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'~Dedicated to Fight Communism" P.O. BOX 6519, SAN DIEGO 6, CALIFORNIA VOL. 2, NO. 7 & 8 Leninists Plan Provocations To Violenc~. Prepare For Strateg1c Moment . The following quotation comes from t~e Collec~ed W~rks of Le!1m. It is the bones and sinew of the Communist Conspiracy m our Nat10n, and IS FUNDAMENTAL ~ND ELEMENTARY TO EVERY COMMUNIST: "Take advantage of the clumsiness of the enemy and attack him at the time when he least expects attack. Readiness for action must be constant-thus: Today we are faced with the task of organizing and supporting students to demonstrate; tomorrow, perhaps we may be supporting or leading a movement of the unemployed. But today we must take advantage of a strained political sit· uation; In order to capitalize over public indignation, a boycott, a demonstration, a strike might hqve to be organ i zed. Only Communists thus trained in action could at a strategic moment issue the call for the decisive battle." (Vol. II, pp. 21-22) The Communists have m eticulously and zealously carried out the above directive for decades. They h ave chosen the South as the area in which they hope to provoke a violence that could throw our nation into civil strife for their "decisive b attle." Hundreds of identified Communists, therefore, have been colonized in the South to attain this objective. In this long planned Conspitacy, they have been able to win the support, through hiclcl<""n- iclc nti a -ncl u-rp~ , o -ou ands of unwitting Americans. A few of these clearly identified Communists are: Isobel Cerney, Edwin Cerney, Ed Beck, H a r v e y Richards, James Dumbrowski, Prof. Harry C. Steinmetz, Dr. Holland Roberts, Aub rey Williams, Carl Braden, Case Y Gurewitz, Anne Braden, Frank Donner and Carl Bloise. They work with sadistic joy as their plot materializes step by step , far beyond their wildest dreams. Most Communists work in organiza tions such as C.0.R.E., N.A.A.C.P., Muslims S.C.L.C., Southern Conference Educational Fund, and Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. All of these organizations profess to work in the "interest of Southern welfare and especially on behalf of the Negro people." Actu!:lllY, the American Negro is being used as a pawn by these Soviet conspir ators for the purpose of fann ing the flames of racial hatred as a n expediency for the larg- OUR CHERISHED FREEDOMS ENDANGERED The defense of the cherished freedoms secured and handed down to us by our forefathers ls the responsibility of each American. Knowledge of the enemy, alertness to the danger, and everyday patriotism are the brick and m o r t a r with which we can build an impregnable fortress against Communism. Only the intelligent efforts of all Americans can prevent the decay of public apathy from laying open our Nation to the Red menace. John Edgar Hoover Director, FBI er a ims serving the Soviet Union and its subservient organization in the United States. Communists, such as Carl Bloise, Holland Roberts, Harvey Richards and Ed Beck race back and forth from the Soutli to the North, rc-latlng filghly dramatized, inflamatory outright lies via the press, radio, movies, podium and television about "police brutality" in the South. In this way they serve their Kremlin masters well. It is their goal, as set forth by their leader, Len in, to provoke a violent clash between White and Neg~o citizens in the South, of such magnitude, that civil strife could inevitably follow in the North and West. President Kennedy has played into the hands of the revolutionaries by sending "standby" t;roops to Birmingham . This action condones and stimulates more and larger demonstrative actions and undermines respect for the local law enforcing agencies. Fortunately for America, the white citizens have not been provoked into violence. They are staying away from the troubled areas, and are leaving the city and state agencies to enforce the laws and ordinances of Birmingham. 25c Negro Leader Speaks The Truth President Kennedy recently, in effect, called for capitulation to the Leninist tactic of demonstrative pressures to attain red objectives, when he sta:ted that we must give and yield to "peaceful revolution without bloodshed" on the civil rights issue. The entire· -so-called "Negro Liberation Movement" is a monstrous fraud initiated years ago by the Kremlin. Every citizen should recognize it as such. The President is yielding to the organized, communist - led minority. Any violence, any bloodshed resulting around this Issue would stem from communist provocation. The following statement by a great Negro citizen, Donald Warden, chairman of the Afro-American Association, on June 4, 1963, completely wipes out the left-wing administration attitude on desegregation: "After 100 years of spending millions of dollars, time and energy fighting for desegregation , we still are dropping out and flunking out of school, our welfare dependents are living in slums and are lacking in racial pride and knowledge of our African past. .. look to yourselves an d stop trying to emulate the white man . Stop u sing bleaching creams and hair straighteners. The future of the Afro · American people will depend upon racial pride, initiative, building W'ell planned ellJc- Jent businesses and factories and re- ducing crime, alcoholic consumption and dependence on welfare." He concluded by urging all Negroes to live in dignity and to solve their problems through self-help. He further declared that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has had little effect upon the masses of Afro-Americans. This profound and brave analysis by this great American ls the truth, and applies to all national minority groups; the Negro, the Irish, the Jew, the Pole, the German. The pride dignity, and initiative of minority g;.oups expressed for generations in our competitive free enterprise system is what has made America by far the greatest nation in the world. Let's keep It that way, Mr. President. