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�Civilif ation is founded on the name and teachings of J esus Christ. It follows, therefore, that the enemies of civilization are necessarily the enemies of Jesus Christ. The worst enemy of Jesus Christ is the Jew. The J ews sought to kill our Lord (John 7 :1 ). They precipitated His persecution. They demanded His crucifixion. They brought about the per.secution, assassination and imprisonment of all the Apostles and many of the other early Christian leader s. The most un-Christian and uncivilized movement on earth is Communism. It is anti-Christian and is r eferred to by some as the politics of the anti-Christ. 1. The J ew Karl :Marx was the founder and originator of Communism. 2. The J ew Nikolai Lenin ( original name disputed) led in the establishment of Communism as the official politics of Russia. 3. The Jew Leon Trotsky (real name : Bronstein) was the gen eralissimo of the Red Russian Army which slaughtered over 10 million Christians. Following_ ar e the names of the 24 other leading fo under s of world Communism, all J ews: Assumed Russian Name Steckl off l\lu r toff Zi nov ietf K umen eff Da n <, a uetzky Parvus Real Jewish Name Na khanes 7, ederba11m A 1t fe lbaum Rosenf eld Gourevitch ( Y urewitacli) Furstenb erg H elphand -2- U ri tz ky Larin Bohrin Ma rtinoff Bogdanoff G a rin Suchanoff Kamnclff Snger sky Ri azanoff Solu t ezeff P ianitzky .Axelrod Gl asnuoff Zuries11.in L apinsky R adek I P adomil1k11 Lurg e N ath.anaohn Z ibar Zilber tatein Garfeld Gim el Goldman Kro chfl_tan n Goldenbach Bleichmunn Zitoin Orthodoa: Schultsee W einst ein L oewen1o h n S obel1olin What About Stalin? Stalin 's second wife is his form er mistress ,the J ewess, r... M. Kaganovitch, daughter of Lazar Kaganovitch, Commissar of Heavy Industries and often spoken of as Stalin's probable successor. There are no less than six Kaganovitches, holding 22 h: ;;h political offices among them, surrounding Stalin. This J ewi:;h family is probably the most powerful in Rmsia. Yiddish , incidentally, is the language spoken in Stalin's home as it was in Len1n 's. There has been no change in t he extent of Jewish control since the earl y years · of the Communist revolution. Indeed, as r ecently as 1935 Major YeatsBrown (European J ungle, page 181) states that in the Central Committ ee of the Commimist Party, consisting of 59 m embers, 95 percent were J ews---1,. e., - 3- �56 memberg-whilc the otl1 er lhtee m embers were married to J cwesses : Stalin, La 'Jo . . and Ossi11sky. '· The J ewish Chronicle for Januur. 6. 1933, pal{e 1~. says " Over one-third -of' the Jews in Russia have become officiais." TH I S IS COMMUNISM 1. A PLOT TO ENSLA"E THE WORLD 2. GODLESS 3. WOULD ABOLISH THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. 4. MAKE CHRISTIANITY A CRIME. DESTROYS PROPERTY 5. COMPLETELY RIGHTS. 6. T ' E BODY OF WOMAN f ·w THE TOIL OF MAN BECOME PRO..,ERTY C'F THE STATE. 7. ENTHRONES THE JEW. 8. Cf-' .. Drr:-N BECOME STATE PROP'ERTY. 9. DESTROYS THE WHITE RACE AND PRO· MOTES MONGRELIZATION. 10. THf POL I TICS OF HELL, THE RULE OF T ORTU R'::. AND THE TYRANNY OF SATAN. 30 Million Killed Tli,· tutal 111,mber slaug-1 ,t er ed (m ost ly Christi~ns ) liy the Jewish Co lllmunist regime frot11 l!J18 to 1940 i~ est imated :i. a r" nnd 30 t11illion. No slaughter in history has ever equalled this sl aughter. A summary of the first slaughter is as follows. Those who ordered the killing of these groups were all J ews: - 4- 1 Royal family and s even innocent persona , 28 Bishops a nd Archbishops 6,775 Cle rgym en 6.575 Teachers 8.500 Doctors 54,850 Officers 260,000 Soldiers 150,000 Police Officers 48,000 Gendarmes (detectives) 355,250 Intellectuals 198,000 Workers 915,000 PP.asants TROTSKY LENIN The following letter was published in the New York H erald-Tri bune December 22, i938. It speab for itself: To the New Yorlc Herald T ribune : Mr. Tr(7ister stated i ',\ his letter in your paner that the J ewish people form a very small percentage of the Communists in America. He states that "in Chicago, with a Jewish population of - 5- �"The Fourth International." Many Jews posing as anti-Communists merely mean that they are antiStalin, but are n~vertheless pro-Trotsky and proi\larx. Never believe them to be anti-Communist u.1Iess they attack all three: Marx, •Lenin and Trotsky. 400,000, there are about 150 Communists.,, I myself am Jewish, and come from Chicago. I spen t thirt een years in that city. Approximately 98 percen t of us are Oormunists, and we are not asham ~d of it. It is a system laid down to us by ou1· great leader, Karl Marx, and only the cowards hide behind demo.cracy or Americanism." F'urthermore, I think Mr. Triester should check up on his figures more closely if he u-01ild g1·ve out information.Sarah Finkelstein, Washington, D. 0. Beware of Trotskyism The Jew Trotsky (real name: Bronstein) who organized the Bolshevik Army and worked with Lenin and later broke with Stalin, started what he called APFELBAUM GIMEL Jewish Capitalists Support Communism .. 