortly b efor e t h e war this plan w as discu sse d in d etail by J osef Sta lin In an a ddr ess befor e Len in U ni vers ity w h e r e 2,00 0 Am erican Commu n is ts are being tra in e d now to r un the Uni t ed Stat es. As la te as F ebrua r y 10, 1947, a copy of a t extbook, n ow bein g used In the R us sian Army , was exhibited b efore the Congression al Committee for the Investiga tion of U n -Amer ican Activities . The title of the milita ry t ex tbook is How to Bomb a nd Sa botag e th e U.S.A. It is to b e og,se rve d t h a t a b order zone has b een lef t a d jacant to th e bla ck ed-in aree.. This b ord er zone Is t o be popula ted by b ot h black a nd w hit e . Of course, all segregation will b e outlawe d and the w h ite people as well as the blacks in this bord er zon e will be u n d er bla ck rule . Th e r evolutio nary cons pirators believe t h at the moment we have a p e riod of un employm ent, a general strike can b e call ed, thus paraly zi n g telephon e lines, ra ilroa ds , ele ctric power systems, and m a j or fa ctori es . Train ed r evolution is t s w ill Imm ediately slau gh ter leader s h ip and seize control. This would s eem fantastic wer e It not for the fact tha t the Red !lag n.ow dominates m ost of Asia and m ost of Europ e . TH~S MAP WAS REPUBLISHED AND EXHIBITED BY COMMUNIST LEADERS AS LATE AS JANUARY 1947. - JO • �being trained in Moscow. Truman 's Communist-originated civil rights program is a sch~me to destroy the authority of a state over its own affairs. It is expected even in this session ' of Congress t hat with the help of Eleanor Roosevelt Democrats, Northern Republicans and Communists that a law will be passed through Congress taking states rights away from these Southern states: Should this happen the black will overrun the whites in an arrogant and in a bloody bulldozing manner unequalled since Reconstruction days. Then if the whites resist, the U. S. Army will be sent into the Sout h to enforce this black rule. This is just what Stalin, Henry W allace and Eleanor Roosevelt desire. It must never, never be. I 6. Mixture in Transportation. The average r ailroad coach an d bus is filth y enough under present circumst ances with out mixin g, the IJJacks with the whites. Large number s of t h •He b l u e k s r e ek with i;y phill:; auu gonorrhe a. This cireumstance just does not permit t he crowd·e d intermix ture with white people, esp ecially in communities where the Negro population is lar ge. Jim Crow must r emain. It is a r ealistic program of transportation based on experien ce. It is bad enough for our daugh ter s and wives to be crowded and pushed around and squeezed on busses and trains by the oc- 12 - casional white moron wit hout them bein g subject ed to this offen sive physical contact by black men. I ATTENTION: NEGROES Christian · white p e,ople do not hate Negr oei-. They mer ely want these Negroes to keep t hemselves in _their place. That does not necessarily mean an unequal place. The Negroes should have good homes, good schools, good colleges, good churches, good clothes and decent faci~ties. White people who believe in social sep~ration, i:f the Negro only knew it, are the Negro s best friends. The agitation for intermixture being led by t he Communists, Eleanor Roosevelt, Henry Wallace and others, is creatin g a bad feeling among ~he whit e p eople, anu it is piling up a backlog of 111will which would not exist if the white man was n ot a.£ru id t u u t ·th is intertnixtur e wtii; going t o he forced upon him by demag.ogues, politi~al fak:i-rs and t he actual makers of l aw. A few m 7,elli gent Negro leaders recognize the truth of t his, but they have lost the political leadersh~p of t he )Jegr o race, and t he Negroes ar e followmg after t he H enr y W all flc es, the Eleanor Roosevelts and t he leaders of the Communist Party! Whit e people wit h any commonsense are going to resist t his plot against their welfare. -13- �\ ' file of common people will be ia agreement with it. God save America against all the filthy plot.s of Christ-hating Communism, one of which is to · destroy the dignity, leadership and purity of th~ white race. HELP! HELP! HELP! Order this tract by the bundle and give it a.wa.y to your friends. Help win the fight. . This tract may be obtained in bulk for distribution at the following rates: 1 copy -----'-------------------$ .05 15 copies -------····----- -------------.50 35 copies _ ___ ---····· 1.00 100 copies ----------- ----\ ------- ·· 3.00 500 copies ----------------------------···· 10.00 1000 copies -- -----····-------------- ~--- 20.00 Address all orders to 0HRISTIAN NATIONALIST CRUSADE, Lock Box 4163, Walker Sta.tion, Tulsa, Oklahoma 1I I-------t 1I, I No;e: Abraham Lincoln favored segr~ga.tion. Thomas Jefferson fa.vored segreg3tio;n. Booker · ' T. -Washingtori favered segregati,~ . · -16- �