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. SUBSCRIBE FOR A FRIEND NOW. �HEADS UP Page 2 Luther King, Communist Directed Martin Lut her King, Jr., becoming more arrogant, threw caution to the winds when he used t he mailing mates of the Communist National Guardian las.t month for the distributiono rthousandsor llifers m wfiR!fi he per sonally appealed for funds for the "solidification of our movement t o carry forward the fight . . . deeper into the· Sou th." 1 There shou ld be no doubt, therefore, that Luther King works h and in glove t he revolutionaries, _since the 1 with Na tional Guardian is described by the "California Committee on Un-Ameri can Activities" in 1961 as "a medium for spreading of the m ost vicious kind of Communist propaganda; this publication ranks with the People's World in California and the Daily Worker in New York. In recent m onths, it h as outstripped both of the others combined 'l.n 'I.ts tirade of a violence that could be catastroph~ for our Nation . r-ts--tn credible that this man who megaphones the communist objectives, is da ily receiving pla udits and encouragement from our Admin istration in Washin gton and Sacra m ento. Heads Up 11 Appeal Publication In Need Communist propaganda and abuse against our government and our ch erished institutions." The National Guardian is also listed as subversive in the "Guide to Subversive Organiza tions and Publications," issued by the U.S. Government Printing Office, and described as a "virtual official propaganda arm of the Soviet Union." ~ wh o toda y represents the epitomy of minority mobocracy pressure, J:ill.s_b_een associated with m ore communist and left-wmg causes tn an m ost commiioists. The f ollowmg- are only a few of h is associa tions: Southern C on f er e n c e Educational Fund America n Committee on Africa Brad: en Clemency Appeal (initia t~r of) Statement Calling for Cancellation of Nuclear Weapons Tests, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Highlander Folk School Liberation Magazine, National Com: mittee for Sane Nuclear Testing Committee to Eliminate the House' Committee on Un - American Activities, S out h er n Conference Educational Fund, War Resisters League. Hunter Pitts O'Dell, dedicated Leninist and former district organizer of the Communist Conspiracy i n New Orleans, was recently as::iigned to a responsible position by Martin Luther King, Jr., within the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He is reported to be most influential in directing the mass pressure strategy of King in the cause of the communi st .o~jective: that of si:b_tl:ly provoking Contributions are needed to sustain "Heads Up." We are grateful to all who have sent in contributions and subscribed, as a result of our appeal in the last issue. However, the response has not been enough to continue publication much longer. All labor, such as folding, addressing, writing and filing, i s voluntary. In all candor, its costs approxima tely six hundred dollars to print and mail out each issue and there is a balance of $158.00 in "Heads UP account. " Heads Up" humbly suggests that a ll those ind ividuals and organizations who a re its supporters, as evidenced by the thousands of encouraging letters, enter into a concerted and continuous effort to ra ise funds and to obtain subscriptions n ow, and in the immed iate future. BECOME A " HEADS UP" SUPPORTER NOWIII $3,00 PER YEAR. "CALIFORNIA, DYNASTY OF COMMUNISM" Became THE '1962 California Election Issue. The injunction and suit against it has been quashed. Order Your Copy Now. 50 cents "HEADS-UP" Box 65 19, San Diego 6, California THIS IS A SPECIAL ISSUE OF "HEADS UP Hund~·eds of thousands of this issue can be invaluable in the fight against subvers10n. Wire or write immediately to "HEADS UP," P.O. Box 6519, San Diego 6, Calif. RATES 1 Copy-25 cents 100 to 1000 Copies-lo cents per copy 1000 to 5000 Copies-8 cents per copy Special Rates for Orders Over 5000 SUBSCRIBE TO "HEADS UP" NOW $3.00 PER YEAR April-May, 1963 U.N. Intervention Red Obiective As we go to press it has been reliably t e a r n e d from unimpeachable sources t hat a resolution is soon t o be presented to the United Nations Security Council that "it imm ediately intervene in those a rea s of the Unit ed States in w hich civil strife is preva lent or imminent." It is in a nticip ation of just this possibility that comm unists, through hidden identity, are quickly d irecting such organizations as the N.A.A.C.P., the Muslims, the Committee on Racial E qu a lity, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference into t he red t actics of mass demonstrations, m