8ELA KUN IERGMAN -6- Leaders of Jewish capital and Jewish Communism get along together. Far from being enemies it is an established fact that a wealthy German Jew (Parvus Relphand) was the "fixer" in arranging the transportation of Lenin from Switzerland through Germany and Sweden to Russia in 1917. It was a Jewish millionaire of Ne·v York City who financed the Bolshevists origina 'ly. Lowe1· class Jews and upper class Jews are always willing to cooperate- to bring Jews into world power. Anti-Christian Communism seems to be the short cut for them. -7- �Last Minute Facts Apologists for the Jews claim that the Jews lost ~ontrol of Russia in the Great Purge of Trotskyites in 1937. This does not appear to be the case. Almost eYerytime the Iron Curtain lifts to disclose an important agent of St alin, it reveals a Jew. Thus, when th~ . c_ommentator_ of t he Communist paper Pravda cr1tic1zes t he Umted States newspapers for aidincr ~he enemy" during t he war, it turns out that h~ important Red writer is the Jew David Azalovsky. (U. P. dispatch, May 6, 1946). When we read of the Russian Secret Police (NKVD) functioning in France we discover that their head is Leopole M. Burman, ~ J ew. (Washington Star, May 31, 1946.) A.gain we r ead (W shington T im rs-Herald of December 18 1945) of Rosenglotz, a, Jew, being purchasin g agent for the whole Russian government. . Cardinal Hlond of P oland in a U. P. dispatch of July 6, 1946, accounts for t he anti-Semitism in Polan<l NISEN 80BELSOHN - 8- ' 1 by saying that ' 'J ews in lead ,'ng government positions are endeavoring to introduce a governmental stnwture w_hich the majority of their peo'[)les do not desire." Smee the government of Poland is now Communistic and a puppet of Stalin, this again reveals Jews in key positions in a Stalinist Red regime. Romania is another of Stalin's puppet states. The .American Hebrew of August 15, 194 7, boasts that the Jews control Romania. GOLDMANN ROSENFEL.D Let us not forget that l1oth Stalin and Molotov, the . two most . lJOWerfnl rr; en in Russia, are married to Jewesses.

Every current exposure of Communists in the U. S.

reveals a list of Jewish or largely Jewish n ames. Thus when a group of Reds picketed Churchill in New York City ( after Churchill turned against Stalin) and were arrested for their demonstrations, their names as disclosed by the New York Times of May 11, 1946, turn out to be 100 percent Jewish : Albert -9- �Shafren, Nelson Levitt, Ber.....ard Silverman, Norman Sternbach, Charles Intrator, Nathan Litwack, Morris Gimowitz, Irvin Greenberg, Milton Seligman, Joseph Nahen, Sol Soolis and Morris Schwart. The five men ousted by the Army from the Aberdeen Proving Ground because of "irrefutable evidence · that they were members of the Communiit Party (Washington Star, .Tuly 19, 1946) were all Jews : Harry Spector, Phil Weiss, Irving Spector, Abraham Kotelchuck and Rheabel Mendelsohn. Although only 5 percent of the population of the United States is Jewish, 60 percent of the· ten State Department aides dismissed for suspected disloyalty (Communists) bear Jewish names: Irving Goldman, Hannah Goldman, Florene Levy, Bernard Nortman, Alexander Lesser and Harold Weisberg. (Washington '1.'1:mes-Herald, September 21, 1947..) The remainder may also have been Jews since many Jews have been concealing their racial identity behind old Gentile names. As everyone knows the Congressional Committee for the Investigation of Un-American Activities has . done some of the most important work in the United States to expose Communist infiltration into our government. When the continuation of this vital . Committee came up before Congress, every Jew in Con~ gress voted to discontinue the Committee on UnAmerican Activities. The record is available for everyone to see in the Congress:Jnal Record of May 17, 1946. -10- Louis Levine, national chairman ?£ the Jewish Council of Russian Relief, recently paid an extended visit to Russia. His observations and boasts speak for themselves. In an article in th_e No~ember, ;~46, issue of Soviet Russia 'J.'oday, Levm (billed as out standin()' leader of American "Jewry") wrote: . "Speci:l concern for the J ewis~ pe?ple ~as characterized the Soviet Union ::1ince its birth ID: 1917. A week after tsarism was overthrown, t~e infan~ Socialist government, headed by Le~nn, abohsh~d national oppression, ma~ng i~ ~he f:irst. cou,~try m the world to declare ant1-Senutism a cnme. (Any criticism of a Jew in Russia is punishable ~y dea~h.)

