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--rk...L T i, ~~ J (Q..&a .ru .Q/t-~ tel. SIDE WASHINCHON - - - - - Martin Luther King's Record Angered House Leaders; Subcommittee Plan To Counter King Demonstrations By Throwing Spotlight on Aspects of His Life and Associates q (;J.. 1.-/'t:_ ,7 By Robert Allen & P~t4 Scott WASHINGTON, Aug. 21-Pow- nent Investigating Subcommittee erful leaders in Congress are plans a full-scale probe of rerolling up their big guns for cent race riots, reports that the their coming confrontation with inquiry will go into King's acDr. Martin Luther King. tivities. Several ex-FBI agents, Their Big Bertha-the contents familar with the background of of the FBI's file on King - has King and also of the officials of been examined and readied for SNCC, will be employed by the firing by a House Appropria- committee. With these and other bombtions subcommittee headed by ~ Representative John J. Rooney, shells fused to ignite, congresD-N. Y., a strong civil rights sional leaders are privatelypre• advocate. dieting the Second Coming" of Subcommittee. members are King, as his Washington disonow discussing with House lead- J::>edience campaign is being calle ers how -and when this untold ed, could be a nasty, violent

part of the intriguing King story affair.

a should be released to the AmeriThe legislators also believe can people. This story includes the fireworks could explode a lot details of those directing and in- of myths about King. fluencing his activities. ese eg1s tors are taking THE VIETNAM FRONT-Comthe position that King's public munist leaders in Hanoi are takdeclaration of war on Congress ing an interesting view of next leaves members no other course month' s presidential elections in than to throw the spotlight on South Vietnam. some un ublici ed aspects of the While Johnson administration militant civil rights leaaer's life officials here are contending that own only to a Jew high the elections should help solve. officials and a handful of FBI· or ease S,outh Vietnam's political crisis, the Communists take agents. \ The subcommittee members just the opposite view. Their analysis, beginning to have told the House leaders, who· are King's main targets, that appear in official Communist . the FBI has unimpeachable evi- publications, takes the line that aence 10 c I u d 10 g hoto r~hs the September 3 elections will s owmg t King is now listen- actually deepen the political ing to a man who is clearl crisis in Saigon. eres ed in destroying "These elections," a recent he U. S. than in the plight o article in Hanoi' s daily Nhan e1 er e egro or ffie war- Dan states, " will further exasweary people of V'letnam, perate internal contradictions · ccor mg to these legisla- plaguing the ranks of U. S. oflOI'.S be E BT bas .carefullir__doc:.~,-,_--=f=ic=i=a= l s'-"'in"'""' So""'u,._,t,..h..V,_,i==am = _,,,an""d= wi'-"l..,._ �for ce Washington to look for a way out." As the Communists see it, the elections will widen the differences between U. s. military and political objectives in South Vietnam. The Nhan Dan article, being carefully studied by u. s. intelligence, p4ts it this way: "The elections will highlight the inconsistent attitude of the Americans in Saigon, where the military group of General William Westmoreland supports the Thieu-Ky military and AmbasKING'S OBJECTIVES - As re-. sador Bunker and his group opported in this column on August pose them because of the need 4, eleven days before King re- for a political settlement." According to u. S. intelligence vealed his new strategy in his headline-making attack on Con- sources, the Nhan Dan article gress in Atlanta, the Nobel Prize is significant because it spells winner is planning to lead mas- out Hanoi's new belief that the sive demonstrations and "sit u. S. will use the elections to find a way out of Vietnam. ins" here this fall. In the past, Hanoi's official The attacks against Congress a re part of King's over-all cam- line was that the U. S. planned paign to establish a political to step up the war after the "third force" by 1968 composed elections, including a possible of militant civil rights, peace, landing north of the demilitarized zone. This possibly now is being student, and labor groups. Significantly, the Rev. James played down. Bevel, another mg 1eu enant organizing his civil disobedience VIETNAM FALLOUT - More campaign for Washington, is than 100 suspected Communist described in the F BI file as agents, including a number on King's link with the Student N.on.. the government's payroll, have violent Coordinatin Committee been arrested in Saigon within e officials of this the past six weeks by South m i l i t a n t group are urging Vietnamese security officials. Negroes to follow the path of Among those picked up were a violent revolution in the u. s. , Vietnamese ar my officer who headed the biggest government ~ ~ p r eac h es non7 ·violence, continues to confer with ordnance ,depot in the country. these SNCC officials whenever The arrested Vietnamese officer Bevel sets up the meetings, ac- confessed he was planning to cording to the FBI files. It also blow up the depot before the quotes King as telling a gr oup September elections. He also r eof left- wing students , " We don' t vealed that his communications need to talk mean, we need to with Hanoi were sent via Paris. 'a'et mean." The South Vietnam security ofA10es of Senator John Mc- ficials were assisted in tracking (Continued on Page 5) Clellan, D-Ark. , whose Per mamented that this adviser of King has been one of the Communist Party's biggest money raisers in Uiis country. The confidential FBI file, they report, cites instances of material this adviser has prepared for King's vicious attacks on Congress and the U. S. in general, The adviser is credited with drafting King's statements describing Congress as "wild with racism" and describing the U. S. as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." .l . �