a rches, picketing, strikes, sit-ins. etc., in the densely populated Negro areas of such industrial cities as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Fra ncisco a nd Washington, D.C. It is their purpose t o subtly provoke violence through these actions, that could "justify" intervention by t he United Nations Police Force. If this resolution is p assed, it could only be blocked by our veto privilege as defined in the United Nations Charter. Will then our Admin istra tion veto this action t hat cou ld destroy our sovereignty as a Na tion overnig ht ? If our Nation does not veto, the World Police Force would be brought into action a nd the United States, as a result, could return to "normalcy" only by the establishment of a "benevolent democratic dictat orship to prot ect the freedoms of the Negro people." Is all of this far fetched, or "frig ht peddling" as Senator Kuchel would have the citizenry believe? No it is not. This is one of the m ajor' functions of the United Na tion s. And the United States is a "proud" member of this monstrous Soviet inspired institution. And yet, <l e-spi te th i s imm e d i a te and obvious threat, right under their very noses, "Good Americans" Gov. Brown, Sen. Kuchel, and Pres. Kennedy assure a ll Americ a n s that (quote Brown ) : "The voice of the far left has faded to whisper." If it has "faded to a wh isper," it is only because the Governor, the Senator, and the President have, indeed, t hem selves become representative of t he far left. These men, h:igh in office,. this ...;ery day a re condoning and giving aid and comfort t o those who are using the well - pl anned old communist tactic that could provoke civil strife. The United Nations, from the beginning! has been organized by the Communist International as its instrumen tality for conqu est of the United States and the world. All Americans must immediately intensify their efforts manifold to get the United States out of the United Nations right now. Write your Con· gressman immediately. HEADS UP April-May, 1963 Red "Educators" Concentrate In·SouthGeorgia Negro C olleges Main Target TARGET SPELMAN COLLEGE Edwin H. Cerney, commu nist "art educator," who was dismissed from Stockton College, California, in 1950 for refusing to sign t he loy alty oath, is now teaching at Spelm an College, G!:!orgia. Cerney, for more t h an two decades a n active foreign agent, is one of the many Reds who h ave been sent t o the South t o sow the seeds of Leninism a nd rebellion amongst st u dents. He has been ident ified as extremely active in the Ca lifornia Bay Area from 1950 t o 1958, a t w hich time he departed, as directed, for Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife, Isobel Cerney, an internation al communist emissary. "Red Artist" Cerney, in addition to h aving been identified as a commu n ist cadre, h as been a ssociated with more tha n two score commu nist-front organizations. Accompan ying Cerney and residing on the cam pus is his wife, Isobel Cer ney. She has been and is by far the most a ctive agent of the two. She has, over the y ears, traveled as a communist interna tional emissary throughout the WQrld. She perjured herself in 1948 when she filed t o run for Congress in California when she swore she was not a communist. Her principal activities have been and are today within the varied "peace orga nizations" such as Women's League for Peace a nd Freedom (communist front ), Sane Nuclear Testing, as well as the "Negro liberat ion" orga nizations. She has now, as in the past, together w ith her husba nd, become associated with the various Qu aker committees. She and h er associates a t Spelman are a ctive in t he varied sit-ins, picketing, m arch ing and demonstra ting conducted by the "Student Non-Violent Coordinati ng Committees." Profcsso of " p sych ologyu H-n rry C . Steinmetz, who was dism issed from Sa n Diego Sta te College, California, in Febru ary, 1954, for h is Red activities, is now teaching "Soviet" psychology a t Spelman. He appeared before t h e House Committee on Un - American Activities in 1956, and resorted to the Fif th Amendment wh en q u estioned as to h is communist p arty membership. Governor Brown of California, who was at that time the Attorney General, vehemently st ated that "teachers wh o s ta n d on their constitutional rights before witch hunting committees" could not be fired. Steinmetz, a many-times identified comm unist, is carrying on his Reddirected tactics a t Spelman College very much in t he same manner as he has for more than three decades. His activities parallel those of the Cerneys. Two other "educators " who ably work with the Cerneys a'nd Steinmetz at Spelman College, are Professors Zynn and Foster. Both h ave been a ssociated with left -wing causes and outrig ht communist front organizations. TARGET MOREHOUSE COLLEGE Professor G. Murray Branch is, u n questionably, t h e most vociferous left educator at Morehouse College and in the entire Georgia Negro College Syst em. This "red fronter" h as over the years been associa ted with m ore tha n 34 different commieline v e n t u r e s, many of which were outright Red fronts. The following a re a few of his documented activities: American Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born, Committee for the Appeal for