* * "Many American Jews did not qU1te believe

that the anti-Semitic scourge of several tho~san~ years could be wiped out within one generation. (Meaning that all critics of Jews v.:ere sla~ghtered immediately.) * * * "Eve17where m Russia? mo;e than in any other country m the world, Jewish ht- RUFKIN U:11TZKY -11- �---- - -- - -- - - - -- - - ~ - - - -- - - ~rature, Jewish theatres, Jewish poetry are basic to a full cultural life. Levine tells how he met famous Jewish surgeons, a Jewish general, and many other high officials of J ewish origin. He said: "It was apparent that the · Soviet Jews participate fully and freely on every level of government activity. The same Levine, speaking in Chicago on the 12th floor at 32 West Randolph street on the night of October 30, 1946, said: ~'Many of the high ranking government officials in Russia are Jewish." He explained one of the devices by which the true Russian people are kept in the dark concerning the extent of Jewish control over them: "Many of the Jewish officials did not look Jewish but they spoke to me privately in Hebrew or Yiddish.' ' 1\fajor Robert H. Williams, formeriy of the American 1\filitary Intelligence, says: "The situation described by Levine undoubtedly reveals the real secret behind the Iron Curtain-the power of the highly organized, utterly rut:!iless Marxist wing of Russian Jewry. · Levine also explains that the synagogues are open and the Jewish people enjoy complete religiou~ freedom. Levine confesses, "At the outset of the war Jews were among the first evacuated from the western regions threatened by the Hitlerite invaders, and shipped to safety east of the Urals. Two million Jews were thus saved." DouO'las Reed the eminent British journalist, said in 1938 : The 'entire press censorship service in Russia is in the hands of Jews.- " Henry J agoda, merciless head of the NKV D (bloodthirsty secret police) is Jewish. Con cludin{)' his article, Levine says: "The Jewish people are u;animous in their love for Stalin. They regard him as the greatest friend of t~e Jewish_people. They attribute t_o his under~tandmg of national minorities and to his leadership the new exalted status of the Soviet Jews." Illaj or Wiliiams, formerly of the Mi~itary IntelI igcnce, says on page 30 of bis book entitled CloserUps-Supplement No. 1: "I have evidenc~ of the use of the following· devices to conceal Jewish strength in Russia: 1. Influence b_v Jewish organizations (The J ewish Anti-Fascist Committee, for example, llll'lltioned by Levine, operating :v\th grea~er i11flnence, no doubt, than th e Political Act10u Committee behinrl the New Deal ). 2. " l'rumotion t o important pusts of Russians married to J ews. 3. " Changing of names by Jewish offici als. 4. ' Placi11;; in high position J eWs who ' do not look Jewish.' 5. " The 'hid .::en director ' devi ce whereby oue who appears to be only a clerk_ or _Petty aide, occupying an inconspicuous office, 1s the -12- - 13- �ect:, real d-ir.. ---r------- of_ a_ b_u_r_e_a t_l_ O_r _CO_ill _ lill _ S_Sl_O_n_ (_a_s_, for instance, the Soviet Purchasing Commission to the United States at one time during ZEDARBAUM AXELRAD the war. hravchenko• does not give any reason for the invention _f this device, but he states that it is frequently used in the Soviet Union. Russia uses this device in directing the CommunL ~ Party of the U.S.A. Gerhardt Eisler, a German Jew, repor' edly !1as been the invisible director-known to only the top Communists anrl therefore deceiving all the little Communist tools.) 6. "Placing responsibility on men wl o were r aised Jewish-as in th e ease of Manuilsli.y. • Kravchenko Is the name of an ex-Russian official who re,centty wrote an expose of Commumsm entitled I Cho&e Freedom. -14- I Atom Bomb Treachery David E. Lilienthal, the Jew, is head of the Atom Bomb Commission. Concerning the three high members of the Commission, the Los Angeles Examiner or January 9, 1947, said: "David E. Lilienthal, head of the l oard, is a long-time ardent New Dealer and a member of at least two Communist-dominated organizations ( unless he has resigned very recently), the National Lawyers Guild and the Southern Conference of Hu ..,,an Welfare. The FBI and the House Committee on Un-American Activities hold these groups to be potentially subversive, aligned with the world movement to overll~row this government. Associated with Lilienthal on the atomic eneri,.,: board is Lewis E. Strauss, also a New Dealer, and a member of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, international banking firm. Americans traditionally distr1(,St international bankers, remembering how many of them have figured in world power politics and exploitation. A third .member of thi atomic energy board, William W. W aymack, editor of the Desll:loines Register, reportedly, is :listed in the potentially subversiye files of the Ji'BJ and the House Committee on un-American Activities_ Waymack is vice president of th6 Americans United for World Government, and a member of the pro-Soviet National Committee /01· Civilia1~ Control of Atomic Energy. He also was a sponsor of a grou71 -15- �worki11g fpr 'm!'dica l aid to Soviet Russia' and a s7Jeak er befor e the Communist Russian War Reliefa,o r eported in th e pro-Comm1tnist .,.,,ayazine, SoviPt Russia Today.' 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