Amnesty for Communist s Convicted Under the Smith A ct, Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell, Brief Amici Curiae for the Communist Party, Internationa l Workers Order, National Committee to Repeal t he McCarran Act, Nation al Council for Arts Sciences and Profess ions, Souther~ Conference Educational Fund, Southern Negro Youth Congress. A close red-fronter at Moorehouse College, to Prof. Branch, is Benjamin E. Mays, who has been closely a ligned with m ore than 32 activit ies of the left. Other "educators" who rally arou nd Branch a nd Mays are Brailaford R. Brazeal, John Hope and Rev. Samuel W. Willia m s. TARGET CLARK COLLEGE The left -wing powerhouse at Clark College is James P. Brawley, active in the Meth odist Federation for Social Action, and t he Southern Conference Educationa l Fund. TARGET ATLANTA UNIVERSITY Professor Rufus E. Clement has a long and continuous background of outright communist front activities, principa lly : American Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born, Americ.a-n Council on Soviet Relations Con- gress on Civil Rights , Sou ther n Negro Youth Congress, Southern Conference Education al Fund, National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Independent Socialist Lonnie Cross has widespread influ~nce amongst the stu dent body in his varied left activities. TARGET GAMMON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Working together along the left line at this college are Frank W. Clelland an~ Ch_arles B. Gopher, having been actiye m such organizations as the N_atio~al Fe~eration of Constitutional L1bert1es, Wm the Peace Conference Southern Conference Educationai Fund. The above documented information on Red concentration in Georgia was gat~ered _by the editor of "Heads Up" during his recent speaking trip through the South. Obviously these "educators" are only a few 'of the (Continu ed on Page 4, Column 1) Page 3 Editorial on Civil Rights Most of the American press has back ed the recent demonstrative actions in our Nation for the "civil rights and liberation of the Negro people." The theory, obviously, is that there shou ld be "civil rights for the Negro, but not necessarily for the white citi zen s. For the "civil rights" for the Negro, is to associate with anyone he pleases, in schools, housing, etc. But t h e white man's "civil rights" are more limited: he is not to be allowed to decide where he shall live, eat and where his children shall go to school. In short, it is the theory of sacrificing th e white citizens on the altar of Negro "rights." This whole theory is of communist origin. Negro Progress Rapid What is the true status of our Negro citizenry? They have made more progress u p the economic ladder in the last 100 years than any other racewhite, yellow or red- ever made in 1,000 years of history. From a condition of absolute slavery 100 years ago, the Negro citizen has risen to a point where he now fares better than many Europeans- better paid, better housed and better educated. From slavery a n d ignorance to an economic status superior to the average Frenchman, the average Italian, and the average citizen of West Germany. Economic Advances Today the millions of Negro citizens have a total ye~rly income of approximately $25 billion. Statistics of 1958 reveal that the American Negro citizen who worked a full year earned a median income of $3,308 (it is much more today) meaning that half the Negro workers received more than this and half received less. That is more than the $2.234 that the. aver age worker ln Great Brita in received, and more than four times the esti mated $800 that the aYerage worker in the Soviet Union received. Twentyfour years ago the median income for the American Negro was $639, less than one-fourth what he receives today. Demonstrtive, mass - pressure comm u nist tactics were not respon ible for this progress. It was the normal evolutionary process that is derived from our God -given free enterprise system that rewards through initia tive, in'genuity and desire to progress. The Negro citizen has done exceed ingly well, and will continue; unless they become involved and engulfed by the revolutionary tactic as employed by Martin Luther King, Jr , and his communist associates. His tactic can lead to the destruction of our free enterprise and with it both the status world -wide of both egro and White. �HEADS UP Page 4 BROWN RECALL GAINS SUPPORT The recall of Governor Brown and Tom Braden was suggested in the last issue of "Heads Up" as a means of ridding the State Administration of a leadership that has flagrantly disregarded the mandate of the citizenry; to scrap the collectivist-socialist type of "progressive" education. The Governor h as become an instrumentality of the minority organization, the strong, left-wing, communist generated California Democratic Councils. He has also established an unchallengeable record of appeasing, collaborating and capitulating to communist objectives as set forth by the California Democratic Councils; and continues to have association with identified communists. He recently condoned and encouraged the communist tactic of the sitdown demonstration by members of the Committee on Racial Equality, a communist instrumentality. The sitdown in Sacramento was a public nuisance and in violation of the trespassing code. Brown's approval of this Red tactic can set a precedent for similar Red activities that can result in provocation to violence. "Heads Up" is grateful for the scores of letters from the many citi· zens who want to start circulating recall petitions at once. The Ad Hoc Committee will, in the next issue of "Heads Up," call for a conference of all Californians inter essted in "Good American" Brown's recall. At that time the Ad Hoc Committee will be replaced by a duly elected permanent committee; and the recall movement will be put into gear. The Governor and the Chairman of the Board of Education can a nd must be recalled. Citizens interested are urged to continue sending letters to "Heads Up" expressing their willingness l.o partjci.p· tc . UNDERCOVERThe editor is proud to introduce this new column "UNDERCOVER" in tribute to the many undercover agents for the F.B.I. now working under mucJ;i strain and hardship within the network of the communist conspiracy. They all know that some day they will be called to come forth and testify before many governmental agencies; and in so doing, will subject themselves to vicious social economic and possible physical attrition generated by communists. Many, wh~ have surfaced, have dropped from the public eye as a defensive media and some have ~ince pe:ished. "Heads Up will present one such great America~ in this column m each issue. It is hoped that citizens knowing the whereabouts of former undercover agents will contact . Karl Prussum. Box 6519, San Diego 6, Califorl'lia. They are much needed now in the showdown fight against communism. JULIA CLARICE BROWN J~~ia Clarice Brown served her country under great duress and with much sacn~1ce as an undercover agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation from late m the summer of 1951 until May of 1960. She was the principal witness at ~ hearing held in Washington, D.C., on June 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1962. She, therefore, is the most recent undercover agent to come forth. Her testimony, throughout, completely exposes the fallacy that "there is no threat from within" as expounded repeatedly by Attorney General Kennedy and the many so-called "liberals." ' Mrs. _Brown's testlmonoy, once again, reveals the total disregard that the commumsts have· for the welfare of the Negro citizenry. She repeatedly pointed out that the communists are ecstatic about Negro problems, and use them to fo~ent hatred and civil strife in our Nation. She vividly describes the communists' carefully planned infiltration into the N.A.A.C.P. She describes communist methods in fund raising, and the implementation of "united front" tactics, which were prescribed as the "chief task" of the communists at the December 1959 National Communist Party Convention. Especially interesting and disturbing was her testimony showing communist intrigue relating to the infiltration of church organizations. Mrs. Brown was active in such organizations as the N.A.A.C.P., Sojourners for Truth and Justice, the National Negro Labor Council, the Progressive Party, Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born, 'Bill of Rights Conference. The activities of more than 100 communists currently and formerly residing in the Cleveland area were described in her testimony. Her testimony was most productive and of infinite value to America. She resides in California and is daily continuing her fight against communism by lecturing and -writing, despite the vicious and cruel economic and social attrition directed against her by the communists and the "intellectual -liberal" element in our Nation. America owes a great debt to this outstanding citizen, Julia Clarice Brown. thousands of hidden identity communists who could generate opposition through the "liberal-intellectual" - - - -and trade- union mo:vcm. nt. - --- ------------- RED "EDUCATORS" (Continued from Page 3, Column 2) hundreds who have entrenched themselves in Negro colleges. The Attorney General of the United Sta tes has this information, and much more. Rather than warn and threat Americans in different States of our Union with Federal sanctions, troop intervention, bloodshed and violence, he should immediately Invoke the Walter-McCarran Act. He should subpeona the scores of commiefronters before the Subversive Control Board. Why does he not do th1s? Because the integration lsaue ls a big political vote media for 1964. Th.e Kennedy administration has thrown Its lot In with the left-wing of our Nation and feel that the left-wing can perpetuate them In office In 1964. They, there, fore, are not prosecuting communists. They feel that by apprehending com• m unlsts, they would antagonize the April-May, 1963 Their deductions, as opportunists, are wrong. A slate of candidates, either Republican, Democrat or Independent, that will stand on the prin"HEADS UP" BOX 6519 SAN DIEGO 6, CALIFORNIA ciples, as set forth by our American Heritage, and come forth in a fight against the subtle communist pu:acy can, must and wJJl w con- fn 1964. All Americans are urged to get into political activities now. The Kennedys and their staunch lackeys must be returned to civilian life in 1964. BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 47 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. �